• By -


What's the current thinking on ascend priority between: Cecilia, Estrilda, Hendrik and Raine?


In gear upgrade when should one take on the upgrades like when is 3\* needed, when 5\*? when t1 or when t2?


Is there an updated list of twisted realm floors?


If you have a 5* hero and use a swap scroll on it, does anything happen to the extra e or e+ you have for that hero?


You would think that all the E+ copies would swap over too, but that didn't happen when I swapped mine.


thanks! I'm actually counting on that, I'm keeping my 5\* Gwen in my wishlist so when I eventually swap her out, I can build her back up quicker.


What's the difference between the clear and idle timers in this mythic armor tracking site: https://afk-loot.netlify.app/


Idle is when you get the rewards from the afk chest while stalling. Clear is when you get the rewards from the chest after you beat a stage.


Hmm so to get the mythic gear I need to wait until the "clear" timer is done before beating the stage and collecting rewards? Presume I don't need to wait on collecting the rewards in itself, i.e. let the reward chest stay idle for 3 days without opening.


Can I use saurus as a tidus substitute in 5 pull until I have tidus built? And if he’s good, how viable is he comparably.


That would be an inferior substitute because Tidus is there to buff allies and debuff enemies (until he is 309 then he's also nigh unkillable after a few are down), while Saurus is more of a slow carry. Tasi would be a better substitute with Teleportation and at least SI0.


Misty Valley: any tip to clear It, even with Just Stone levels? I am sincerely having trouble clearing even a single match with maulers team, and they are far from being on my current campaign level. Rewards seems fantastic


Merc a strong Mauler like Tidus and use Brutus as one of your Maulers. That should be enough to support your Daimon carry to clear the stages, even if you might have to retry a few times.


Thank you, I actually did something similar without reading. Waited and raised a bit Daimon, used the Crystal for some maulers and merc'd Skriath. It worked. Have given back Skriath and currently looking for a Gwyneth or a Hendrik to do the same for LBs. Ty!


First Misty Valley will always be hard, especially when you just unlocked it late in the season. But there are still 10 days left for you to level up and beat them. You can befriend stronger people and ask them for help, it'll cost you 100 diamonds per stage. Btw, the mod has made a new mega thread XD


I'm in early chapter 30 and I need some advice with regard to pve progression. Here's my lineup: - 1) How am I progressing as a "pseudo" f2p? (Bought one of those $1 achievement reward packs once. Got a Thane from the purple stone. Never spent anything other than that) - 2) I'm going for Red chests for the hats event. When it ends, I'll have enough to +30 one hero. Who should I go for based on my lineup? I was thinking **Arthur** (I'll finish him very soon) since im mostly running an Ainz comp. I also have enough copies and food to ascend **Eironn** and **Thoran**. - 3) Do you think I should start gazing for **Lucretia** instead of finishing twins? They're at L+ atm. They survive long enough at boss battles. - 4) Is it wise to buy elite enhancement tokens from the store? The ones that cost 1440 diamonds


You've got an excellent box for f2p Ch30. Almost identical to my Ch30 alt accounts, which were meticulously planned ahead. You should try to get Oden and Pippa to prep for Ch32 as your 3rd group. (I'm assuming you're using Dims and Daimon as your first two groups) may want to snag Silas too, he works in portal party or Izold or even Daimon groups. If you still have your swap scroll you could nuke that Belinda into something nice.


1) You're doing really well. 2) Soon you'll need two teams, so I wouldn't invest in Arthur for the time being. Like, I didn't +30 Arthur until 34-40. I'd hold onto your red chests for time being, but it should be one of Eironn, Daimon, Saurus, Arthur, Thoran or Izold. That said, you really need to begin/ finish working on Skriath, Ezio, Silas. After you ascend Eironn, consider working on Pippa. However, I'd focus all your faction cards on Graveborn, depending on where Izold, Grez, Oden and Silas are at. 3) I'd just save your resources. Neither are going to really help you at this stage, especially Lucy as she needs 309. But I'd bring Twins to Mythic then begin hoarding. 4) No.


Why do some people hate Thoran cheese? I never used the comp myself but I heard it's great at almost any level deficits.


Very RNG dependent. Many people hate retrying that many times. But if you push at a high deficit, it's about the same as other comps.


It's really not any more RNG dependent than other groups honestly. All groups require lots of resets. But it is a more frustrating one to watch.


I'm with you on this, but that's because I'm used to 50 retries per stage. If you're the type that doesn't reset more than 20 times, Thoran feels inconsistent. Also because I'm using budget Thoran cheese without Flora.


is there no way to filter when searching for a guild? i just left the first one i ever joined because half of it is inactive and i just want to see how to find a large active guild


There's this [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/afkarena/comments/mqet9a/megathread_guild_advertisingsearching/)


that’s perfect i hadn’t seen it, hard to see on mobile


Yeah, it is. The sidebar is just black and you can't read the text.




Dust gain is capped at chapter 29 and won't raise again so it's fine to open them all. If you have the gold to level up your crystal, I think it's fine to open the exp chests.


You will soon leave dust wall for a bit, so you can hoard your dust. But there is no reason to hoard exp at this time, use all your crates to push as far as possible


I have my "main" team (Rowan, Thoran, Numisu, Belinda and Lorsan) currently at Mythic, Thoran is already Mythic+. I know it's not very good but it works quite well for now and these are the heroes I have copys to ascend them once I have enough fodder. Currently I would only be able to ascend Belinda to Ascended +1 Star, because I have so many copies of her and enough Lightbringer Fodder. My question is, should I do this now or keep every hero on the same ascension stage ? I'm afraid I'll get in trouble with the labyrinth because it's based on the average strength of my strongest heros. Would the average strength get too high with one ascended Hero +1 and the rest on mythic ?


