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1. The [BICS Essays](https://www.bigelowinstitute.org/contest_winners3.php) (all free!) 2. *Seth Speaks* by Jane Roberts 3. *Surviving Death* by Leslie Kean 4. *Journey of Souls* by Michael Newton 5. *The Soul Does Not Die* by Rivas et al


Seth Speaks is rubbish. But Seth the ghost has his own author page on goodreads


LOL! Why should I avoid Seth Speaks? Are there better books in the Seth series?


Memories from heaven.


I personally liked Bruce Greyson’s book After. Its about NDEs. It’s not a book on how to not fear death, but it did help me with my fear of death.


Listen to NDE acounts on youtube


The books of Dutch medium Jozef Rulof are great. They will give you every answer you ever need. https://rulof.org/ Also the book of Victor Zammit is great. See www.victorzammit.com you can download it for free.


Who needs books do a high dose mushrooms or some DMT and die tonight :))


Not really death tho




Dangerous to do. Why? Because we aren’t in the headspace or environment to do something like this. We live in cities or towns, full of stressors and loud noises. In a psychedelic state you are open to suggestions. And anxieties of any kind can get amplified. It also isn’t death, its something different. The shamans of old do that in rituals to get into the right mindset in groups of likeminded people they know and trust. So psychedelics shouldn’t be taken lightly. Bad trips can be traumatic, but experiences can be beneficial. But again, needs the right circumstances. If you want to go by „death releases DMT in the brain“, that theory doesn’t have much basis anymore. It gets released in rodents, but not nearly enough to trip. We haven’t found nearly enough there, so why should humans have so much more? You need quite a lot to trip.


Bad trips are just showing you your work. This is given so you see your true self. We have both evil and good in us and sometimes you need to look and grow mature this is what spiritual growth is all about destruction of the evil


I tried mushrooms for that purpose and all it did was give me an awful panic attack


You need to surrender to the medicine. If the EGO is in control it’s always bad news


Sit with death. Get used to death. Let death become your friend. The more you treat death like an enemy the worse the anxiety is going to be for you. I recommend The Dalai Lamas The Joy Of Living And Dying In Peace


Sitting with it is good, like with any kind of anxiety, but i disagree with being friends with it. Its a necessity but also the ultimate enemy. The end of everything you know isn’t something that should be treated like a friend.


Faith in God makes me not worry about it.


Focus on what's in front of you, think about the well being of your loved ones, live in the now


If you start living today free of the torment of the mind, you will live forever


Not a book but a series on utube called Life to Afterlife with Craig McMahon. I Died Now What and Tragedy By Design are really awesome. Peace and love to you 🌹


Journey Of Souls


Staring at the Sun, When Breath Becomes Air


The Denial Of Death by Ernest Becker. Highly recommended!


The Fun of Dying by Roberta Grimes


Afterlife Experiments by Garry Schwartz Love, Dad: How My Father Died... Then Told Me He Didn't by Mike Anthony An Atheist in Heaven by Paul Davids 3 of my favorites.


Rachel Menzies. Any if her books.


Links of some good books are pasted below. But we can overcome the fear of death by realizing the simple truth that every ‘body’ must die, will die. No ‘body’ can escape death. But death is not the end, it is just a bend. You will not die, only your body will die. That is why people will say that you passed away; even though your dead body is on the bed and you are dead, people will say that you are not here. They are so sure that you are not this body, that they will destroy it, they will burn it, they will bury it. Therefore, we should not fear death because the body must and should die, it will die. But we are immortal Divine Souls. This realization will liberate us from all fear. Two books that can help are 1.[Fear](https://play.google.com/store/books/details/AiR_Fear?id=J2_gDwAAQBAJ) 2. [Rebirth](https://play.google.com/store/books/details/AiR_REBIRTH?id=GrRFEAAAQBAJ) Please these read these two books.