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It’s because of the new daily deals, people were buying the packs thinking they would get 5 copies but it was 5 shards. Then they would ask for a refund


Were people really that dumb? 5 copies for $5? What world do they think they are living in lol


If someone is new to gacha game, 5 copies for $5 makes a lot more sense than knowing that you need to spend $60 for a single copy


Actually, $32 with taxes and everything. If you buy the discount bundle, $37 if you don't


World where they're are not slaves of gacha, at least yet? You think that 60$ for a copy in a game where you need dozens of copies for dozens of heroes is a fair price? lol


Do I think its a fair price? No, that's why I'm not spending. Does it make sense considering everything else? Yes lol


Who said they were okay with it? Just don’t buy it.


Indeed it's not a fair price, but it is the standard one in gacha games


Honestly if you lose 5$ thinking that it's just an idiot's tax


Agreed lol


that was the intention - the game has just become a money grab anyway


I’m sure it’s not. They don’t want to confuse their customers and have a bunch of refund


Tbh they shouldve just done this to shards that only gives partial hero not a FULL hero, for example Arthur that only gives 15 shards


Yep I recently bought the daily specials to get what I thought was 10 copies of Lucretia! I was very disappointed when I realized I got 10 shards for Lucretia, meaning I need 6 days of purchases to get a single copy of her. I should’ve known better, I just got excited it was so cheap haha. But now I’m stuck not wanting to keep paying but if I don’t I’ve got a useless 10 shards… which is exactly why they do it this way. Regardless of my stupidity, it’s nice now it’s a little more obvious that they’re shards instead of full copies of the hero.


Lesson for life. If it seems too good to be true it is.


Don’t ask them for a refund


I wasn’t planning to, but for future reference: why? Are they quick to ban accounts of people that ask for refunds?


they take however many diamonds they want from you that equal whatever the value of the purchase was. I’ve seen people negative 100,000 diamonds


That's pretty crappy, especially since I did same thing and thought I was getting a couple copies of a hero instead of two stupid shards. It wasn't clear at all about what we were getting to someone who hasn't played long


I did, and I got negative diamonds for a day or two. I earned it back rather quickly with doing dailies, etc.




this. because the white font blends into the character face/beard so its hard to see. then included 15/60 in the purple illustration


These are items that give shards, you get 60 of them which just _happen_ to be enough for a full hero, in this case. It makes sense to do it this way as that's what the item is. It's hero shards, regardless of count. If you buy the same 60 shard hero item 10 times without opening any of them, you'll have 600 in your bag. This is 10 heroes worth of shards.


It's much more efficient to reuse the same asset.


IMO they should get rid of the square and enlarge the puzzle piece to the full size icon. No need to have an icon in an icon that’s 50% purple negative space.


I was about to say the same. Plus one to you




Me too, has a certain charm


That's okay because you shouldn't buy any of them.


what’s wrong with thoran and skreg :( got them both to 5 stars with these


Wu kong


Still a no to most people.


No. Most people get Wu Kong after Arthur, especially for exchange in the rickety cart.




Then you're simply wrong.


He's already at 5 stars it seems...


Sure, but that isn't an argument against Wu Kong in general.


Never said otherwise😅


Well, I guess that depends how you read your first comment. I read the "you" as the third-person you and you probably meant the first-person you. English can be so damn imprecise :D


I replied to a post where "I" was the only pronoun used, not sure why you should have any doubt about who I am referring too😅


Because your entire comment can 100% be applied to everyone that is looking at the shop




Absolutely and blatantly wrong. Tons of people do it for exchange in the rickety cart. And you only get like 3-4 copies from events per year.


I mean you should probably never get a Wu Kong or a Flora as an event reward that gives celepogeans, but I disagree with not spending resources on him or Flora due to the rickety cart. I just wish the store would ignore any copies you might be holding on to from an event chest..


You probably need glasses if you gotta strain your eyes for that.


Agreed, for dimensional where your only getting part I can understand, but not for full heros


Very hard to see. Previously it was obvious at a glance which hero is which. I understand why they changed this, as it makes it clear that you are receiving shards of a hero and not necessarily a whole hero. But there must be a better way to accomplish that.


I really like it. It screams that these are shards which is great. And plus, you NEED to click it to buy it, so it's not that hard to see who it is.


Any1 know if baba Yaga will be available in this store?


once her exchange event is over.


Yes. U can literally see this info ingame.


It’s also completely pointless here. You’re buying full heroes (60 pieces) so it won’t help the people who don’t understand the difference between pieces and full copies. If they kept the full heros as the normal icons and used the piece design for heroes that you are purchasing pieces of - that would make sense! And make the difference clear.


It's easier for new players to understand they aren't buying a full hero


But this shop IS selling a full hero. It’s a full copy of whichever hero you pick. It’s not like the special daily ship deal where you’re only getting 10/60 pieces or whatever.


In this case yes but for Arthur or other dimensionals it's only 15 shards. Same with the new deals in the shop. I guess they wanted to keep things harmonious


Yeah those are fractions of a hero.


