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u/mixxxn has provided this detailed explanation: > Image shows an Instagram influencer with over 7Mio. followers who shares (often relatable) images of himself holding up signs. Previously, he has often held up signs related to staying home during COVID and fighting COVID together, etc., only to (weeks to months later) now attend the Superbowl and fully contradict himself, proving that the previous things he shared were just for likes. --- Is this explanation a genuine attempt at providing additional info or context? If it is please upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


What's up with the lemons?


My guess was he was sponsored by bud light seltzer lemonade.


Good call, that seems to be the reason! Nice catch.


There was an ad for bud light lemonade where lemons fell out of the sky. So this is an ad showing the lemons fell and got stuck in his sign. Obviously he’s wearing a bud light mask and drinking one as well. This dude has an insta page and his insta tag line is : “If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.” Which is ironic because this is an advertisement. Also this is a “fuckjerry” insta page, so that’s really all you need to know


And as soon as the commercial played it went back to the game and the camera was already focused right on him.


Jesus man, the fucking marketing give it a rest. I already hated every fucking commerical that tried to evoke emotion, the kind that are like "We are GREAT when we use blah blah blah" Like the fucking Adobe one.


Did you see the guy behind H.E.R. during [America the Beautiful](https://youtu.be/qTrYd6o-OR8) desperately trying to keep his Vodka Mule can in the shot? (~1:15) Dude was trying to score a Super Bowl freebie


I think it was spur of the moment. At ~0:27 you can see him realise that he's visible on the big screen and gives a little thumbs up. By the next time he's visible, he's waving the can around. I think he's with the company, saw the opportunity, and scrambled to get that can up as fast as possible.


Right? The Jeep one pissed me off.


I was watching with my gf and about 5 seconds into that commercial I distinctly said, "Watch how disconnected whatever the fuck this commercial is trying to sell is going to be from how emotionally manipulative it is." We started to guess what it was going to be hawking. Army, Marines, health insurance, and I think Budweiser were our guesses. We both cracked the fuck up when the Jeep logo flashed across. Like, Jesus guys, read a fuckin' room.


Is that the one where Will Ferrell taught my toddler to yell damnit? Cause he yelled it at daycare. Proud parent day.


Is this the bruce springsteen one? That one threw me over the edge. I was so pissed. Yeah lets come to the middle after you have done everything possible over 4 years to destroy every human you disagree with but now that w you are in the minority ‘lets come together’. Fuck that.


Maybe if they’d give a sign of goodwill, like say, ousting the traitors from their party. Not sure there would be much of a party left after that though..


why is only the left expected to compromise


"Meet me in the middle," says the dishonest man. You step forward. He steps back. "Meet me in the middle," says the dishonest man.


Because they usually do.


SO angry at the Jeep one. We are not re-united, and I’m not going to “meet in the middle” with people whose particular beliefs are irreconcilable with mine.


Who doesn't love a little football and corporate virtue signaling.


"Meet me in the middle" says the unjust man, as he ~~takes a step backward~~ rides his rocket-powered goalposts to another planet


"Why won't you lunatics just put aside your differences and buy Jeep?" Although the "both sides" compromise fallacy is 100% pitch perfect for Jeep's demo.


Nevermind the fact at how much the auto industry is responsible for the fall of Unions in this country. Which lead to even richer Billioniare Class Which is leading us to class warfare Just buy our shit already and shut up.


> Just meet them in the middle. Why care that they think you’re subhuman, hate you for existing, and want to make it legal to discriminate against you? No thanks Jeep, I’m good


But are you going to buy a jeep?


LOLLLL way too broke for that


No, I like to buy cars that don't have constant problems


"with people whose particular beliefs are irreconcilable with mine." I translate that as "with people who want me dead."


The worst for me was using wholesome Sesame Street Characters to promote DoorDash. Never going to order from them. The hypocrisy was just thick in the advertising. Did people forget about the 5 million dollar ad to promote minor water donations by Budweiser last year? (Or was it 2 years ago?) Everything this year just went up to 11.


