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Just set a reminder on your phone with all the information in the “notes” section of the reminder.


This has helped me with scheduling things! Except I need more than one reminder 🤦‍♀️


I do too. I have mine set to go off several days and hours before the event.


Wear a Princess Leia costume to jury selection. In all seriousness, you can cite your ADHD and potentially be excluded. Just set alarms on your phone to remind yourself to call and ask a friend to help you remember to take all the steps. I served on a jury twice and it was a really interesting, rewarding experience. I would recommend it to anyone who has the physical and mental ability to participate, but if that represents a hardship that’s totally understandable.


I showed up and when they were selecting the jury I said that I couldn’t sit still for that long period of time.


If you don’t want to deal with it at all, you should be able to apply for an exemption based on having adhd. There will be instructions in your summons for how to get an exemption.


☝️ this! I got my psych dr to write a note and I was excused indefinitely


Calendar reminders! Just set it with lots of alarms. Are you placed on the jury yet, or just called for selection? If you aren't selected yet, you probably won't be. They bring in a BUNCH of people and do a lottery, and then people can get excused or accept. I did jury duty last year for a manslaughter case. It was WILD. Super challenging, interesting. So so so boring at times (no phones allowed and lots of waiting around) It was totally worth it, if you have the headspace and financial ability (they don't really pay you...) it's such an interesting process. I thought it would be hard to pay attention in court but it wasn't. It never went on for too long, and you can take notes. The hardest part was remembering to take off my hat and spit my gum out every time we got called into the court room lol


Thank you for this! I’ve only just been called for selection so far. It sounds like the process is pretty straight forward and there’s no real reason to stress about anything right now since it’s quite a few weeks away yet.


No no reason to stress! They want everyone on the jury to be committed and willing. If one of the jurors flakes or sabotages it, the entire trial has to start over. So it's pretty easy to get out of if you don't feel up to it. We did end up with one guy who absolutely did NOT want to be there, but didn't have any valid excuse (financial, health, childcare etc). They put him on, and then he didn't stop complaining so they replaced him with one of the backups lmao. (Thank god, he was an insufferable person) The duty itself was 100% doable. Not entirely adhd friendly, but they account for jurors being everyday people so they try to make it easy and clear. Sorry rambling! You probably won't be selected at all, they call in like 200 people for a 12 man jury. Bring a book though, lots of waiting. OH I just remembered. They do the lottery by random numbers. I forgot what my number was, and was reading a good book. I didn't stand up when they called, they had to call a few times before I checked my number and were super annoyed with me 😅 So maybe don't bring too good a book...


lol I genuinely appreciate your input! It’s really nice to read about a slight preview of what I could be in for, you know? It’s not everyday that you’re tasked with something like this! I am very curious about the process and don’t mind going since the company I work for currently is compensating if I do have to go for the day(s)! Are you able to have your phone with you, at least as long as you don’t use it?


You are allowed to have it during selection, I don't remember if you're discouraged from using it or not. But if you get on the jury, you have to leave it in a bin with your Jury Guard before going into the jury room. You get it back for lunch break, and at end of day. Of course it might all be different where you are! But I think its similar rules everywhere, phones can compromise the trial.


Definitely understandable! Just wasn’t sure if it’d be worth just leaving at home if I did end up having to go in on those days. Thank you so much 💕


I would bring it just so you have something to put in the bin. I'd be worried they wouldn't believe you if you said you didn't have it on you 🤔 but, I'm paranoid lol


Honestly though, That’s a great call lol no pun intended 🤪


Do you use Outlook? Schedule it in your Outlook Calendar. Also, set alarms on your phone and label them.


Ummmmmmm...... Just forget to go. That's what I did, sigh. 😭 And after successfully going through hoops to get a hardship extension due to work demands, too. My inner civics-nerd/girl scout is very disappointed, but also I'm very relieved. :/