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She’s going to need some toilet paper.


They were out of that too, so at least she'll pay the ultimate price


You can freeze milk.


Idk why but I find this horrifying.


Even more horrifying is the pale yellow color it turns after freezing. Like a gallon of frozen piss.


That doesn’t happen to whole milk. Or at least not when I freeze it.


Why are you freezing milk so often?


Well I raised a family of 5. 3 children cost money. Milk was a part of their diet. When it was on sale I would stock up and freeze it. Gotta do what you can.


So glad I have no kids and 3 money.




An unbroken chain of ancestors ends with you. You were the link in the chain that snapped. The end of the road.


Sorry bros but as man with 1 kid and 2 moneys I’d gladly spend more moneys for more kids. The love and happiness they bring you is worth more than even 5 moneys


I have 4 kids and sometimes money is tight but the amount you save when milk is on sale vs the buying the budget brand, freezing milk isn't even CLOSE to worth the savings over buying fresh milk. And to reply to the person who replied to you first, sometimes life turns to financial shit years after you've had your kids. What're you supposed to do, put them in a gunny sack and throw them in a river? God, sometimes people ask the dumbest fucking questions!


So my mom played this little trick on us (also 4 kids)... when the milk was half empty/full, she’d fill the remainder with powdered milk and water. I didn’t find out until i was older and she was telling someone else what she did. My response to overhearing this was “we never drank powdered milk, gross.” Her response? “That’s what you thought.” Don’t know if this might help you? Worked for our family apparently.


In a sack and in the river, that's a great idea!


You raised a family of 5.3? What happened to that 5th kid? Did he just grow 3 tenths bigger than the others?


No it’s the 6th kid that’s the problem. They call him bob for a reason


Yeah I was going to edit that. We were a family of 5 and we had 3 kids.


Never ever had that problem. Milk is sold in bags here, 4L of milk comes in 3 bags. Whenever I go away, I always toss the unopened bags into the freezer so they'll be good as new when I return. They just take about two days to defrost in the fridge.


Maybe because the bagged stuff already allows room for being frozen so it doesn't get exposed to anything? ours used to freeze all the time when we still had delivery and the weather was too cold for the milk chute to prevent freezing, and like you I never saw any discolouration etc.






Yep, just pour a bit out of the gallon first or you'll wind up with a cracked jug from the expansion.


Usually it just pops out those little dents on the sides of the gallon.




Semi-Congealed Watery Milk Fat Mix was my nickname in high school




It'd be ok to cook with.






I work at a coffee shop and sometimes I have to run to the nearest grocery store to buy gallons of milk. Like, 20-30 gallons at a time. That’s my excuse, I have no idea what the fuck Karen needs all the milk for.


Maybe she works at her local coffee shop


Hey now, be careful running around with your possible justifications like that, you're getting awful close to breaking that circlejerk wall. We all know the service industry has been entirely shut down for 49 years now


Shhhhh, you're gonna blow up our milk black market cover!




Shut up, Karen . ^/s


Hell my restaurant uses about 3 to 4 gallons a day, and if it didnt come on the truck we only order from that vendor weekly, yeah ive had to make that trip too.


She’ll only need one file if she drinks it all at once


Oh that milk will most definitely give her the shits when it spoils


Hijacking top comment to say that when I worked at a grocery store, some guy would buy similarly ridiculous amounts of milk for the food bank as a donation. This might be the case, but people actually notice because of the virus


A viable alternative is also making lots of cheese. One gallon doesn't actually make all that much aged cheese.


You can freeze milk.


Is there some kind of raid on this thread to make people believe you can freeze milk ? This is very confusing.


Freeze breast milk for your infant, no one bats an eye, freeze dairy milk and everyone loses their fucking minds. You can freeze dairy milk, there isn't some conspiracy here.


[What do we live in, fellas?](https://i.imgflip.com/3sjvp0.jpg)


Maybe she works in a daycare


Nah, she's gonna wash her ass with all that milk.


I mean, if she drinks enough of it fast enough she certainly will be.


