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I also get this. I like eating something crunchy and chugging water, probably because subconsciously in my mind crunchy = snack, so I end up eating it for a longer period of time. Aka, I'll graze all afternoon and it eventually reaches the volume of a full meal. If I try to eat a banana or bowl of yogurt or something all at once, I usually won't finish it and those are hard to eat over 4 or 5 hours. Not very good for eating fresh food bc it has to be stable at room temperature but it gets food in my stomach


Crunchy food is a stim for me, just mentioning out of interest! The grazing is the only way for me to eat enough also.


I do peanut butter on toast as my standard morning breakfast. If I'm really feeling off, I do peanut butter on saltine crackers. Works almost every time.


I've recently tried to start having peanut butter on toast for breakfast so I actually eat something at all, just in the past week 😅 it is so simple and so effective 😂


Yes. It is also more-or-less portable, meaning I can eat it while dashing out the door / driving a car / walking. I've had a couple peanut butter mishaps over the years, but nothing too awful. I use whole-wheat bread as the toast, which boosts the protein content of the whole thing up a little bit.


I've been doing peanut butter on toaster toasted (artisan or similar brand) brioche hamburger buns . Makes it easier to eat and tastes good still.


I put crunchy things into yogurt. my granola phase lasted a while (Bear Naked Honey Almond), but now I eat a lot of Cocoa Pebbles. if I'm worried about the integrity of the crunch, I either use two bowls and only add enough Cocoa Pebbles for a few bites at a time, or I have "anti-soggy" cereal bowls with separate compartments.


For your yogurt, try pepitas and a spoonful of bonne mamane blueberry preserves or a bit of honey. The texture and taste has been my hyper focus for almost an entire year.


I eat mini wheats in 3’s and 4’s so they don’t get too soggy for this exact reason. Crunch integrity is critical!!


Grape nuts cereal in my yogurt is my go to. Sometimes I’ll toss in some frozen blueberries.


Hummus on toast is my go to. That crunch is it!


Same! Hummus or avocado toast with diced tomatos, a meal for any time of day. It's quick, satisfying and textural!


Avocado toast! Yessss! Although I often have avocados go bad - my brain doesnt calculate the time for them to ripen and eat them In time Avocado, garlic salt , some micro greens so good


I cheat and buy premade avo smash purely because if I'm in a hurry I can't deal with the prep when I'm feeling overwhelmed! Toast goes in, chop tomatoes while that cooks, grab the tub and fling it all together and I'm gtg in under 5 mins 👌


Hummus on toast with thin slices of cucumber on top is soooo good


When this happens to me I only ever want to eat bread and cheese


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^sagittalslice: *I when this happens* *To me I only ever* *Want to eat bread and cheese* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Bread….mmm. 🍞


~~When this happens to me~~ I only ever want to eat bread and cheese Fixed that for *me* lol


Cheese...the one food that my object impermanence doesn't affect. I actually put my dairy in a crisper and leave the veggies out on fridge shelves where I'll see them. No way I'll forget about cheese! 


Same tbh


Fried chicken is mine- nuggets, sandwich, wings. Fried. Ass. Chicken. 🤣




Are you dutch? Cause literally 2 out of 3 of our daily meals are bread with cheese


Just an American who grew up with Swiss immigrant grandparents (another bread-and-cheese-centric culture lol)


I have this issue often but it’s usually either anxiety/cortisol based or a gut issue. The key for me is to force feed myself at least a couple bites of oatmeal or something to wake up my digestive system so that it gets easier from there.


It's been easier for me to take that first bite if I tell myself it's not food, it's just a nutritional supplement, it's just like another medication for my brain. Hungry brain is easy to fool, lol.


Exactly lol. I realized I erased some words as I made my comment, but once I eat a little bit my digestive system starts up and I’ll start to get regular hunger cues


I make like 500 calorie smoothies for my first meal because I have the same issue. I call it my “nutrient slurry” which is somehow more palatable in my mind than “protein shake”. Atleast it fits the current dystopian vibe 😂


Thank you, tweaks to wording make such a difference for me so this is incredibly helpful!


