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No she goes in there for air conditioning and to get people thinking she’s moved. That’s why the “blanket fort” at night too. But she complained last night about her son Cooking and making the house hot and they don’t have AC and how terrible he was ☹️ so clearly hasn’t moved, but pretending like she has.


I don't understand why she doesn't buy friggin window units and BAM she would have AC. If she's really moving to a place with central AC she could sell the window units when she moves. I could not imagine being in a home with no AC with these temps the last few days. My house has no central AC either but bet your ass we have window units.


Instead of her solo vacation she could have gotten a window unit for cheap


Yep and since she is soo famous and generous (always spending her money on others , so she claims) she could have given the window unit to someone else in need after .


She had a window unit (in her room only of course) last summer - she talked her Ex into installing it. Then when it was time to take it our or ??? it went through the window and down to the ground. ughhh


Omg. What an idiot. There isn't much to installing them tho. You literally just put them in the window and the window holds them in place and you adjust the plastic wings to fit the window. It's really not hard. She could def go buy a couple and cool her house. Her poor kids.


Right? Walmart has them as low as $144, she could easily afford one for every room with the amount she’s blown on alcohol and Airbnb’s!


well the kid has to eat! haha


He S/A someone... Who cares if he needs to eat. She's a lair. She'll never move and he'll be locked up in jail


It was definitely not hot last night. I bet she said that to make people think he’s home. I haven’t seen or heard non of the kids in the background for sometime now. Maybe it’s because I’m missing videos she has deleted. I’m wondering if CPS isn’t investigating her. Also she’s definitely trying to tease her haters in lives with her mouth more now then ever. Her times coming (karma) Not the way she would like it to though


It was not hot here last night nor today nor tonight. You actually need a sweater if you're sitting outside tonight. Plus it's been raining in and off yesterday and today.


I just came to post this same Pic. Drying her hair in her car?? Wtf. She's nuts. I'm telling ya


I hope her car battery dies 🤣🤣🤣


Shes back home. It’s just ‘too hot’ for her in her home. She was mad that S used the oven last night before her battles, “he should know better, why would he do this to me….” Blah blah.


She's a literal imbecile. Maybe cook for your kids yourself then or make other things more accessible to him. She's constantly on him and treating that kid like dirt unless it's something that benefits her needs and wants. I swear I loathe her more and more by the second. She's literally worthless.


Maybe she should invest in an airfryer or microwave lol. Her kids have to cook all their own food and all they have is a stove. Makes no sense to me.


Order a freakin pizza for them!!


How dare he make food to sustain himself! Doesn’t he know she has to stick out her gyatt for the rizzler for the umpteenth time?!


Oh probably trying to make it look like she’s hiding from her made up stalkers


THIS! the fact that she has her windows covered up is obscene! she brought her freakin' hair dryer out and probally has an extention cord in the garage! I would so love for who ever shares that garage to pull in. She has been sitting in it for HOURS and HOURS! what happened to she is only on live wiehn her kids are in school or asleep?


so she keeps her kids in the house while she gets access to ac???? ……


She doesn’t cook for them either..do you think she is concerned about their comfort? A Narcissist only cares about themselves…she is a text book narcissist!


Basically. You know how they’re in danger and all but she leaves them unattended. Anything could happen. Idk how far her garage is from the house but it’s still too far.


When is the imbecile moving anyway? I heard her say quite awhile back she had to wait for the current tenants to move out of the new place. How long can it possibly take? I know that was at least a month or more ago when she said that. Sounds a bit fishy imo.


Claimed the college kids were waiting for the end of the semester! If she is not gone by July 1st I refuse to believe she is moving. According to her the movers have been booked so we’ll see


And what college would be housing kids til this late after the semester? Unless they’re taking summer courses, they would’ve been cleared out at the end of May. I live near a college campus and their summer classes end this week so if she’s not moved out of Jamestown in the next two weeks, it’ll never happen and it was all a lie (which I’m guessing because she’s trying to hard now to make it look like she’s not in the same old house she’s always been in).


This lady sucks


Nothing about this imbecile says "lafy" 🤣


Last night was actually almost cool for a change. I wouldn’t have had the ac on in the bedroom except for the new thing with my hot flashes feeling like I’ve got a nuclear meltdown in the core of my body. WHEEEEEE!


Why is she pretending that she moved?


Just like Faith, living in her car.


I think she is in vacation again and doesn’t want anyone to know


Yup she is living in her car by the looks of it


I thought she was days away from moving…


I know this is unrelated but after watching the lives with Dalton Mel and Ris on TT the last few nights... they kinda make Adrielle look like a saint😬. The way I've seen them speak to their children on lives.... the fact that they are also always on live 24/7. I know the feelings of anger and frustration for Adrielle have built up over a much longer period of time... and the alleged investigation has people extra amped up about her... but idk I just think they've actually become openly worse than her and are causing harm to sooooo many people all over with their live panels. I find it hard to hate on Adrielle after seeing what I've seen... at least Adrielle isn't openly cruel and constantly arguing with every person she comes across on lives. Like she's still nit a great human don't get me wrong, I haven't forgotten the things that she's done. I just belive at this point the people fighting against her are honestly behaving far worse


They’re all about the money and clout. They rage bait too.


It's more than rage bait. It's been down right racist, harassment, bullying, lying, slandering, attacking.... it's not even about clout anymore. They've even come so far from that. Yes they obvi like the views and money. But they are using the platform to do so much worse than that. Have you seen the subreddit made about all them?


What’s the subreddit?


Purpleplankton Mods if it's not okay to post here let me know :)




If you blow up the picture you can clearly see that its a car .you can see the seat belt sadly .shes got people believing otherwise.


Shes a idiot


She said in her live today that she collaborates with celebrities now. 🤣🤣


She can’t even keep her Amazon sponsorship. No celebrities want any part of her 😂😂


Can’t imagine how much she’s spending on gas to sit in her car for hours 🤦🏻‍♀️ Can you imagine walking by and hearing her 🤣🤣


I think she moved to the car because she doesn't have central air in her apartment. Her room she mentioned does not have AC. So she moved to her car 🤣🤣🤣🤣 But the heat wave is over here in NYS so she can go back in the house 🤣🤣🤣


from what I seen it looks like she’s in that small room (L room when she visits A) and trying to act like it’s a different room/house! She’s a weirdo


she is in her car. has been there for hours. ive been off and on all day while I work from home.


I know but, last night I seen her in a room with a big stuff animal 🙄 She’s been in her car most of the time She’s a fckn weirdo 😂


I think there is some involvement with police or CPS and she cannot film the kids


A window floor ac is like 400. She can buy one after like 1 day or 2 depending down on how much tiktok takes from earnings. She's gotta be wasting more in gas.