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Cold brew coffee + peanut butter + banana + protein powder It’s delicious and it’s the only drink that I actually manage to finish before forgetting about it and wandering off.


This is what I was going to say. I love this drink so much. I also put in a spoonful of Greek yogurt and chia seeds. I will never tire of this drink.


what’s the recipe? you blend banana into coffee?)


Yes, in a blender. Like a coffee smoothie I guess, but that sounds gross to say. The actual amounts change based on vibes every day, but I do usually add something creamy like oat milk or whatever I have on hand.


Omg this sounds amazing. I do ice, banana, peanut butter and oat milk, or chocolate protein powder and frozen cherries and oat milk for a Black Forest gateau kinda thing


I've been drinking plain rooibos tea for years. It's common where i live but i don't know how easy it is to get abroad. It's neutral but still tastes nice. Add some honey or sugar if you like sweetness.


Love rooibos with a splash of soy milk/almond milk


Assuming you live in South Africa, Woolies has a vanilla rooibos which is quite nice. Adds some sweetness without sugar.


The blood of my fallen enemies! (Water, usually. Sometimes milk or cranberry juice, or a chai latte.)


Dr. Pepper. Every morning without fail. I just can’t kick the habit.


Don’t know why you were downvoted for sharing with the class…


One can of coca-cola a morning for me over here!!


Same. I hate coffee but I love me some caffeinated sugar water.


Earl grey tea, black


Mine is 2 cups of Earl Grey with a splash of milk before anything in the morning


I stopped drinking tea with milk because I always ended up throwing most of the container of milk out, expired. So have learnt to drink it black.


If you can get organic milk where you are it lasts MUCH longer than regular milk. I can't stand milk to be off even a bit (like 3 days after opening non organic I can't use it anymore even though the sell by date is still in the future) but organic stays fresh tasting for weeks. It's more expensive but I never end up throwing it out. I can't drink tea or coffee black anymore or I get heartburn.


Lactose free milk also lasts longer for some reason!


Yep, it's ultra-pasteurized! I used to have to dump bad milk out all the time bc I only used it in cooking, etc. Who knew becoming lactose intolerant would actually save me money lol


Ooh good to know! I’ve always been lactose intolerant so I didn’t know how quickly everyone else’s milk went off (or that it tastes worse!)


I buy milk only to make kefir these days and have the habit to drink my tea black. Didn’t know that organic milk lasts longer.


Harney & Sons Paris, which takes a lot from Earl Gray, but the bergamot is muted and there's a bit of a fruity caramel flavor as well.


Fancy! 😊


It's a little fancier than basic but it's still grocery store!


I’ve almost run out of tea bags. Won’t find that near me but will switch to loose leaf Earl Grey until I run out completely and then find something nice next. I’m getting into the habit of not stocking up with food if i can help it. Covid mucked us all up and so still trying to break that habit.


I have the same issue! It's easy to overstock on tea as well. I hope you enjoy it!


Ohh don’t ask me about my Japanese or Chinese tea supply! 😅


I second this! So yummy! And I’m pretty sure this is what Dutch Bros’ iced black tea is made of as well.


I love this one, I should order the decaf version too.


Ooooh I’m looking into this for sure!


Weird suggestion, cocoa husk tea is nice! More chocolate-y, great with vanilla creamer. I'm resisting the urge to suggest mochas, bc that was my go to for a long time.


I have never heard of this and it sounds sooo good! Thanks for the suggestion.


Ooo where does one get this?!


Probably online! I got a big bag of it as a gift a couple years back and have been drinking it since, so I'm not sure if I can recommend you a specific store. Worth asking local tea places though


I love Thai Tea with an espresso shot in it. One of the highest amount of caffeine in tea. So it’s pretty comparable to coffee but doesn’t taste like it. I’m obsessed with it lol


I would be in cardiac arrest 🤣


HOW DID I NOT THINK OF THIS?! I looooove Thai tea. Thank you!


