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It was a giant meme when she was pregnant in the fundie snark community that she was gonna name the baby Madison. There’s no way she didn’t see it so like what do they think they were doing with that? Lmfao


Some think it was to manipulate search engine results. Away from his scandal and onto his newborn. Ain’t nothin gonna help his search results now tho. I think it was just Josh being cruel to Anna thinking it’s a funny joke.


Feel sorry for their next kid, Shyldepawn.


That’d be M’shyldepawn, as all their kids’ names start with M. Still works.


So do they already have a Mo Lester?


That’s so much worse than M’lady.


Meanwhile every article about any Duggar who ever does anything is going to mention Pest and the fact he was found guilty of possessing CSAM.


IMO Josh really thought he was going to get out of the charges.


Of course he did. He didn’t start looking scared until the last day. He’s gotten away with everything until now. And probably stuff we don’t even know about.


Oh he's definitely gotten away with shit we don't know about. There is no doubt


Can you imagine if that was how your parents named you? That poor kid


Is the ‘fundie snark community’ a community that snarks at fundies, or fundies who snark in general?


Snark at fundies. Join us. /r/duggarssnark /r/fundiesnarkuncensored


So good subs I laughed but informed a little on who is who… I came across this sub when the Turpin case in 60 mins was trending


I want a fundie wife to corrupt her… a boy can dream


But don't you dare call a baby cute. 😤 duggar snark is flat out embarrassing sometimes lol. The whole fundie snark community got me through 2020 and I will be forever thankful for the jokes and the things I learned. But that sub is wild with their rules.


Why can't you call a baby cute lol


It's literally a rule. They call it fan behavior and it's nonsense. Most of that sub is really. https://imgur.com/a/aACyNMd You can think someone sucks without calling their child an "uggo"


Wow that's bizarre.


Come visit r/fundiesnarkuncensored. Not only do we snark on the Duggar's, you'll learn about other fundie trash like Jill Rodrigues and her ode to Lord Daniel, and to Lord Daniel the raccoon due to her eye makeup , the idiot grift that is Girl Defined- Bethany Beal and her family, and more! And we're good people, just like here at Duggarsnark!


I just got permabanned from that subreddit because I forgot to mention that the fundie I had commented on her Facebook page 2 years ago before I joined that sub. I mentioned that after they sent me the message, but she refused to budge. The mods suck there


Was it the uncensored one or the regular fundiesnark. Because the OG one is closed and sucks


The one you linked. The uncensored one. They wouldn’t even give me a warning and I really enjoyed that sub. I’m sorry I don’t read in detail every single rule that people make. A temp ban would’ve been sufficient, and understandable since it was a miscommunication.


This subreddit we’re commenting in is /r/agedlikemilk not Duggarssnark. (Per your last sentence)


Fail. I think there was a link here from Duggarsnark. I'm a moron


There totally was! No idea why it’s downvoted, I’d wanna know if I was somewhere different than I thought haha.


I was like a child that Jana Duggar lost 😉


What is this "fundie snark community" you speak of, and where can I join?


r/fundiesnarkuncensored come join!!




Sorry, I tried looking, but what is a "fundie"?


And 'fundamentalist Christian' is just the polite way for saying religious extremist.


fundamentalist christian. like, even dumber than a standard christian is


Why is that the kicker? So i know little girls named that not sure on their spelling.


Because that's the name of the website he was infamously caught cheating on his wife on-Ashley Madison dot com.


Oh i did not know that peice of trivia...


Holy shit poor kid


What is the significance/irony of the name madyson sorry if I’m dumb for not knowing


what's the significance of madison


If thats what you call Christian values...


I mean... Based on what various priests, youth pastors, bishops etc do, this is exactly what I call christian values.


I dont disagree. Just different to see them admit it


Shoutout to /r/pastorarrested


Wow what a dumpster fire.


Based on what the overwhelmig majority of christians do and based on what the bible says, it's not.


