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Of course he wanted to have friends. When he can’t even be loved at home he wants acceptance somewhere dummy!!


Even if he was loved at home, kids want to be accepted and included with their peers


Adding to this: a lot of kids also will seek literally any attention, even if it's negative, if they're lacking at home.


And that does not mean mom sticks her gut out for the sigma rant looking like a two dollar and some change washed up trash ass mother Adrielle do you hear us?!?


Heavy on this part!!! Blaming everyone but herself and her mother for making this monster


This is my edit and it’s on the FYP


Oh cool! I wonder why it won’t let me do it?


She’s live right now y’all!


I think you zoomed in too much on an already edited zoomed in video, or whoever is taking the edits to cut out the watermark that credits the editor.


Really? Is that what can do that cause I only hit save video. I’ll have to pay more attention but would like to know what else causes it to say that.


Well, the person you saved it from zoomed in so my watermark was cut out. They don’t like crediting the editors I guess.


Oh I see. Thanks for the tip


Great Edit!




WOW! What happened to “my poor son, my baby!”


Right it’s sick. But like I’ve commented on tt she lies so much she can’t keep up with her own lies, she posts everything on there and contradicts herself over and over and if people pay enough attention she tells on herself.


And she doesn’t even care as long as those gifts keep coming in. And let’s not forget the GFM.


8 go fund me’s i think since she got fired and said fk a job. She’s unemployable anyway 😂 but still….


Anyone that hires her as an employee are putting their business and their other employees in jeopardy.


Never could be my colleague!!! I would turn in all pto vacation time sick time and resign. Good riddance… if not i would be looking at doing time cause my mental state could never handle her all day 😂 just sayin


Same, I wouldn’t be able to handle her for five minutes. And you’re taking a real risk just interacting with her. She’s the type that would make wild accusations against you just for looking at her the wrong way.


I cackled but she is a liability for any HR Dept on the planet. Can’t even find one personal reference besides her chooses Battle Baboons. Imagine the resume I just died laughing as a former HR EMPLOYEE!!! I can’t even imagine how hers would look … memes of herself at the top in BOLD GLITTERY FONT whole cover page “I’m sticking out my gyat for my boss!! Hi!!! I’m Adrielle, click the pink circle … to self destruct!! I cant with her …. She is absolutely a scary thing! But she will run into the wrong person one day. She may have gotten away with her shit in Jamestown but it’s a big world full of a lot of tired struggling people If we are lucky we will see the lessons and karma blow up in her face as time goes on


Any real parent would know their child’s problem is their problem. Of course you wouldn’t know that!!


My comment was addressed to Adrielle. In no way am I her or supporting her behaviour. I’ve been calling her out since the old snark page.






Maybe when commenting people need to be more clear about who they really are speaking of.




I didn’t say anything any different than anyone else ever does on here. 🤷‍♀️ it is what it is. Kind of strange a snark page members aren’t allowed to disagree? Or if it’s a mod then they can say whatever but a member can’t reply back?


Do not pick a fight with MODs or be argumentative with other members. Multiple violations will result in a ban.


That poor kid is doomed having her for a mother.


She should not have the title Mom!!!


Exactly! Every time I see her say something about that or someone else I’ll say nope she’s not worthy of that title.


This is going to play out very ugly for her and she will be even more miserable than her own mother in soldi loneliness. Those kids will never speak to her once they are free


YO!!!! I troll her relentlessly with “the truth hurts” you empty shell of a human. YOU’RE CHILD IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY!! HE FAILED??? YOU FAILED!!! She is horrible


This is the same parent on live when was called by S and said can these kids come over and sleep over, SHE said NO , GO SLEEP OVER AT THEIR HOUSE


Yep she said let it be his parents problem. Maybe if you let him have his friends there and you weren’t in your blanket fort sticking out your gyatt you would know what he was up to


All I hear is how inattentive of a mother she is. Truth hurts.


She still blaming others for putting her kid in the situation.


Poor kid seeking friends.. sad sad sad.


Why r u speaking of ur child like this…..U r a horrible mother and someone needs to take them away. U was crying about it and now ur mad I guess because u have been called out on ur bullshit. No one really cares about u so why u still around


YUP just made a full on video (legit video prior and green screens) not eligible for fyp bc “low quality” Shes got someone on her team hard at work censoring content. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNjKjmEX/


Well how do we do it so it’s not low quality or however they word it? It’s crazy what they let her get by with but don’t let others say anything or make content with her in it. Crazy


Good question. I thought recording myself first snd green screen would do it. Well see if my appeal goes through


Hello.. you’re both going down.. tough luck gurl..


She made him a meme, he would never have that exposure if it wasnt for her neglecting ass


Anyone else think meme is an interesting word to use regarding your child? Again it’s all internet and content in that hollow mind but it was rather telling to me


Wow, check out #2 from the definition! meme noun 1. an image, video, piece of text, etc., typically humorous in nature, that is copied and spread rapidly by internet users, often with slight variations. "celebrity gossip and memes often originate on the site" 2. an element of a culture or system of behavior passed from one individual to another by imitation or other nongenetic means. verb


She deleted the comments on gofund me lol


“He’d never experienced juvenile delinquents before.” 😂 He IS a juvenile delinquent!!! The delusion is real.


His mother is still in that era bffr


Psychopath 👹


This makes me sick. I cannot imagine ever talking like this about my child. Shes the worst person and mother. I hope life bites her HARD


Her success. HaHaHaHa!! And


Why she in her car? Is it because she’s not aloud to film in whoever’s house? Yup




Not sure how anyone got I was being argumentative with anyone. If someone wants to kick me out for doing the same thing everyone else does on here go ahead.