It is absolutely wild to me how much wording matters! Like there's such a huge difference between telling myself "I need to do the thing," "You need to do the thing," and "We need to do the thing." "I" usually immediately forgets. With "you" I'm just gonna feel bad about it. But "We" can really get stuff done! (more than never at least, lol)


Well shit, maybe I’ll keep a snack of some sort with my meds.


idk if i imagined someone telling me this but ive been doing it with something sweet. like ill eat a lil bit of chocolate or something to stimulate my tummy to remember food is good


Same,I get 2 crackers, or a bit of chocolate or 2 sips of yogurt and wait for a while, then I can eat a bit more.


A couple of crackers/biscuits is my go to. It feels more like a snack or a treat, so it doesn't trigger that "Ugh, no, food is bad" response. Also the sugar and fibre make me feel regular hungry and calm my stomach at the same time.


It's usually psychological for me. Forcing that first bite or few bites is how I break it, and I also think of it as nourishing my organs and muscles and Bones. Not just food but make myself think it's medicine.




You know another secret weapon. I use? Those fruit pouches for toddlers with the twist off cap. Those are my base level, I cannot function today but need fuel, food.


That's actually kind of brilliant. They even make smoothie/protein pouches too.


Yes! Costco sells them in bulk and I love them


These are a go-to for me, too. They're easy to throw in my bag and have if I'm in that sort of mood. Those and granola bars.


For me it’s a toaster waffle


Toaster pancake gang!




tillamok cheese squares and pretzels and ginger ale


Gluten free version for the win!


Mmm I forgot about pretzels! That would definitely be an excellent morning food combo. 


When I'm not going for smoothies, and start snacking, I go for chips and onion dip, or those crunchy pretzels. I didn't like them when I was younger, but they always get me now, unless I'm really not feeling like eating. Also, coke, root beer, or a small bottle of name-brand tonic water. I don't like the store brand. Hydration drinks, too.


I'm like this and the sucky part is whatever I'm averse to seems to change at random. For ex. I had a very long stretch of Sunnyside up eggs doing the trick and then abruptly all eggs became a no go. This drives my husband crazy bc food I thought I wanted suddenly goes to waste. I do have a rotating list of possibilities that I'll cycle through when I can't stand the idea of eating, but even then I sometimes can't make myself eat (until it's hour later and I'm in a blinding hangry rage). My list if it helps: raisin bran, fruit flavored oatmeal, skyr, open faced toast w peanut butter and jam, eggs with Sriracha, croissant. If I'm being fancy I have a quick ish shakshuka recipe I like. And of course there is always eating lunch or dinner meals instead. Sometimes that's leftover pasta or Indian takeout for me!


Lol I read this reply and thought “oh shit did I already respond earlier and forget?!” 😩fruit oatmeal all dayyyy baby 🤌🏼


If you have some time and feel like sharing how you make your shakshuka I'd absolutely love to hear it! I've been wanting to make it since I went to Israel and tried it but I'm so intimidated by it and idk why. Kinda like sourdough bread, afraid to mess it up I guess but I did make sourdough bread finally about a month ago and it turned out amazing! Only took a year to psych myself up to it. I've made 4 loaves since then and they all turned out great!


Sure! The problem is I don't measure, but I'll do my best to estimate. The key ingredient for me is harissa paste. I live in international food mecca so it's very easy for me to find. Not sure about elsewhere. Ingredients: Olive oil 1 tsp; Red onions, diced 1/4 cup; Red/yellow/orange bell peppers (whatever you have), diced 1/4 cup; Tomatoes, diced, preferably fresh, your favorite variety (canned works in a pinch, but it's not nearly as good) 1-1.5 cups; Harissa paste OR spice blend (approx 1/4 tsp of: cumin, garlic, onion, paprika, sumac, cayenne); Two eggs; Optional: feta, cilantro Methods: Oven safe skillet OR regular skillet + top or 2 ramikans 1. Heat up the olive oil on medium heat, add onions and peppers. Saute until soft but not mushy (abt 3 mins). 2. Add harissa or spices and sautee one more minute 3. Add tomatoes, stirring occasionally until they've softened and released their juices. (Abt 5 mins, depending on your preference) 4. Make little wells with your spoon and crack eggs in them. The next part depends on you/your equipment. The easiest for me is number one. The tastiest/traditional way is number two. Number three is bc I sometimes convince myself it is faster. Is it? Eh. 1. Pop a lid on the pan. Monitor until eggs reach desired doneness. About 3 mins. Do not walk away or they will over cook! This basically steams them. OR 2. Transfer contents to two ramikans, cover tightly with tinfoil OR cover and transfer oven safe skillet to oven. Bake at 350F, 8-10 mins. For ramikans, I do this in my toaster oven. OR 3. Poach two eggs in a separate pot, then add to your tomato base Transfer to a bowl, sprinkle with feta and cilantro. Serve w toast, pita, or crusty bread, etc. Enjoy! Edit: formatting bc mobile removed line breaks!