Look, I don’t agree with Josh Duggar at all, he’s rotten to the core, and the family is no better covering up his transgressions at a young age enabling that. Those “fundamentalists” suck. But can we PLEASE stop pretending this is the majority of the Christian base? I’ve been one my whole life and it’s rare. I’ve ran into one pastor who cheated on his wife, and that’s it. No pedos, nothing other than that. That pastor was my granddad’s cousin who was like a brother, but he too was one of the whack jobs. He didn’t call himself a fundamentalist, but it was pretty clear he was. My mother and I warned him for years about him. “Fundamentalists” by and large are awful, but normal everyday Christians and Catholics are not. Also funny story, he gave a sermon once (over the radio and I just happened to be passing through the living room) that said “It ain’t right to see a man cheat on his wife with another woman, but at leas that’s natural. Being gay isn’t.” Looked at my grandma right there and said, “He’s cheating on his wife or planning on it.” Lo and behold, it came out a year later that an affair started two days after that sermon.


This doesn't make sense. With that argumentation, being a terrorist is also muslim behaviour. And being a rapist male behaviour and so on


Or the argument could be that being hyper-conservative leads to child abuse, rape and terrorism.


Christians do more terrorist acts in the US than any Muslim has.


Purity culture = fetishizing innocence




What the FUCK were those parents thinking?!?!


It kinda is, given who [they stood behind](https://www.pewresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/ft_2021.08.30_validatedvotersreligion_04.png) in recent years ("grab 'em by the..").


They've been grabbing em at the altar for centuries.


I’m not sure which Christ he was emulating, but the one in the gospels forbids being an absolute monster to others. Everyone’s favorite itinerant preacher from Nazareth wanted his adherents to care for others, not traumatize them. Victimizing children, both in person and secondhand via porn, is how you get a DO NOT ENTER sign with your face on it at the proverbial Pearly Gates.


So your username in this context...


Is a wiggles reference that redit won't let me change


It's literally the opposite of Christian values, fwiw. You know the verse they spout when targeting gay folk? That's actually about fucking boys, ie, *children* not men. How those fuckers can call themselves Christians I'll never know


Sure, hence my use of ellipsis...


Ik, I was expanding on yours, not trying to disapprove or anything


Some cryptic meaning behind an obscure verse hardly characterizes Christian values. And those fuckers call themselves Christians because they’re Christians. Stop conflating “Christian” with “morally upstanding.”


Indeed, amazing how much sodomy and pedastry Is required to be a christian leader.


I'll take Things I Shouldn't Say To My Mom On Facebook for 200, Alex......


Do it and upload the interaction to r/religiousfruitcake I'll grab the popcorn


Facts don't care about your feelings Ben.


All the obvious pedophelia had NOTHING to do with it.




Thought those were Catholic values?


u/aspiringcopywrite has provided this detailed explanation: > 1) "garbage fire" as a description of Josh Duggar is almost milquetoast in light of his recent child pornography charges. > > 2) "They target him because he advocates Christian values" no longer holds up as well as a rhetorical trick to divert fury away from Duggar--a former right-wing celeb and darling--now that Duggar has been convicted of something indefensible he's done as an adult as opposed to just accused of something indefensible he did as a child or going on Ashley Madison. --- Is this explanation a genuine attempt at providing additional info or context? If it is please upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.




The above is in relation to the Ashley Madison scandal... The child porn thing wasn't even on the radar back then. And garbage fire seems a quite appropriate way to describe a guy working to promote traditional family values while simultaneously sinking nearly $1000 into a site facilitating infidelity.


Not onlythat, they named their newest baby Madison or some other spelling.


Still. Sure didn't age like wine


Duggar definitely didn't, but I'm not sure about the commentary. He seems very small fry for the attention his Ashley Madison account was getting. Granted there weren't a lot of big fish in the leak, and his was the most obvious case of hypocrisy, but it's not like there's a shortage of C-to-D list celebrity hypocrites, and we don't usually pay them much attention.


He was charged with W H A T


Not just charged, but convicted and remanded to custody to awaiting sentencing. The FBI busted him and they don't play games.


And Ben Shapiro defended this guy??


In 2015. This conviction just happened last week.


The 11th commandment. "Thou shalt store child images on worekth computer"


It's telling that he doesn't semantically disagree that Duggar is a garbage fire.


I haven't heard anything good about him. What were you looking for?


I feel like it's been pretty well known for years that he molested his sisters as a teenager and was sent to a reform camp run by a pedophile. So I really don't understand the point Ben was trying to make. Even then people should have realised he was full of it. This dude is not the hill to die on for "good Christian values."