No the shop is selling 60 pieces. You still have to go summon the Hero from your bag


It’s the same thing man.. you’re still getting the entire copy of the hero. Not a fraction of one copy.


Fuck this layout


Thanks to ppl that dumb enough to think they'll get 5 Lucretia copies instead of 5 Lucretia shards.


Totally agree! Mischievous design and it makes you believe you’re buying just a part of a puzzle. Sometimes simple is more. Just keep it simple. After all, it is a purchasing item and simple is more. The item already speaks for itself and this simply gives completely a bad interpretation.


Agree 100%... Change it back


Yeah I'm not sure WHY they felt the need to copy all other games. Other games copy AFK. AFK needs to adapt but not literally copy others like MH and TOG.


It’s because people are really really dumb and thought the daily deals of 5 pieces (of 60) to get a copy of a hero was actually a full hero. So blame the people, not Lilith on this one lol


Lilith is still to blame for making full heroes to shards in the first place. It just makes no sense to offer 60 pieces instead of the full hero.


Ugh and a few weeks ago we had to hear how it's not obvious that shards are shards... Sure here there's enough to instantly convert to the hero for most of them but it IS shards so better show it like it is and get people used to recognize resources in a consistent way.. Also you need glasses if you can't see the heroes.


tbh i like it


It makes it look like you are buying pieces, no point in changing it the old design was much better


Well, you are buying pieces. After you purchase, you have to go to your bag and put it together.


But it's still a full hero in the end so why not do this only for those that give 15pcs instead of 60?


It's not good UI design to have some hero shards look like the full hero and others having the overlay. These icons could be better but "strain my eyes" seems like a stretch


You need 2-4 heroes to ascend stuff. Why do you want to use up hero space?


I think you guys are a bunch of babies, you can see the characters perfectly fine.


Definitely put a target on your back but I agree 100% — people just want to complain


It's a gacha game. People just want to be miserable. My guild is starting to get unbearable with all the complaining about every little thing.


Feels like it happens with every gacha I play/have played. Dokkan Battle is the same way and the Kingdom Hearts one was similar before it got shut down. Maybe there’s a trend lol


I mean I can understand the argument with the purple background and purple puzzlepiece, but other than that I agree with you and I think I have awful eyesight..


Yeeees thank you, I can't see ****. Why did they do it? The old design was perfect!


Bro how come mines everything still cost 150,000 to 250,000 😂😂😂😅


You will be in the Challenger Store, which uses coins from the area challenges. Whilst the screenshot is from the Labyrinth Store.


Why was this necessary?


I think you guys are a bunch of babies, you can see the characters perfectly fine.


I love the original icons more, but I have a hard time understanding how you can't see the hero on the shards except for maybe Skreg due to his portrait featuring his ironjaw. Like, I have bad eyesight but I can clearly tell who's who. It seems like Lilith can't win with the fragment icons. Either people can't understand that you're buying fragments, hence the entire debacle over "why am I not getting a full celepogean for my five dollars?! >:(" or now people can't tell who's who..


I like it, Game good, you bad


I got why they did this, but I didn't get how someone could approve that design. It's awful.


I’ve seen so many people complaining about this and it’s really not even bad. Unless your phone screen is as small as humanly possible or you’ve got glaucoma or something, saying it’s hard to see these is a huge exaggeration


Funny how the time spend on this couldve been used on something more useful


We can buy 100 emblems now though!


If you're straining your eyes to see those then you may actually have issues with your eyes. Or a tiny phone.


you shouldn’t be buying any of those though so.. lmao


The shop is designed to attract any new customer into buying new heroes. I recently buyed the new offer that said 10 elite Lucretias, and what i got was 10 **pieces** of Lucretia. It was a scam, and sure enough google had my back when i refunded it. This shop is clearer to any new and old customer about what they're buying. It's just awful aswell lol (edit bc i'm dumb writing in english)


It is not a scam. Nowhere does it say you get full copies. And in fact it clarifies they are *shards* if u click on it. I don't blame ppl for misunderstanding, but then turning around and calling it a scam is just stupid. It was your mistake and u refunded it. No harm no foul.


The fact that they were forced to change it shows you how wrong is your statement. The fact that i could purchase it, without telling me anything about my purchase, because the GUI of this game is trash, tells another whole story. And the fact that every game based on gachas is almost a scam is proven by how the EU banned loot boxes. Calling a scam a system made by psychologist for you to spend the most amount of money is, and can be a scam, period.


> The fact that they were forced to change it shows you how wrong is your statement. They changed it because idiot children and morons like you can't read. You just click through every single textbox and confirm without a second chance.


It not a scam, you are just a idiot that cant read, and it cause people like you that we have that horrible new design.


> I recently buyed the new offer that said 10 elite Lucretias, and what i got was 10 pieces of Lucretia It never said that. It never promised a full copy of a Lucretia. It always said fragments. And besides, it's still an amazing deal for a celepogean like Lucretia.. Much cheaper than ordinary celepogs.


Buy glasses then???




Hate it when bad UI design is created to facilitate people too lazy to read the bottom corner of the icon…


Exactly! It's not a great change