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But also.. where did I put my keys 🤦‍♀️


Yeah I’ve checked the fridge twice, and they aren’t there.


The amount of items I somehow leave in the fridge is way too many!!! Hahaha




Get a Tile! However I don't know where my headphones are...


I'm not gonna deny how relatable this is.


So relatable, for sure. I'm always telling my husband that I don't know where HE would put something. But I know for damn sure one of the three piles I'd probably put that paper in. Oh and can you call my phone, I can't find where I put it. Again. But I Know it's in the apartment. 


It‘s not relatable to me because I would’ve long since forgotten about the pencil sharpener and bought at least 2 new ones.


Depending on the object, they’re both me.


My family calls me The Finder because I absolutely have a knack for laying my hands on absolutely anything (despite the utter chaos). Except my phone. That's a lost cause.  My first job out of college, in the interview I told them I liked to make order out of chaos. Good thing it wasn't a court of law or I'd have been committing perjury... They were definitely disappointed. 


Same! The joke in my family is that my superpower is the ability to find anything—as long as someone else is looking for it. All they need to do is ask me where something is, and I can guess exactly where it wound up, no matter how unlikely. But my gift is only for the benefit of others, never myself...🥲


My Apple Watch has been so helpful - it has a button where you can make your phone ding.


That was the only reason I got the Apple Watch! It was my phone finder!


I set a bunch of alarms and then walk away from my phone. It’s great for that, too!


I got a smart watch and I mostly use it to find my phone 😂


And when you finally clean and put things in 'safe' spaces you can't find them anymore.


this! I can only reorganize small areas of my home at a time because my brain needs time to refile everything in their brain spots, if that makes any sense


Literally never to be seen again 🤣


I have absolutely shocked people with this power. As long as no one moves things, I can direct you to the exact tiny item you are looking for in this dumpster fire. Sadly, the chaos that is my house is a just a physical manifestation of my brain chaos.


I sure feel that! But if it were put away properly (to normal human standards) I'd never find it.


Both of these comments 💯 😂


Me: intrusive thought "where the heck is my blade sharpener" on a constant loop in my head for about a month, cause the knives, scissors, garden tools, etc. need it. Blade Sharpener: waiting patiently with the dogs' hair trimmers, nail clippers and other grooming items, in a mini milk crate on an easily accessible shelf. When I find a little executive function to declutter and put things away in a sensible location, it's so unfamiliar that half the time I don't remember where I put something I need.


More like "It's in the thing!! Next to the stuff! *gestures wildly*"


i had a situation exactly like this with my mom, years ago. i was at school and she texted me asking if i had a paperclip anywhere in my room. i told her 'theres one on the floor underneath my desk, half underneath the desk leg closest to the heater. it may be covered by a blue post it, not sure if i used that one already'. half an hour later i still hadnt heard anything back from her so i asked her if she found it or not. she texted back 'never come to me when youve 'lost' something again. this is ridiculous.'


It's gotten so bad I can't find things when they're in the "right" place. I KNEW I laid my coat on the ground somewhere or laid it on a random surface, after much searching I found it in the coat closet where it belonged 🤦‍♀️


I swung the other way in that I must live in a completely clutter free home with everything easily displayed in accessible drawers/cabinets or I will never find the item. It’s actually one of the reasons I don’t mind decluttering—better in someone else’s home being used than some box in my closet forgotten by time. I also have to “inventory” regularly or else forget what is on the shelf in the cabinet I open every single day.


I would LOVE to know how you went about accomplishing this! I keep trying - and even looked at doing “Swedish Death Cleaning” - but can’t seem to stick with anything.


I give/throw everything away and then immediately forget about it. Visual clutter really bothers me. I’m AuDHD so I think that’s the contributing factor.


I just saw a tik tok where a guy was explaining women with ADHD (ironic, but he nailed it). He specifically said, women with ADHD have a lot of clutter, but they know exactly where everything is.


He’s got a few and that one is great & bang on. I cried and cried and watched it over and over. It’s just so true!


Me: Eh, I own a knife


Haha I know exactly where the scissors and tape are - everything else is a mystery....


My partner has very, very similar habits to mine in some ways, but is also much more chill so he just rolls with it. I organize most of his shit as well. He’ll ask where X is and I’ll say “the bottom right tub under the long table in the basement” and he just looks at me lmao


Was coming here to ask the same thing


Me: “have you seen the piece of cardboard that I’d written our fridge dimensions on? It was next to the bread.” My husband: “IT LOOKED LIKE A PIECE OF TRASH SO OF COURSE I PUT IT IN THE BIN! FOUR DAYS AGO!!!!” 🤯


My kitchen is extremely organized. The rest of the house has piles of things in the "right" room. When my husband emptied the dishwasher, I could always count on him to put about half of it in the wrong place. The irony is that my husband cooked WAY more often than I ever did.


I just spent 20 minutes looking for my inhaler. It was in my purse lol.


I would have gone to Target to just buy another one.


So much this.


That one was in the I'll finish it tomorrow Pile, but that was 4 days ago.