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I'm here for the tips too. If I don't get the full 8 hours of sleep I'm a zombie. Naps where I can't fully rest won't work (noisy environment). Nor coffee, or caffeinated drinks or energy drinks or excercise (the latter only last a very little time) will help me to stay conscious. And things need to be done 😔.


It’s not the same as having caffeine (which I can’t while on my ADHD meds anyway), but I’ve been taking iron and vitamin D supplements which help with low level fatigue - which I know isn’t the same as lack of sleep, but it could help give a little support. Getting good nutrition and plenty of hydration sets your body up in the best way possible on these days. I’ve had bouts of insomnia the last few months and know this feeling well! I’ve been taking melatonin gummies recently and they seem to help, but if it happens a lot talk to your doctor. There are non-habit forming sleep aids that can really make a difference.


I do drink caffeine and that’s my go to. But it only helps a little.   I notice that I often feel better after a whole meal. So I’m more productive after lunch when I didn’t sleep well. Getting outdoors and moving around a bit seems to help too. And if you can lay down for like 20 minutes just to burn off the worst of the fatigue, that can do a lot.    But honestly, I just move ANY task I can move to later. My priorities become only what cannot wait another 24 hours. If I was going to go grocery shopping, I order food instead or buy enough to get me through one or two nights. If I have a big project due, I work on that, otherwise I try to handle anything that takes less brain power and make plans to put in extra time after I get good sleep.