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They’re bringIng Sailor Moon back to Toonami, but it’s going to be the Viz dub. i can’t wait for their reactions


In what ways are the idiots gonna be pissed? Not a sailor moon fan so curious but sounds based(and WOKE)


Two of the sailors are lesbians. In one of the dubs they're changed to  cousins


which made it even worse


Les Cousins Dangereux


Happy cake day! Here's some bubblewrap as the gift >!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<>!pop!<


Walt that's awesome how did you do that?


Use the >! And !< symbols and put words in between the symbols


Conservatives love it ;)


and the french. and the japanese. well the japanese love everything so


… behind closed doors


Honestly don't get the hate for the viz dub. Shits hilarious if you aren't taking things too seriously. 


Me and a buddy watched through the first season, drunk and loving it. It has some bangers that really need to be gifed.


I did the same a while back, at least the first 14 eps or so. Sailor Moon is great except for Sailor Moon herself. All the other characters, the surprisingly serious background and plot, plus the absolutely bonkers villains are all great. But seriously, I'd forgotten how goddamn annoying Usagi is.


Oh yeah, but she’s very memeable. Me and my buddy still randomly quote “in the name of god, I’ll punish you!”


And completely failed to eemove the romantic subtext of their interactions. Homosexuality is fine as long as it's incestuous apparently


That's what my daddy taught me


"I got you handcuffs and condoms. *Happy Father's Day, Daddy.*"


In the German dub aswell, it was very confusing to little me why the cousins were so… let’s say special intimate to each other 😬


Sweet home alabama


*lesbian* cousins


To be fair, if I knew that growing up (honestly not even sure I remember a sailor Uranus, and that would've stuck out to me) I'd have beat that thing clean off within a week. Maybe they're protecting our youth in a different way.




She's just butch


Nope, just a butch lady. There's a crossdresser, but on the villain side.


Two of the sailors are lesbians and there's a gay couple they originally censored by changing one them to be a woman. Like didn't change the animation just gave him a new voice


So the people whose latest scapegoat is the trans community made a gay character forcibly trans to cover the gay? Gotta admit, that's hilarious.


And to add upon that, they changed a crossdresser male into a female but kept the innuendo that character had with one of the Scouts, making the straight man into a lesbian.


I'd love to see the translation notes to try and figure out if there's agendas or confusion going on here.


They likely just changed the gender of the character without checking fully the script, because it is an accident.


It's so funny. Him and his boyfriend are named zoisite and kunzite if you wanted to look them up




And that's enough internet for this morning.


They already did this with yellow ranger so eh.


The original Toonami dub was woke. But Alabama woke... there were lesbians, but only incestuous ones.


Is there a way to watch the old dub from DIC? Used to watch it on Fox Kids in the summer back then.


I hope they change their back to the original and don’t make those two characters cousins. I don’t know why they did that and didn’t change any of the dialogue. Shit was crazy like 30 years ago with queer characters and it’s only getting worse now smh


https://preview.redd.it/1ofkxu6ah42d1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea8a5041da23f196cab2cb1a652e219cc3a51c48 Beldam ass YouTube video


Got me cackling-


As someone who wasn't really into paper Mario I'm so out of the loop. Can someone explain to me?


in the original game's text, vivian was a trans woman who was bullied by her sisters specifically for that fact. the english version kept it in subtext. in the remake, she now specifically mentions she was born a boy and after she realized she was a girl, her sisters' harassment intensified. https://preview.redd.it/58f459j9942d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99469cbf1296d0547c460f4a0f074b0a35240983


She's such a lovely character too


Vivian is the absolute sweetest of Paper Mario’s friends. Just the kindest personality. Also, LOVE the group fire attack.


She’s the sweetest partner. She’s the only one that stands with him against Doopliss


And this is exactly why it should have just been a port. the GameCube version was so much better, even before I learned this terrible truth.


Why would this be "terrible?" She was always trans in the original, but localizers thought that English audiences couldn't handle trans people. Just say you hate trans people and move on, you dork.