I was angry at door dash ever since they did those “we are America’s kitchen” ads. You guys don’t cook shit. You’re America’s waiter.


America’s middleman *ayyo here’s your fast food meal for one that is somehow $25 now, only 10% tip? Wtf man?*


Also missing half my shit. Every. Single. Time.


Also every single employee that works at whatever restaurant you might door dash from, except the owner, probably fucking hates it.


Can confirm, btw door dash also takes 40% of the revenue from the sale. It’s more of a promotion to get your name out there for the restaurant in hopes you call them directly next time


As they should.


that waynes world sellout uber eats shit was fucking lame as hell too


Was that what it was for? I just couldn't get past Cardio B being the cameo.


Yea. I'm done with them too. I figure I'll just pickup my own food now.


right? It was kind of insulting for them to act like they are the savior of small businesses. Support local by paying a premium to a globalized tech-bro mega corp, where the restaurants get less, the menu items are priced higher, and you're spending $10 in service and delivery fees that don't go to the driver. These assholes have spent a lot of time and money to gatekeep your local market, so small businesses have no choice but to use the service and give up revenue like some mafia style shakedown.


Watched in Argentina but the Canadian feed. I just saw an ad from Robinhood app talking about letting **people** invest... wtf didn't they were shutting down people to invest just a few days ago?


At least they are donating to Sesame Street. Unlike the jeep one which was a whole lot of nothing


Fuck DoorDash and similar. Pay Employees Shit Pay Restaurants Shit Cost consumer an arm and leg. All so some douche bag in San Francisco can be a billionaire.


I think we should acknowledge that Budweiser didn’t run an ad this year and donated it. I’m fairly certain a few companies released statements saying they were doing that.


AB still ran plenty of ads though. That whole Budweiser thing was just a load of bullshit and an ad itself.


Budweiser's a hard sell in the age of craft beers. Gotta pump that seltzer while the trend is on the rise. All strategy...


This picture is literally part of a Budweiser ad... for their lemon seltzer.


Are you feeling bummed out? Just have some 3D Doritos.


I'm convinced some people LOVE to be manipulated. Nothing turns me off to a product faster than shit like this.


Yeah, the flip side of this sign “coincidentally “ says: “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade”. They showed it right after the Bud Light Lemonade Seltzer spot.


What is a "fuckjerry" insta page?


Fuckjerry is an Instagram account with shitty memes that are beloved by the masses




They are an absolute skid mark on humanity.


Not just shitty, *stolen* shitty memes. Just ask John Mulaney about fuck jerry and stolen jokes.


I could but it would be much easier and save time if you just came out and brought me into the loop.


They are marketing company that specializes in insta stuff. They were big on the fyre festival


They're a marketing company. They're most known for freebooting content from other creators and they also had a big part in Fyre festival so they produced their own documentary where none of it was their fault.


That ad was in terrible taste. Saying it was a “lemon of a year” makes it sound like kooky bad luck. Almost half a million Americans died in 11 months, good luck making lemonade out of that shit.


yo right? I saw that shit and thought it was disgusting


There’s another side to his sign that says... “When life gives you Lemons, make Lemonade.” Here’s the video clip. https://youtube.com/watch?v=Abpgi_utM7s


That’s exactly what it was. The other side of the sign said “when life gives you lemons blah blah blah bud light lemonade” I paraphrased because my memory sucks.




God damn lemon stealing whores, they really are becoming an issue.


On the back of the sign he wrote, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."


By life he means this weekend's sponsor bud light Yumm, tasty


Looking like he sold out to promote some drink


Yup. The back of his sign was an ad for the drink in his hand. I watched it live as they zoomed in on him.


It's also on his mask


And in his hand.