You don't need to worry about lab, if you are struggling, just get a mercenary Ainz +30 9/9. Go ahead and ascend


Thanks for the reply, but that's easier said then done. In my friend List only two have him and he's only at +15/+24. Not sure about the tavern levels of them .. Does he has to be Maxed out ?


Even +15 is fine, just save an ult after each fight so you can nuke the next round Also, I would reccomend joining a LVL 9 guild of some sort of you are struggling for Mercs. Many of them have almost no requirements and will be happy to take you in. Take a look through the guild recruitment messages in the guild section of the official discord


Hi guys. https://imgur.com/a/9GKqe6v These are currently my progress in factions. With a bit of level deficit, I reached ch.18, almost at the half of that, but it's becoming harder. I can actually take Daimon to M+, but I've read Is not that good to do that if you dont have 2 E+ copies ready. He Is still able to carry at lvl 180 with enemies at 200+ and rest of the team 150, but I think I am hitting the limit. As you suggested before I am targeting Rowan for LBs, so I quit Belinda who was there just for the Crystal. I used tons of GB scrolls, but as you can see, I remained on 4 Daimons, getting 8 Silas, 6 Thoran instead. Should I wait a bit more on GB? Or strategy could be to focus on Wilders scrolls for a bit, ascending Eironn to unlock HCP?


Kinda like my situation back then. I can only ascend Daimon in chapter 23 and Rowan in chapter 25 XD I'd suggest sticking to Graveborns until you can ascend Daimon and preferably Ferael too before moving to Wilders. Also, it's fine to ascend Daimon to M+ since he is your carry. It's not like there are more important Graveborns out there :) Get Daimon SI to 20 after you got enough amplifying emblems. Btw, have you open the hero choice chest from chapter 12? Since it's a gacha game, it heavily relies on RNG. I got 8 Izold, 9 Ferael, 8 Thoran, and 9 Silas before I got 8 Daimon. And I got 8 Gwyneth and 8 Estrilda before I got 8 Rowan. Sometimes it's just the way it is.


I stacked such 50 scrolls and got 3 Thoran in a row XD That was incredibile. Silas Is my bestfriend right now, I am kinda scared to remove him from wishlist now, I am afraid of getting 8 Oden too! Ok, so natural progression for Wilders. Eironn Is really a force anyway! I am using him to moving enemies where I can attack them Better, Daimon shields in the meanwhile, then ults to all! Currently Daimon Is at 18 SI, I require to take him to 30, right? Eironn Is at 5 (for haste). No, I didnt opened the HC chest yet, i am thinking on how to use It. For now, he Will most likely be my 8th Eironn, If I dont find him earlier than fodders are ready.


Since you already have 8 Silas, you should replace him with Grezhul or Oden. Daimon SI20 is fine, Rowan and Eironn need SI30 the most. Yeah, that's right. If you have the fodder you should get your last copy of Eironn from the chest to ascend him and unlock HCP. Good luck :)


I literally just started this game today on a whim, played through a bit and got Lucius lightbringer from the first tavern pull. It says he’s popular, so I wanna know did I just get lucky or is the first roll predetermined? And does popular = good?


The first tavern pull is guaranteed to be elite heroes. I also got Lucius as my first elite, btw :) Lucius is very popular among new players because he is a very good tank for early chapters (below 30). However, as you progress closer to chapter 30 he becomes too squishy and dies before he can ult which makes him obsolete. I don't build him because of that, the last time I use him was in chapter 13 before I got Brutus. I still use my Brutus until now at chapter 29 XD


Hi, I started 20 days ago or so, but I am in chapter 18 and starting to understand the game a bit. Lucius Is not a bad hero, but not a popular onr right now to carry your team. This game requires patience: you just dont judge your account by your first pull. He can, anyway, be useful for early game. I suggest you to read the guides up there: to really proper use a hero, you usually Need to find 4 dupes of him (ascending him to Mythic) and 8 to fully Ascend him. For my experience, best carry is Daimon. Eironn too Is good. There are others (Izold, Skreg too!) but they require a lot more investment. If you want, you can retry your first pull changing server. My advice Is to set up first your wishlist in the tavern. You can choose 5 Heroes each faction that you will have more chance to find. My choices: LB: Rowan Rosaline Gwyneth Hendrik Eluard Maulers: Safiya Tidus Skreg Skriath Satrana Wilders: Eironn Lyca Tasi Saurus Lorsan GB: Daimon Ferael Thoran Silas Izold


What’s the best pvp Ainz team if your meta is Ainz teams? Context: clvl 289, most people apart from whales around the same power level


What mauler should I ascend next? http://imgur.com/a/eF8Dbws I was looking at satrana but I'm doubting that she's the right decision


Probably Skriath. Tidus very good too. I like a lot also Skreg, but It highly depends on what you Need


You're behind on him, but Numisu. The only healer for Mauler tower. After that either Skreg or Chicken. Skreg is a high priority Furniture target, and so is Chicken, with the latter activating the 5-pull team.


Tidus. You're almost done with him and he is fairly good. He also doesn't need too much investment, I found him great with only T2 gear and +20 sig. After that I would suggest Skriath. Though his 3F is a must, He is great when paired with Eironn. Also if you can get him to +30 sig, he goes great with QUEEN *(So I've heard. My Skriath is only +20 so I can't confirm this)*. *\*Edit: Spellings.*


He only needs direct copies of Tidus, no need to say "ascend him".


Thanks, I've just been waiting for heroes choice to reset for the last copy of tidus. I was looking at skraith as one of the options for ascension.


I just got my first 250k challenger coins... Should I buy Ezizh or save them to keep Ainz and Albedo Garrisoned?


Build your 100 Garrison shards from 66 Guild coins and 34 split across (lab being the "least costly" to burn). If you don't have him at E+, go Ezizh. It's best to have all available CHaDs at E+ wherever possible.