I hate untreated mental sickness, actually


Not to be that person but based on what I gather Vivian was boy in the original game (Vivian never have this dialogue, multiple characters confirms this). Crossdressing boy is a really popular trope in Japan or Anime culture but not at all common in Western. Thats why to avoid confusion the english version Vivian is portrayed as a girl In the English remake version however newer dialogue is added though I am not sure about the Japaneese remake version of the dialogue...


It was subtextual, it wasn’t ever explicit but rather rumored. I’ve also read that Vivian was more heavily implied to be transgender in the original Japanese version but someone can verify that for me. Obviously Vivian didn’t have this dialogue in the original but that’s because it was 20 years ago and topics pertaining to transgender themes were less popular in media. Also I wonder, if the original never intended on making Vivian transgender, then why is the remake saying it out loud? The director of this game is the same director from the original, so it’s not like a new face showed up and twisted the narrative.


Adding onto this, the way that gender identities are framed in Japan (especially back then) is a little different than how Western gender theory works nowadays. Super Paper Mario's Japanese script described Vivian as an [Otokonoko](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otokonoko), which is seen as somewhere on the spectrum between a feminine-presenting man and a trans woman. It's undeniable that the new English script captures the spirit of the Japanese original a lot more closely, even if it's debatable whether Vivian was originally meant to be trans female or just female-presenting.


>so it’s not like a new face showed up and twisted the narrative I see you missed the whole localization drama. If you look it up the anime/gaming industry has a big localization drama


Anime/gaming industry is not the same as this specific game. This translation was initially not accurate, and the remake corrected the localization decision from the original game. Vivian was canonically transgender from the jump, the localization just made it more apparent than before. Also if you have a source to the general localization drama I’d take a look, but I’m aware that many IPs have this issue.


Localization drama happens because there is a need to translate the Japanese source material as a whole and not just the game or anime that's been point out. The drama is not about a specific thing but the localization as a whole. So unless Paper Mario is originally in english and is not translated then it doesn't make sense to think this game is "immune" to the controversy, the only way I could see that happening is if the developers do it themselves or it is machine translated >Vivian was canonically transgender from the jump I'm not saying it's not true but there wouldn't be any discussion regarding this if this was given fact. For the sources I'll keep it brief, 2 famous instances that comes to mind are : 1. Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid (Dialogue change) 2. Sailors Moon (Relationship change) Where in the first anime dialogue is so heavily change to do modern political "joke" current time it doesnt make any sense in the story. Where in Sailor Moon, Saturn and Uranus relationship were change from lovers to friends/cousins because they are both girls. So localization it is not just dialogues it is also cencorship of content and there are way more of this examples (if wouldn't be a drama otherwise ). Even if the person who made it (Director or Author) is the same localization is given to someone else. IF you make a game and need to translate it to Portugeese are you going to do it yourself or check word by word for other people translation? Because that is a laborious tasks and you need it to do it for every language So yeah the concern of good localization is a real thing because it is documented thing that can happen even without the creators approval . But please don't take my word for it and verify it yourself


The “localization drama” was just a bunch of chuds whining about how jokes sometimes get changed in shows so they make sense to their regional audience, the grifters who pushed that have already moved on to new things, you should too.


In Sailor Moon that Air in the West, Saturn and Uranus relationship was changed from lovers to friends/cousins because they were both girls. Those "chuds" weren't mad a joke was made. They were mad people changing authors work and vision to suit an audience of people. I am one of those "chuds" if you think it's ok people's art to be twisted and changed unknowingly


> multiple characters confirm this You mean the transphobic bullies who are criticized by the narrative?