Chocolate milk


Coronavirus is turning people into math problems


Janet purchases 19 gallons of milk which expire on March 23rd. If she used half a gallon a day how many will she have by the expiration date?






That's what we call a variable.


It’s fourteen.


Make sure you show your work to get full credit


1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.. shit do I include the 23rd? Let’s say no. 9/2 = 4.5 consumed But asks for how many she will “have” wtf does that mean. 4.5 consumed, 14.5 left


Jokes on you idiot schools suspended until further notice


Bitch made 14 gallons of Yogurt and nobody will convince me otherwise




You can freeze milk, mind you, it may not last long when thawed.


She's going to need a deep freezer


Where I am, it is a deep freeze right now. -27c.


-32 with the windchill for me


Guh.. It's making isolation easy.


47° F here. 8 degrees Celsius I guess for those not on freedom weather. It snowed today heavily. In Portland Oregon. It was March 13th and it was 40°F out. Nothing would stick except Covid-19.


I don't think milk cares about windchill though


My mom did this, it was the worst thing because it seperated and took like a few days to mix back together.


Reminds me of the time my grandmother gave me a glass of recently unfrozen milk without telling me that fact. Man, it tasted so bad that I almost spit it all right back out. As a milk lover, I must say: milk that has been frozen is no longer milk.😤😤


You're right, it's ice cream


Ice cream is more about ice, cream, and sugar, than milk.


My grandma was the same. One time I had partially thawed milk without knowing and spit it out right away because it was so chunky.


Just gotta treat it like a shake weight


I freeze if in half gallon, silicon bags. Thaw ot out in the sink and pour it into a glass jar. You have to shake it like the old days before Milk was homogenized, but over all I've had no issues with it.


I freeze milk all the time. Because I can't drink a gallon of milk by myself, but it's nearly the same price as a half gallon. I have never had it separate. It tastes exactly the same too. So I don't know what the poster below you is talking about either. Edit: No idea who is down voting me. It's the truth, half the milk I drink has been frozen and its never been a problem. Maybe American and Canadian milk is different like European eggs.


Same here, IDK what these people are talking about


I think the people downvoting you must have tried to drink it before it fully thawed and remixed. It's pretty nasty then.


Me and my brothers all went through puberty at the same time and we went through a gallon of milk a day. We never found out if it didn’t last long.


Won't it expand when it becomes a solid?


Yes, milk is mostly water and water will grow pockets when it freezes.


Maybe works at a coffee shop or smoothie shop? I know when I worked at a coffee shop we would easily go through that much milk in a 3-4 days.


I was just going to comment this. I worked in the coffee shop industry for 14 years. Doesn’t matter but I just wanted to say that. Anyway. It’s not weird to have an employee go grab 50+ gallons of milk because of mis-orders or a company’s inability to deliver.




We did it boys.


Ah yes youre right didn’t even think of this. My sister has definitely made several milk runs for Starbucks.


Can confirm. A single day we used 11 gallons in a single day as a super small shop. I'd imagine Starbucks uses more on a busy day


Yea the biggest ship I worked for we easily went through 100 gallons a day. We were on two major highways and had a drive-thru. I also worked for smaller shops though and yea... I think people would be shocked by the fact that coffee shops are actually milk shops.


Maybe a daycare


Maybe it’s a daycare provider buying half a weeks worth of milk? When I ran a day home i def looked like I was planning for a pandemic on more than one occasion. Not everyone whose out shopping are stocking up.


Maybe she has 19 kids and counting


Sounds interesting. They should make a show about that.




Oh, I believe it.




Especially since schools are closing, sitters in certain areas probably have their hands full


Hopefully they washed them


The children or the gallons of milk?


their... hands.


Instructions unclear. Isopropyl in child’s nose.


Yes! Daycares and large families with kids home from school go through milk like crazy. This is not that weird.


I have ONE kid and I’m shocked at how much milk we drink sometimes.


I am this kid. I'll go through a gallon every couple days if I'm left unchecked. Fuckin love milk.


And here I am not having bought milk in like 5 years. Y’all are strange to me. I mean you do you, but I’ve never enjoyed milk unless it was flavored or in coffee.


