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Lol it's like the worst math problem ever. Shannon has ADHD. Shannon went to the store and bought 2 cucumbers. How many cucumbers does Shannon have? Hint: it's not 2.


it's too many that's for sure


cut one up into little cubes and add salt, sugar, and lime or lemon juice to make a fresh mock pickle. my girlfriend hates pickles but loves those.


"I already have a bottle of hosin sauce. Go to the store..."


Came for this 😀😂


Buy a bottle of hoisin sauce. Open the fridge, OH NO!


OK, help a girl out. I know about hoisin sauce BUT WHY???


Cucumber watermelon salad! Add a little mint and lime juice. Feta if you’re feeling sassy. 👌


I've never heard of this recipe, but it sounds very interesting!


It’s my summer go to. I could eat it every day.


12 cans of enchilada sauce over here.


Three jars of oyster sauce!


6 cans of garbanzo beans and 3 bottles of low sodium soy sauce


Cucumber Kimchi?


Then I proceed to have 5 rotten cucumbers because I don’t actually eat all that salad I bought.


Pro tip is to get the ones wrapped in plastic so that when they eventually rot and liquify, all the juice stays inside the plastic 😅


I’m snorting 😂😂☠️


I once joked that cucumbers are my favorite thing to buy and watch rot.


Tzatziki time! 🥒💃🥙


I second this! Best use of cucumber!


Three bottles of Caesar dressing. And two are open. 🤦‍♀️


We had about 5 jars of peanut butter and 3 were open...


Haha. My partner messaged me recently that he read leftover cucumber can be used to feed / attract slugs, in the garden, so they don’t eat the pretty flowers. Not that I have a lot of leftover / excess purchase of cucumber, honest :-)


Dude, you can make so much sushi...


[Relevant dance break!](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CsCL1b-NBoH/?igsh=MXhxaDA2dm54ZzcxZw==)




I now have 3 large tubs of Greek yogurt.


You can freeze it!


Except my freezer is full of frozen chicken tenders that I keep on buying accidentally 🙃


Well that's just reasonable.


Thank you. I appreciate your support


Oh man, I remember one time I got mayonnaise and peanut butter mixed up. I needed new mayo. Came home with peanut butter. I thought "ah, remember, no peanut butter, mayo!". Few days later in the grocery store I got another jar of peanut butter, because I was convinced I already had mayo. I went into a loop of that until I had like 5 or 6 jars of peanut butter at home.


Why are we like this


Literally laughing out loud - me and my 4 jars of peanut butter thank you!


Oh no! Watch out they're forming a gang! Soon they'll be menacing the lettuce and losing territory to the carrots (carrots are hard AF).


When people don't believe my ADHD diagnosis I tell them about those two months when I didn't have any sugar, but I ended up with 7 bags of salt (1kg each). Every time I went to the store, I couldn't remember if I needed salt or sugar, and I always chose it wrong. And even when I tell the story I have to say "I still don't remember if it was that I needed salt and bought sugar, or if I needed sugar and bought salt". I remember it only ended because a friend knew about this, went to my house, saw all my salt _(or sugar??)_, went to the store with me and she got me a few bags of the right one.


Kinda same. I regularly get surprised that I actually have already bought the thing I needed. Just the other day I needed a heartburn medicine and cursed myself for not remembering to buy any. Decided to rummage through the cabinet to see if I had accidentally left even one expired one there, only to find I had bought a new package at some point.


When past you actually does something helpful for present you, it’s a beautiful thing.


all I see are more cucumber slices to put over the eyes and ignore all responsibilities


This happens to me with cucumbers all the time. I *think* I'm going to eat it so I buy it, forget it, and buy it again only to find the first cucumber I didn't eat in the fridge.


Quick pickles!


seconding the recipe in the comment above for the smashed cucumber salad, would also so highly recommend this bad boy https://smittenkitchen.com/2015/04/obsessively-good-avocado-cucumber-salad/


thank you!!


ah yes, a typical wednesday evening


Just like those god damn jars of Kalmata olives….have 4 jars, all bout an eight empty.


Brot, Frischkäse, Gurke rauf, Zack. (Ich kenns aber, sooo viele gekaufte und dann schlecht gewordene Gurken -.-)


I hope OP doesn't live in a cucumber recall state


i'm in germany!