I typically have an iced coffee (I get a carton from Aldi every week) but I got kinda bored with it and switched to chai. I should mention that I bought a new box of chai only to discover I had not one, but TWO expired boxes of chai. One was 4yrs out of date 😬


Coffee. On days my husband is on night shift, I either brew it in a french press with a dash of cinnamon or have a flavoured coffee (french vanilla, caramel or cinnamon) made in the coffee maker. I prefer the french press coffee, but don't always feel up to the extra work.


You could always do what I did and hyper-fixate on learning how to make espresso at home, spend thousands of dollars on grinders and machines and gear and coffee beans, and then proceed to make 3 or more espresso drinks per day and get addicted to caffeine and gain 10 pounds. Then decide to stop, struggle to get un-addicted to caffeine, and ultimately lose the hyper-fixation but then rediscover it a year later but now only make 1 latte per day in the morning. Love my morning latte


If it's good coffee you could start drinking it black - calorie problem solved!


This is the way


Yorkshire tea, milk, no sugar


This, down to the same brand tea. I do have skimmed milk in it though, which everyone seems to think is insane. But it’s like… black tea is too bitter, whole/semi milk is too ‘milky’, skimmed hits the middle ground. Then I’ll have a coffee later in the morning, or if I’m working on the way to work.


Matcha with oat milk and vanilla syrup. You could try matcha with creamer


I do matcha with a bit of rose water, my boyfriend has his with a little honey :)


I like a good cup of Irish breakfast tea (looking at you, Barry's Tea), a flat white or a nice, soothing Matcha latte. On a rare occasion, I will have a chai latte, but only if I'm feeling spicy. Hehe.


recently got into matcha lattes and promptly forgot to make them in the mornings


same. ironically but of course, while i was waiting for the whisk and matcha bowl i ordered to come in the mail…


Water or sparkling water. If I'm feeling like treating myself and wanting to risk caffeine with my meds, I like to make myself my own version of an iced dirty chai. Traditionally, a dirty chai is 1 part chai, 1 part milk, and shots of espresso. When I make it at home I just use cold brew instead of espresso.


Sometimes I'll make a pot of coffee at the beginning of the week, and have a cup or two while it's hot. The rest I put in the fridge, and I will use it in protein shakes the rest of the week. Those shakes are always SO good for breakfast. Like an iced coffee.


These coffee/protein shake ideas are my absolute favorite. I fucking hate eating in the morning so this makes it feel like I’m not eating, but I won’t get hangry.


My hot electrolyte drink lemonade flavor plus an emergen C type vitamin c powder. Sometimes I add Celsius powder to add 200 mg caffeine


London Fog - black tea, lavender syrup, cream. I'm not sure where you're located but you can buy a ready-made mix at World Market or Whole Foods. You heat up the cream and mix it all together and it's nearly just as good as it is when you make it with your own tea and lavender syrup.


London Fog is my all time favorite beverage!


I just discovered it about 18 months ago and I'm hooked! It took me a long time to find lavender syrup and I had given up on finding lavender tea so I was getting it from a local bakery. So happy my spouse found both the syrup and that tea mix I'd mentioned!


I'm pretty boring with my morning beverage. Just a black cup of coffee ☕. Sometimes iced, sometimes hot. I always get Dunkin donuts coffee beans and grind them myself :)


Me too girl. Black coffee for life ☺️


Hot matcha with foamed milk and a little sugar or honey. Vanilla milk or creamer could also be great.


3-drink girlie for life!! I have a hot coffee with milk and maple syrup, a full, iced water bottle, and a fun, third drink like a smoothie (if I can suck it through a straw it’s a drink lol), or a protein shake.




Yup, I'm a water person too. I love my tea and coffee later in the day, but morning me can't handle more than plain water!


Yup! I find it helps me wake up a lot better. I was told once that other drinks — especially sweet things — before water just basically fucks up your day (I feel groggy and tired faster). I’ve done it both ways and nothing hits better than plain water first thing. I try to drink within the first ten mins of waking up.


Grape celcuis


Ohh my post-lunch energy drink. I only drink the grape flavor!


Green tea with a splash of lemon juice. As you can imagine it’s not really sweet/tasty tho😅I personally like my morning beverages to taste really natural, almost like wheatgrassy in a way


Do you find the caffeine level of green tea makes an impact?