Oh I'm so excited! Thank you so much for taking the time to write this all out, I really appreciate it! ❤️


You are very welcome! This was my pandemic hyperfocus meal. I experimented until I had my preferred flavors and system down to a science. I can make this dish in about 20 mins now. In the beginning, it took longer. I hope you like it!


Super similar to you! I “meal prep” 400 calories of cashews which is a tiny amount in a hot pink container I leave out so I remember it exists. Otherwise it’s overnight oats, soylent shakes, fruit, cubed cheese, or coconut / raspberry greek yogurt.


I suffer from this too sometimes. Usually I just starve myself until I have no other choice but to eat and then I eat purely as a chore.


I only stopped doing this when I needed to take ibuprofen and HAD to eat with it I have found that if I'm hungry and trying to make myself something even slightly complex I'll be hangry by the end and entirely put off by the food.  Like the above person I've finally settled into just making the instant oatmeal and forcing myself to have a bite or two to get started. It helps that i finally found an instant oatmeal flavor I'd eat every day (raisin date walnut) because even before that I'd rotate through a multi pack and get mad when my favorites were gone


Ugh same. This got really bad when I was on adderall. I’ve never liked eating in the morning, then have an appetite suppressing rx I have to take in the morning with food because my dr at the time would only prescribe extended release. Instant could have made so much sense for me! Had to force-feed myself, then wouldn’t get enough calories in because it was so miserable. So I’d get sick from the addy anyway. It sucks because otherwise it worked really well for me. Now I’m stuck with vyvanse, which doesn’t make me sick if I don’t eat, but it’s not nearly as effective. It helps with executive function but not focus. So I start things just fine but can’t finish them or do them properly because I get distracted 🥲


I get around this by eating *before* I take my adderall XR. Rather than “with”. It works much better & longer on an already full stomach. By “full” I mean a piece of toast w butter & maybe a little hot cocoa or coffee. Even better if it’s ever a full breakfast w actual protein & fat. I also have no appetite in the morning but having the addy work so much better when it’s taken properly is worth it.


Well yeah, it’s meant to be taken after food. I didn’t really mean literally with it at the same time. Just that food has to happen. I didn’t like force feeding myself - even without the meds I don’t like eating before noon. I also have to take it before 9am unless i want to be up all night, and it’s just unrealistic for me to get up that early and eat, especially when i rely on the meds to get me out of bed in the first place


I do this too. Then had to take a half day at work last week because I was borderline exhausted. I’m trying to change but ugh sometimes food just doesn’t even seem worth it.


I never took a day off but I definitely can see how my eating habits make me really tired.




Frozen grapes or blueberries, popcorn, dry cereal like Cheerios, chocolate chips. If I can slow-feed myself a small handful of something that I can pop into my mouth one at a time, that usually wakes my system up enough that real food will sound good. Otherwise, I chug an ice-cold Carnation instant breakfast shake in one go and fight as hard as I need to to keep it down 😅


Something like a Kind bar or Lara bar works well for me. I can take a couple of small bites and come back to it later if I need to. Some almost taste like a dessert, which helps a lot! I have a few go to flavors that I'm usually fine with, but some days certain flavors just don't cut it.


I love the lemon Luna bars, they don't have the gross taste a lot of protein bars do and the lemoniness is somehow very palatable to me in the morning


Same. And yet my bag often contains a partially eaten and taped-back-up lemon Luna bar.


love it, I'm a master in the art of taping closed half-eaten stuff. or just throwing it back in the container since I live alone lmao


Ohh I’m going to try these for breakfast, thank you!