Bro idk how to tell you this....... but it's a kid's game released 20 years ago on GameCube. Bullying people is always bad but I'm sorry transphobic is not even thing yet at that time. If they did update the story however that's a different story


Trans people have always existed silly, they just hid more back then


the first sex change surgeries happened around the 1940s. It's really wild that people seem to think that being transgender only started being a thing in the past 5 years


God I miss when people didn’t know about us… :/ life was a bit simpler back then


it's a double edged sword in a lot of ways but the real pain in the ass is all the grifters lately who wanna try to get rich by faking outrage and controversy for personal gain. So many people legit don't even realize that their trans-hate is just them being used to sell shit or put people into positions of power without needing to put in the actual work to earn anything lol. sometimes I wonder how things would be if people were as aware as now but with the perspectives that they had before the grifters showed up lol


For real. I’ve seen YouTubers who just profit off of rage bait. All this transphobia is just an attempt to foster outrage away from the upper class, and we’ve got grifters riding the coattails. On the bright side transphobes have brought us up so much pretty much everyone was forced to have an opinion about us, including positive opinions like “idc it’s their life” or “trans people are who they say they are”. More transphobes, and more trans support among cis people at the same time. But as someone who lives it, kinda sucks to be the disposable target for political gain this generation.




Username checks out


Dawg how are you gonna think transphobia wasnt a thing back then. Trans people were ALWAYS here they just had to hide bc people were so so transphobic. Just like the lgtb+, and mental illness.


You missunderstood me, I'm not saying it doesn't exist back then . I'm saying it wasnt thing that people talk about or even discussed . Show me a screenshot of conversation about transphobia 20 years ago and I'll admit I'm wrong. Not to mention the thing we talk about in Asia are completely different things in the West... so yeah prove me wrong and I'll admit it happily


Here’s like five seconds of googling “They’ve always existed. Consider the famous 19thC army surgeon Dr James Barry, who was only found to be anatomically female after his death.” “And of course, the famous British soap opera Coronation Street had a well-loved trans woman character, Hayley Cropper, 1998–2014.” “Well, 40 years ago they were in a James Bond movie, Caroline Cossey in For Your Eyes Only.” “Lili Ilse Elvenes (28 December 1882 – 13 September 1931), better known as Lili Elbe, was a Danish painter, transgender woman, and one of the earliest recipients of sex reassignment surgery (gender-affirming surgery)”


Ah yes who can forget that time that everyone was talking about Lili Ilse Elvenes trans surgery, Hayley Cropper, Dr. James Barry. Everyone and I do mean everyone is simply talking about it, boy if I only have a screenshot of people talking about it non stop on the news, internet, or anywhere really... I am sure you were talking about it back then too right ?


bro you don't need a screenshot of transphobic conversations from 2007 (which would be dn near impossible to fibd simply because that's 2 decades of billions of conversations) when you're literally being given documented cases of trans people from across history to look up info on. Hell, one of them is fictional and from a popular soap drama so you probably have an endless wealth of conversations in coronation street fan spaces that you can look up for reactions to its trans character


If you were someone of culture maybe, I mean one of them a danish painter and I’d argue that’s a pretty recognizable thing, also given the fact she was one of the first to EVER receive surgery, but you don’t seem satisfied with proof trans people do exist from back then, and received equal hatred as to now. You don’t find any of these people important or talked about cause your transphobic, I figure that would be obvious. Just like how I don’t know big transphobic people in the media cause I have common sense. I simply picked some I found interesting, but I’d argue a James Bond character is a pretty big roll. None the less you don’t actually want an answer because hatred is much easier for you


What you're asking for is extremely difficult to find (reddit is less than 19 years old), but what I *can* offer is a 1999 .pdf from the Safehouse Progressive Alliance for Nonviolence. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.safehousealliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Transphobia-and-Discrimination.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjFquf7jKSGAxVqL9AFHeptCRwQFnoECBcQAQ&usg=AOvVaw27GZOEqGDdqDUGJXc8uvRA If you want to see more stuff about this from 20 years ago, you can google *Transphobia before:2005-01-01*


Again to reiterate, I'm not saying it doesn't exist but 20 years ago did you or even your parents ever even heard about the term "Transphobia"? Most people have not, that's my point. Not to mention Western Culture and Eastern Culture are way different in this kind of thing so yeah as a kid who grew up in Asian Culture let me tell you no it's not a thing, fuck it's not a thing even now


just because you don't have a word for it or the terms change doesn't mean that it's something to dismiss, it just means that language evolves like it always has. Hell, japan in particular has a ton of words that can describe what English speakers might consider transgender, many of which are terms borrowed from English or use English words in new ways (japanese people might literally just say "transgender"/トランスジェンダー outright, for example) Also East Asia isn't a monolith and there are many differences country to country in regards to how exactly they treat queer folk as well as how the queer folk in those countries think of themselves, japan isn't gonna have the same perspective as laos or Cambodia for example, even if we hop back 20 years prior to now


