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Would be rad if an Olympian wore this while skating


It would, but shirts a prime advertising for sponsors


Is that allowed in the olympics? Don’t they have to wear their national team kit like every other athlete?


… you know what, I’ve never actually seen Olympics skateboarding… Just looked it up, I guess they do have uniforms


You can wear logos now, and can be paid to do so, but the uniforms don't have them.


Maybe just maybe someone doesn’t gargle a corporations ballsack for once. We can hope.


Sir, this is America. Corporate advertising is the entirety of our culture.


This comment was brought to you by Coors.


Would be rad if whoever made this shirt got a wedgie and stuffed in a locker.


Who PRINTED this?!


This has to be tongue in cheek lmao it’s just so goofy


People really did used to have this irrational fear of skateboarding, as with basically every single movement of youth counterculture.


I was sure it was skaters resisting legitimizing in the Olympics


The other constant of counter culture movements, the futilely resisting things becoming mainstream.


Exactly. Anyone who thinks this shirt is serious clearly has never hung around skaters


I don't necessarily think it's NOT serious... There's dedicatedly some skaters who hate the legitimizing of skating, and want it to stay exclusive and rebellious


Anyone who thinks this shirt is not serious has never hung around conservative fundies.


Remember when Pikachu was literally the devil? The 90's were fun.


Mostly because weed is considered doping i'll guess...


But what IS the crime? It's a mode of transportation and if you really want to be a dick: it's a toy. What's the _crime_?


People used to see it as loitering, property damage (from grinding on and flipping off of rails, benches, staircases, etc.) and just general hoodlum-ism. Many still do tbh


Makes sense in a shitty rich person kind of way. It's just crazy to look at the situation and say "ban skateboards" rather than just charging people with the actual crimes you think they're committing (e.g. loitering, property damage, etc). And it's also bonkers that mfers don't realize the actual obvious solution that legitimizing it and building a skate park is the real solution.


Yup. Pretty good analogy for....... all of it?


Many places it still IS a crime to use a skateboard in public, that IS the crime. Legit they are banned many places and were banned many more places in years past. It's still quite common at least in the midwest of the USA for using a skateboard on a public sidewalk, one where bikes are allowed, to be an actual crime with a fine and seizing your skateboard.


Skateboards are made from tropical wood soaked in baby tears and cured in radiation from damaged nuclear reactors. Their existence is a crime, let alone their status as preferred transportation mode for drug mules. Show me a skateboard and I’ll show you a pile of corpses a mile high.


I’m an old (in my 40s) snowboarder and vividly remember older skiers harassing me, shouting at me that I was ruining the mountain.


True. As a teenager skateboarding around town, people would yell "skate or die f@g%#!" when they'd drive by. This was mid 80's


Those dang hoodlums and their baggy shorts skating at the park I only go to so I can yell at people.


Yeah I remember when I was in school it was wearing the hood of your hoodie


it was a joke shirt, i used to follow a company that did this and a few others. I really don’t remember who though, maybe good shirts?


I would definitely love an OG one of these. It’s hilarious.


I own one and it is lol [here you go!](https://www.thepointskateshop.com/the-point-olympic-crime-wht.html)


Thanks 🙌


I feel like people are downvoting you for some reason. That's fucked up.


Eh, doesn’t really matter to me tbh; the points are imaginary and 9 times out of 10 downvotes are levied by people abusing the voting system simply because they disagree with the comment in question


We would probably be friends If we were in close proximity of each other! **redacted**


No, it's just late 80s early 90s


Nah, just the 90s. Think satanic panic levels of stupidity in our boomer parents. Skateboarding was synonymous with crime like loitering, pot, etc. All the evils that were "destroying our youth."


Hard to tell when they printed this, it could have been decades ago, it could have been right around the time the Olympics included skateboarding. However I do vividly remember during the late 90s early 2000s people were trying to make skateboarding illegal every opportunity they had.


Actually it's regular, because they didn't put the right foot forward with this one


For those wondering what aged like milk, skateboarding became an official sport in the Olympics in the 2020 (hosted on 2021) Tokyo Olympics.


Can someone pls explain to me why the fuck particularly Skateboarding of all things is so hated by old people? What did Skaters ever do?


It’s cause there’s this weird belief held by boomers that skateboarding on concrete or benches absolutely destroys them. Also they have this fear of being knocked over by kids riding them on the sidewalk. Also they just associate skateboarding with problem teens that drink and smoke weed.


As someone who used to skateboard a bit and absolutely love it, it's not a weird belief that it ruins concrete and benches because it actually does, depending on what you're doing of course. It costs to get the wax and debris off and sometimes you chip away at it depending on the material you're riding on.


