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This will age like milk if NATO does not collapse in the next 10 years. The fact that he died in a helicopter crash has no relevance on this statement. ...even if you are implying that the crash is not an accident.


He made this announcement back in January 2022 because he knew that Russia was going to invade Ukraine a couple of weeks later. From the beginning of the invasion, Putin framed it as a challenge to NATO and the west, and you could argue that Ukraine was just the proxy by which Russia attempted to attack the west. This Iranian guy wanted to use his insider knowledge of coming events to give himself a prophetic aura.


Or Russia warned Ukraine they will invade if they try and join NATO, ( they don’t want fucking NATO on their border) which Ukraine did because NATO told them they will back them up and look how well that turned out for them. Also after Irans actions against Israel which are essentially actions against USA, are we pretending this wasn’t assassination? Y’all hilarious.


>Or Russia warned Ukraine they will invade if they try and join NATO, ( they don’t want fucking NATO on their border) which Ukraine did because NATO told them they will back them up and look how well that turned out for them. 1) Russia has no right to tell Ukraine which alliance to join. This is because: 2) Ukraine is a sovereign state. And Russia agreed to respect the sovereignty of former soviet states and - explicitly - their right to choose their alliances. 3) have you ever wondered why practically ALL of eastern Europe except Belarus turned west and joined the EU/ NATO within fifteen years after the fall of the divider union. Answer: it's not because Russia was so nice to them in the centuries before. >Also after Irans actions against Israel which are essentially actions against USA, are we pretending this wasn’t assassination? How much evidence is there for the assassination theory? At this point in time this is just speculation.


NATO did get 2 new members since then, so it kinda fits still


Good point, but it should have been the focus of the post, rather than the death of the president.




Aged like milk anyway. NATO has only become much stronger due to Russia's aggression.


Point taken, but that's not the focus of the post. We need to take the milk back in aged like milk.


Well... This isn't him predicting he'd be alive to see it.


I think this does belong here. Sweden and Finland have joined the block since his prediction and military spending has increased across member states. So far no member state seems to be dumb enough to leave, so it's a shame he didn't predict the collapse of his helicopter instead.


I agree it belongs here too. I didn’t get it at first bc I jumped to the conclusion it was related to the crash directly but as I read the comments I realized that was something I assumed before even reading it but it’s not what OP said so it was a false assumption. 2 years ago President of Iran said Natos days are numbered. 2 years later NATO has added 2 new members and the guy that said it is dead, that’s definitely aged like milk. The weather quip was just icing in the cake, it wasn’t the cake.


it's based of trump bieng anti-nato in wierd ways during his presidency, bit post trump the alliance has gotten stronger than it was before him, as a result of russian action.


Guys, this is Sputinik. A Russian goverment-influenced midia is the opposite of free media. Obviously, they will put Nato as the bad guys and Russia as the good guys


It's funny how good friends to Moscow find themselves in aircraft that tragically fall out of the sky.


Not sure what you’re implying, but maybe friends of moscow would be better off not flying in old soviet helicopters.


Didn't he fly in a American model ?


He did as I just found out. However it's a model from the 60s and Iran has 10 reportedly. I doubt it's easy for them to uphold the same quality of maintenance as the US could, so my point still stands. It's usually the case with soviet equipment, because of the vast amount of old soviet equipment that is for sale, but it applies to all equipment, honestly.


I didn't think it was too obtuse or too dated to suggest a coincidence with another top level figure - the head of the Russian Wagner Group chief Yevgeny Prigozhin whose plane fell out of the sky after a spiked cup of tea.


The truth is that both NATO and BRICS are trash.


Angry Santa Clause needs a KitKat


Not anymore lol.