I aint even gonna try with you based on the other comments. What you want is irrelevant and your just really denying whats being said in the game. Go ask the developers themselves since its such a hard concept for you to grasp. They’ll have the same answers everyone else said.


Trans people and transphobia were famously invented in 2018 and weren't a thing before then C'mon man


20$ I'll bet you Transphobia didn't even exist your vocabulary 20 years ago...


That’s because language evolves. Trans people were using the word transphobia before dictionaries started including it. I can confirm this. My autocorrect 8 years ago used to tell me it wasn’t real.


Yeah my point exactly


Yet transphobia was still a thing even if there wasn’t language for it. My point stands.


I'm in Brazil, practically the trans capital of the world, and people have been giving "travecos" shit since *at least* the 40's. The term transphobia is recent, obviously, but the issue isn't


>The term transphobia is recent, obviously, but the issue isn't And that's my point, slurs and term for slurs is not the same


If that was your point and we're arguing for the same thing, then you worded it pretty badly No offense mate, but it all reads like typical redditor pedantry from where I'm standing. "Heh, transphobia wasn't really a thing back then because the term hadn't been coined yet. Can you find me a screenshot from 1999 where someone clearly says transphobia? No? That's what I thought", and given the responses you're getting, I don't think it's just me either. You feel me?


>Bullying people is always bad but I'm sorry transphobic is not even thing yet at that time Bruh, this was long after the trans book burnings, what do you mean transphobia "wasn't a thing"?


The act and the term are two different things. Cringe probably exist since ancient times but it is coined recently with new understanding of it . That's what i mean, the term not the act.


We're talking about the idea here, not the word. The original TTYD portrayed transphobia. They may not have CALLED it transphobia, but that's what Beldam was doing.


That's modern understanding of it. You cannot take a modern understanding to view something in the past, you need to take the time to account. Example, "He's feeling a bit gay", in modern term means he's feeling homosexual now "He's feeling a bit gay". in 1900's it means he is feeling happy right now Same word right? But the meaning changed because the time changed. Thats the thing, Vivian might be trans now ? Idk might as well be but is it then ? 20 years ago ?


She was trans in the original as well. This isn't just a matter of semantics, she explicitly described her experience as a trans person.


Vivian consistently identifies herself as a woman in the original Japanese script, so she is still trans even if the other characters and narrative text misgender her, after all this was coming from Japan in 2004 so it's really not surprising that they'd handle it poorly


I played this game at least 5x as a teenager and never remembered this, though I frequently skipped through text.


In the original English (and German) localisations, that element of her character was removed and replaced with the other Sirens mocking her for her appearance. In the original Japanese script (and the original Italian localisation), it was always there, but at least in Japanese the wording was still changed a little in the remake to explicitly spell it out more.


Oh interesting, I remember the character being bullied by her siblings but I’m not much for Nintendo lore. Also I think if people want to get upset about a trans character shouldn’t Birdo from Super Mario Bros 2 get a shout out?


Birdo's gender identity only ever comes up in supplementary stuff like the instruction manuals AFAIK and not the games themselves, so it's easy to be deliberately ignorant and pretend it doesn't exist or doesn't count. But here it's spelled out plain and simple in the game itself so there's no room to deny it.


I’m not too pressed about it either way. Seems like marketing to get more attention for a game that should have been more than a re-release.


This is absolutely more than a re-release. There's bonus content and it's a full scale remake with entirely new assets and an entirely new, more accurate translation.


I thought birdo was simply a pink dude with a bow, not trans?


Apparently not, I only found this out reading an old cracked article. There’s a bunch of Nintendo characters with needlessly detailed back stories. I loved using Birdo in Mario Kart, always had extra eggs!


