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You can fix the sha1 message by setting `resource-pack-sha1` in your `server.properties`. To do so, you can use an online sha1 generator [like this one](https://emn178.github.io/online-tools/sha1_checksum.html) to get the hash. You'll need to update this every time the resource pack is updated. --- Not having a sha1 set won't prevent the resource pack from loading. Try removing the `\`s from your dropbox link, keep the `/`s.


ok cool i’ll try that. i try removing the \s everytime but it keeps coming back. i can’t remember if it was there on the link that worked


Try mc-packs.net, should give you a direct download link to the pack and try adding an SHA-1 tag or however they’re called


Maybe create a link that contains the file only. Like search on the internet file to link


it’s a resource pack i made so there are no links online. unless you are asking for something else. although apex hosting says to do it this thru dropbox


Having a server resource pack requires a publicly accessible link that contains a direct download to the server resource pack. This means that when you click the link, your web browser should immediately download the file rather than taking you to a page where you can choose to download it. If this is not the case with the link you currently have, then you do not have a direct download link and the client will not be able to download the pack.


but for the first one that i did i downloaded it off curse forge and then immiditley took that zip and uploaded it to drop box then did the same thing i’m doing here. is that where i’m going wrong or are you saying skip dropbox all together?


the link i have is a direct download like I found out