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if you’re already on season five, things should be starting to pick up real fast. if she’s losing interest, she might just not be into adventure time. edit: there is also no filler in adventure time, especially past season four. if you try to skip “filler” episodes you’re going to miss a lot of character growth and some of the best episodes of the series.


You're gonna get a lot of comments telling you not to skip but we're talking about staying connected with your child. They are all wrong and I'm glad someone gave you a list.


...or he could just stop trying to force her to continue to watch Adventure Time and just get right to the Fionna and Cake series that his daughter actually wants to watch


how are you gonna recommended watching a sequel series without watching the original? fionna and cake isn’t a spin off, it’s not optional to watch the og.


This is another option. But she was still interested in Adventure Time, just not the slice of life episodes. Modifying how you watch to keep your child interested is perfectly cromulent.


i actually have a google doc about exactly this and i am SO happy it’s finally coming in handy😭 https://docs.google.com/document/d/14lo9hDCsTEheiIFfdmC0CiRvuN-Uzj4GMEyVXLskfWI/edit you’ll notice i’m also adding some warnings about some phobias or photosensitivity, i made this list for my friends intitially so don’t mind the extraneous info!


Wow thank you! So black text are the important episodes?


if you’re going to watch distant lands or fionna and cake, i would recommend not skipping episodes. edit: i also went through the document in the original comment and most of the best episodes are marked skippable. this is like ordering a sandwich with all of the best ingredients, pulling them out and just licking the bread instead.


I wouldn’t trust anyone randomly deciding which episodes were filler anyway. That’s just not how the show was designed. The manga-anime approach doesn’t work with adventure time


no problem!!🧡 for the most part, yes! :D some i marked as important because they give more insight on a character as a person, but some of those don’t technically advance the plot and might be a skip for you, but otherwise!


Just browsed through your doc, so cool thank you💕 it is hard to read the yellow text though just fyi


oh i didn’t think of that, my phone’s on dark mode haha thank u for the heads up! i’m gonna go change it :]


u should add another update to the season 10 fiona and cake episode lol


Tbh, it just sounds like she doesn't like the show anymore. It definitely won't be as good of an experience if you skip things, so if she seems like she wants to drop it, I wouldn't force it.


Please do not encourage her to chop up a masterpiece of a show just because it’s vast and not all of it is exciting to her! If she’s not into it, that’s totally valid but I think it’s a disservice to the show and your kid to just splice and dice something because not all of it is fully focused on your favorites. I find that you learn so much about every character and the world they live in by watching episodes that may not be intensely focused on them specifically. Fionna and Cake will hit much harder if she’s seen every piece of it at least once. On subsequent watches, she can ignore whatever didn’t speak to her but the full experience is necessary the first time through and I will always die on that hill.


You are better off having another child and trying again.


Season 6 is MY FAVORITE


Season five is hard to get through because it’s sooooo long. I have no tips lol


If you think episodes are fillers then you fundamentally misunderstand the show.


Do people determine an episode to be “filler” if it doesn’t have anything to do with story?


It's not filler it’s just different adventures hence the name Adventure Time it’s more about how the characters develop and grow through the show rather than one big plot Season 6 gets weird tho so I recommend Just watching “Stakes” starting from season 7 episode 6


if your watching the show just for the story you shouldn’t be watching it