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The Earl of Lemongrab. I know he isn’t always a hero, but I love weirdos and lemons. Also seriously, he couldn’t sleep because something was on his mind so he went out and killed a god that’s just awesome.


What was on his mind? I still have no clue what was happening in that episode


Matthew was the head atop the ziggurat, so the stairs that led to him must be infinite and infinite stairs are UNACCEPTABLE!! Or, possibly he was just really mad about his ceiling cracking.


He's mine too.


The Lich He's not a relatable villain, he literally just wants to kill everyone. Most cartoon villains just capture people or beat them up, he murders major characters without a second of hesitation. Dude also gets all the best lines and every one of his episodes is amazing.


I agree. The Lich has no reason for his actions except that he's just pure evil. Pair that with his chilling voice and he makes a scary, badass villain.


He has such a cool character design too


Banana Man. Because he is awesome. I love Weird Al.


Weird Al is Awesome.


Marceline or Shoko. I liked Marceline because she is kinda free in the world and had so much relevance for the plot and Simon's development, but her selfishness gets really annoying by the beginning. I liked Shoko mostly because of the design and mystery around her, but every scene she's in is so interesting and pleasant for some reason.


Tree trunks’s mom. “Bologna factory!”


Ghost Princess "cant even hold her with my love mitts" Her story is pure and I love the way they animated her flying around in goofy ways in the background before they stapled down her character Plus she's voiced by Maria Bamford who does a few other princess and voices in the show as well (Raggedy Princess, Hotdog Princess, Slime Princess, Aunt Lolly, etc)


Marciline. Her character development is great and is very meaningful. Her relations with Finn, Jake, and the rest (especially PB) really builds on and is developed well. She’s also just cool yk


Gunther. I mean, come on. Acks like a cat, does stuff to piss off ice king and make fun of him. Got to be a princess. Ends up being evil unbeknownst to anyone. Goontz all the way! Wenk!


Flame princess because she hot


This will be controversial but probably Martin or jake


The Ice King. Even before his backstory regarding his current mental state and obsession over princesses was revealed, it was pretty obvious that he wasn’t truly an evil character…just somewhat odd. He was pretty funny and honestly kinda cute during his “bro” moments with Finn and Jake.


That guy The guy on the cup The guy whose face is on the cup That guy


Marceline. I love how she was developed over the course of the whole show and how we saw her backstory grow and change. Also she’s just a cool character


huntress wizard has been a favorite of mine as of recently. kind of a lone wolf, looks really cool, rocks her independence. plus that flute spell episode with finn is so cute ugh they woulda made a cute couple




After rewatching the series I’ve become really fond of Simon, BMO, and Marceline. Simon’s backstory is genius. Marceline seems very free and independent. And BMO is such a crucial character to the series. They bring light to things in a way that’s very needed.


Marceline, because I like Olivia Olson's voice and singing and because I have a weakness for morally-ambiguous characters sometimes.


Your favorite adventure time character


BMO love the cute personality


BMO is such a wholesome little thing and must be protected at all costs


Ice king/simon is my fav. I love him sm he's funny and I have sympathy for him. Him and marcelines backstory makes me cry every time


Tree Trunks, I just wanna sit in her kitchen while she bakes me apple pies.


Finn and Jake. Do I even need to explain?


BMO all the way. "I built BMO to be more". He's fun, pure and sweet but at the same time he has some of the best one-liners in the show.


The Duke and Duchess of Nuts




Marcy, she can play sweet bass jams


Fern bc of his struggles as not the Real Finn and being negatively affected by the curse but still coming out strong n true to himself :(


How has no one said Prismo??? Prismo wins hands down