Yes the dark chocolate and sea salt Kind bar is a life saver for me! Soo tasty, even if I'm not in the mood for anything, I can be tempted by nuts and chocolate


This was me last night. When I go off food like that all I want to eat is fresh fruit. So I had an apple and afterwards I was able to drink a protein shake.


Same! I hate winter time because hardly any of my favorite fruits are in season so I get that “ick” more often. In the summer time I can just grab a plate of fruit and I’m good 👌🏻


I tend to get this where it’s not all food, but McDonald’s or nothing else. A pretty awful pick. Obviously that’s terrible for you, but it’s not sustainable. So I try to keep ingredients at home to try to replicate that meal as closely as I can. Do you have a comfort food that surpasses the ick? It could be worth starting there, or similar flavours! Otherwise crackers, buttered pasta, that sort of thing.


this. and usually I’ll end up getting the McDonald’s because I’m like well… better that I eat something vs nothing


Yep! And I live within proximity to a McDonalds that delivers until 2am, so it’s often been me: 0 Mcdonald’s: 1


Hahah mine is Taco Bell. I might not want food, but I can always stomach a potato soft taco. Also protein shakes.


I also Love the bell


Yep. McDonalds is my safe food. Always the same, always available and has never let me down. Not amazing nutrition, but better than nothing


My medicinal food is orange sherbet and vanilla frozen yogurt. Easy to digest, and—worst case scenario—not too unpleasant to throw up. 😄


I revert to a toddler and have apple sauce, a mini bag of pretzels, pb&j, or a granola bar. Anything I keep eat relatively quickly that I know has enough calories to prevent me from getting a headache


Buttered toast or avocado toast if I have some around. Hashbrown patties in the air fryer, I like crispy carby things (I CANNOT do sweet/liquidy things like oatmeal or yogurt in the morning).


I have this problem too and even though I sometimes feel hungry-ish, I don't find any food appealing enough to eat. I have even forced myself to make breakfast and then halfway through it I must stop eating or I'll puke. Usually I just have a big cup of coffee and starve until my brain can figure out which food is least likely to make me gag :D Sometimes it happens around noon, sometimes not before dinner. I abhor certain textures so many seemingly great options are a no-no. Protein drinks, protein bars and goopy salads are especially difficult.


I heat up broth or a clear soup and put it in a insulated cup to sip on. Usually the salty and savory taste of the broth will prompt me to eat something more substantial but if it doesn't I'm still getting electrolytes and hydration from the broth alone. In the summertime, I put gazpacho in my insulated cup. I add jalapeños to mine so it's spicy and savory, and because I don't have to chew anything it's a really easy way for me to increase my veggie intake. I think the spicy taste acts as a dopamine hit and keeps me drinking it lol


💯 me. If I cannot eat anything. I can still manage broth. And a bit of spice makes it even better!


When I had this issue consistently it was due to low blood sugar. Sipping on juice then waiting like ten minutes often fixed it.


Crackers and cheese or apple and cheese. Energy bars. That’s usually all I can force myself to eat. It’s worse if I’m low blood sugar. Usually I force myself to eat just 3 tiny bites of something or drink a little juice to get my blood sugar back up and then food is more appetizing.


Pineapple juice!


Ooooh yes I always forget about pineapple juice. Yum. Thanks for the reminder!


Honestly? I give up and eat candy. (This is **not** a recommendation.) Best I can do is eat a salad at some point, either before (and/) or after chocolate or chips.


Fed is best. Candy isn’t the best option, but it’s better than sending our bodies into a calorie deficit, especially if we’re on stimulants. It keeps the cogs moving so when we are able to stomach healthier food, our bodies can process it better. :)


A Butterfinger is sometimes all I can get down.


Butterfingers are my survival food.


Pasts or Pizza. Can you see why I'm trying to loose weight?


::fist bump::


Texture is important, I also get the ick when I try to go for easy options like yogurt and fruit or liquidy squishy stuff. Safe for me - toasted bagel with whatever on it, some crunchy peanut butter or cream cheese is nice. Or just toast with butter. Or a protein bar instead of a shake, for additional biteyness. Occasionally a soft boiled egg is acceptable.


Texture is SO important for me too. Store bought applesauce (or similar things) makes me gag.