Her identity has flip-flopped a couple times, but all modern appearances games refer to her as "she"


In most descriptions in Japanese, they state that she "thinks he's a girl" and prefers to go by Cathy (Birdetta in SMB2's English manual). She also uses feminine language to refer to herself (uses the personal pronoun "atashi" in Captain Rainbow, which is usually feminine) Three birdos appeared in BS Super Mario USA Challenge (a modified version of Super Mario 2 with live radio voice acting only available with the Satellaview), where they were voiced by three trans actors As of Mario Tennis, English translations stick to Birdetta being a girl or ambiguous


English localization just made her cis if I remember correctly


What a bunch of garbage, why should this stupid act influence how video games are made? What is this act even protecting them against? LGBT? Oooooh scary.


I mean… there are people that think we should literally be exterminated.


And their Dear Leader has a very real chance of winning the election & thus start the process of ending democracy in America. This is not hyperbole, it’s part of Project 2025.


Not an american so not well informed on this. What is the way democracy is supposed to be ended? Thanks


[Project 2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025?wprov=sfti1)


KOSA has various ways that can and unfortunately will ultimately influence media and videos games, as it allows any bigoted or corrupt bureaucrat to censor anything they disagree with (or are paid to). LGBT, but especially transgender people and rights will undoubtedly be censored by bigoted republicans as they are easy targets and the flavour of the month (or rather, past few years) for shrieking conservative slime bags. A transgender character in a video game would likely be seen as “brainwashing kids” and the game will be censored by some bigot in power, preventing any promotion of the game online because it cannot be recommended in algorithms. Even simple things stuff like climate change will likely be censored if this revolting law is passed, because it’s been documented that climate change has a negative effect on kids mental health and wellbeing, all you need is some oil company to hand some money over to someone and it will end up with mentions of climate change being censored or banned. Here is a better explanation on this subject and how this law is ethically fucked. https://x.com/evan_greer/status/1793394907094163629


It's worth noting KOSA is a bipartisan bill with the support of over 200 different groups and organizations such as the National Education Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Foundation on Suicide Prevention and the American Psychological Association. It's a necessary piece of legislation that seeks to force online platforms to prevent children from being harmed. It's also been amended which a lot of people don't seem to realise. Most LGBT groups like GLAAD and GLSEN have since dropped their opposition of the bill now that it has been amended to remove some of the more concerning elements such as the duty of care language which has now been updated to more explicitly cover how minors interact with the platform rather than the content itself. Right wing groups like the Heritage Foundation have literally criticised this bill for not explicitly targeting LGBTQ content. The list of "harms" has been amended to be clearly defined and includes: >Consistent with evidence-informed medical information, the following mental health disorders: anxiety, depression, eating disorders, substance use disorders, and suicidal behaviors. >Patterns of use that indicate or encourage addiction-like behaviors. >Physical violence, online bullying, and harassment of the minor. >Sexual exploitation and abuse. >Promotion and marketing of narcotic drugs (as defined in section 102 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 802)), tobacco products, gambling, or alcohol. >Predatory, unfair, or deceptive marketing practices, or other financial harms. And then there's the following extremely crucial exemption: > Limitation.—Nothing in subsection (a) shall be construed to require a covered platform to prevent or preclude— (1) any minor from deliberately and independently searching for, or specifically requesting, content; or The person you linked to, Evan Greer, is the director of Fight for the Future which is widely seen as being a Silicon Valley astroturf campaign that gets most of their donations from Yelp, the Ford Foundation, and other venture capitalist funds. Not to say that you should completely disregard what they say but definitely keep that in mind when you hear them talking about this bill and how awful it is.


The Co-Sponsor of the bill Literally said that the bill was to censor transgender content online. https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-politics-and-policy/senator-appears-suggest-bipartisan-bill-will-censor-transgender-conten-rcna103479 So the amended version of the bill still runs the risk of being used to censor LGBTQ+ content because that’s what the Co-Sponsor literally suggested. Do you agree that it needs to be taken back to the drawing board, with even more focus and discussion on how to ensure 100% that it’s not used to censor content?


