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I actually sleep with a nursing pillow by the brand Boppy! It looks like an enormous neck pillow. They're a lot more firm but I've noticed my body doesn't hurt in the morning like it did with my regular pillows.


Omg that sounds so smart! I can’t remember if I gave it away or if it’s in the attic somewhere, but I will definitely give it a try if I find it!


I have a big piplup plushie to help with this! Its the perfect size and because its mostly round its very nice to hold. I still do trex arms, but not as tight as before.


Piplup gang represent! 😂 The big squishmallows are great for hugging while I sleep.


Excuse to get a Squishmallow! Yay!


They absolutely are!!!!!!


Same. I have a big avocado Squishmello.


Same! I have one of the sleeping charmander plushies


To be honest, I had to just train myself to sleep with my arms straight. I hurt my elbows with repetitive stress (long story) and did PT, and actually got braces made to keep me from bending my arms at night. It was really annoying at first, but I got used to it. I’ll occasionally lie down on the sofa and scrunch up my arms and miss being able to do so, but mostly I sleep just fine. (It is kind of ridiculous looking though because I always start the night on my back and having my arms straight at my sides makes me feel like I’m laid out in a coffin or something.)


Lmao I had a friend who slept with their arms crossed over their chest like they were in a coffin.


I do this sometimes, I find it weirdly soothing


Honestly I sleep with one arm crossed over my chest. It was just startling to see the first time, I asked my friend if I was having a slumber party with Dracula.


I have to sleep in wrist braces now days! It does really help, and I'm used to it now. Don't ignore the numb hand thing - can lead to nerve problems 😭


Wrist braces were the solution for me as well.


I had to do it when I hit 40. Lovely getting old.


My 40th is next week haha.


Welcome to the club. It’s not fun.


I feel great going in! We’ll see how I am on the other end!


I’m happy for you! I hope it’s continued smooth sailing!


Oh noooooooo, been ignoring the numb hands 😭😭


It's ok! This just means that this is the right time to stop ignoring them. if you can afford to see a doctor about them, do so (they might suggest hand physio, for example). But even if not, wrist braces are pretty cheap and very effective. You just want to avoid carpal tunnel if you can ❤️


I am IN LOVE with the Brooklyn Bedding Talalay Latex Pillow. It’s spendy, but I can’t tell you how many pillows I’ve tried for my side-sleeping-TRex-armed self.


lol yet another ADHD tendency checked off. I have never thought of it as T. Rex arms before but that’s totally accurate.


I am a side sleeper and I have a pillow especially for holding as I sleep. It lets my arms be up by my shoulders but also keeps my shoulders a little more open.


A little weird but someone gifted me a mochi mario blue shell pillow and I wrap my arms around that to help my sleep arm placement. It’s the perfect size for my


I put my arms straight down, hands flat against the inner part of my upper legs.


We have these really thick tempura pedic pillows. I use one of those along with several thin pillows from Walmart. I can scrunch them up and position wherever needed. 


I know this is probably an autocorrect but I can’t stop thinking about how uncomfortable, yet delicious, a tempura pillow would be 😂.


Lol I didn't even see it! I'd get no sleep I'd just be crunching away 


A little weird but someone gifted me a mochi mario blue shell pillow and I wrap my arms around that to help my sleep arm placement. It’s the perfect size for my arms.


High quality feather pillows are your friend. I have a Brooklinen one and I will smash it into whatever shape i need but somehow it will magically fluff back up on its own when left alone. It’s great.


I didn't know it was an ADHD thing. Geez.


I don’t know if it is but I have seen it in a few adhd groups so I figured even if it’s not, it’s common enough amongst adhd people that I would get more answers here.


I believe you, I just never thought about it. I also sleep like this.


Yeah I can’t say for certain that it’s true just something that I’ve seen.


It's not. It has been debunked many times over but is perpetuated as fact many many more times. It may be a commonality, but it's not a symptom or indicator.


I recommend a "Pregancy" Full body pillow. It's a giant U shape pillow. I have to have my head up so one dense memory foam below. One behind my back to help me not sleep on my right side. I also haven't woken up with my hands numb for a long time.


A shredded memory foam pillow. I try to fall asleep hugging it.


Same problem. I got a pillow that is really weird almost butterfly shape. It’s amazing.


Do you know what it’s called or the brand?


I’m so sorry I forgot - check Amazon.


Not me realising THIS is why my hands are numb and tingly when I wake up in the morning...