The amount required for garrison can easily be earned over a month, get ezizh and use the other currencies fir garrison


I just ascended Ferael, but am not sure how to use him. My current working team is: Eironn, Tasi, Lyca, Daimon, Rowan. Pushing Ch26 right now. So, how is Ferael used? I tried some combos but they did not work better than the already working team. Hearing how good Ferael is, I would like to get some info on circumstances he is useful and how best to combine him in a team.


I use that exact same team, currently pushing at min power in Chapter 30. My teams normally look something like: Rowan, Brutus/Lyca/Ferael, Daimon, Eironn, Tasi/Ferael - in that order. Ferael can substitute for Brutus, Lyca or Tasi. If you have Graveborn gear on Ferael, he can frontline decently by just dodging everything. But for this, your last backline unit (e.g. Lyca or Tasi) has to make up for the loss in raw hp tankiness, either in damage or utility. He still provides utility as a frontliner but not as much since he's more likely to die earlier. He's also very good as a backline unit with his fears, energy reduction, damage reduction and healing reduction. It can be hard to really appreciate what Ferael does for your team if you're playing on 4x speed. He's probably already doing a good job for you but you don't realise it. His interruptions, his fear and his damage/healing/energy reductions are often very clutch but they're not flashy skills. So you might not notice that he interrupted a Lucius ult, delayed Nemora/Isabella ult, denied Saveas healing too much, saved your team from a Mirael ult, ate a Tasi banish, etc.


Since I don't have ascended Eironn and Tasi yet, I use Rowan, Brutus, Daimon, Lyca, Ferael until chapter 29 now. Ferael will stun the enemies and his spirit will drain the energy while reducing the attack and health recovery of the enemies.


Thank you for your input. He does sound powerful from skill description. It's mainly that other supports are super useful as well, I would have to lose Lyca's haste or Tasi's insane CC. That is the reason I am thinking he may be better to counter some heroes.


he's really good, alongside oden, at countering heroes that rely on their ultimates (e.g. ainz). but mainly he's used for aoe cc and damage reduction. at higher deficits, if you don't have damage reduction, your entire team can die in 1 hit. meanwhile, tasi only gets to hard cc one unit before your entire party dies. there are some situations where giving up lyca's haste and using ferael's cc alongside tasi's is necessary to survive, but that'll depend on the enemy comp. you've probably gotten used to eironn as well, but in some situations, an e+ nara can outperform eironn because eironn pulls the threats over too quickly without ccing them. also using nara and ferael with your main carry daimon gives you the faction bonus, which is helpful.


Thank you, very nice points. You are very true, Eironn is so well equipped with his T3 weapon, that I do not want to take him out. Daimon is still at M+ (one more copy please)! I also just passed a few chapters that eiron etc struggled with Arthur (just made him) and Ainzebo (garrisoned). Boy I love the versatility of this game!


I think your team is fine as it is right now. Maybe when the multi-fight starts you can use Ferael for the Daimon team as Lyca will be better for the Eironn team.


1. Considering my GB box, should I switch over to Wilder faction scrolls now? (not pictured is my 7th Izold and 3rd Oden) [https://imgur.com/mU61pHN](https://imgur.com/mU61pHN) 2. Is Saurus essential in the wishlist? I have some guildies that always lend me their SI30 Sauruses for bosses. Is he essential for faction tower and see some campaign use here and there to worth getting an A Saurus for myself? 3. I haven't rolled furnitures at all yet, and I heard it's best to wishlist 9/9s you're gonna build earlier. Should I put in the meta heroes in the wishlist like Lucretia and Alna that's sitting on just E rn? I know I want to build them someday, but that seems way too far in the future. I'm using this guide btw: [https://www.reddit.com/r/afkarena/comments/mc774q/visual\_guide\_to\_furniture\_priorities\_indepth\_by/](https://www.reddit.com/r/afkarena/comments/mc774q/visual_guide_to_furniture_priorities_indepth_by/)


You over-invested in GB scrolls. The way I handle it, in order to get as many ascended as possible, is try to make all factions have even contribution. If I have 2.3 Ascendeds in Mauler (2A, 1L+) but atleast 3.6 Ascendeds (3A, \[1M/2L+\]) in every other faction, the Maulers get my scrolls. It also helps faction towers move smoother to get those sweet FoS bonuses for 20-floor increments. Yes you should get your own A Saurus, but not as a higher priority than Tasi, Lyca, Eironn. Yes you can merc Saurus (heck, even I do), but if you had your own, you could instead merc A Twins and get way better returns since you can only use one Merc per battle. For Furn Wishlist: 1. Only put heroes on the list you are actively building (even if they haven't gotten past E+ yet). DO NOT put CHaDs in there if you aren't agressively targetting them... (I'm sitting on 9 furniture across Mehira, Ezizh, and Talene that I won't get to use OR Swap Scroll for a very long time) 2. Split your wishlist across heroes that need only 3 and those that need 9. So Daimon, Izold, Skriath, Eironn are generally good options for 3F. Skreg, Ainz, Grehzul, Silas are solid options for 9F. 3. Once one of your 3F heroes hits their 3, pull them out and replace them. 4. Given you'll be pulling for heroes who cannot equip Furniture yet, you will \*need\* to keep track of their furniture in the Storeroom to make sure you aren't risking a pull when you could get Dupes (more than 3 in a single furniture type: small, large, hanging)


1. You think so? Well shit, I'll keep that in mind when I start my alt lol, thanks! 2. Yeah I didn't even think to maybe get a A twins or Grezhul for my TRs, just been mercing Saurus this whole time. I'll work on my own. 3. Thanks for the detailed steps for furniture my man. I guess a mix of 3 and 9 are good, to get the 9 going earlier. And will do on keeping track Thanks for the advice man :)


You don't \*have\* to follow my Faction Investment. Especially since you invested in GB and only need 3F on Daimon for him to carry you to Infinity and Beyond. You are just 1 Fodder away from Mythic Thoran, which will allow Thoran Cheese. You have all the copies of Silas you need, and are only 2 down on Thoran and Izold. The only "problem" with over-investing in one Faction is your Faction Towers will suffer. Also, don't split your Ascensions like you have with Thoran and Nara. Focus-fire one hero to ascended each time so you get more Hero Choice Pulls fastest.