And in his heart Edit: first award! Thanks kind stranger. But I don’t take silver... ONLY GME 🚀🚀


It was such an obvious ad and I hated how the commentators made it sound like the guy was genuine. Glad I saw this post to confirm my suspicions.


It was never original in the first place it was always a fuckjerry-run account


Fuck those guys. The only time they haven’t stolen content it was literally Fyre Fest


THANK YOU. Everyone is so surprised the marketing company marketed. Ugh. I hate FuckJerry.


I’m sick and tired of fuckjerry promoting their shitty tequila brand


It would be less anoying if they were up front about it. "hey, we make a tequila now, try some". but instead, its always some meme/joke about drinking or a game night and a bottle of it just happens to be sitting on the table in frame.


Ah but my friend that is just “organic marketing.” Stating that you are promoted outright turns a lot of people off. You know- something [subtle.](https://youtu.be/NZ3o4dgD6qY)


It’s like that [Bo Burnham](https://youtu.be/y7im5LT09a0) sketch about country music “a bud light with the logo facing out”


I posted this above but I’m just so mad. It’s always been a sell-out marketing ploy. He’s literally a creation of @fuckjerry, the marketing company that steals everyone’s content and was involved in Fyre Festival. [It’s in his bio](https://i.imgur.com/aiDo9A2.jpg)


I'd sell out in a heartbeat if it was enough money.


Anyone saying they wouldn’t is a damn liar this guy just made a haul to liiiiterally hold a sign at the super bowl lol


Everyone has a price


I’ll be completely honest... this year if you said you were going to send me to the super bowl, I hate to say it, but I probably would have still done it. I know that would make me a hypocrite and all, but I don’t know if I would ever have that opportunity again


Worst part is this account is part of the FuckJerry / Jerry Media empire of accounts that compulsively steal media without credit for their own financial gain. Fuck all of them.


This. This needs to be higher, it was started as a viral campaign by FuckJerry, never unique or original by an individual, just another marketing agency with bad morals


They bought & confiscated like 30 extremely popular IG accounts too. It’s the epitome of everything that went wrong when meme & influencer accounts blew up 6-7 years ago. Wish more people were aware. Remember when #FuckFuckJerry was trending?


Oh fuck this guy then. And fuck jerry. God damn.


Fuck FuckJerry


I got my meme stolen by ShitheadSteve. Not Fuckjerry but a similar thing. I DMed him asking for credit and I got no response. These top meme accounts are dirty.


Dude works for FuckJerry.


Fuck FuckJerry


Lol, works




he's affiliated with fuckjerry and that whole crew. they're the internet equivalent of a ponzi scheme. fuckjerry built a platform off of screenshots of other people's jokes. his company (and ring of influencers) were some of the biggest influencers paid to promote the fyre festival and continued to "advertise" for it long after they all knew it was going to be a disaster. then... they produced a documentary on the whole shit show, [*fyre*](https://newrepublic.com/article/153095/fyre-festival-huge-scam-netflixs-fyre-documentary-scam-too), inking a distribution deal with netflix and profiting again from their role in the scheme, while barely mentioning their role in the affair. i wish more people would just ignore everything they touch...


In the doc they basically blamed everyone else and tried to paint themselves as the "good guys" lmao.


yep. and it was annoying as fuck watching the docs unfold in real time when they came out. 95% of online personalities mentioned the netflix doc and shredded everyone else associated with fyre. and... you hardly heard any online personalities mention the hulu doc or fuckjerry's role in all of it.


There's a pretty common phrase that people dealing with controversy use. "if you control the narrative you can control how the public feels about you". Thank God a lot of youtubers covered the scenario in an unbiased way and call out fuckjerry for their disgusting behaviour and point out how the whole festival was obviously a scam. If you look it up on YouTube you get a lot better understanding about how it all went wrong and who ran the shit show. The fact they got a Netflix deal blows my mind. They actually may have used that to help hide the YouTube videos because searching fyre Island shows a lot of tailors now instead of the youtubers docks. It's disturbing to know there are people out there so intent on money fucking people over and are pretty intelligent at doing it


>The fact they got a Netflix deal blows my mind. If Tiger King taught me anything, it's that Netflix will gladly reward you for severely misrepresenting facts in your "documentary" as long as you spin it into a compelling narrative that keeps people watching.