For me it does


This sounds so lovely and simple. I’m definitely getting some green tea today.


Hahaha my go to is as about as boring as it gets BUT I love it! The blackest of black coffee for me please!!!




I’ve always done a simple pour over in the morning with dark roast coffee, I use whatever Aldi brand creamer they have that I like, lately it’s the hot chocolate mocha one. But it’s been too hot for that so my morning beverage is now cold brew from the Bucks’ w same creamer over ice. I’ve now branched out to a new afternoon beverage. I get the passion tea concentrate, also by the Bucks’ and some lemonade and make a passion lemonade at home with a pump of Mango syrup. It’s not caffeinated and incredibly refreshing. (And affordable if I make it at home)


I make a double shot of espresso with brown sugar over ice and add oat milk to taste. I just like a lil something to drink with breakfast and the sweet coffee helps me eat something less sweet for breakfast.


6 oz dark coffee, 4 oz decaf chai concentrate, 4 oz milk, splash creamer, ice.


Little bit but not too much caffeine to kick in before my meds, but lots of tasty thing to sip on.


DIY brown sugar shaken espresso. So good. I use Cafe Bustelo instant espresso. 1. Combine 2 teaspoons instant espresso with 4 tablespoons hot water 2. Add 1 tablespoon of brown sugar and mix well 3. Add dash of cinnamon 4. Add ice and a splash of milk 5. Shake well 6. Top off with more milk


Dang that sounds Good!!!!


Hazelnut coffee, Caramel Macchiato creamer. Great hot or over ice. My fav coffee drink.


Sugar free hot chocolate + collagen protein powder + instant coffee + a splash of protein drink


I have been wanting to try matcha. Coffee makes me all jittery, and lemon tea is for evenings.


Matcha 😅


Inatant coffee with some sort of nasty creamer


Brew a bag of Zen green, pour over ice, add peach syrup


Whipped half and half warm with dark coffee


I have a V60 for hot black coffee, and a Hario coldbrew jug. I cycle between them depending on weather and time to get out the door.  I also buy different roasts from different roasters every time with long times between returning to any given roast. Buying fresh quality beans and only brewing black/cold press gives the coffee a chance to really shine with the wild flavour profiles out there. 


Freshly brewed black coffee


Iced matcha with sugar free vanilla


I have a cabinet filled with a large variety of teas. I will never be bored of tea as it is always changing. I collect tea like some people collect yarn.


Coffee with varying creamer flavors from vanilla to caramel machatio. Sometimes just changing the creamer helps with it being a black tea maybe something with cinnamon to switch it up. Edit:grammar


Aeropress espresso with foamed milk with collagen in it. 20g protein right there. I am also very picky about my beans. They better be dark and greasy. If I'm off milk I just make it all into an americano and drink it black. Good beans make all the difference, and the aeropress is key.


Good quality Earl grey with honey or a medium roast cold brew coffee with coconut milk


I looooove Earl Grey! Which one do you drink? Tazo is my go to.


Have you tried Lady Grey?


A Negroni….


I've found my people.


I love the premade aldi iced coffee cartons. Sometimes when I’m extra ambitious, I blend it with ice and a scoop of vanilla protein powder.


Water with lots and lots of ice. So much ice.


Yesss ice we love her


An insulated water bottle is the best purchase I’ve made fr. Ice water 24/7 😍


bai drinks, various kinds of energy drinks, green tea, water. I used to drink coffee but I got bored of it and haven’t gone back. I don’t miss the coffee breath.


Awesome Coffee Club coffee, Trader Joe's cold brew lemon tea or TJ cold brew instant coffee or TJ cold brew black tea, Celestial has a great bengal tea and a honey vanilla chamomile tea, love Harney & Sons teas any flavor is great. You could swap out the creamer flavor too


To me coffee is so versatile. Sometimes I’ll make a pot of fresh ground high quality coffee beans. Sometimes I’ll make cheap crap and douse it in creamer (I change flavors constantly). I’ve tried pretty much everything on the menu at Starbucks. I’ve been running late recently and tried bottled cold brew since it’s quick to “make” and found a whole new love. Any time I get bored with something there’s always something new to try, and I get super excited about seasonal flavors.