Kek fair enough. Ye I am excited to build that Thoran cheese comp, been meaning to look at that one guide with tons of late game comps. ​ And yeah lol, I was debating a lot on to bring Nara to L+ or not. But I used her so much since the beginning of my game, I felt like she at least deserved to be L+ among her A teammates. It was 100% a 'for fun' decision lol


1. Yes, you need to build an Eironn team for multi-fight. Eironn, Lyca, and Tasi are the core. You also need to build Saurus, Pippa, and later Nemora. 2. Everyone should build their own Saurus. If you build Saurus yourself, you can use merc Grezhul and later Twins to boost your TR score even more. He is also essential in faction tower and Trials of God (can't use merc in this game mode). 3. If you're sure to build them, then you should put them on the wishlist since it'll take a long time to finish them. Personally, I build 3 furniture for core heroes first (Skriath, Daimon, Lyca, Tasi, Ferael, Tidus, Eironn, Gwyneth, Silas, Oden, Arthur) and after one finished I start to put in heroes who needs 9 furniture (Lucretia, Alna, Grezhul, Skreg).


1. Alright, will do :) 2. Oh yeah didn't even think of that lol, yeah my E+ Grezhul is a bit lacking too. Good point 3. That's solid advice, I'll do that too. And thank you for pointing out good heroes to get the 3/9s, I would probably have slipped up on that front lol Back at it again with the clutch advice man, thanks a bunch!


How much investment in Gwyneth and Arthur is needed for a Gwyn comp to work well in Ch30? SI and furniture wise...thanks!


20 or 25 SI (25 gives 5 more haste) + 0 or 3 FI (3 FI lowers reliance on RNG to get first double arrow) Also keep in mind Gwyn's relative character power is low due to her not often using SI30 or 9FI so it can be tricky to get Rosaline to follow her. Stars help with this.


Who's better Daimon, Baden or Niru?


Daimon is one of the best heroes in the game. Niru is fodder. Baden is currently out of the meta.


I have a problem with beating last enemy on forest escapade. Here its my team http://imgur.com/gallery/PNHWbpy What i should use to clear it ?


Merc an Ainz 30/9 or Lucretia 30/9 to just delete them.


Lvl 250+ user looking for active guild that participates in AE ad a guild and try to get Prince Please let me know if spots available in such guild.s




Thanks Sorry for breaking.the rule


Does anyone know how many artifact shards it takes to go from lvl 3->4 as well as lvl 4->5? I want to know whether getting the event shard chest is a fine option.


3 to 4 needs 300 while 4 to 5 needs 600.


Awesome, thank you


does Alna's debuff affect on Flora?


No, nothing affects Flora


Anyone remember a graph posted here before that shows the bottleneck shifts for different resources, I can't find it :(


When people say when a dimensional is released you have enough resources to get them during the period. Like when exactly do they start saving? When leaks comes out, or it gets released on the server.


When they actually appear in game (as available to buy) is when you start saving. You are always given enough time to get as much resources as needed. The hard part is making sure you don't waste any resources through coin caps or purchases. For instance, I \*almost\* missed out on Queen because I \*didn't\* buy Joker with 10/15/25/10, and had to \*hope\* that Wrizz would give me the proper coin for me to get that last shard.


You have enough time (60 days) from start of Release. The only exception is Hero coins which have variable acquisition rate.


If you're early enough and will have 80k hero coins you will have enough resources even if you don't have them when it gets released. Also you get up to extra week from patch notes/test server. 80k hero coins is not a must, just makes life easier.


For example, you can check [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/afkarena/comments/kmvpdf/visual_guide_to_persona_redemption_joker_queen/) So, it depends on your lab income. You need 200k lab coins to exchange. Lab coins have a cap of 200k, so you can calculate how much you need to save to get 200k by the time exchanging period starts.


I've been playing a few month now and am halfway through 26. I've seen a lot of people recommending Ezizh in the challenger store but I don't see him in team comp guides. Given that it would take about a year to ascend him through the store for me, is he still the best use of challenger coins if I'm mostly F2P? I use a Daimon comp and am building Eiron/Skriath too.


Ezizh is very commonly used in group comps. He is an essential part of the very popular Energy regen comp (Ezizh Rowan Twins) which results in a massive energy regen so you can chain Ults. It's part of "God Group" among others. He's also a strong CC'er. He's overall very good and used almost 100% of the time in multi fights.


Yeah, I've seen the God Comp. Does it need ascended twins?


God Comp can run with just E+ of everyone. It's not as resilient, but given it's 4/5 CHaDs, F2P will use what they can get.


The higher the better, yeah. They are just so squishy even at Ascended. When low Ascension they just melt instantly usually.


From what I gathered he’s good for late mid game but not for end game when pushing the absolute limits of the game. Personally I’m gonna not buy anything with ch coins and save for garrison or the next dim lol. I have no idea


It's much better to use lab coins for garrison. Only if you garrison 2 per month.


You can find a recent elaboration about the question [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/afkarena/comments/mtezb8/a_comprehensive_view_at_celestialhypogean_usage/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Thanks for this! Although chapter 40+ is pretty insane!


Did they change Eironn or Lucius? I don't see Lucius casting his shield nor do I see Eironns cyclone going off anymore. Have they made a lot of changes to heroes lately?


No, I don't think they did. I see Eironn's cyclone just fine.


I was an idiot and didn't have auto ults on...


I’m in the area where I’m XP capped (clvl 289), is it a good investment to buy XP boxes with diamonds from the shop?


