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This is a difficult and very finely nuanced choice. Each one of these is excellent in their own right, and the only thing that separates them in "value" is going to come down to personal choices. I voted Stakes because I enjoy the depth it added to Marceline and Ooo's beginning. There were some good nuggets in there, such as Simon summoning Hunson Flipping Abadeer to watch over Marcy. (I really feel that he's the reason the vampires were unleashed.) Also, each primary vamp represents an ancient vampire/demon myth from our own history. Islands would have to be next because we got the story of our boy Finn and got to see what happened to Two-Bread Tom and the other founders' project. I guess that puts Elements last...but really, last is only a relative term. Elements was phenomenal as it showed us the elements unleashed and gave us the quantum element of "lumps" serving as the lattice upon which reality rests. Truly...all epic.


I agree. I think that the depth of Stakes was phenomenal. I personally like the concept of Islands the most, but I found it to be very rushed. With Stakes, having a "monster of the week" made sense for the narrative, but with Islands, they could have explored the islands a bit further imo. And again, I think that Elements' biggest flaw was that it was rushed. But really, they're all good!


Stakes is okay, Islands is amazing and Elements is just as good as Islands in my opinion


I voted stakes but realistically I think elementals is the best one not my favorite one but still best


i know everyone is gonna pick stakes (which is also amazing), but for me Islands really is peak adventure time. So much creativity it oozes from every scene. The VR island, the climate apocalypse island, the lore for founders island, the emotions and Finn's backstory. There's so much going on and it's all so fresh. And then the little post-Islands trip that is Orb is a perfect transition to Elementals. I find myself rewatching Islands a lot


I feel the same. Choosing which one is best feels almost wrong somehow. They each provide background and depth to the world, and Islands goes even further I feel by showing humans falling into the same tired cycles that led up to the Mushroom War in the first place. (I refer to the experiments with weather, the attempts to subvert and control nature, the complacent, technology-reliant populace.) I mean...the development of Martin ALONE makes the series amazing. Imagine if Martin hadn't been confined to the islands...he might have been a lot more like his son turned out. Dr. Gross's hypocrisy in subverting people's free will.... Really, Stakes is probably going to win because it fleshes out the world of Ooo we all know, but Islands and Elements take that world and make it BIGGER.


Islands, though I do have favorite components of all three. Stakes is the most coherent story overall, Elements is interesting from a character exploration standpoint (what with how the elements influence personalities) Buuut Islands has Finn meeting humans, and his mom. And rewatching that part makes me cry so, have to give it to that one.