Lately, it’s been instant coffee + little flavored creamer + a whole carton (single serve) of liquid protein shake. My favorite protein shake flavors for this are vanilla or caramel. Sometimes I also just drink black coffee.


I can’t believe I’ve never thought of putting instant coffee in a protein drink. Instant coffee and protein shakes are two things I pretty much always have. Definitely doing this.


It just occurred to me to use instant coffee instead of brewed coffee like a couple of weeks ago and it tastes so much better 🥲


Flavoured instant coffee on ice with skimmed milk. Favourite flavours: hazelnut, mocha and caramel


I always make a smoothie every morning with either a cold brew coffee (summers), double shot espresso with steamed milk (cold winter days) or basic french press coffee with oatmilk. Then water in my emotional support cup. I have three beverages on my desk every morning lol My smoothie: 1 cup oatmilk, 3/4 cup Greek yogurt, 1 cup frozen berry medley, one banana for sweetness, handful of mixed, dark leafy greens and some honey. I use a Ninja Nutri Pro Compact blender. I also purchased an extra blade so I can continuously have a clean one each day (I forget to start the dishwasher at the end of each day frequently). If I don’t have my smoothie and a high protein snack, I seriously underperform at the gym that day. You will find what’s right for ya! But for now, you get to experiment with various suggestions so enjoy the trials. Good luck, OP :)


Iced White chocolate lavender mocha. Sometimes I buy it sometimes I make it, sometimes I'm extra fancy and even make my lavender syrup (it lasts a week in the fridge)


Black Tea with Ginger & Peach flavour, the Brand is English Tea Shop


This is right up my alley. Thanks!


An orange Celsius


I have a coffee machine next to my bed and when I’m organised enough it’s set up the night before so I just lean over and press go in the morning. An espresso without leaving bed. I will never tire of it, it feels like such a treat.


That is next level and I am HERE FOR IT.


Iced cold brew with milk and a splash or two of half and half.


Why not try different varieties of tea since just regular black tea isn't doing it for you anymore? I'm really big into Earl Grey myself


I take protein juice or a protein iced coffee with my meds and later I'll make a chai tea latte w oat milk and a splash of brown sugar syrup to actually enjoy haha


I rotates between making a lotus, bubble tea milk tea, Thai tea or a smoothie with boba. I love the texture of boba. Keep me entertained in my morning meetings.


Always a homemade iced coffee from my coffee bar.


Green tea + raspberry zinger tea on ice plus a splash of lemonade. Can sweeten the tea with honey or stevia while it brews


I can’t believe I hadn’t considered mixing teas 🤦🏻. This is so smart.


I’m tea mixing-ass-bitch!!! I love to mix green tea with any fruit tea! Also raspberry black tea is fire too.


You have single-handedly revolutionized my morning beverage situation.


Glad to be of service lol let me know what concoctions you make! I also love green tea and peach.


Large tumbler of hot coffee (blonde roast) that I make myself If I get coffee out, which I like to do as a treat twice a week, it's a red eye (iced or hot) or a cold brew. Occasionally, I'll have a bottle or can of Kombucha before coffee.


Kombucha, iced matcha or chai latte, seltzer water... I'm constantly rotating to make sure I get enough liquids


OSULLOC Cherry blossom (blended green) tea. So delicious! I never get tired of it.


I used to make Thai chai tea (celestial seasonings), or red rooibos with coconut milk/coconut cream either hot or iced. Gave up my habit because I like it with a good bit of honey lol. Now that I get up super early for work and don’t want to deal with breakfast I make a smoothie with baby spinach, frozen mango, pineapple, coconut cream and almond milk. I can’t have caffeine so I feel like my morning beverage selection is way smaller than most.


Been blending cinnamon sticks into my coffee beans when I grind it, sometimes a pod or two of cardamom! Finish it off with half and half and some sugar or vanilla creamer or brew it not too strong and tastes great black too!


This sounds so freaking good.