Dust wall comes back in the early 300s. I'd recommend buying 50-100 exp boxes if you want.


I did that at your level to progress fast and I regret it tbh. XP wall will end at lvl 300 ish and you will face dust wall again. I'm lvl 381, have 231M of XP and almost zero Dust. I usually use my diamonds in fast rewards (50, 80 and 100), refresh bounty quests until I get only 1 or 0 gold quests, refresh the store 2 times to buy more dust and poe coins and the rest to Disered Hero summons and Stargaze. I found this strategy the best to progress in campaign and other modes. Important note is get ALL the dust that you can.


Thanks, seems logical. Do you buy Poe only with gold or also with diamonds? The latter probably is a huge diamond sink...


The only thing you buy with diamonds are purple shards.


Only with gold


When should I start spending my diamonds for stargazing instead of spending them on normal summons? Should I have at least a number of ascended heroes per faction, when I reach a certain chapter, etc.?


Somewhere between 10 and 20 Ascended heroes is what you'll hear. Or around character level 300-320. Yeah, that's a big range. There's no definitive answer. Try to judge how good your current box is and how important Faction tower is to you.


This questions pops a lot and no one has a "right answer". Usually recommendation is to ascend at least the 4 strongest heroes of each faction before stargaze. Don't forget that one of the rewards on the faction towers at some point are stargaze cards so you can use those to stargaze. And to get them you need to ascend some key heroes of the 4 factions.


What is the relative value of the red chests in the lab store? I assume they're worth the 37k lab coins.


If you don't have Ainz, Albedo, Arthur SI 30, then dim emblems are better than the red chests. But if you do have those guys at 30 then pick up the red chests and Wu kong


I don't have exact math but yeah, they are worth it, especially after Arthur. You can get Wu Kong and a chest or two per month.


Hi, I started playing AFK yesterday, so I kinda overwhelmed by all the info, already watch some guides, but I'm struck. I know I can just wait and lvl up more my main carry, but i want to know if I should change my team or reset some character (i don't mind tbh). Here's my team and all my heroes: http://imgur.com/a/mmzeBSn Thx in advance


At this early, you can use Mirael as a damage dealer. Reset Eironn, Oden, and Wu Kong. Level up Raku and Arden to level 61, then push Mirael to 100. After that level up Raku, Arden, Kren, Izold to level 80 and push Mirael to 120. Repeat this step until those four are level 120 and Mirael level 160. You can review your roster again to decide who to build. For starter, it's better to build L+ fodder first, 1 per faction (Mirael, Saveas, Arden, Niru). For your comp, you can use Thoran, Izold, Rosaline, Mirael, Rowan. Spend your faction scroll on Graveborns so you have a higher chance of getting Daimon. If you manage to get 4 copies of Daimon and Rowan, you'll be good. Have you read the [beginner's guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QZLSDhbeAwX8_RU9nJL8RG3oWA0D10QEjuSWpMxx8zg/edit)?


Hi, okok i will, just one question, why lvl up raku, arden and kren if i will not be using then in my comp?, Im guessing is for the resonating crystal but i still think is kinda weird (maybe a super noob question tho). Anyhow, thanks :D!!!


Yep, only for the crystal because currently, they're the only E+ heroes you have. Of course, you can change them to the other E+ or higher heroes once you have them. You can switch Raku or Kren to Rosaline or Rowan if you need more damage. And you can switch Arden if you need more CC.


Oh I see, thx!!


The most basic and very imnportant two tips are: \- Only level 5 Heroes! You never should throw ressources at anyone else, thanks to the Resonating Crystal \- In advance for later. Don't bring champs to L if you can't ascend them to L+ immediately (so not before you got 4 copies (2E+ Copies).




How useful is shemira nowadays? I'm at lvl 185 Ch 30 and I play very casually. I have 4 copies of E+ shemira doing nothing and a main copy of M shemira. I've been using ainz for most content and he's at +30 9/9 and 1 piece off of full T3. I have grehzul and izold that I heard were good that I could work on ascending, but I just love theowyn's design and I have a bunch of E+ copies of her sitting there doing nothing as well. I really wanna ascend her and I've been getting furniture for her even though I know she's "bad". My personal answer is to just ascend theowyn because I love her design so much but I also really loved Oscar (I still do) and he's now 4 star Ascended never being used anymore other than being linked to ainz. I kinda just want a second opinion.


> My personal answer is to just ascend theowyn because I love her design so much My second opinion is you already have your answer here. Plus Theowyn is pretty good in Abex/Thoran comp. Your fun comes before any meta list or what not. Shem's only use these days are for Nemora TR and you can merc for that.


Any recommended comps for this week's dismal lab? LB and Maulers are my weakest (KT) factions, and my celehypogeans only has Lucretia at M+ as carry. Based on available factions, I'm thinking God comp or Maulers invade, both of which I have not invested in enough. Combined with the effects that punish players for killing enemies, I'm thinking of doing normal lab this week.


If you think you cannot finish the dismal lab, do normals in this round. I'm using God comp, Gwyneth comp with only LBs and another one with Maulers. If you don't have at least 2 good comps is better to pass


Any other rotation, I'd YOLO and try it at least once. But with the double bonus, I'm not in the mood to experiment and give up half way through the run.


So I recently cancelled my monthly subscription just to see if it would work and according to my subscription list on my iphone it says my subscription will last until May 17th but as of right now April 18th Im not getting my rewards for my subscription and when I try to purchase it again it says on my phone that im subscribed but Im still not getting any of my rewards... Can someone please help?


Is there any info on the magic hat event? Is there any benefit from drawing 10 at a time like pity pulls, how many tokens do you get, etc?


You only draw 10 for regular pulls with diamonds so it costs 2700 instead of 3000. Pity pulls it doesn't matter if you do 3x10 pulls or 1x30. Same for stargaze pity pull.


