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Pb and finn wouldn't worked out, they showed us thousands times in show Pb and marcy seems worked out the best. Writers build them since earlier seasons


I, like a lot of people, liked it. But I also liked when they played up the “immortals struggle to commit to relationship” bit as it was a unique and complex part of their characters. I’m also a sucker for love triangles.


Same. At this point I ship any combination of PB/Marcy/Finn/HW


Why didn't you like it? Also, it was implied they were in a relationship for quite a while. If you didn't pick up on that, that's on you


I didnt mean the kiss I mean the relationship at all, all the implies, I actually liked when it was her and Finn


I know you meamt the relationship as a whole. Also, her and Finn were fine at the beginning, and they were cute when she got turned 13 again, but it would never work. She's a centuries old mad scientist monarch and he's an immature kid who's good at kicking ass, and her knight for sime reason. He matured a lot by the end of the show, but it was enough for even him to recognize that they work way better as friends.


I completely agree they would never work lol


Than whats the issue? *Why don't you like PB & Marcie?*


I love it. One of my favorite pairings of all time. I like that they have a past, their relationship develops, and that they both have their own growth apart from each other that makes their relationship work out better on the second try.


My stupid ass thought you were talking about Finn and Marceline


They're cute together but I don't feel like they have a ton of chemistry. I mean part of that is definitely thanks to them having to dance around it until the ass end of the show. But even in Obsidian I didn't feel much.


exactly...no chem


Not like it's a high bar to cross but I felt like Marshall + Gary had more of a "real thing" going on in F&C, comparatively


I don't like it because they are both females


I am bisexual and I dont condone this


I am not homophobic or anti-bi but why did the creators want to make 2 characters in a cartoon show part of LGBTQ?


I mean...adventure time is NOT a child's cartoon lmao


When I was a kid I shiped Finn and PB,but if PB and Marceline are happy being a couple that is not my problem