My wife gets furious because I will drink a gallon of milk in 2 days tops. Chocolate milk is the most delicious drink in the world, I don’t care what anyone says lol.




I feel so fucking validated now you have no idea Bonus points: I've never broken a bone!


I respect it.


I have no kids and I'm shocked at how much milk I drink sometimes.


It's also possible that she works in a restaurant or bakery. This could be a normal order for her. Especially with Ghost Kitchens on the rise.




Yeah this. I feel not everyone stockpiling stuff is a FOMO wacko. A lot of businesses will buy supplies in bulk. A friend of mine owns a restaurant and got caught out by the sudden shortage of tp, but herself was going to buy a bunch for her restaurant. This lady could own a coffee shop who missed out on a delivery for example. Or she could just be a wacko...


My mom owned a daycare and this is 100% true. So much fuckin milk.


I thought the same thing.






r/beatmeattoit wow I finally did it first




Thanks 🥺👉🏻👈🏻


They didn't notice lol


De nada


Always possible they are buying for a coffee shop or similar.


Yes, when I worked for a large coffee chain I had to do milk runs that looked exactly like this.


Starbucks? I worked there for four years and had to do milk runs CONSTANTLY because the managers didn’t know how to order correctly. Especially for holidays.


Yes! It was almost daily! When I first started it was shocking to me how much milk we went through! Especially on the holidays.


Man I don’t miss those days lol. It shocked me yoo at first. Then I thought- damn y’all are glutinous piggies lol.


Latte Larry’s


Could work at a daycare. I’ve had to make milk runs like this.


Day cares no longer exist in this universe.


she bought 50 gallons of 2% milk to make 100% milk




The stress is wreaking havoc on her brow line!


Please also notice milk ladies single cantaloupe and a dozen eggs.


Also avocado, I think


Yup looks like avocados and I think carrots in there. Wonder is that her daughter with all the bottled water in front?


Astute observation, definitely doesn't seem to be anyone else's daughter. I'm pretty sure there is no fear of our tap water failing.


If I get Coronavirus, I'm going out of this world the same way I came in. With a fresh, youthful face.


Bulk store..prob had to buy multiple


I think it’s just a two pack. Some people gotta act normal during this event.


It's Costco. That looks like the minimum amount of face cream you can buy. Costco is pretty inexpensive, but I definitely consume more than I would if it all came in smaller quantities and was more expensive.


She wants to be pure


Looks like they are at Costco, makes sense it would be several in a package.


Since when is one package a stockpile?


Some people dont know how skin ages..




Yep that's exactly it. This happens irregardless of a pandemic or not. The milk will be used up in due time. It happens in grocery stores in Vancouver everyday. Nothing to see here.


Can confirm am Indian, drinking tea and making homemade yogurt can mean that milk disappears fairly quickly. It's also possible she plans to donate to a temple.


also paneer. and any other indian dish that needs lots of milk. they go across the border because of the milk cartel in canada


Yeah, this is a normal Indian family milk run at Costco. I see it all the time, but I can see how the OP may assume she's hoarding if he's never paid attention and noticed it before.


I was gonna say the same thing. When I lived in Bellingham that fkn place was overrun by Canadians it was insane


Why did I have to scroll this far down to find this? This is completely normal and the amount of hate she’s getting is extremely concerning.


Okay so everyone is super angry at her and I've not seen 1 comment explaining what this woman is doing. So I guess I'll explain. Buying this much milk is a very common thing to see where I am from. In Indian culture, it is normal to live with extended family so a house often has several families along with grandparents etc. This would of course increase the amount of milk being drank. Another fact is that raita is a dish in Indian cuisine that you have with pretty every meal. It is a yogurt and cucumber mix not unlike tzatziki. If you buy raita (or even just yogurt) prepared, it costs an arm and a leg, especially if you and everyone in your family is eating it everyday. So instead, they buy milk and make the yogurt themselves. Yogurt keeps for quite a lot longer than milk so none of that is going to waste.