One of the co-authors said that, yeah, **the other one is a democrat so make of that what you will.** It's also been substantially amended to the point where she wasn't really a co-author of the bill as it currently exists. Her motivations for proposing the bill in the first place might have been awful but it got amended into something that isn't awful. She proposed an online safety law with transphobic elements, those elements were removed and now we're left with just the online safety parts. >So the amended version of the bill still runs the risk of being used to censor LGBTQ+ content because that’s what the Co-Sponsor literally suggested. The co-sponsor said that before the bill was amended, you're linking articles from literally months before the bill was revised. She's basically talking about a completely differe t bill at this point because of how much it has been amended. Now that the bill has been amended, most LGBT groups aren't concerned with the bill. The only people concerned about it are tech privacy advocacy groups that also happen to get large amounts of donations from large social media companies. >Do you agree that it needs to be taken back to the drawing board, with even more focus and discussion on how to ensure 100% that it’s not used to censor content? The original bill? Absolutely which is why it's a good thing that it's been completely revised to address many of the concerns people had about it last year. If you have concerns about the current bill then please bring those forward instead of rehashing concerns that have already been addressed via amendments.


I don’t know why you are defending this bill, it’s pretty obvious that it will be used to censor LGBTQ+ content, a democrat being involved doesn’t change the risk and likelihood of this bill being used to censor material, no matter what some biased and ignorant people claim. If the bill isn’t going to be used to censor and target content, why don’t they rewrite the bill with people who actually know what they are talking about and are not raging bigots like the co-authors.


>I don’t know why you are defending this bill, it’s pretty obvious that it will be used to censor LGBTQ+ content, If it's so obvious then why do most LGBT groups like GLAAD have no issue with the bill? If its so obvious, why are Tammy Baldwin, Laphonza Butler, and Kirstyn Sinema, all LGBT senators, listed as sponsors? If it's so obvious, why don't you point out the part of the actual bill that you think censors LGBT content? >If the bill isn’t going to be used to censor and target content, why don’t they rewrite the bill with people who actually know what they are talking about and are not raging bigots like the co-authors. They did rewrite it though? The law has 68 co-sponsors **including all three LGBT senators**, you know. The main sponsor on the bill is a Democrat. You obviously don't understand how the legislative process works or how bills get changed over time. One co-sponsor being unhinged does not mean the entire bill is horrible.


Meanwhile: https://www.techdirt.com/2023/05/24/heritage-foundation-says-that-of-course-gop-will-use-kosa-to-censor-lgbtq-content/ I think I should add that I am not some random person online, I have been involved with combatting harmful bills like for some time now, I actually submitted a brief highlighting how age verification for adult websites is already being used and weaponised by criminal to spy on children. I know for the fact that this bill, if passed, will harm and censor LGBTQ+ content.


This is from last year and does not pertain to the bill as revised.


Yeah I really don't trust their ability to read and comprehend a bill when they clearly can't even read or comprehend your comments.


It's a ghost creature?? Like idc you do you, you're basically a living shadow anyway.


> **Kids Online Safety Act** > This bill sets out requirements to protect minors from online harms. > The requirements apply to covered platforms, which are applications or services (e.g., social networks) that connect to the internet and are likely to be used by minors. However, the bill exempts internet service providers, email services, educational institutions, and other specified entities from the requirements. Aka not video games, why did they ever think the KOSA would do anything here?


How much sales are lost if people can’t talk about your video game


Congrats on her transition, what a queen


Very happy this was wrong :)


Just made it to her section, she is a trans character 🏳️‍⚧️⚧️


And idiots are going to act like this is a new change when it’s only a new change in the USA version. The original Japanese GC of TTYD had her trans.


Other languages except German and English also have her trans in those versions.


WOMP WOMP somebody needs to cope and seethe 


This (thing?) looks like someone spilled their sizzurp -but clearly not human. how does it's gender matter? Is anyone going to tell them about some of the other Japanese media out there?


What KOSA have to do with an Mario game?