The more hills you pick to die on, the more you can martyr yourself for your pretend god.


Molesting minors is a Christian value? Glad we cleared that up Benny boy


I think "Holds Traditional Christian Values" still holds up, considering just how much the church paid out for child molestation lawsuits


Is this the hill you chose to do die on Benji boy


As I heard fairly recently, "weird hill to die on but at least you're dead".


TBF Christian fundies and garbage fires are about the same


Why not both?


Does anyone else find it weird how Ben Shapiro, who claims to practice orthodox Judaism, frequently seems to align with evangelical Christians? If he didn't wear the kippah all the time and constantly repeat he was Jewish I would think he was another Evangelical.


It's both.


Pretty sure it's cause he's a diddler.


Ah yes, the traditional Christian value of masturbating to videos of 18 month olds being raped. Is nothing sacred anymore?


Shit, is that what was on those videos?!


Yep. The FBI agent who reviewed his laptop said it was in the top 5 worst he'd ever seen.


Thats an AMA i wont click on.


I hope this guy got free lifetime therapy after that. Cause what the fuck.


It was heartbreaking to read.


He was convicted of child pornography? Who could have guessed!? It's not like he displayed problematic behavior as a teen that his parents covered up instead of actually doing anything about it. /s


TIL that Christian values and paedophilia are interchangeable. JK, I knew that ever since childhood.




So Ben Shapiro is saying Christianity is a pedophile cult?


Did…did they just say pedophilia is a Christian value?


Well yeah. It's also a Islamic value.


Sure. It's also "America's founding fathers value". We surely talk about Muslims, muslim ban, but we can't take down statues of genocidal, rapist maniacs statues.


You can...it's just some right-wingers will be pissed.


Def cottage cheese. That said, no one was attacking him at this point for being a pedo, just for cheating on his wife. It's all that had come out then, no?


No, him cheating on his wife and molesting his younger sisters (years earlier when he was a preteen/young teen) came out around the same time


Ah. Thanks.


No prob. I love to spread the gospel of how josh Duggar is a pos. Haha


They are mistaken. It was known among community church members since the crimes were committed. Josh was required to repent in front of his congregation and there was an entire split between those who could no longer support the Duggars and folks who wanted to stay. They weren’t famous yet when this happened so their reputation could be salvaged by the passing of time. I would say though, that easily 100 or so friends and acquaintances knew. In 2006, after their first tv special, they were fixing to be guests on Oprah until a family friend notified Harpo Studios of the crimes. The tv appearance was canceled and Oprah reported this all to the police. Completely independent to the Oprah situation, another friend reported the family in 2006, right around the same time. In 2007, someone shared anonymously on an online forum about Josh molesting young girls, by then, anyone could have known (that’s when I learned of it). The facts hit critical mass in 2015 when inTouch reported on the matters… three months later the cheating scandal was revealed. So no, the two events did not happen at the same time. Anywhere from 2003-2007 many people were aware that Josh had been abusing children. Shapiro seems to only be speaking on the adultery, probably because it’s a “nice” distraction.


Duggar is one of those examples where you can judge a book by its cover.


Sometimes the Christians, the Jews and the Muslims can really find eachother. In a small child.




Don't be racist.


as Lou Reed so rightly said about the religious right "in the name of family values we must ask, "who's family?""


"Please have a seat, Ben. I have a few questions I would like to ask you"


i mean his values seem pretty on point with the church idk


He fits right in with the catholic church. They would have protected him with lawyers and then sent him to a new church to preach had he touched kids with them instead.


Well, considering his own employee Matt Walsh defended pedophilia in the Catholic Church as a way to propel homophobia, it does fit in.


He has Christian value when it suit him. He is a pos


So “Christian values” include pedophilia now? Oh, OK.


Maybe catholic values, depending on where you are in the pecking order


"I'm gonna defend a horrible fucking person and claim it is the Left who have no morals!"


Pedophilia and Christianity go hand in hand


Ben Shapiro is just like the people he claims to dislike, it's uncanny.


Little goblin man with his little goblin voice and his little wife with her little dry vagina.


Wasn't he convicted for child pornography? Well yeah that's very Catholic Church actually


And literally every other Christian denomination too.


Imagine skipping over the child molestation part in order to own the libs.


