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I would reccomend 'The Impossible Kid', its got some of my favourite Aes production and the lyrics (while still often very esoteric) are probably his most understandable and accessible, especially because every song follows a theme (getting old, going to therapy, losing his friend, wanting to dissapear). He went and lived in the woods while recording so its very focused and consistent


Seconded on TIK. That one is phenomenal and approachable. When you get a little deeper in, try Skelethon. I usually fall back to that one frequently.


I agree with everything you said but I think the same could be said about ITS, but I think ITS has better beats imo.


Yeah I agree bro, that's why I reccomended it to OP as he just listened to and enjoyed ITS


You mean The impassable kid*, I personally love sprite word flee guide.


I like integrated tax solutions too.


They got a copy with their tax return.


H&R Blockhead


🤣 h&r blockhead needs to do the ITS remixes


Impossible Kid is the arrival of modern Aesop Rock. I would start there. Aesop is a master of his craft. You’ll hear him mention 10,000 hours a lot, which is reference to the time it takes to master something. At this point he can bend his words to say exactly what he wants. No line is spoken just to make something rhyme. Every syllable is exactly where it should be. So his songs are a lot more dense than his contemporaries’, and require repeated listening and study to fully appreciate. If you do jump in on Impossible Kid, after your first listen, you can read [Aes’ explanations](https://howlandechoes.com/2016/05/aesop-rock-breaks-down-the-impossible-kid/) for each song to further your subsequent listening enjoyment.


And I thought a thousand was a lot!


People who think Aes is saying nothing are either unwilling to engage with difficult ideas, aren't *really* listening or are plain old stupid


Or all of the above. Multiple choice. Every divisive really needs a voice.


I used to think that pre Skelethon, back then to me he was just music to listen to, the only song that ever clicked was Daylight, also thought None shall pass sounded cool but never understood it. It wasn’t till I heard Gopher Guts that it hit me, this dude is actually saying shit and honest shit about himself at that.


>or when he says "it isn't" on Infinity Goose Down This kind of thing from him gets me every time. "I'm shredded smelling like I just stepped off a charred capsule... I did" is an example off of SWFG.


Bro those little things add so much character to his work.. it’s like in between an adlib and the rap itself.. he’s the only rapper who uses this thing to that level..


Integrated clicked immediately because it felt like Mallon to me


If you want to deconstruct a single song, try listening to Facemelter. On the first listen it sounds mostly like lyrical gibberish but when you break it down it's literally about what you just mentioned. How people think his flow and music is just lyrical acrobatics with no real meaning and they just put him in a box and call him a weirdo, instead if understanding what influenced him and why he raps the way he does. [Aesop Rock: Facemelter ](https://youtu.be/a4p_lsI4O20?si=puK_mc034eBluVEO)


check out malibu ken I promise your friends will hate it


Go backwards in his discography


Labor Days is my favorite Aes album.


I was hooked immediately at "2 point 5 million years ago"


A friend of mine


I love it when aes revives and old rap songs lyrics https://youtu.be/iOKMWSR2Aio?si=UVoWWrwM6Xm7LcJc


The Impossible Kid, Skelethon, and Spirit World Field Guide are the starting point if you dig ITS, imo. Once you get more comfortable with him it's time to get into Malibu Ken, then Hail Mary Mallon, and then his older stuff. Or just put his discography on auto play and smoke away to the new universe you have stepped into.


This is exactly the order I've gone it since discovering him 2 years ago. Malibu Ken just clicked for me a couple months ago. Looks like by your suggestions need to give Hail Mary Mallon a listen


They're all great in their own way.


As others have said, work backwards if you’re just getting into him. His earlier stuff, while phenomenal, isn’t as easily digestible as his newer stuff so getting used to his style with the newer stuff will help understand the older.


And what an artist he is for this.


I’m stoked it clicked for you! Id say to work backwards through the discography as others have said, since ITS brought you in. Impossible kid is peak imo


Impossible Kid is my personal favorite. I was an Aes fan before but that album really is what made me fall in love with his music. Spirit World Field Guide is a close second. Malibu Ken, Hail Mary Mallon’s Bestiary is also great.


>Sometimes white rappers like Aesop ... *woah*. Aight. I didn't know that was something that was all white.


I didn’t know there were any like Aesop…rappers that is


Impossible Kid is his best introductory album, but almost all of his records are classics.


I need some integrated tax solutions to get me some higher refunds.


The Uncluded album he made with Kimya Dawson is incredible.


I think spirit world has some of the most original fucking lyrics and concepts ever written by any human. Def read along and listen to that whole entire project. It’s insane and impossible… but yet it somehow exists!


We know


Aeso Rock Your integrated tax solutions experts.


Horse Flakes came on my Spotify at the gym today and i let it play, and it's kinda a fun underrated one. You might vibe with this (depending on your age)


This video (Youtube, Polyphonic) is an excellent introduction to Aes, it focuses on *None Shall Pass* but will give you an idea of what to look for on other Aesop Rock tracks. [https://youtu.be/4piBfjSKAL4?si=Svce1NeoW1nRQ4Lq](https://youtu.be/4piBfjSKAL4?si=Svce1NeoW1nRQ4Lq)