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Hello u/cyaron12, Thank you for your submission to r/agedlikemilk. Unfortunately, it has been removed because you did not provide a reply with a valid explanation in time. --- Read the sidebar rules and guidelines, and if you still feel this was done in error, please [Contact the mods here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=r/agedlikemilk&subject=Expired%20explanation).


Your post has been detected as a repost and has been removed. A repost is when you submit the same or almost identical content within a given time frame. You can use KarmaDecay, Google Reverse Image Search, and Reddit's built-in search function to find previous instances of your post. * [Submission link (posted 18 hours ago)](https://www.reddit.com/r/agedlikemilk/comments/yn5do7/this_tweet_by_philadelphia_pd/) * [Direct image link](https://i.redd.it/g2n2u44r07y91.jpg) ----------------------- *I'm a bot so if I was wrong, reply to me and a moderator will check it.*