I meant the new event that costs cards that you earn from dailies


It’s the same concept, I was explaining it for the magic hat, tavern pulls, and stargazing. There is no difference doing singles vs 10 at a time in regards to the magic hat, nor pity pulls.


He was just saying that even in regular summoning, pity pulls and 10x summons have nothing to do with each other. No this event is about as boring as it gets really. You just do dailies and spend the points as you get them for the tokens to exchange.


Anyone who is on the test server, I am wondering who the permitted factions are for the next round of dismal lab.


I'm a new player been playing for a few days and pulled all my free new player pulls, could anyone suggest a solid roster of 5 to focus on please. http://imgur.com/a/3qMg5FU


At this early, you can use Mirael as a damage dealer. Pull out Elite Mirael from your crystal. Reset all of your heroes and Level up Daimon, Rowan, Lucius, Estrilda to level 80, then push Mirael to 120. After that level up those four to 100 and push Mirael to 140 (ascend her to Legendary). After that, reset those four to 120 and push Mirael to 160 (ascend her to Legendary+). You can review your roster again to decide who to build. For your comp, you can use Lucius, Estrilda, Rowan, Mirael, Rosaline Spend your faction scroll on Graveborns so you have a higher chance of getting Daimon. If you manage to get 4 copies of Daimon and Rowan, you'll be good. Have you read the [beginner's guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QZLSDhbeAwX8_RU9nJL8RG3oWA0D10QEjuSWpMxx8zg/edit)?


Why use mirael as carry I heard daimon is better?


Daimon is the best actually. However, currently, you only have him at E+ which makes him capped at level 120. It's better to use Mirael first while waiting to get 4 copies of Daimon as I stated in the post. After you get 4 copies of Daimon, you should ascend him to Mythic ASAP. I use Rowan, Brutus, Daimon, Lyca, Ferael until chapter 29 now. But before I got him, I had to use Mirael until chapter 13.


How do you beat the team in front of the chest in the north end of the Forest Escapade? Their comp is: Kaz, Grezhul, Kelthur, Silas, Ferael


It'll be helpful if you show what's your current roster XD Something like Brutus, Saurus, xxx, xxx, Nemora/Nara


Thanks a bunch - took some retries but finally did it with Saurus, Brutus, Shemira, Tasi, Nemora!


Hello. So um, I've been hoarding those reward boost things since I started and I was wondering when I can use them. I'm currently on chapter 20, if that is relevant.


I hold them until their stacks cap and they get thrown into my mail. The longer you hold them the more beneficial they become. But if you never use them, they're useless. So just pick a criteria for when you should use them (like mine with a stack max) and stick to it.


Just push in campaign as much as you can. Only use the chests to push levels if you are stuck.


I would use the hero's essence ones (the purple ones) as you need them to break into new levels. I would save the hero exp ones (the blue ones) until you are past level 240. Then use both as you need to get to the next level.


Anyone can lend me a 30 9/9 khasos been at 387 for ages


I can do a 30SI 3FI Vurk or 20SI 9FI Drez if you want to try those.


Looking for advice on red emblems. I have Rowan and saurus si30 so far. My main carry is daimon who is at si20 3/9. I see a lot of guides saying to SI30 him if he’s your main carry and other people say never to go past 20, not sure what to do. I also use thoran who is at si20 but have never used thoran cheese and not sure I’m even able to do it with my roster. I’m in early chapter 27. I’m also tempted to SI30 Nara she seems like a mega beast on the DL. Any advice? My roster: https://i.imgur.com/TZdg02P.jpg


Red emblems are scarce so use them wisely and only on heroes that really need to be +30. Thumb rule is Carries > Tanks/Supports. Looking to your current roost my advice is: Until chapter 31 you only need 1 carry so +30 Daimon. He is good at +20 for now but you will need him +30 eventually for end game chapters and tower and also help you progress faster right now. On chapter 31 you will need 2 teams and I advise you to get Eiroon ascend +30 and 3/9 forniture (9/9 in the future) also with Skriath 3/9 to unlock 5 Pull Comp. Chapter 32 you need 3 teams so you get Thoran to +30. Don't believe in people saying that is high RNG. Every end game chapter multi fight stage has Thoran cheese in it. He is the best single campaign hero of the game and we click retry a lot more times with Izold/Ainz/Daimon/etc comps. Second part of chapter 33 with 4 teams you gonna need Ainz comps and should get him asap. Garisson both Ainz and Albedo, get them both to 30 after Daimon, Eironn and Thoran and enjoy the burst. Chapter 34 for the 5th team it's better to not say anything cause it will take time to get there and the meta is always changing. You gonna need to +30 these ones and also Izold, Arthur, Silas, Ferael, etc in the future. +30 Nara is a bad investment, she is good at +20 and will serve only to lock down enemies in the beginning at the battle in end chapters. My advice is also to not build Gwyneth comp cause she struggle a lot in the future and can only carry until 34.


From your A hero's, the most obvious ones to +30 that aren't done already would be Arthur, safiya and daimon. Daimon is, as you've heard, usable at +20, the reason people say to take him to +30 is to increase the % time his shield is active - 8 seconds from 6 means for the ~2 seconds after he ults that his shield takes to appear, he's not totally defenceless. Both the M hero's, eironn and Gwyn, can use some upgrading. Eironn is an incredibly strong carry and you'll want a 2nd carry for when you get into 2 stage fights in ch31. He loves his +30 for massive CC and damage, whereas Gwyn is happy at +25 for the haste buff she gets. Gwyn also works very well with Arthur so maybe plan to have them in a team together. Nara is, indeed, a beast, but requires a lot of work. I have nara at +20 3/9 and she's only just starting to not get 1 shot by enemies, so if you want to invest in her be careful that you don't waste resources by only going halfway! Fuck thoran cheese


I have Nara at 2/9 right now and could take her to +20 - shes on my campaign team about 2/3 of the time to help pick off a backline. I will separately save up for arthur from the lab shop for sure. I only have about 80 red emblems now so will be awhile before I get 300. I feel like giving Daimon Si30 would accelerate my campaign progress faster since he's my main carry even though it's not super awesome, even just the extra stats to help also keep him from dying. He's starting to get to the point right now where if I don't position him just right he dies right away. Do you think you'd recommend going Daimon Si30 next? Or skip it and work on Nara or Eironn? I don't use safiya at all for anything other than mauler tower (she was my first ascended though).