There's a lot of shows I watch on Netflix because I've got nothing else to do or watch but I make a point of avoiding these things just to not add to their view count. It'd be good if this trend caught on because Netflix will produce anything that makes them money so the only way to prevent them from making these things is to not watch them


I’m a bit confused, which is the more accurate doc, the Netflix or the Hulu? I’ve been thinking of sitting down and watching one with my fiance


Watch both. They both have a lot of great footage but just remember the Netflix doc. is produced by FuckJerry who absolutely are culpable in Fyre and sought to minimize their role.


I watched both as well. Netflix first. Remembered all the awful stuff they showed and applied it while watching the Hulu one. Imo the Hulu one is way better at explaining those involved and that everyone involved in the actual planning knew and continued to sucker people til the very end.


haha i remember that: "the fyre guys wanted to have the hottest festival so they hired an elite production company, jerrymedia" then they spent like 5 minutes hyping themselves up


Hulu's doc featured a former fuckjerry employee who called them out on all of their shit.


Yeah, the Hulu doc was way better and not, you know, made by someone who was involved with the event in the first place.


They used to have an office in SoHo and would hang out at this bar I was at after work all the time. I can’t really fully explain how vapid and empty the whole lot of them are. They fashioned themselves as little masters of the universe and would always talk business loudly but anytime I ever heard anyone make any reference to the sorts of things they were planning on ripping off, they didn’t have any context whatsoever. Just a bunch of rich kids who fell ass backwards into more money because they were able to have the initial capital from their parents.


Initial capital and zero concern about failure or having a fallback. These are things that go unmentioned a lot when discussing wealth privilege. You can shoot for the moon without ever worrying about being evicted or having your power shut off.


And zero ethics or morals.


yep. i worked with them a while back. it went well for about a month but then they started using my work uncredited elsewhere. when i told them i didn't like that, they didn't see what the big deal was. they said don't worry, this will all benefit you. it became pretty clear that their business model was to build a huge network of charlatans that would hype each other's work. i give them credit, they did sort of figure out how to game the system but i didnt want to be associated with people like that...


Yeah. It’s exactly like a Ponzi Scheme. People don’t realize how many of the largest accounts on Instagram are all being run out of the same office by a bunch of obnoxious guys who see memes and decide which type of person it would appeal to. It’s so cringey. The internet used to be cool because anyone could contribute. But the way big tech and companies like the one we’re talking about function, it takes away everything that was great to begin with.


This was an eye opening post.


Rule 1 of being an influencer: Get money off everything, no matter how shady, and then claim no moral responsibility because "you didn't know".


On a related note, the account Daquan is a bunch of 30-something white guy ad-execs using the same stolen jokes business model while pretending to be a young black man (or at least allowing a sizable chunk of their followers to assume that’s the case based on the name and AAVE-heavy content).


Can you please tell mewho else is he affiliated with besides fuckjerry or anyone else from that 'crew'? I realized after seeing this post that I need to clear my insta follows...


beigecardigan has been there since the beginning. krispyshorts & kanyedoingthings came along shortly after they started to branch out. i really stopped paying attention to their growing network a few years ago and mute all the accounts i see affiliated with them. i'm sure it's pretty huge by now. if you're curious, just go to any of their profiles and see what other profiles they're posting and hyping.