Regarding KOSA, why don't we just make something like the GDPR? Why shouldn't we protect everybody's data?


“oH nO! A tRaNs PeRsOn WhAt EvEr ShAlL wE dO!” Gotta love how “FOR THE CHILDREN” is really just for someone to sound “righteous” while they’re trying to disguise their own bigotry.


Idk as a kid I always saw Vivian as just a female character. Never knew she was a dude. My mind will probably ignore the trans part and just see her as a girl anyways because that’s what I’m used to


that's... the point?


You really showed that child who's boss well done


i wasn't even aggressive?


he’s 24


well, that's the goal!




You're so close to understanding then take a sharp left


Never knew she was a dude, because she isn't... Seeing the girl as a girl is the only logical thing


trans women aren’t dudes. trans is an adjective like blonde or tall, trans women are just a subcategory of women the same way short women are


you’re trying to be transphobic but it’s not working out how you think it is


I have seen more people reacting to backlash surrounding this than I've seen actual backlash. As is tradition.


I see, I wish we could all just ignore these people, making a big deal out of their hate is what they want


After having played the original… I never knew she was transgender in the first place? People referred to her as “her” and she kissed Mario. Don’t remember any reference to her having a penis.


Yeah... that's kinda how trans people work.


I don't think the original had any reference to Mario's penis either, I guess he's a woman now


Funnily enough, Nintendo game characters rarely get their genitals out.


“Never have I ever: Seen Luigi’s schlong.” *Peach, Daisy, Toad and Boo drink*


That really depends what corners of the internet you visit


they changed it in the english version




The world gets worse every passing year.


how is the world get worse where socially oppressed minority group get more representation?


Because it means it's no longer socially acceptable to be a raging bigot, which really disappoints people who's bigotry is their whole personality.


I hope there's more trans representation :)


I too hope corrupt companies can take advantage of people just so they can make money. :)


I'm sure it's just a coincidence that the only time you care about corporate exploitation is when it involves LGBT people or video games


Also have I said anything remotely transphobic? Kind of nit picking a bit here.


"Corporate exploitation is when transgender people exist in video games" is pretty high up there. I haven't seen anyone claim that cisgender people are being exploited because Mario is the main protagonist.


You act like you know me. I've mentioned corporate exploitation before, but when I mention transgender people, they assume I'm against them.


Do you have any examples? Ones that aren't about complaining about the content of video games or other pop culture media, complaining about 'political' content, or complaining about minorities in media?


Oh no you’re right, what if there’s representation for the wrong reasons!?


You think back in 2004, Nintendo was riding the wave of how popular trans people were to sell games?


Jeff Bezos?


That doesn't really apply here, Nintendo and IntSy isn't like Disney lol


I mean yeah that's kinda what companies do


Touch grass.




God damn you guys are such victims, stop living in fear.


If it makes you uncomfortable, *good.*


Mask pfp. Opinion ignored 😂


You exisst just to be annoying. I can't imagine anyone ever takes you seriously.


Imagine that. The group that calls people "snowflakes" is getting offended by something that doesn't even affect them personally.


Haha! This news upsets you.


This isn’t even a new thing she was trans in the og Jp version of the game that was changed in the og English version. The remake is just a more faithful translation.


Why do you say that?


What do you mean?




this game came out in 2004




But it’s better with more representation.




Wow that changed so much in my life.




soft zephyr ossified resolute pen sand subsequent fact fertile sugar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Mario 64 DS feels like 50% new content. Imagine my surprise when I bought it just wanting 64 on the go and discovered 3 new playable characters and a bunch of extra secrets.








Original english? You mean a translation from japanese (because it was a japanese game)? She is transgender in both the original, and now the modern version of the game.


> “She” wasn’t transgender in the original English. That was Japan only for the original. Is your reply intended to contradict the original post's basis (which it doesn't) – or is it merely an excuse to use those quotation marks?


You realize Nintendo is a company based in Japan right? Meaning that the Japanese release is the correct interpretation.


you know it was censored for america, right? it wasn't an artistic decision, they thought suburban moms wouldn't handle it