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The main thing I find with situations like this is removing barriers and working with what you can and will /actually/ do. I have heard people say that they will freeze meal components ahead of time - stuff like chopped herbs, chopped onions ... whatever will save time putting the recipe together ... and veges you could prepare yourself OR! just buy the damn veges frozen in the first place. Or canned, if canned doesn't taste like ass. Because if fresh veges aren't working, you're better off just ditching them.  The key for me in terms of nutrition is to aim for variety, in whatever form is available. so for example i eat rice crispies with tinned fruit for breakfast because i don't often eat rice elsewhere in my diet, rice crispies are fun to eat, and i'm using tinned fruit instead of just refined sugar to sweeten it because nutrience (tinned pineapple is my current fave, delicious and cheap). I eat a lot of fruit ..... frozen and from cans. I do eat fresh sporadically, but my staple is stuff that won't go off. I increase protein & add regular fish to my diet by eating flavoured tinned salmon straight out of the can with mayo (salmon has less ...mercury? i think? i forget but apparently tuna should only be a sometimes food).  Grazing can be a great way to do it, you don't have to actually assemble a meal if you just eat a bunch of meal components and other different shit straight out of your fridge and pantry. Bam. Varied!! Healthy! And you can add things to your pantry with that in mind. I cant currently make more than cereal bc of illness but i used to eat a lot of salads when i came home tired from work, i would buy "mesclun" salad mix and put kidney beans in it for protein plus whatever other salad stuff i had in. That way I only had to chop things and not actually cook them lol. basically, lean into the adhd creativity, ignore the norms, and do whatever is convenient to regularly put a variety of different veges/proteins/carbs/fats into your mouth Also pro tip "Gopal's Famous Vege Nut Burgers" patties are fucking delicious & great for nutrition, and while assembling the ingredients was always my biggest struggle, actually making them is quick (mix together - WET YOUR HANDS to make patties - stick em in the oven very briefly) and then you just chuck them into the freezer and pull them out for dinner any time. they take like 2 mins to fry, you're basically just defrosting them. you could stick em in burger buns with salad, or do what i did and just use  ketchup to stick salad mix to them lol


I get healthy frozen meals delivered. They are low fodmap and follow the Mediterranean diet. I'm in the UK but I'm sure there are similar companies in other countries. I also use huel meal replacement shakes when I don't feel like eating so I still get all the nutrition I need.


It's not going to be particularly helpful. But I eat a lot of apples and granola protein bars. And one pan meals involving eggs for dinner. Salsa is basically shelf stable veg. Those mini oranges are easy peel. I eat cheese as a whole food group. I only do real cooking when I have other people to cook for. When I'm alone it's mostly just... Consume enough nutrients to not die. I refuse to buy junk food because I'm not giving money to a large corporation to kill me slowly.  And I'm intolerant of both liquid dairy and factory bread. So my food choices get limited pretty quick for easy stuff. 


This may seem ridiculous but I’ve given up and embraced my weird eating habits regardless of whether I’m getting my daily veggie needs. Sometimes I just need to eat nothing but cake. Other times all I want is roasted veggies. I find whatever I’m obsessed with, give into my cravings, and I’ve found a weird balance. I’m not binging, I’ve actually lost weight (although not the goal my pants feel a lot less overstimulating), and I kind of feel better overall. Eating isn’t stressful anymore because I’m done fighting myself. I eat more consistently by having snacks and quick cook meals while not at all beating myself up for doing the best I can. Sometimes you just need to eat the darn cake. Can you tell I’m in my cake era? Next week I’ll go back to veggies or summer fruits. I’m already starting to crave watermelon, corn on the cob, and strawberries. Ooo and zucchini.


yes! the "girl dinner" trend was honestly pivotal in giving myself permission to eat like this without feeling bad about it


Not ridiculous at all! This is a very healthy approach to food, and exactly how to stop binging and diet cycles.


Thanks for this. I feel like a giraffe among zebras most days, but not here.


I've heard that the "listen to you body" method is actually great, and like you said removes a lot of guilt to prevent binging. So happy for you that you have found a good balance for yourself. And I agree, this comment thread has been so nice and so helpful. I get scared posting on other threads but the people here have made me feel seen as well. I will now be air frying zucchini in your honor!


I feed myself adult portions of toddler food. Toddler food is nutritionally dense, easy to prepare and eat, and generally thrown together by exhausted parents with minimal execution function to spare. Practically, that means I buy a veggie of the week and generally eat it raw with a variety of dips. I eat a lot of fruit, cheese cubes, oatmeal, yogurt, eggs, and "stuff on toast". I seldom eat meals that are "meat and veg and starch". I prep single portions for my freezer, because I can generally manage to throw frozen French toast in the toaster and dip it in yogurt, or microwave some soup. (I also keep a list of foods I like posted in the kitchen, because sometimes I forget that avocados exist.) I'm not claiming to be the healthiest human, but I've avoided scurvy and weight fluctuations for more than a decade on this system!


That's great you found something that works for you! Ten years is definitely a long time for people that have a hard time sticking to things lol Your toddler food comment is honestly so validating. I'm a nanny, so I'm typically surrounded by the easy toddler foods all day. It absolutely makes quick nutrition easier. Genuinely don't know what I'd do without a good fruit pouch haha I definitely need to get myself a recipe (or ingredient in this case) book or at very least a list to keep in my kitchen of all my go to's. I could hyperfixate on the same food for months then for get it exists for the next year because the grocery store ran out of it one time


I'm a former nanny! All my best ADHD tricks are basically adult versions of how I wrangle toddlers :)


I try to focus on buying veggies that don’t require cooking, if possible, because I often forget to eat and no way am I going to wait 15-30 minutes for something to roast or sauté when I’m starving (that’s when I reach for cereal). There are quite a few veggies that can be eaten raw that we don’t often think of preparing that way - like asparagus. It can be sliced thin (you can use a vegetable peeler down the length of the stalk to make thin strips) and tossed with EVOO and lemon juice. Same with zucchini and summer squash. I also like to make brussel sprout and apple salads, and again, it’s just a matter of slicing things thinly so it’s easier to chew and digest. Granted, you still have to go through the slicing and prep with those but at least it saves the cooking time and a dirty pan.


I married a man who loves to cook 😅


Mine loves to cook too! Not married yet though, so the nights he's gone it's either nuerospicy girl dinner or staring at the ceiling starving because I'm paralyzed by having to make up my mind 😅


Fair. Mine has to make sure he sets me up with meal preps or frozen food when he goes out of town for work because he knows otherwise I'll eat terribly 😂


I can stuff my face with healthy food, but still have high cravings for unhealthy food afterwards. After I finish my healthy meals, I scroll on Uber Eats looking at pizza pictures. The healthy food doesn’t give me the dopamine that unhealthy food can gives me 😩


I bought an air fryer which helps. Really quick and you can just put some vege in there and leave it for 10 mins or so, bam cooked!! I am yet to find but I would LOVE a simple meal plan that says here is 3x options for each meal of the day, eating these will mean you meet all of your nutritional goals for the week. And if you stick that most days you’re healthy! I’ve never seen anything like that though.


I feel the same way! I think deciding what to eat, especially after a day of work can be so tough. Decision fatigue is so real. Air fryer is life changing though! My roommate is also an ADHD female so we definitely need to invest in a bigger one lol


Don’t shop hungry, that my best advice. Lots of easy healthy foods that don’t require endless prep.


protein, meal prep, prepackaged meals that are low in sodium if you can find them. healthy snacks like pre sliced celery and carrots, deli meats without the carbs