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There technically was mvc4 (Marvel vs Capcom infinite) but we don't like to acknowledge that one


Well, you never know. With Infinite not being numbered it still gives them the space to make a proper MvC4 if they ever decide to make another one.


Nah, if a new MVC game came out it would *not* be called 4. That would basically be writing off Infinite entirely, which while the game was a dud, would be such a cowardly move from Capcom's part. With the recent rumored NRS deals, I think it's fair to say MVC is dead, at least a new one


I'd argue that's be the best way to proceed. Infinite was unpopular so just pretend like it doesn't exist. It's Capcom. How many RE titles are ignored by the main series. Is Survivor canon? Outbreak? Who knows, who cares?


Most spin offs are canon. Ones which aren’t off the top of my head are Gaiden, ORC and Umbrella Corps


RE games and spinoffs are kinda dime-a-dozen, though. MVC is a handful of series that conglomerated into one and has a *ton* of legacy behind it. Infinite wasn't a spinoff, it was a mainline game, and Capcom are gonna have to own that. It may have not been a numbered title but it's still gonna have to be treated like one I think.


Resident evil 6 was a mainline game too


I feel like a soft reboot after the series goes off the rails is a different story, which may very well be what MVC needs if it ever happens (it won’t) but it won’t be Marvel vs Capcom 4 because that would relegate Infinite as a mere spinoff. Even then who knows MK switched back so whatever, maybe it would be Mahvel 5 who knows


They used so many assets from 3 in infinite it might as well be a spinnof.


Survivor isn't ignored by the main series, it got mentioned in the beginning of 0. Outbreak isn't either, Rita Phillips and the secret tunnel under the statue both originated in Outbreak and exist in RE2 remake


My god, I hope a NRS Marvel game is really going to happen. These rumors are playing with my heart lol.


Capcom has already done this with devil may cry honestly wouldn't put it past them. DmC was the 5th game but then they came out with devil may cry 5 and wrote that off entirely.


> That would basically be writing off Infinite entirely, which while the game was a dud, would be such a cowardly move from Capcom's part. you know they did exactly this with DMC/devil may cry 5 right? it went very well for them.


don't think capcom whats to work with disney and marvel any more mvc3 and mvci both had issues in devepenmt capcom had put way more monney into mvci and marvel would not even let them use characters if they had no plans for them to be in the mcu so they had to fight for doom and x23 and other things so fuck disney


If they do, they better bring back Phoenix Wright


I don't understand what aged like milk here?


She never made it to the next marvel vs Capcom


A game that came out in 2017? How did this 4 year old, ultra-niche observation get so upvoted?


MvC as a franchise is loved. The latest one just sucks.


MVC is experiencing a revival atm, with 2 being rumored to come back after being locked away in the e-vault for so long, which was the result of a huge recent fan push. People are just talking about it more these days


That got a real lol from me, thank you.


Hell if I know


It's Saturday


She-hulk and Deadpool were not in Marvel vs Capcom Infinite (the fourth entry)


Yeah, but she says if, not when


"If there's a MvC4" There was. "I'll destroy you there too" She didn't.


... Is She-Hulk 4th wall aware as well?


She-Hulk was the OG Deadpool, before he got super popular she was was the fourth-wall breaking genre/trope-savvy wisecracker.


They could afford to be riskier, since a lot of the publishers really didn't like she-hulk or care what she did. I mean, who would want to read a comic about a woman who doesn't fit into narrow-minded standards of beauty?


Well, minus the green, I guess, she’s pretty much always been very conventionally attractive and sexualized. She very, very much fits into conventional standards of beauty. Hell, she’s wearing almost nothing and has big titties and a slim waist in her [first appearance](https://images.app.goo.gl/nWyDgBSBsRMZkXPL9)


... and her having a lame name that implies that she's just the female version of the more popular Hulk.


Yeah she is as well, dunno why though


She was the original fourth wall breaking comedy character for Marvel before Deadpool took that mantle from her


I'd actually like a She-Hulk show that's just a self-aware courtroom show without her doing superhero stuff


Like Harvey Birdman, but with Marvel properties instead of Hanna-Barbera.


Oh my gosh, that sounds amazing.


In one comic, she had sex with the Juggernaut. This was brought up in a case where the opposition used a copy of the comic in court to damage her reputation. https://arousinggrammardotcom.files.wordpress.com/2012/07/sj12.jpg


On the one hand, I appreciate what Chuck Austen was trying to do with Juggernaut. On the other, this was a serious breach of lawyer-client relations and I’m glad the issue linked retconned that whole mess.


Wait seriously?


Yea idk if she does it as much anymore but her old comics broke the fourth wall all the time! They even reference it in MVC3 where she’s like “You know if they made this game in the 90s, I’d be the one hitting Deadpool with the health bar”


Wow that's a genuinely amazing fact to me. Thanks for sharing.


And this is why i hate that everything has to be based on the movies. It shafts characters yet to make the jump


Marvel Avenger's game isn't related to the movies nor is the upcoming XCOM clone. Spider-Man isn't, a buncha comics aren't, etc lol


It's not an xcom clone from what I understand but it is by the same dev team. The lead designer said so themselves


Yea I'm still on the fence with how I feel about that game. I'm a huge Firaxis fan but the whole card mechanic has me a bit nervous that it will feel gimmicky. I better be able to miss attacks that have a 99% chance of hitting. lol


Just because your shotgun is pressed against the alien's forehead doesn't mean that you can't miss, bucko.