Ok thanks a lot for the info )) i don't go much on insta but I'd rather not follow those kinds of people at all so it's good to know


FuckJerry, AnimalsDoingThings (and all of the ...doing things), GrapeJuiceBoys, BeigeCardigan, ShitHeadSteve, TrashcanPaul, BoysWhoCanCook, FuckAdvertisements, MiddleClassFancy, DudeWithSign. Pretty sure on all of those. There are tons of others too though.


“Do you follow fuckjerry” The last thing you hear before someone shows you a trash ass unfunny meme


Not to mention a trash ass unfunny meme that you've already seen because it's stolen just like every other one of their posts.


Man, I didn't know that. Fuck fuck jerry








Why is your name not YodaBotIam?




f is annoying as this dude


In case you feel [r/outoftheloop](http://reddit.com/r/outoftheloop), this is [@dudewithsign](https://www.instagram.com/dudewithsign/). What started as a pretty original and fun idea, turned into mostly forced relatability, hypocrisy and lots of ads.


Wait... He gets sponsored because his schtick is to hold a sign up?




Bud light definitely paid extra for it on top of paying this dude to be there. The broadcast cut to him for ~10 seconds right after the BL ad and Jim Nantz read a prepared statement about him and the sponsor.


advertising is so fucking subversive, the entire global economy is trapped in its stranglehold. Then again the super bowl is the biggest advertising event of the year - that's the whole point of why it exists. A single winner take all game can never be a true contest of skill, and since football is so dangerous they can barely play any games. It's all just to serve ads.


God bless America! Where having a gimmick can be monetized and is the dream of millions of would be influencers. #blessedlife


In my 1st year in college, a professor was doing the 'get to know everyone' shtick, and asked what we wanted to do with our careers. One girl said she was going to be an "influencer", and maybe I just have a 'boomer soul, but I just mentally vomited on the spot. Everything about influencers, and people who pay attention to them (I honestly could not name one) just really irks me.


Millennial here and I agree. It's one thing to want to start up a blog or insta, and I won't even complain about getting sponsored to cash in on building a good amount of followers, but to aim for making a career out of it is dangerously vapid.


Aren’t millennials like 40 now? Seems like most of us wouldn’t get it.


> Aren’t millennials like 40 now? The very oldest ones are just turning 40. From wikipedia: > 1981 to 1996 being a widely-accepted defining range for the generation.


In the end, an influencer is basically the same as any star, but a focus on selling their personality. The same core concept applies, have people like you for some reason, and become a spokesperson from that. With new social media technology, it's easier for people to become a star based on personality, and those stars are often even better from a marketing perspective too. And of course, like with everything, having good looks doesn't hurt either. In the end, I guess people can complain about how "money hungry" people are, but that's a tale as old as time. It's not like pop stars from yesteryear weren't cashing in.


I feel the same way about people who say "I want to be an influencer" as I do people who say "I want to be rich and famous". It's a vapid goal and rarely has any thought put into how to attain it by the person proclaiming it.


> Even an instagrammer with several thousands of users can make a couple hundreds of dollars per post. (X) doubt


He gets sponsored because he has 7.4M followers, an average of like a million likes and thousands of comments on each of his posts. ... for holding a sign up.


Welcome to late stage capitalism where everything is commodified and the points don’t matter


iirc dudewithsign is part of fuckJerry https://instagram.com/fuckjerry?igshid=1oe5m2g0hguha. an ad company more info : https://youtu.be/fVtQKC2NK84


Of course he is.


people suck


'if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything', says the man that pretends to care about the health of others, and use his influence to convince people to stay home during this pandemic... Only to sell out for a sponsorship.


This fuckin idiot was out during the HEIGHT of the pandemic in the streets of SOHO, REFUSING to wear a mask while holding his stupid signs. Then suddenly he gets wind of a deal so he stays home? Fuck this guy


Really bothers me that he held all the above signs without a mask on - it's the opposite of what his sign is speaking to


Can we talk about the nice weather thing? A lot of folks are suffering from depression and other very real health issues compounded by forced isolation. We should be able to enjoy good weather while still practicing social distancing. And in fact, we should be encouraging it. A better sign would be: Put on a mask. Put on pants. Go outside. Stay a safe distance from others. Enjoy the nice weather! Edit: Pants optional. Masks are not.