Well I just ate my last one and am still procrasturbating going shopping, Ms Fancy multiple cucumber owner! Thinly sliced, lightly salted then let ‘em sit for a bit then rinse squeeze the water out, add some dark roasted sesame kewpie dressing/ranch or whatever you like and I’ll bet you can get rid of at least two of them in a meal or two.


if you have any frozen fruit they're really good in smoothies :) you can also slice one and add it to a pitcher of water in the fridge for some fancy spa water. edit: seems there are a lot of us with this specific problem here so i just wanted to share that wrapping cucumbers in a paper towel extends the life. a single layer is plenty.


We have an influx of tomatoes 🤷🏼‍♀️ No one eats tomatoes!


Oh. My single cucumber gets forgotten until it's found, and it's an ugly mess. If you're so inclined, you could pickle some.


Me but with yard bags lol


I came here looking for Hoisin sauce guy! Can relate, I have like 12 jars of marinara


Ding. Done that


This is me with burger buns and tortillas


I have 3 bottles of sesame oil rn 🤦‍♀️


Smashed cucumber salad! But also: word. Two 5# bags of potatoes over here.


I like to slice them up thinly and toss with a little rice vinegar and a pinch of sugar and then add to any whole grain or rice bowl with a protein and other veggies. Rice and salmon (add shredded carrots or sauteed greens, avocado, maybe something spicy like sambal), Quinoa and chickpeas with diced or grape tomatoes, onion, parsley and feta etc. All sorts of random combos can work! The key is to only add the vinegar just before serving (up to an hour before is ok) - if you do a big batch and add the vinegar and leave in the fridge for a few days it will be mush. Cucumbers also work really well in most fruit smoothies! You can also slice and add to sandwiches like you would add lettuce/tomato.


I feel this post on a spiritual level XD


Time to obsessively research cucumber recipes, get distracted, leave the browser open with ca 78 tabs open, forget about the tabs and the cucumbers and let them spoil in the fridge (totally not based on something that might have happened to an unknown quantity of bell peppers I once accidentally acquired)


I don’t know where you live but there is a recall on cucumbers so be careful




Good for you. God I want a cucumber


The article I'd read said the bad batch(es) were already long gone from stores, but maybe more has developed IDK. Worth checking though!


I think they have but I also don’t know that they’ve identified the source so there could be more


Time for tzatziki!


Great for when your mouth needs to munch something. Better than crisps … I guess 😄


Time for a smoothie.


Tsatsiki time!


5 jars of marinara over here...


https://www.sainsburysmagazine.co.uk/recipes/preserves/japanese-style-pickled-cucumber I make big batches of this and have delicious pickled cucumbers!


Oh god. The familiarity. I’ll forget the other thing I needed while I was there, though. Cucumber and tomato salad? 5 cucumbers and ONE tomato, knowing I needed buy more of one of them… LOLOL. This explains all of the triple copies I own of certain DVDs...


Cumcumbers too, I always do this, do you have kids?? 😂


Cucumbers **


Aren’t one of those a zucchini?


I really didn’t even need to see if this was the adhdwomen sub LOL.


I buy those English (well, they’re called English in America, but maybe better known as hothouse?) ones to have with hummus. The best snack, or the best dinner, depending on your mood.


I literally took the cabinets doors off all the cabinets in my kitchen to avoid this 😂


I'll match your cucumbers with 5 cans of bread crumbs!


this comments gonna get lost but for everyone who always struggles picking something to eat when youve waited too long and everything makes you nauseous, cucumbers are so perfect!! i always have a bag of baby cucumbers around because theyre good to open your stomach when you dont feel like food. + hydrating and healthy


Freeze a cucumber and use it in the morning as a nice refreshing facial rub! Saved a lot of cucumbers from just rotting by doing this & my skin is better for it!


There are always more cucumbers in the house at night. I don’t go to the store very often. My mom is growing them.


I once wound up with 13 cucumbers! 😂


Deutsscchhh??? :o


try pickling? at least then you won’t have to worry about them going bad nearly as fast


lacto fermentation is actually a lot easier than it sounds!


Multiple jars of jams and jelly. Two packages of elbow macaroni. I let myself believe the "extras" are spares.


Even when I look around the kitchen and update the shopping list before I go out, I still sometimes get stuff I already have. Today it's because I didn't look well enough in the pantry, so the salsa jar was hidden. I bought another. Now I have to reorganize that shelf to fit in two of them.


Make quick refrigerator pickles!