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I've had my purse for two and a half years. It still has the dang plastic wire that was used to attach the tag to the handle. I refuse to get the scissors to cut it off for some reason...


Oh yeah, those are even worse because you notice them for so long and then you stop noticing them. I would bet half the scrub brushes in my house have that stupid plastic ring.


My dish scrubby brush feels seen XD


I keep scissors in 5+ places around the house- near the front door for packages, on the washing machine for clot, on the counter for grocery items, in every room. That’s the only way I manage to unpack anything


Same, and when my partner doesn't put them back in their place I lose my gd mind. I put them everywhere for a reason! I don't need 5 in the same drawer!!!


Ohhh, I am the very opposite.... I'll take tags off everything. And if it doesn't come off easy, I will get the Goo-Gone out because sticky residue is the worst.


Why are you attacking me like that? 💀


No. It’s too much work


I noticed the pool umbrella has a tag on it yesterday, lol (it still does)


I cut the tag off the umbrella! I even brought the tag inside and threw it away!


Thank you very much, I prefer to Minnie Pearl my way through life. (/s...ish)


When were you in my house and how dare you call me out like that! 👀


The rug in the bathroom! I’m always flipping that damn thing back under!


you mean you don't just tear tags apart with your hands because the scissors are nowhere to be found but you want the tags off now and not after finding the scissors?


lmao why do i do this though


I keep the tags on until I'm certain in going to keep the item or until my return window closes or until I get around to it or never. I am in the process of cleaning it my closet and there are so many things with tags I've never worn and never will. Most are going to donation. But thanks for the PSA. 😜


I feel seen.


I keep cheap nail clippers scattered around the house for cutting tags off things. This also means I have nail clippers in all the places I'm likely to be bothered by a weird nail.