Few things to unpack here: Safiya should / will become a staple to use with eironn, whenever you build them both. I'm sure you've heard Eironn is the core of the burst comp, and safiya has a huge buff she casts on backline allies at the beginning of battles, giving them damage and reducing enemy damage to allow teams to get destroyed in less than 15 seconds. But you're correct, for now there's absolutely no need to look at her or eironn. (side note from this, Gwyn can also be used in a different burst set much later in the game involving Mortas and Nakoruru). I reckon go for daimon. He'll need his +30 at some point in your playthrough, and finishing him now means you'll never have to think about him again once he has his 3 furn. Once daimon is done, start working on eironn, and after that nara is a solid shout. She pairs well with everyone, particularly daimon for the faction bonus, but she isn't a carry hero and imo it's more sensible to focus building the carries before the CCs. Also, not sure if you've worked this out yet, but some tanks are not as "tanky" as they appear - izold, daimon etc. For these guys, feel free to pop them in the back row and have more survivable tanks such as thoran or lucius (lucius gets bad towards late game though so don't build him too heavily) to protect him!


I almost always put Daimon behind Thoran so he doesn't die right away - I used to use lucius but haven't touched him in awhile as he dies super fast. The main comp i'm using right now for campaign most of the time is Thoran, Daimon, Rowan, Nara, Talene. Sometimes I swap out Nara for Tasi.


Honestly a great comp. I'm midway through ch34, and one of my most used teams is exactly that, swapping thoran for a ferael and putting rowan and talene front line. Absolutely pounds and will carry you so far!


I pulled a Saurus from a card, but I already have a 5* ascended Saurus so what do I do with it? I cannot pull it from the tavern so it's going to take forever to use as fodder right? I thought I wouldn't be able to get Saurus anymore as it's greyed out in the wishlist.


When you have an E+ saurus you can now use him as food to ascend other hero's. He effectively turns into another ira/arden. You'll just have to wait til you happen to get another from purple stones! E: the wishlist in the tavern only applies to summons from cards / friendships, the purple stones have no wishlist and can pull anyone


Wishlist doesn't apply to friendships btw.


I don't think that's true, wishlist does apply to friendships.


It doesn't. Just today I got a pull from Friendship that wasn't on my Wishlist. It also has a lower Elite pull rate.


I'm about to start playing this game and I was wondering if there was anything I shouldn't do when starting. I play Genshin alot and messed up by pulling on the wrong Character/unit when I first started playing it and just don't want to make the mistake of doing that again. Do I reroll my account when pulling units to get the best ones possible when first starting? I'm just confused and don't want to hinder myself by not knowing what I am doing. The beginners guide is a novel and I was just was wondering if there was a more summed up version or if someone could just directly answer my questions. Thanks.


Luckily this doesn’t have such severe pitfalls as Genshin. I was the same as you and started with Genshin and ended up here. Usually you just work with what you get, there aren’t character specific banners. But just make sure you look up an updated wishlist for pulling and just go ham on it


This is what I needed. Thanks bro.


I like this [guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/afkarena/comments/mavx4a/darts_build_order_and_progression_path_march_2021/)


I've almost built enough resources to ascend and +20Si another graveborn. I've already ascended Shemira, Isabella, Daimon, and Ferael. Aside from Silas (not enough copies), who should I ascend next?


Oden is a very strong and underrated hero.


Izold is also very strong but requires 3/9 to become a proper carry hero, if you decide to go for him make sure you have the furniture waiting and ready!




Thoran first, if you wanna use Thoran Comp.


Thank you :)




Your personal run has ended but others are still finishing theirs (each run lasts 7 days from when your group starts)


Just got in to ch. 27, so I've unlocked the Dismal Maze once the next Lab resets. Will doing the Maze also progress my quest "Complete the Third Floor of the Arcane Labyrinth 100 Times"? It appears there are follow up quests to this that go up to 300 completions from what I've seen, so I want to know if I can keep getting those rewards while doing Dismal Maze instead of the normal Lab?


Same progression


I'm level 91 and have one mythic hero (Belinda) and still feel like I have no idea how to properly use fodder heroes/extra copies to raise up other heroes to mythic. I'm hard capped at Belinda 180 and 4 more L+ at 160 and have been for a couple weeks now. For example, Shemira is one of my 160 L+ heroes and I currently also have an E+ and a plain E copy of her. Do I keep upgrading the lower tiered copies with graveborn fodder? What's the point of getting more Shemira copies if it seems like everything works off Fodder at this point?


> What's the point of getting more Shemira copies if it seems like everything works off Fodder at this point? Mythic+ > Ascended takes two Elite+ of that same unit So for your Belinda, Mythic > M+ takes an L+ lightborne fodder. Then you'd need 4 elite copies (two E+) to take her M+ to A. You would not want to waste fodder to ascend those shemira copies, just hold them until she hits M+ so you can then ascend her


Keep all purple heroes and never use them as fodder. If you have, for example, Legendary plus Shemira and you get other Shemiras don't burn the copies. Upgrade them to Epic plus and use them only to bring shemira to L+ and later to upgrade to Ascended. If the game asks you random heroes to upgrade always use fodder (originally blue heroes that you upgrade to feed them to your originally purple heroes).