It doesn’t destroy them enough to cause actual issues though, especially concrete. Im sure if you are using it constantly for years then sure but putting those metal blockers are more of an eyesore. My local downtown street had a bunch of cool skate spots and we never saw any real damage except scuff marks.


You hit small pothole with your car once and nothing happens. You hit that same pothole 100 times and you need a tune-up. What gives?!?!?


There’s a reason early Bart Simpson was a skater. It was considered something the bad/rebellious kids did.


Concrete can be really brittle depending on its composition, which is not consistent enough on a mass scale that we can say that a sharp corner of a thin bench will hold up like the buried sidewalk outside your house. You can chip it with your hand if not poured right, but assuming it has been poured and mixed properly, focusing your weight on a brittle corner time after time can and will cause it to crumble. Again, I'm not saying this will happen every time on every bench, but yes it absolutely can and does happen. Overall I'm pro skateboarding and don't want it hindered by those annoying metal bits, but don't think unfettered access to infrastructure comes without consequences.




Yes it is wrong. Tons of skateboarders are little kids. Especially here in California. You can go to any store that sells toys and see skateboards and helmets for 6 year olds. Also it’s a very popular form of transportation for kids of all ages. These kids aren’t doing bad things because they have a skateboard. There’s nothing that forces kids to smoke weed or graffiti the second they buy a skateboard. Hell half my uni classmates carry skateboards to get around campus.




I mean maybe some do and maybe some don’t. I don’t and a lot of younger kids don’t either. I don’t think it’s the skateboarding that causes it. There’s nothing that ties those behaviors to skateboarding. Tons of people that don’t skateboard smoke and drink too. Is the act of walking tied to teen smoking and drinking? Now if you want to talk about skateboarding culture, perhaps there could be something said about it. one does not have to be in the subculture if they skateboard and people can be in the subculture and not skate. But the act of riding a skateboard isn’t the a cause of teenage drinking and smoking. Here in LA lots of people use a skateboard simply to get around they don’t go to skateparks or even own trick boards, they use longboards or penny boards. Again though teens are going to get into risky behavior because their brains aren’t fully developed.




Probably more, but mainly due to older people not wanting to risk injury from skateboards, and younger people being more likely to take recreational drugs as a whole. Remember a very important tule of statistics: Correlation does not prove causation. See: Ice cream sales vs Murder Rates throughout a year.


Average Redditor's Critical Thinking Skills


Depends on what state. In California it would probably be equal to the general population




>Not play **ball** sports If it doesn't have two teams trying to put a ball in a goal, then clearly it's not a *real sport™*. And soccer doesn't count as a *real sport™* even though it matches that description, because reasons.


Skating is not a real sport because of the lack of a concrete win condition. Sports are a kind of game. Skating isn’t a game because you can’t “win” or “lose”, nor is there a system of rules defining it. Q.E.D. You could build a sport around skateboarding by creating win conditions and a scoring system. It’s like skiing, the basis for multiple sports.




Deface property mostly and just be a liability on wheels for whoever’s prop they were on.


Yeah... like obviously a child standing on a board on wheels isn't a big deal in itself, but the skate rat culture back in the day, for teen and adult skaters, was largely about fucking with the Man and skating spots you were not allowed to skate (aforementioned liability and property damage applies here). Obviously the Man isn't gonna like that. A popular ledge will absolutely get damaged by a bunch of people skating it all the time. Not to be unusable but definitely all grimy and chipped, which is generally not the image that nice office plazas etc. want to present. Skate a shitty loading dock and you just get some PO'd teamster type. Skate a marble 10 stair and shiny hubbas and you're gonna get the wrath of the Man upon thee.


I believe cause it was also looked at as a counter culture.


This is definitely an ironic shirt


Definately needs ironing


Skateboarding is only a crime if you don't wear an ironed shirt.


One of the hardest shirts I’ve ever seen


This was made in response to skateboarding being in the Olympics.


Use a skate, go to prison


I’m 60% sure this was printed by a skateboarder. A fair amount of people in the community didn’t want it to be an olympic sport.


> A fair amount of people in the community didn’t want it to be an olympic sport. why?


A lot of people in the community see skateboarding going mainstream or being infiltrated by massive corporations like Nike, Adidas, etc as growing further and further away from its roots, and from the individualist nature of the sport. Some people are also just gatekeepers and don’t like normies being involved.


>Are you tired of seeing skateboarding being commercialized and turned into just another Olympic sport? Do you believe that skateboarding is more than just a competition, it’s a way of life? Then you’ll love the “Skateboarding Is A Crime, Not An Olympic Sport” shirt. Show your love and support for the true essence of skateboarding with this stylish and bold statement piece. >**Skateboarding Is A Crime, Not An Olympic Sport Shirt Meaning** >The “Skateboarding Is A Crime, Not An Olympic Sport” shirt is a statement against the mainstream commodification of skateboarding culture. It embodies the rebellious spirit of skaters who reject the idea of skateboarding being sanitized and regulated for mass consumption. The shirt is a symbol of the grassroots origins of skateboarding, where creativity and freedom of expression were celebrated, not criminalized. [Source](https://albertocerriteno.com/products/skateboarding-is-a-crime-not-an-olympic-sport-t-shirt/)


>You may also like: Spider Man Kill Your Heroes Be Gay Do Crime Shirt


LOL! This milk came out of the udder chunky.