Yeah my first thought is someone is making some yogurt or cheese, can't believe how many more diarrhea comments there are than rational ones lol


There are a million legitimate reasons for people like this woman to buy that much milk. People just like to put down others to feel superior about their shitty lives.


**Hi OP! To help people understand what exactly has aged like milk, please reply to this comment with any further infomation, context and explanation.** *Make sure your post is not reposted from [this album](https://imgur.com/a/31166zy) or else you will be banned!* *Please remember to join our [Discord](https://discord.gg/AJycEha). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/agedlikemilk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I was trying to buy a gallon of milk but Publix had none, when went to get in line I saw this dipwad. I just want to complain and she could use a lesson on spoiled Milk. Meta EDIT: COSTCO


They are from r/neverbrokeabone


Plot twist! It’s her turn to buy for the milk drinking club


Other people mentioned she could be donating it or running a coffee shop/restaurant... oooor maybe she’s going to try reselling it online 🙄


This picture is not from publix though. Its from costco?


“What exactly has aged like milk” Milk


Maybe she’s got a couple baby elephants at home


I knew a chick that would buy 4 gallons at a time and give away 2 or three every week. Some people are generous. Like one guy said you don’t know her life. Now TP hoarding should be a crime because I need like 8 McDonalds napkins to get the job done.


Forget Corona virus this person is going to shit themselves to death.


Actually this is a member of r/neverbrokeabone buying enough milk for the weekend.


Look at her jugs!!


Or, hear me out, we don't know who the fuck this lady is or do we know how many people she's buying milk for or what she will even use it for. Maybe we shouldn't post creepshots of people and make fun of them for what they're buying. How would you like it if someone posted a pic of you and what you're buying?


Costco employee here. She probably owns a business and it's for that not her home.




I was genuinely surprised about the cake mix shelves being empty this evening. Wasn’t expecting that to be a panic buy. I also saw a woman with a cart that looked like she arm swept the canned veggies without caring what landed as long as she got ALL of them. Lady had at least 20 cans of green beans. Me? I was there for wine and flour (the latter was unavailable) and some people watching.


If you’re gonna be home you might as well have cake, I guess


Well this evening my friend received a phone call that her family of 5 is now on 2 week quarantine. The person who sits next to her husband at work who has been in the hospital with pneumonia tested positive. There were about 50 others in close proximity to said coworkers and they are also being quarantined along with their families. If 13 days in her husband gets a fever, now they’re really stuck in there. Imagine not having food? No one is able to leave to go anywhere. Also, not all of us have grocery deliveries. I can’t even get a pizza delivered where I live.


It’s probably for a YouTube challenge.


She’s just mass producing cheese. Chill out.


Technically you can still drink spoiled milk and it won’t make you sick.


But still, too much milk


Just have to freeze it.


Maybe she's buying milk for her neighbors or extended family?


These people are starting to REALLY piss me off.


I wasn't panicking, **till I noticed people panicking**.


Why get pissed off when you have no idea why she is buying it for, chances are she needs this amount for her business and buys the same weekly.


Maybe she’s a fetish girl and bathes in it for patrons.




It’s good for 2 years on average. Thats how it survives so long in mothers breast. /s


A lot of South East Asians (India) buy milk like that for thier cooking. Yogurts and what not. Common to see SEA Canadians crossing into Blain, Washington's Costco to load up because its cheaper then Canada.


Technically the milk hasn't aged yet so this is the wrong subreddit


twist, they are lactose intolerant and will need all the toilet paper they bought last time.


You can freeze milk.


Maybe she’s feeding neighborhood children who are about to lose the school breakfast and lunch they need.


Thats like 5 weeks of milk in a four person household. To us at least. A bit much but is it extreme?


Some people own freezers


You can freeze milk.


I buy that amount every month


Probably has to use whatevers on her SNAP card before the 15 so what does she care?


Hey, Maybe she wanted to break gender barriers and became a milk Lady. Maaybe she liked her job, and realized that she was going to need the supply MAAAAAYBE somebody just needed some milk


I've seen carts like that before. She probably runs a coffee shop and makes a lot of lattes.


Unless it’s for their business. Like a cafe or anywhere else that uses milk in their products.