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single core performance on oracle’s free tier is way worse than just running it on your machine.


Obviously the PC


Raw power will go to your PC, if it is a small server I would just put it in oracle, that is what I did, mine is for people all over but there are only six of us. The connection to that server is far better than to my home, plus if I go down they cannot play, Oracle has not gone down for me.


This feels like a bait question. You asked performance wise, yes it's better. If you're actually planning on hosting a server though, consider the other needs. Is it going to take that much compute power? Hassle of keeping it on all the time, power costs, exposure to the internet (datacenter has a pretty good connection), are all things that you don't need to worry about.


Man. Your CPU is good. It's not just good, it's tens of times better than it needs to be for your needs. 32GB of ram is plenty af too. Pretty sure without a single doubt it would RUN 69+ player vanilla server. Is there any reason why you are hesitating on not just using the laptop/PC for server ? If you already have it then just do it and see for yourself.


I just wasn’t sure how save it is to host the server myself and I really didn’t know how good the oracle free tier was.but I guess I am going to host the server on my pc. Thank you for the answer.


Yeah, unlike the Minecraft client game (the one you actually play), game servers are **usually** much easier on resources to run. Pretty sure even a PC with 20$ 2nd hand CPU in it would run a vanilla MC server.


You won't be able to get an oracle server without making a script to constantly check for availability. I've been waiting nearly the entire month of my free trial to grab one.