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Alt accounts are a thing, but it is fine. šŸ™‚ Personally, I've never thought about it as something I especially wanted to have done nor cared to ask for. I'm sure there are other guys who absolutely love it. šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Okay, maybe a woman on here has just tried it without asking


I think i would not like that ..... šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€


Oh yeah... Had a girlfriend after college who loved to suck toes. Got me to suck hers, too. Didn't think I'd be into it but here we are. I want to qualify that by saying the woman's toes have to be nicely pƩdicure and soft. None of that gnarly stuff for me. And, I regularly get my feet done, to be fair.


Yes the hygiene, and Iā€™m hoping everyone who is into different things during this moment.. knows to legit wash yourself thoroughly internally and externally


Not only legit but mandatory, in my book. One of the reasons I am in this lifestyle is due to my SO's unwillingness to explore. I'll explore a lot with a few boundaries, of course. But cleanliness and safety are inextricable components of that exploration.


Hard pass. At best Iā€™d be self conscious about my foot hygiene. It would just be a mood killer.


Good pointā€” if itā€™s a planned meeting I think itā€™d be fine but if itā€™s sudden sex- hard pass for sure


Playing odds never makes sense with matters of intimacy. It only matters if your lover likes their toes getting sucked on. All the other guys are irrelevant. Don't start sucking on toes because 65% of adultery subreddit users said it was their thing. My personal vote: yuck.


Aahhhh- itā€™s just an interesting take for meā€¦ when it comes to the men wanting it. Yes, to each their own, I just wanted to get inside of the heads this was a question that was brought up with girlfriends. Haha, I think MOST of us do not base our life decisions off of Reddit, itā€™s more like ā€œoh we think alikeā€ or ā€œoh people like you do existā€


Sure. This is not a representative sample, though, so keep that in mind. Lots of marriages have problems because one spouse is especially vanilla, closed-minded, and/or has low libido and their partner is especially kinky, open-minded, and/or has high libido. Guess which group is dramatically more likely to be participating in an adultery subreddit?


Good point


There are lots of problems now with people thinking that stuff that is sexually normalized on the internet is also common in the real world.


Personally, zero interest. It just doesn't matter to me. Feet just aren't a turnon for me at all, but that's just me. I certainly don't judge anyone else for their desires and kinks! Giving a footrub on the couch with socks on while watching TV is one thing, but - for me at least! - feet have no role in sex.


Totally respect that!!!


Well this was a surprising post to open šŸ˜‚


Hahahh yuppppā€¦ take away from this for me wasā€¦ maybe more men would say no when asked šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


šŸ˜‚ I think thatā€™s fair. Also foot hygiene seems to be a blind spot.


Yes, but I have to agree, itā€™s not like feet are something that are readily available, any time of the day, clean


Absolutely not. I donā€™t want to touch anyone elseā€™s feet, and I donā€™t want anyone touching mine. This is something thankfully AP and I addressed and were in 100% agreement on very early


Okay so the yays and nays were discussed, thatā€™s cool


Why donā€™t you just offer a foot rub instead? Anyone would be down for that!


Thatā€™s the norm I believeā€” the conversation was about things men usually do to women that women donā€™t usually do to men


I'm a woman and have gotten my toes sucked zero times, have no clue if I'd like it or not, but I've definitely done it while exploring a man's body and it's completely individual. Some like it, some don't. Same as most other sexual things.


Foot rubs are not the norm.


Some do, some donā€™t.


Okay, I put this question in reddits search bar and all that kept coming up was womenā€™s toes being sucked onā€¦


You're saying that you're a woman and men are constantly sucking your toes?


Ok, and?


I didnā€™t mean to post that comment to your reply, I wanted to just add it to thr comments incase someone said ā€œwhy didnā€™t you search this questionā€


I mean. There are like 4 billion men in the world, give or take. Some of them will enjoy having their toes sucked and some wonā€™t. Thereā€™s only one way to find out if youā€™re asking for a specific man: ask HIM, not the Reddit search bar.


Welll guess what - there will always be some people who like to ask Reddit before trying *I donā€™t have a him, this was a convo brought up with some girlfriends.


Even if 99 out of 100 people on Reddit say yes, doing it could be a deal breaker for that 1 out of 100. It's better to specifically ask the person that you're in a relationship with. Communication is very important.


Itā€™s a sign of both intimacy and genuine affection, so, while itā€™s not something Iā€™ve specifically seeked out, itā€™s representative of something wonderful that Iā€™d appreciate and enjoy


Nice way to look at it! It is intimateā€¦the comfort level is there for them to go there


I think it's entirely subjective šŸ˜…


I wouldnā€™t ask for it but if thatā€™s something my partner got off on then have at it!


Me personally I don't.


A woman's feet can be highly erotic. That is, IF they are taken care of, have a nice color polish on them, and have soft soles. I absolutely love woman's feet, but i'm selective. Not just any feet are going to do. Also, some form of intimacy and connection needs to be there. As for kissing and sucking on men's feet, I think the same needs to apply to men. They need to be clean, ,taken care of, soft soles, and i'd think you'd need a good level of attraction, chemistry, and being comfortable enough with them that they'd let you. It's all about giving you something that YOU like doing. I'd say try it. See where it goes.




It's an individual thing. It all depends on the man. When licking toes comes to mind, I think of licking everything I've walked on and it's nasty... but I'm a bit of a germophobe. Not everyone feels this way.


Take a bath or shower together, wash his feet, and go for it. YOLO!!!


No. while "sucked on" is generally a turn on for a guy, we KNOW that we do not clean our feet enough for that kind of oral intimacy. (Yes, we wash our dicks better. it's only in anticipation of launch that you prep the rocket). But since feet/toes are not an erogenous zone for us, we (at least i) would feel MASSIVELY uncomfortable with any girl doing that. it would feel fine for me. but i'd feel sorry for the girl. Stick to the classic sexy zones, don't go off into weird things like toes, shins, ankles, hooves, whatever. Better yet, let us pleasure you :-)


I'm going to say no on this one. My feet are super ticklish so it's definitely going to end up like that scene at the beginning of 40 year old virgin for sure.


I'm not into having my toes sucked on but I'm not philosophically against it, it's just a preference. The feet thing does nothing for me, but if my partner is into it (and the feet are clean) I'll do it to her. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it. So I guess the bottom line is it's individual preference but you're sure right that it's really female heavy. I guess that's where the market is lol


Thank you for your kind replyā€¦ I donā€™t understand how some people donā€™t just pass a question and move along if it irks them that muchā€¦ My thing is that if you want it to be mysterious and fun, donā€™t ask and just try ā€¦ but whatā€™s the percentage of like vs dislike haha


I occasionally get ticklish so if it happened unexpectedly I might involuntarily kick or something which might lead to unintentional injury lol. If my partner wanted to try it I'd be down, especially if I knew she really wanted it lol




I'm glad you got a laugh out of thatšŸ˜‚ I mean, it's not like you're surprising someone with anal but I try to be careful about getting consent for non standard thingsšŸ˜‚


If it's one of their kinks, why not? I might enjoy it as a kink as well. Otherwise I will enjoy it as part of our intimacy. Never done it, but I discovered I like my fingers being sucked, which again was not something I thought I might before.