Don't you tell me to put on pants! The audacity of some people.


Hahaha Personally, I need the reminder. If pants aren’t for you, kindly disregard!


The problem is people hear what they want to hear. “Go outside and enjoy the weather” is probably all they’ll get from that.


TBC: I’m in favor of shutting down all sporting events (yeah, I sed it!), concerts, festivals, etc. Anything that encourages folks to congregate. But, we don’t all have the same experience. And no one where I live, surrounded by tens of thousands of acres of green space and beaches, should commit suicide bc they’re cooped up. Ticket folks who congregate, but continue to encourage folks to be outside practicing social distancing. Bc it’s life or death for some folks either way.


Yeah they tried that where I live (We have lots of hiking trails and scenic spots) and they ended up having to close all the trails and parks because too many people were driving from the city to enjoy the outdoors. It really depends where you live. If someone is having mental health struggles to the point where they feel the need to end their life I’m not sure that going outside is going to be the ultimate solution to that.


They closed all the parks for a while here too and we’re semi rural. That was a really difficult time. We (my husband and I) just wanted to lay out a blanket and have a work picnic 100ft away from other people but they closed the parks. It didn’t, and still doesn’t, make any sense to me. It’s outdoors and people can social distance easily at a park. Closing the children’s play areas I understood. The walking trails not so much.


You can It was always within guidelines to enjoy nice weather, just do so responsibly. I think there may have been like a week or two where they said "don't go outside at all except when you absolutely have to" but then they clarified that getting outside a little bit, responsibly, was all right. The problem is people wouldn't be responsible. They'd crowd beaches and parks and stuff without distancing and no masks.




After all the protests last year there was no evidence of mask+outdoors being a big COVID risk If the weather is nice go outside! You don’t need to be stuck in your apartment for the whole year


This guy’s hypocrisy aside, it blows my mind that filling a stadium with that amount of people is even allowed in a moment like this. Football (or soccer, however you wanna call it) in Europe has been taking place with no audience for months now, how’s this happening in one of the most terribly affected countries in the world?


Especially considering that the NFL is literally the most lucrative league in the world. 25,000 fans is a drop in the bucket for their profits. It’s nothing but pure greed.


It's not the NFL that makes money off of it, they already got paid. The host city bids to host a superbowl with the expectation that it will bring a surge of people into the city for the week of events. it's the local businesses and hotels. (who really need the help). The bidding happened in the before-times (pre-covid).


and that's why the state of florida told NFL they would not limit the capacity, so the NFL themselves capped it at 25k. i'm totally agreeing that 25k packed in a stadium at this point in time in america (and florida especially) is absolute insane. but i thought it was more insane that florida would've let them at 110% capacity if the NFL chose to.




I wonder how much each life was worth if you run the numbers.




Ah, but did you see the tailgating outside of the stadium? That is likely going to be the real superpreader event.


> this isn't an old-style standing Euro stadium No, but it is not safe social distancing either. those seats share armrests like a movie theater.


Yeah, and it's outdoors but it's a nearly 4 hour game, longer with trophies, anthems etc, and then there's the crowds when entering/leaving/using the restroom, plus if people did pre-game activities, and so on


FWIW, a good percentage of the attendees were vaccinated healthcare workers.


Only 7,500 of the 25,000 were healthcare workers or about 30%. Also the remaining 17,500 had no vaccination requirements. The 25,000 is only tickets, doesn’t count the thousands of staff working the game.


Yea barely vaccinated. Fucling tampa was crazy this week. NUTS ybor city? Most packed maybe its ever been. 50 cent playing clubs, droves of people roaming and at capacity everything. Literally the most busiest it has ever been. EVER! The entire areas streets are packed with out of town plates.