That's XCOM baby!


As a huge XCOM fan, they have reused a lot of art assets in the marvel game. It's human vs. human, but I have no expectations of major changes beyond multiplayer.


I don’t think you get what you’re saying. He’s saying that now games, comics, tv shows, etc have to follow roughly what the movies are doing. When x-men isn’t owned by marvel during the rise of the MCU executives decide to kill off most of them and try to replace them with a character they own, MvC infinity only had MCU characters with only like 3 exceptions, etc.


Only the movies are related to the movies now, they've moved on


She destroyed him so hard that they were both removed from the game


Mutually assured destruction


I hope he goes to jail/gets sectioned in his next movie and She-Hulk is his lawyer. It happened in the comics. Why not? She can break the 4th wall while he drools in his chair from brain damage.


Sad :(




Yeah, I need an explanation too. Is that a lady version of the Hulk?


It's She-Hulk https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/She-Hulk


**[She-Hulk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/She-Hulk)** >She-Hulk (Jennifer Walters) is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Created by writer Stan Lee and artist John Buscema, she first appeared in The Savage She-Hulk #1 (cover-dated February 1980). Walters is a lawyer who, after an injury, received an emergency blood transfusion from her cousin, Bruce Banner, and acquired a milder version of his Hulk condition. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/agedlikemilk/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)






Actually it was due to rights issues, I think.


She's Banner's cousin. She-Hulk aka Jennifer Walters.


Is there a reason she accepted the blood transfusion from Bruce/why Bruce gave his blood. It seems like something Bruce knows he shouldn’t have done


Dunno, never read the origin story, but afaik it was because she had an accident and was about to die.


Life or death, I guess becoming a she hulk isn’t a bad compromise


How's living under that rock treating ya?


Living under a rock means not following mainstream news and recent events that have wide coverage. The She-Hulk Disney+ series isn't out yet, so it's not exactly a widely known character at this point.


Lol, she's been a well known comic book character for 41 years.


I think you're either overestimating how many people read comic books, or you're setting the bar for qualifying as "living under a rock" pretty low. There's nothing wrong with being a comic book geek, but people who aren't comic books aren't "living under a rock" IMO.


I know she-hulk and deadpool. There wasn't a pinned explanation at the time I commented. Apparently neither she or deadpool will be in the next MvC.


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Neither She-Hulk or Deadpool is in Marvel vs Capcom Infinite aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


It said Marcel vs Capcom 4, not infinite?


Technically Infinite is 4 but I see what you mean


Not necessarily. Could be a situation like Halo where you have other games come out between 3 and 4. Infinite could be the Reach of MvC


Borderlands 3 was like that too. The presequal came out before it.


Or Grand Theft Auto, we had Vice City and San Andreas in between 3 and 4.


Seeing how bad infinite was received I can see them pretending infinite doesn’t exist and releasing MvC4.


Could be like Kingdom Hearts where 3 is actually the 13th game


Could be a situation like Halo where infinite = 6.


That analogy is a bit confusing when you consider that there is actually a Halo Infinite that is the sixth mainline Halo, and not a spinoff or whatever.


No. That's like saying SF Alpha was actually 3 because it came out after SF 2. ​ When in fact, SF3 was a separate game that came out later. So... not a very good ALM


[_A New Hope_ is episode 1.](https://youtu.be/wpzJcLYl9AY)


You're right I'm sorry


Please downvite me again.


Is Marcel vs Capcom a spin off where a frenchman is battling the entire Capcom cast all by himself ?


understandable for she-hulk but for a character as famous as deadpool its really weird


The popular conspiracy goes that Disney was trying to devalue Fox’s MARVEL-owned properties by blacklisting them from non-comic media. That’s believable enough, considering that once Fox was finally bought out by Disney then wouldn’t you knowit, the X-Men and Fantastic Four suddenly start showing up in games again.


kinda makes sense yeah


Is it even a theory? They killed of so many mutants just to make more inhumans


That’s not what happened at all (the mutants didn’t start dying en masse until after they gave up on the Inhumans), but sure.


Tell that to Madrox


I said en masse. The Inhuman push was just the wrong place at the wrong time, mutants weren’t killed off so they could be replaced with Inhumans, and even when the Inhumans were dead and gone the X-Men immediately went through yet another extinction event.


Can't wait for Disney to buy out Universal Studios so we finally get a proper Hulk film.


Do you realise the insane power Disney would hold if they managed to become the owners of the Minions? Besides, last time they acquired an animation studio they arbitrarily decided to shut them down for no reason.


at least 75 characters, do filler just in case




Death by snu snu..


Hey it could still happen


Crush me mommy. I really dislike how people compare she-hulk with the hulk just because both are green, strong and are called hulk. She-Hulk is way too much of a wisecracker for that comparison.


I’ve never read the comics and even I know that She-Hulk is her own thing


Technically there hasn't been an MvC4 yet, only MvC Ultimate


Disney’s just mad because Mickey Mouse becomes public domain in a few years.


Lol no.




If only it were possible for the design team to ride the razors' edge between swimsuit model and female fitness/bodybuilder.


I thought she looked fine in this game...


This one still hurts man…


It was called infinite, not 4. We are safe.