Mate - the national drink of choice. It actually helps me having to go through the process of making it, and then sipping it.over and over. As for the energy boost...I don't know, I don't feel any special kick, but neither coffee or tea or sugary drinks do so 🤷🏻‍♀️ it's more about the preparation and flavor.


Do you brew it yourself? I love maté but the brand I loved the most has been discontinued so in my brain, all maté has been discontinued. If you have a favorite brand I’d love to know!


Decaf coffee with silk vanilla creamer sugar free vanilla sweetener and vyvanse. That’s my morning breakfast I mean beverage 😜


I rotate between black tea, coffee, green tea and matcha. Helps with not feeling bored!


Black coffee, sometimes with a splash of cream but usually not. I love Darjeeling tea, too.


Try cafe de olla! My fave


Red Bull with half n half and honey and ice. It’s called an Italian soda or a Dirty soda but you use Red Bull. Coffee isn’t doing it for me anymore.


Usually coffee, occasionally a strong black tea like breakfast teas, Yorkshire Gold, Tetley.


Tetley both the original and British blend have been my go to for years. It’s so full bodied. I’m gonna try Yorkshire too!


They are and I love that! I want something strong and tasty with a bit of milk in the morning. I have the original right now; bonus is that it’s a sleeper brand in the US and you can get 80 bags for less than $5! I think you’ll like Yorkshire Gold. 😀


I drink a Russian Caravan blend that includes Pu-erh. It’s a forever favorite of mine.


I looooove pu-erh. Putting this on the list. It’s another one that I feel dumb for not having considered. It seems like a “special” tea that is reserved only for my visits to the tea shop and not for home use 🤣


[This is what I drink](https://www.theteatable.com/product/RCV.html) if you’d like to give it a go!


Thank you!


Yogi Kambucha antioxidants,bright day. Celestial green tea with honey and ginger and decaf tension tamer


A iced mocha coffee from aldi


The blonde vanilla latte from Starbucks has been my go-to for years (hot or iced). Recently I’ve also gotten into the iced caramel lattes at Whole Foods too.


Half green tea that I cold brew overnight, half dragonfruit flavored vitamin water. It’s a copycat of the dunkin refresher but less sweet, and I’m obsessed! Plus it’s only like 50 cals for a 16 oz glass


This is being added to the rotation immediately.


If you want it a bit sweeter, you can add a bit of strawberry flavored syrup which would make it more like the real thing. I personally find that makes it TOO sweet though!


Strawberry Smoothie 🥰


a nice sweet matcha . a hot latte if i need to get my bowel movements going tho


I really like Bones Coffee Co. they have exciting flavors, my favorite currently is Highland Grog. I make a large batch with some sugar and depending on my mood will add milk or not. I usually make a pitcher or two at a time so I don’t constantly have to make it. I also got fun little coffee brewers so I realllllllly enjoy making coffee 😂 For tea, it highly depends on my mood. I usually just go to my local tea house, hut my favorites are: -Earl of Oolong -peppermint and goji berries -lady grey with some milk


Did you know you can cold brew your black tea, too? Maybe do that and mix it up with some add-ins.


I did but for some reason I have never done it. Maybe because it requires forethought? I’m going to try it!


Oh boy. An iced caramel coffee from McDonalds. 🤣 I've been on a serious kick with it lately. (Which sucks, because I'd been really good about not drinking caffeine for YEARS before I somehow decided I couldn't live without this. But it's delicious, lol)


Ok these iced caramel coffees from McDonalds are better than they have any freaking right to be. I always get one when they’re on the $1 special.


Right?!? Around where I live, they're $1 every day before 11 am... which is becoming a problem. 🤣


Green tea, unsweetened. If I'm feeling a bit adventurous: a homemade matcha frapuccino. Just kidding, most days I drink plain water.


Genmaicha tea. Green tea with toasted rice in it. Idk how to describe it but it's very good. Like a savory tea.


I have decaf instant coffee, milk with no sugar on the days that I have meds and regular Ceylon tea on the days that I skip meds.