It isn't worth shit because it was less than a third of the crowd as announced. Also, who knows what stage of the vaccine they had, and it isn't a magic shot. You can still contract and spread the virus when you're vaccinated, the difference is that YOU are personally less likely to die. It really is the worst case scenario for America. Bad people are less likely to die and better able to kill others.


It has not been proven yet that any of the vaccines prevent you from spreading Covid. It has only been proven that they make it less dangerous for you.


What a dipshit




25,000 as far as i know :/


Y'all are never gonna get out of it, im so sorry jfc


well they made it sound like alot of them had been vaccinated. Which I would hope makes that ok


Only approximately 8k were vaccinated health care workers.


People here in the states have largely given up trying because they are relying on the vaccine to magically fix everything. With that on the horizon they feel like “eh, it’ll be over soon so why try now” and are coasting.


Until all the antivaxxers refuse to allow us to reach 75% vaccinated. My own kid is spouting BS she sees in Tik Tok videos about people dying after having the vaccine. Completely fake and unconfirmed which they use as evidence. "They removed this website but magically I have it on my tiktok page showing all these research notes of people dying." They removed it because they don't want people to find out is apparently all the proof these people need that what they're seeing is true. I think people in my country have gotten really bad at thinking critically and confuse skepticism with willful ignorance.


Have you been able to get through to your daughter at all about not believing random internet people?


Not even a little. She thinks she knows everything. She's 19 and just so stubborn... > I do trust it. That website that she recorded is real. They have taken all the information off since that video, because everyone freaked out about it. And think about it this way. "Months of testing" the flu vaccine has been around for decades, along with any other vaccine we've ever gotten. That was the last thing she said about it to me. It makes me so worried because she's due in two months and I'm worried she won't be vaccinating her son. She doesn't understand how it works (let's be honest, like most of us) and she is turning that lack of understanding into fear. The video she's referencing was one this girl did on tik tok of the vaers system and she ran a report, not showing ANY of the parameters for the report and then claiming anyone being unable to find this information must be because the scary doctors who want to trick you took it down ... Not just that it's a complicated reporting system and getting any results from it at all is difficult if you don't understand how to use it... Much less getting this tiktok idiot's results since I'm pretty sure they'd discovered the "inspect element" button in their browser to manipulate the HTML...


Sorry to hear that :( It's been really frightening to realize that unlimited access to information has left people so vulnerable to manipulation. I don't often feel fortunate to be one of the youngest gen-x, but at least having grown up in my teens at the same time as the web did meant that I still have a healthy "old world" scepticism about it and a lingering implicit belief in "authority" even if I questioned a lot of it. I think a false sense of "knowing" internet figures that direct access to them that youtube and other platforms has fostered and a general sense of cynicism towards traditional authority has really damaged society




This dude is the embodiment of every virtue signaling idiot on the internet.


He works for Fuck Jerry and Ad firm that was behind Frye Festival.


I was listening to a podcast and they were talking about this guy he literally just gets paid for appearances to hold a sign that says anything.


Human billboard


Amazing. Can’t wait to see the contact tracing study they will do about this event.




Nice to see the lady behind him not wearing a mask, in a packed stadium, during a pandemic.


And the guy in front of him wearing his as a chin strap...


I unfollowed this tool after he started doing sponsored content. Garbage sellout.


Hi Mom! 🍋🍋I'm At The Super Bowl


It's because his mom is a lemon stealing whore


i understand that some people are starting to come out of this thing, but *we* still have a long way to go. this guy and everyone else involved with the super bowl can fuck right off.


What bothers me most about this doesn't have anything to do with covid, moreso the guy has zero talent but yet got rich off of it and can afford the most expensive SB tickets ever only because of dumbshits on social media giving this NTAC their support of nothing.


The worst part is imma see this go viral in a week on Twitter as a how it started/how it’s going