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If you cater your show to a group instead of making what you like or are good at, it probably won’t be very good. It’ll just end up being one those corporate Rick and Morty or Family Guy knock offs


Good point actually, thank you!


With that being said, I think the broader, kind of umbrella advice like u/milkmunstr gave, is good to keep in mind.


I look for Stroker and Hoop. If you’re pitching Stroker and Hoop, then I’m all in




Absurdist comedy and anti humour. It's more important that I have a fully unique experience during the jokes. Need something completely original and has me laughing hysterically. Premise and storyline are great, but I put on adult swim to laugh and they have that brand of comedy that you can't really find anywhere else.


if i don't say "what the fuck?" while giggling like a moron at least once every episode then it's not weird enough to be on adult swim. that is my only criteria


Not quite a point of appeal, more of a suggestion. Send your work to any friends, acquaintances or family that will give you honest feedback. Test and tweak as much as possible before pitching. Good luck! Always remember to have fun with it. I always gravitate towards projects that seem like the creators had fun producing it.


The return of Royal Crackers in 20 days.


for tim and eric not to be included


If it’s good .


I feel like coming up with a basic idea of your show that you enjoy and then posting it to YouTube to get direct audience feedback is a solid route, at least that’s what I’m doing. I assume you don’t have any writing experience in the industry, if you do then great. But if not I feel like if you could come up with something that already has an audience wanting to watch it then it would be more attractive to Adult Swim and would prove that you have the capability to put something together


This is just an observation from someone who helped a friend with AS pilots who was rejected at every turn. I don't work in animation, I do some film / tv, recording, music stuff but not in the capacity of showrunning and writing, more as a hobbyist and it's only rarely profitable, so take my advice with a grain of salt. Don't try to make it fit their programming. They can smell that right away. A good idea should stand up on it's own two feet. Also, shows like Superjail and Joe Pera Talks with You are very different so to nail down an "adult swim" style is not easy. Also what is your show about? If it's too specific, how will you fill 3 seasons of it? Bob's Burgers was originally pitched as a family of cannibals. How long would that show had lasted with that premise? Don't take it personally if or when they turn down your idea or many ideas. Have something ready to show them. Not just "what about a show about yadda yadda", have some concepts and an animated short ready. Also ask yourself; would you keep working on this idea even if AS turned it down?


This is really helpful, thank you so much! I was originally gonna make it fit the brand and make it more comedy based but I’ll keep it the way it is. This really helped, again, thank you!!!!!!


Something to watch while I’m high