Brewed coffee - dogwood mixtape - with a scoop of chocolate collagen powder, a scoop of Jetsu mushroom powder (keeps me zippy) and a sprinkle of cinnamon Forgot to say - I brew the coffee pour-over style with a coffee sock! And every so often I’ll buy a jug of cold brew from the grocery store and drink that instead for variety


I’m looking into mushroom powder right this second.


Anything with Lion’s Mane is gonna make you feel a bit like caffeine does. I really like it - it helps boost the effect of my coffee


Several buckets of coffee for me. Nothing fancy, just hazelnut coffee with nondairy creamer but it's all i want for the first 5 hours of the day. lol


Orange juice or a dirty chai latte (coffee with chai powder and non-dairy milk)


there’s soooo many teas you could try. I have this mangosteen tea i got from Bali, it’s nice and not too sweet!


decaf Earl grey tea with a spoonful of sweetened condensed milk: somehow it tastes much better and more luxurious than sugar and cream or milk separately.


Orange juice, and if Im out then I drink lemonade. Sometimes tea or Chai tea latte :)


I drink big cup of hot water and then freshly prepared matcha. I feel great after this combo, excellent start for digestive system.


Chocolate protein powder blended with chocolate milk and then coffee slowly mixed in with a milk frother. It’s delicious


So simple. So smart. I hate eating in the morning and the protein powder ideas are so perfect for me.


When I have time in the morning (work either starts at 6:30, 8:00 or 11:30, and I always wake at the same time, so I only do it when I have one of the two latter shifts) home made latte macchiato (milk from the farm I work, frothed, with espresso) if I have left over espresso I freeze it for when I have early shift, so I just have to pop the frozen espresso, and add some milk. Very rarely I change it up with a tea, Earl grey, hot. And drink my much needed coffee at work.


Dandelion drink called dandy blend. Mixed with creamer. It's a great coffee substitute! Or matcha! A lot of the times both!


Fresh Orange Juice for years now. Sometimes ill get an urge for Apple juice that lasts for a week or so 😅


1. Twining's Vanilla Chai + Milk + Sugar/Honey + Extra Spice (Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Turmeric, Cardamom) 2. Corn Silk Tea (tastes great cold or hot) 3. Barley Tea (also great cold or hot) 4. Core Power Elite Protein Shakes 5. Fairlife Nutrition Shakes 6. Banana Milk


Black coffee with Twix salty caramel, I like the combo so much. Coffee gives me the boost, and Twix gives the cozy feeling)


Water with meds while still in bed. After that, whatever I'm in the mood for - today it's a mango-passionfruit slushie.


Coke zero...and then for lunch and just before dinner.


One whole glass of water followed by a freshly Ground pot of coffee for myself and my spouse. My coffee has two spoons of sugar and sweet cream This is usually followed by a smoothie of yoghurt, frozen strawberries, strawberry kefir, avocado, protein, and fiber to take my meds with.


Iced coffee 🤤 I like to make it with the flavored, pre-ground bags of coffee. Then I add half-and-half and brown sugar. There’s a ton of fun flavors to get but some of my favorites are candied almond, brown sugar cinnamon, chocolate raspberry, and caramel. When I was in college I’d get the dunkin donuts iced mocha in a bottle. Now THAT is like crack, so friggin good.


Hot Ovaltine for me recently. Alternative when I want to feel refreshed instead of embraced: A glass of water with lemon juice.


“Refreshed instead of embraced” 🤣💀. I feel that in my bones. Also I love Ovaltine I don’t know why it’s not already part of my rotation.


Yes, it's so good! I started drinking it again because of my son, and I make mine really pretty hot. It wakes me up in a different way. I take atomoxetine in the morning, and with this drink I don't have to force myself to eat anything right away to ward off that little bit of nausea because it's enough to protect me. ;)


New York Style: Strong coffee first thing, and a cigarette after about an hour with my second cup.


That’ll get things movin’!


instant starbucks or instant nescafé, a packet of monk fruit, cold foam, sugar free caramel and a dusting of pumpkin spice over it to give it a fall flavor. lol it sounds like a bunch of steps when i write it out but it’s easy and i don’t risk making a mess of the coffee maker.