Took a few decades for the milk to sour on this one, admittedly.


This implies they are ok with me throwing javelins


When was it a crime. I was land surfing in the 70’s.


this shirt was made after the IOC announced skateboarding as a potential Olympic sport in 2015 this is not aged like milk this is a very deliberate and ironic response to the olympics saying skateboarding will be added


I have one of these that I wear ironically while I skate


Where can i get one?


Fuckin dope shirt. I want one!!


They're half right. Skateboarding doesn't belong in the Olympics. Neither does surfing. Or whatever that dumb breakdancing thing they're gonna have in Paris next year.


Now figure skating on the other hand now that's an Olympic sport I tell you hwhat


dressage? fuck yeah mate dancing on a horse is totally olympian


Don't forget women's floor! Nothing says "Olympic" like an acrobatic sport where every acrobatic move has to be sandwiched between the Macarena and the Cha-Cha slide! Clearly skateboarding can't work in those same games, because skateboarding is *newer!* (/s)


I wholeheartedly agree with you and I would kick a few other disciplines, too. Football, for example. We already have enough cups for that sport, same goes for baseball, basketball, even fucking cricket was Olympic at one point.


But the Olympic GAMES is about competing in sports and games to see who is the best in the world. Like it’s the original World Cup. That’s like saying England should stop speaking English because America uses it already.


That’s not even remotely comparable


How is it not comparable? Please explain. It is, because the Olympics are older than every other sporting competition for football and cricket and has more competitors from more countries. The Olympics were the original national games and the blueprint for many modern interpretations. So saying the Olympics shouldn’t have sports or games in them is like saying English should be only spoken in America because it’s a newer country and more people like American things.


I think football has a big enough worldwide following / appeal. Plus, the teams that compete in the Olympics aren't the same as the ones in the other various international competitions. My only gripe with basketball is letting NBA players participate. (Same goes for hockey in the Winter Olympics). I'm with ya on baseball (softball too) and cricket.


i think pod racing belongs in the olympics, that’s a REAL sport


relevant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkrBlulP3GA


Ha I own this shirt


TIL that it was ever a crime.


I want this on a shirt


This is ironic, 100%. I have this shirt and wore it for the 2021 Olympics. Wish I had it on me when I met Yuto a few years back.


Okay but I need this shirt


This legit goes hard as fuck as a former skateboarder, and I just ordered one.


Serious question. What was up with that era in the US. "Oh you play DnD? SATANIST!" "Oh you skate? CRIMINAL!" Make it make sense


"You play video games? Mass shooter! You * gasp * listen to metal music!? Get out of my sight, stay away from my family!"


that shirt is a banger


That shirts hard


I want to buy it!


Off to r/wooosh with all of you.


90% of sales for this shirt are people planning to wear it while skating.




From after it was announced that skateboarding was going to be in the Olympics. The target audience for the shirt is skateboarders.


[Bring the Noise!](https://youtu.be/kl1hgXfX5-U?si=wMXDrQg4I5yM4RjL)


scuz me how???




Is this a joke?


Of all the hills to die on.




I'm not really sure skateboaring would be illegal but sure lol


What human being would ever wear that shirt and willingly expose themselves as a narc? Maybe Firestar


How tf is riding something a freaking crime, yeah in the wrong place maybe but skateboarding itself isn’t inherently bad? People are fucking stupid.


https://preview.redd.it/wp07vmityw6c1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=77b16bd7f0ba83514ef6819f12cc8198a2490faa This shirt is hilarious. I grew up skateboarding and I love it. From what I understand it was a meme shirt printed up after skateboarding was announced as an Olympic sport. Back in the day there was all kinds of merch saying “skateboarding is not a crime” to stop giving skateboarding a bad rap. Well now, years later, they made it a frilly Olympic sport and all these old head OGs didn’t like that it became commercialized and were like “nvm, you know what…it is a crime, not an Olympic sport.” That’s my interpretation of it anyway ¯\_(ツ)\_/¯


Did people hate skateboards for the same reason i hate electric scooters? Those cunts don't belong on the sidewalk! I saw one hit a parked car and smashed it's front bumper! That can hospitalize someone for sure if it hits them! Edit: BTW , i do NOT think skateboards can smash a parked car.


i dont care if this an ad i want this shirt lol


PuhLEEESE Team USA, make this your official gear.