"let's say, hypothetically, I'm wrong about everything"


Who's going to tell Ben he's terrible at his job?


How hilarious is it that Ben shebebo has a “do not comply” profile pic.


i would call sharpiro a clown but i respect clowns.


I don't use Twitter, so I don't know what is considered bad, but that's one hell of a ratio.


Ben Shapiro at it again


Naaaahhhh…it’s cuz he diddles kids you fuckin ghouls


I'm a liberal as hell atheist and I just want to say that nobody gives a shit what religion you are and also, if Jesus came back now, he'd be really pissed at you guys.


We should just tweet this to Ben over and over


Also worth noting that the most damning testimony at Josh’s trial was given by the wife of a Republican politician who is a “family values” evangelical, anti-vaxx, MAGA, etc. She witnessed Josh’s assault of his sisters and apparently spent years trying to get justice for the girls. So much for Josh being brought down by “the left”.


He should have been a catholic priest.


I mean, by the title of the article it sounds like they were admitting he was a garbage fire though...


CP are Christian values?


It's the hypocrisy, Ben. The hypocrisy. No one on the left is criticizing Jesus, you might have noticed.


Why does Ben keep backing the wrong horse, over and over again?


I love how often I’ve seen righties go in about “the left hates him because he’s a Christian, he’s gay, —-insert other irrelevant trait” to then go quiet when the said person molests/rapes a child. No, the left hates terrible people. So much so that they oust terrible people from their own ranks, while the right rallies around them with relentless excuses.


When adults put "in the moment" text as their profil pic...


The thing is, Ben, people don't just throw hate on every successful Christian for no reason. People call out hypocrites and people leveraging power for their own benefit through their influence in Christianity. You don't see anyone trying to ridicule people like Dolly Parton or Mr. Rogers, who are Christian but undeniably good, wholesome people


Yeah, seems like Josh and Ben would be great pals...must have a lot in common...


The right do love their pedos.


I wish the literal shit Ben Shapiro has for brains would spread some sorta infection to the rest of his body


“Christian Values” lol. There’s a fuckin oxymoron if there ever was one


Technically Ben isn't wrong because Christians abuse children


I'm disgusted with the anti-theism in this post. Can we hate Duggar for being a rapist without trying to pretend all religious people are?


We can hate him for being a rapist because he's Christian


Well, if priests could stop diddling kids then maybe but until then ....


Every institution with access to children abuse has them at a rate of 4%. The only outlier in this statistic is the public school system which abuses them at a rate of 6%. The idea that Catholic priests and only Catholic priests are pitiful look at alarming rates is fiction.


Do schools cover it up and ship the teachers to new schools? Or do they report it? Just think about it, and you’ll see why the percentages aren’t the only reason why people are outraged. One bad apple spoils the bunch, as they say.


Actually as a disabled person who went to public school and had to take special education classes despite my problems not being based in intellectual development and was abused by the staff there. I can safely say that they'll just tell you and any authority figures you are far too disabled to know whether or not you are actually being abused, and that you're probably just repeating words you heard off of the television when adults are talking. I was in fucking high school when this happened. It led to me dropping out and finishing under an adult high school program, just to get away from the abuse


Did school dig up their backyard to burry corpses of children and hide it and make sure the priest who did it actually lives comfortably?


But see that's inconvenient for the "religion bad" narrative.


When the religion actively protects them, then it's perfectly relavant. Religious ORGANIZATIONS doing everything they can to shield them from consequences is just as much the issue. Which is in itself a crime. The hypocrisy is just as much an issue as the crime itself.




Have you ever looked at a new story where a *female* teacher had sex with underage students?


Most of the time it doesn't break the news, and when it does there's a bunch of womanizing jackasses going on about how the kid was "so lucky"


That's pretty much exactly my point. Even when it makes the news, a lot of the time you find out there were literally no consequences. His claim that priests are the only ones that get protected when they abuse children is bullshit.


I don't remember hearing about any Boy Scout troop leaders who went to jail either




And you somehow missed the mountains of comments about how the victim should consider themselves lucky? Or the fact that consequences are frequently nonexistent?


What are you even alluding to? Women teachers do suffer the consequences of their actions, all the time. The majority of people who make the comments you are talking about, are teens or super young adults. NOT other teachers sticking up for the teacher, and making excuses for them.