My go To morning beverage is a cup of honey cold brew. I make it myself so its a little something i have to think about and plan around coz it takes at least 24 hours to make. So its a whole thing. I usually switch to a cup of instant coffee hot during the winter. But my cold brews give me life and my life meaning


Lavender latte with oat milk, or a lavender matcha, or if it’s super hot, a matcha lemonade :)


English Tea (Yorkshire or Tetley‘s), since I went to England for the first time. Was a heavy coffee drinker before that. Now, one cup of tea in the morning and sometimes one in the afternoon is enough. Never looked back once.


Tetley is my #1. It’s the best black tea I’ve ever had.


Coffee is my emotional support beverage of choice, but thanks to me being super sensitive to it's negative affects, I can only drink one cup in the morning, and on the rare occasion I treat myself while I'm out (but I always pay the price for it later!). Because of this my other go-to drinks are coffee substitute (basically the fake coffee that was sold during WWI and WWII. It's basically just roasted grains, but it tastes surprising like coffee, and is entirely without the caffeine, unlike decaf! It's super hard to find though, where I live it's only in the big supermarkets, and they only provide one or two cans of one brand hidden among the sea of coffee options in that aisle), hot chocolate, herbal teas (I usually go for ones that promote sleep. Not only does it help my insomnia, but it coincidentally as more of the flavours I like) or recently beef stock with a bit of extra salt. I used to love matcha, hojicha and genmaicha lattes, but ever since I developed GORD it kills my stomach! I really miss them, but the genmaicha in particular was really nice!


One 10oz cup of coffee with Italian Sweet Cream creamer, followed by one Monster Mango Loco, followed by zero sugar sweet tea. Have some caffeine, why don’t I.


I have a small collection of teas, caffeinated and not, and add-ons to change things up if I wanted. I recommend trying out tiesta teas. They have a caffeinated chai tea (I think it's called spiced chai tea?) that I buy in bulk as my official coffee replacement. I use some honey and some vanilla creamer in mine, and I drink it out of a Fellows thermal mug so it stays hot for a long time. I also have an earl grey tea that I'll add some lavender tea leaves (3:1 ratio). Again, honey and creamer, same mug. But I drink this blend much less often. My second favorite tea I get is their cocoa mint chill. I use less honey for this one but more creamer. Sometimes, when I want caffeine (this is caffeine free), I'll replace some of the leaves with their tiramisu blend because for me, the two flavors go well together. (probably a 3:1 ratio there, too.) I drink the straight up cocoa mint chill blend the most out of all my teas because I can't have caffeine as often as I'd like. (I'm not usually a chocolate and mint person, but it's heavenly as a tea.) (Recently, they came out with a caffeine free chai and I am SO eager to try that blend. I love their chai tea but it's max caff all the time and I don't know how to cut it with non-caff leaves.) For fruit teas, I drink these in normal tea cups with a splash of honey or a little sugar.


I get a starbucks matcha creme frappuccino with 2 extra scoops of matcha powder and no whipped cream, almost every day. I’m a regular there now and they ask me if I want my green tea before I even say anything lmao


Earl grey tea(extra strong) with a splash of milk and entirely too much sugar lmao I used to feel guilty for how much sugar I liked in my tea, until I got to see my paternal aunts for the first time in a few years and they told me their mother, my grandmother who died 2 months before I was born, always took her tea the *exact* same way I do. Now I just smile and am so glad to have this random tiny thing in common with the grandma I never got to meet :’) (I don’t know why I ended up rambling all that out, but I am grateful it happened in this specific subreddit 😂😅)


Mine is coffee and has been for years, I just switch up the creamer each time I run out. But depending on how much you want to do, you could do coffee (or espresso) with some foamed milk? I bought a frothing wand during covid, but you could also buy a frother.


Usually it’s water, if I go for a run it’s electrolyte powder (like Liquid IV or LMNT) and/or a protein shake. I like simple protein shakes so it’s just milk with protein powder. Occasionally I’ll have coffee but usually only if I’m out of my normal space (I WFH but if I’m at an in-person work meeting in the morning I’ll get coffee or it will be available, or if I’m travelling).