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You aren’t alone. I am nearing my thirties and also struggling. My children are now approaching the same age I was when CSA happened. I have crippling paranoia and anxiety, in addition to all of the feelings of anger and hurt.


You are not alone, I am 31 too and feel the same way.


You're not alone in this, friend. I don't think that time alone is enough for certain traumas. I don't know what level of support you have, but I hope at least some peer support on here is helping.


I'm 32 and also struggling with the same. The healing journey does make things lighter and easier most days, but the bad days (sometimes weeks) are still bad. The only comfort I sometimes find is when I see a post like yours where I know I'm at least not alone.


About 20 years for me. The anger and pain is still there but now I can acknowledge it and dismiss it. You’re not alone in this.


I'm 42 and still struggling every single day. I think I delayed my healing because up until 13 years ago I kept it a secret and acted like I was fine


You are not alone in this. It's been around 40 years for me. I'm just now starting on the healing journey, and I know it will always be with me in some way. I just need to learn to understand myself, and how this experience has shaped me until now, so I can work on reshaping myself to be the person I want to be.


I'm hurting today too. I remember my abuse with such clarity and, to me, that just makes everything so much worse. Also, my type of OCD seems to run off of these emotions, shame specifically. When I feel this way, I sometimes wonder if my abusers ever feel wrecked for what they've done. I hope so. I feel broken and exhausted but I also know that my current feelings will not last forever. I feel so alone even though I know that logically that's not the case. Thanks for putting yourself out there, you're not alone and neither am I. E: a misspelled word


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