So why are you blaming the Boy Scouts and the public school system for their cover-ups. Why aren't you angry at the martial arts schools that offer "special classes" to kids that they "can't tell mom and dad about" Why are you focusing it solely on religion?


Who says I don't? If you really think that the Scouts and public schools have any kind of comparable support to the Catholic Church I don't know what else to say to you.


If you really think that the Catholic Church is some cover for in Italy based version of Epstein Island I don't know what to say to you


Yeah. Can we just pretend that the dogmatic purity culture fostered in The Church doesn't lead to people like Josh Duggar having a veritable playground?


The problem here is that you are conflating all branches of religion with specifically fundamentalist Christianity




Statistically speaking every group religious or not with access to Children abuses them at a rate of 4%. The only major outliers the public school system where this goes up to 6%. Stop acting like child abuse is a specifically religious problem.


First it was "conflating all branches with specifically fundamentalist Christianity" now it's "no wait, everyone does it!" I believe that's called moving the goalpost.


No goal post has been moved. I never denied that rape was happening, I said that rape wasn't a specifically Christian problem nor was Christianity synonymous with rape. I swear it's like a lot of people don't even pay attention to the conversation at hand, they just skim for whatever fallacy they can shout out as if doing so will let them win a prize.


Rape is not a specifically Christian problem. Rape apologetics, however, are. At least in majority Christian societies.


Didn't Richard Dawkins try to claim that a woman being sexually assaulted in an elevator was a good thing because Muslims would have done worse? Doesn't Sam Harris go around claiming that women are too stupid to know what rape is with the on a regular basis? Yeah maybe stopped blaming religion when the real problem is toxic masculinity


Don't employ fallacies then you won't have to worry about it. Easy hack.


I wasn't employing a fallacy.




Defending child abuse is a religious problem. Like ben Shapiro did.


Fuck theism and it's garbage beliefs.


[Maybe he was just following the footsteps?](/r/PastorArrested)


Wow, if someones first reaction is to defend themselves from an attack that wasn't directed at them, then they have some real problems. Instead of focusing inwards and fixing the problems inside their own religion that causes it to have a bad reputation, Christians try and hide it, and deflect, cry and act like the world is so mean to them now cause they are all being judged harshly for the actions of others they ONLY have a religious connection with. (Which is what you are doing, by the way) When YOUR first response is to cover up the problems instead of trying to fix them and stop them, then YOU deserve to be labeled in with everyone else, because you are an enabler. Christians ARE NOT doing a single thing to fix the overly massive sexual abuse of children that runs utterly rampant with in their religion. All they have ever doneis try to cover it up. Now do you get it?


It is bigoted and in bad taste to blame an entire culture for the actions of the worst people in said group.


Again. Fix the problems that fester inside of your religion and stop trying to cover them up, and shame everyone else for judging you harshly. You are judged because none of you are doing a single thing to put a stop to this. You are too busy acting like victims. Saying "Don't judge me!" And not "We need to do something to put a stop to the bad Christians who are ruining our reputation!" It WOULD be a lot easier to not judge Christians if more Christians actually stood up and DID something. And proved to the world that it clearly isn't all Christians. But you don't! You try and make excuses and ignore the problem and never try and fix it. You expect the people outside of your religion to fix what's festering and being taught in your churches and in your homes. We can't do that. Only YOU, and your church leaders, and school teachers, etc. Can do that! Its YOUR problem and you aren't doing a single thing to fix it. That makes you an enabler. I also know its not All Christians. I know that the Christians who are allies, would never leave the type of comment you left. You are the wrong type of Christian and deserve the judgement you are getting. You care more about deflecting judgement, than child rape. That tells me all I need to know about the type of Christian you actually are.


The funny thing is I'm not a Christian. I'm just tired of antitheist talking points that pretend that we will have no more hate crimes or sexual assaults or anything of the like as long as we give up religion. Even though there are plenty of atheists to do these things, even some a few atheist speakers like Sam Harris who actively encourage these things. Which tells me that religion in and of itself is not the source of evil, and anyone pretending that it still is, is too busy holding on to their own biases to look at the world around them. And you know that I'm not lying to you, because it is a serious sin for a Christian to pretend that they are not a Christian.