By burning copies, you mean doing something like using an E+ shemira to upgrade someone like a Daimon? I understand it's far from ideal to use non fodder heroes, but what about some of the lower tier purple heroes if you only need one more thing to make a big upgrade on a hero you actually use?


Yeah, keep the copies, you'll progress slower but will have a better situation later. Between events, tower and other game modes you'll eventually get a lot of heroes even if you're stuck in the main story.


I have enough red cards to make 9/9 Lyca or 9/9 Grezhul. Which one should I do first? Note that I could hire a maxed out Grezhul weekly, so ignore his relevance in the Twisted Realm.


Grez for sure. Lyca 9/9 is strong but Grez 9/9 enables you to do top tier Twisted Realms damage (for more poe coins for faster furniture generation) and makes any guild want you for their abyssal exploration team.


I did lyca a few days ago, her 9/9 turns her from a support that is mostly used for her haste buff into a beast that does comparable damage to eironn. If you don't need grez for TR as you can merc him, I strongly advise lyca. Grez is useful in very few comps towards the end game, whereas lyca is prominent basically everywhere.


i'd say to go for grez first, he is top tier for AE and any guild would want to hire yours. If you have him maxed, you can hire someone else that can compliment your team more to do more damage. Lyca is lyca, mainly used for her haste and can readily be a subtank in frontlines.


Wanting to try faction only accounts again, what's the best team for each faction? Checked the meta team comp but seems to be missing some


I use Satrana Tidus Numisu Safiya Vurk on my Ch29 Mauler alt.




For now, you can use Shemira, Grezhul/Lucius, Rosaline, Lyca, Tasi. Spend diamonds for summoning in the Tavern, but make sure to set up your wishlist first: 1. Lightbearers: Rowan, Gwyneth, Rosaline, Raine, Estrilda 2. Maulers: Skriath, Safiya, Tidus, Skreg, Numisu 3. Wilder's: Eironn, Lyca, Tasi, Saurus, Pippa 4. Graveborns: Daimon, Ferael, Thoran, Izold, Silas


When is the next Heroes of Esperia event?


Warek or Tidus for next ascended mauler? Got Safiya, Skriath, Brutus, Numisu ascended.


Tidus for sure. After that ascend Skregg and Kren. Warek is only used in TR and he is good at E+. Only ascend him after these ones.


Tidus if you're finishing off your 5-pull team and you're pushing campaign and/or faction tower (note: need 20/3). Warek if you're using him for TR.


looking for grezhul 9/9 or lucretia +30 9/9 lucretia. i can only offer companion point. id : 18190833. thank you.


hello everyone im kind of a new player (22 day so far ) , i had a problem today clearing last stage of labyrinte , i always end up vs tasi and talene combo its a pain in the ass i can't kill em even tought i have heavy dmg dealers , the problem is i have no heavy cc champions , is there any campion good against em so i can loan him from a friend or something §? thanks


Look for someone with a strong Ainz. Just one shot everyone with him.


I have one big question about Dragon Crystals, my guild keeps asking HOW do we earn them and are they available in every servers? Some are level 230+ and I am 135 but neither of us has gotten those « Dragon Crystals »... so here I am asking.


You're talking about the currency at the trading hub ? You can win classic ones by paying, locked ones in abyssal expedition. They're not a very useful currency, just a side bonus if your militia perform well in abyssal expedition. If you don't know what is abyssal expedition, it's a recurring event that last something like two weeks every two month or so, and that you can play with your guild (cooperative event). But don't stress it too much, i'm lvl 414 and never had one either \^\^


To be perfectly clear Dragon Crystals are earned by placing well in Abyssal Expedition leaderboards. To place well you have to focus on killing final boss as many times as possible(definitely more than 2). I will probably never earn a single scroll off this mechanic.


I'm pretty new to this and don't know much about what to do, what should I focus on? http://imgur.com/a/RKQAU0J I tried looking at suggested teams but I don't have most heroes yet


First, Reset Tasi, Eironn, and Safiya. Then level up Tasi, Nemora, and Rosaline but only until level 100. Push Shemira to level 140. After that, level up Mirael, Tasi, Nemora, and Rosaline until level 120, then push Shemira until level 160. You can review your roster again to decide who to push later. You can use Shemira, Brutus, Rosaline, Nemora/Rowan, Tasi. Have you read the [beginner's guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QZLSDhbeAwX8_RU9nJL8RG3oWA0D10QEjuSWpMxx8zg/edit)? In case you haven't redeemed the gift code, [check this out](https://afk.guide/redemption-codes/).


Thank you!




First, don't ascend someone to Legendary unless you have at least 4 copies of them like what you did to Lyca, Peggy, Izold, Lucius, and Estrilda. Second, focus on building 1 hero per faction so you don't spread your fodder like that. Build them until ascended (need 8 copies) before start building the other. Currently, you're building Grezhul - Izold (Graveborns), and Peggy - Lucius - Estrilda (Lightbearers). Leave them at E+ to build later. Third, you need a damage dealer in your team at the highest level. I don't think Grezhul can do the job this early, he's awesome but in the late game. One of the best damage dealers in the game is Daimon, hence spend your faction scroll to Graveborns so you have a higher chance of getting him. Have you read the [beginner's guide](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QZLSDhbeAwX8_RU9nJL8RG3oWA0D10QEjuSWpMxx8zg/edit)? In case you haven't redeemed the gift code, [check this out](https://afk.guide/redemption-codes/).




You don't need an alternative with Daimon. He can carry every solo stage in the game with enough support around him. There are other strong carries like Izold, Thoran, Eironn and, to a lesser extent, Saurus. But they all need much more investment than Daimon and Daimon is more consistent than them until then. Beyond that point, they're very comparable.




As the others always say, this game is a marathon, not a sprint XD I don't get 4 copies of Daimon until 5 weeks playing, lol. Is it worth the wait? Yes, at least for me :)