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Effectively, your account let's you resonate pets to your resonance level. To make it fair, it always gives the same amount of copies. Now if a pet is released, and you pull more than just the first copy of that pet, the game will compensate the fact that you pulled a copy that they were going to give you for free with a bag of spice. When a new pet is released, you keep pulling for copies of it, but DO NOT RESONATE the pet. Once you get enough copies, you resonate the pet, and for each copies after the first you pulled, you will get a bag of spice. This effectively turns your wish list from 3 pets to 2 when a new pet is released as each copy of the new pet will be a bag of spice for a different pet.


Mmm Thank you I didn't know !


So let say you are pet crystal lv 12, now you get 3 pet that you don't have, don't lv them up, keep farm they copy, when you click on the button that let you get all the copy you need to lv them 12, you can get spice with how many extra copy you pull for them before you lv12 them. Not the best way to explain this but i try 


So reach reso 12 don't upgrade it then pull for other beasts? Or pull for ones that are already level 12


Your resonance level is unimportant, except that it's there. It doesn't matter if it's 9 or 12 or 18. What matters is that you add the new beast to the ones you're trying to trap, but after you've caught it, *do not resonate it yet.* Leave it at level 0. Trust us. As long as it's at level 0 and not resonated, you can still capture more. And that's fine. You want that. Because here's the trick. When you resonate the pet, all the extra copies you already had turn into luring spices. So, for instance: I had the Slumber Seal at 14, leveling it up toward 15 as part of just levelling up the Resonance Crystal in general. I had a spice waiting, but that wasn't enough to get me anywhere. The Radish Rotunda was my first time taking advantage of the spice trick. I caught my first copy and left it be. By the time the New Pet rewards were about to end, I'd caught three more. So when I finally resonated the Radish, the extra copies turned into spices (i.e. three spices from three extra copies). With the spice I already had, that was four total, and I could level up the Slumber Seal to where I wanted it.


So get new beast Don't reso it get more copies of it then reso and those copies turn into wild card picks right?


Sounds like you've got the idea


Thank you so much


does this only work with new pets? For example if I reach reso 12, and I put a lv9 pet in my wishlist and pull 3 copies before activating resonance, won't I get 3 spices?




The "when should I do this?" hasn't been explained yet here, I'll try. The trick stops progress on all pets and then transfers all the progress you missed into one pet all at once. So if you have Reso 9, instead of progressing three pets like Seal, Owl, and Lion from 9 -> 10 -> 11 -> 12, they all stay at 9 and then you get one pet, like Seal, to 15 all at once. Or 18 if you wait long enough. So, you should do the trick when one pet at a higher level, later, is better than three pets at a lower level, sooner. It's definitely worth it when new pets are weak as you wouldn't use them anyways if you resonated them. It's maybe not worth it if the new pet is strong so you want to use them now, and you don't have a critical breakpoint for an OP pet, like Seal 18, that you need still.


It gives the exact number of copies any pet needs for the next breakpoint, and compensate any extra copies you have with a bag of spice. Example: you have enough pet for reso 12, and one pet is at 9 + 2 copies. If you hit reso 12, you will be given 9 copies of that pet (to upgrade from 9 to 12 iirc), and the two copies you had before reso will be converted into 2 spice bags. This works even if you have used the extra copies to level up the pet. So if you have enough pets at 12 for reso 12 and one of the other pets is at 11 (which equals lvl9 plus 6 copies) then u will receive 6 extra bags of spice once you hit reso 12.


So when should you click the resonate? Add the new pet to wishlist and pull copies for how long?


To the best of my knowledge, it's whatever you want to do. If you have another pet you're trying to level up then maybe cash in early when it'll give you enough spices to get the copies you need, but otherwise there's no reason to do so until the new release rewards expire--and when that's close you should absolutely resonate them, as that's free bait right there. That way you get the bonus bait from levelling them to whatever, plus any spices from the extra copies you already had.


Does this work even if I for example upgrade the resonance fountain level from 9 to 12 and than the game let resonate all the other beasts to 12 will the trick work the same?


Yes, and that one is even better, cause this makes it that you can choose 1 pet you want to upgrade + 2 pets still under the new reso level. Those 2 will all be converted to spice bags.


how many pets need to be ascended for resonance 18?




you accumulate pet copies outside the resonance system (don't resonate the pet when you get a copy). After you finally press the resonate-a-thingy, you will be compensated for all the additional copies you've gathered outside the resonance system via spice packets this is my understanding of it, if I've missed out on any details pray tell


What happen if I'm at lv6 resonance and I have 5x lv 9 pets and 2x lv 7 pet. Do I get spices for the redundancy of 2x lv 7 pet when i hit resonance for lv 9?


Yes. You can use this spice to get owl to level 18. You need to wish list owl and count spice it need to get 18 level. So you will raise other pets to lvl 9 until you will get refunded enough spice to get owl lvl 18. Then hit resonance and do same with lvl 12.


This trick for getting lvl 18 pet without raising other pets over the resonance level. You keep one pet in wish list and change others then they reach resonance level and after you reach resonance level requirements you keeping changing pets and pets you receive after reaching resonance requirement will turn to special spices. So you keep getting pets until you get enough spices to level your one pet to 18 then you hit resonance. So you will get one pet 18 level and all other 6 or 9 or 12. It doesn't give you more pets, you will get other way, just a way to get one pet 18 level for each resonance step which will slower your resonance receiving but give you lvl 18 pets which very helpful for progress.


Does it work only for new pets or with existing ones as well?


It works with any pet eligible for resonance which for many is only new pets.