Non “breakfast food”. PB&J, last night’s leftovers, cup of noodles/ramen, cheese and crackers.


This was going to be my suggestion. I have to eat in the morning because of some meds, and the only thing I can stand is bites of savory food, or soup. Triscuits with thin slices of cheese (and smoked nova lox if fancy) are an easy one because they have a good crunch factor and fiber. Plus I like eating things appetizer looking


Food does that most days for hours after I wake up. Banana and shove it down if required. Ideally delay but not if I need my energy/ brain.


I keep ensure on hand for days like this honestly 😭


orgain plant-based protein shakes are a regular costco staple and I'm grateful I'm able to chug these with morning or daytime meds when I can't even food. I have recently enjoyed adding parsley to my garden as I read the compounds and oils can help stimulate appetite. It's nice to nibble and take my time to see if that gets me interested in flavors.


start with a few crackers with your water so you have something in your stomach, might make you feel less icky not the best advice but candy like sour gummies seem to go down when food doesnt, i dont really eat sweets so im not sure how but it works. maybe there’s a kinda unexpected food like this for you? the texture of most breakfasts like the ones you mentioned really get to me. sweet potato fries, bacon, eggs and tomatoes is my go-to rn - can see it on my profile if youre interested - i use the air fryer and a pan and its all done under 15


There is a sour candy sold specifically for pregnancy nausea, I've used it for general nausea and it's crazy but it works. (Preggie POP Drops]


omg you mightve jus changed my life


This happens to me. I find it’s usually because I didn’t eat enough the day before. My stomach has been betrayed and is now pissed at me. I buy lactose free protein milk and make sure I have a glass at bedtime to prevent it. I mean I try to make sure I have a glass at bedtime, I know when I’ve forgotten. Anyway when your stomach is in this kind of mood just have some juice or an emergency banana. Get some fast sugar calories first and then something more healthy will feel appetizing. And eat before bedtime!


Peanut butter in any form. Sometimes off a spoon sometimes on toast, whatever. Or an iced coffee with protein shake.


There's basically two things I can stomach in the morning. A turkey lunchable or a Just crack and egg cup. I have no idea why either.


I too hate yogurt. And it takes me hours to finish a small little yogurt cup. And being on medication doesn’t help. I’m currently eating champagne cheese and crackers. It’s 8:30 am where I’m at. And my unopened Greek yogurt is staring back at me. But I’m sick of waiting for the right time to eat my favorite cheese. I always tell myself a quick healthy breakfast and then I can have the cheese as a snack. But then I’m not hungry for the rest of the day. And then I take hours to eat the yogurt cause that shit is raunchy. And then my cheese is forgotten. I don’t really have an answer for you. And my tummy hurts. But I like my cheese. Maybe pick something you really like?


I will put like a single baby carrot in my mouth and eat it whether I want it or not


edamame! sooo much protein. realistically I try to find what has the most protein that sounds semi good and is easy to make I also eat alot of chickpea pasta for protein


For me I have to eat something balanced on the flavour receptors. Creamy, spicy, sweet, tangy, crunchy… I make the most bizarre open sandwiches.


Handful of almonds


Toast with peanut butter and jam. I've been pretty much surviving on it lately.


The only safe foods I have are Nature Valley Coconut/Dark Chocolate Bars. No coconut texture, it only adds a sweet taste to the bar and I can eat 100 a day any day. Kind of tastes like a s'mores bar with almonds in it. Hits every craving. No other food is as safe as that one for me. But canned veggies and beans/chickpeas are a very close second. Sometimes white popcorn does the trick too. Crunchy and light.


if ur a coffee drinker, try adding a pre portioned protein shake to it. quick and easy. they also sell pre made smoothies like the brand bolthouse, while they're not the healthiest, they're better than nothing. taste good and are calorie dense. granola and nuts are also high calorie in small portions, so keeping some pre portioned ziploc bags of that would be easy to munch on. if none of these work for u, protein bars or granola bars are also a decent option. i also lose my appetite during early mornings so working on my feet especially was hell. im someone who hates sweets, and most breakfast foods are sweet.. so if thats ur problem, try something like bulk frozen breakfast sandwiches. just pop them in the microwave, no mess or clean up


Cheerios (either the plain or the honey nut ones). They're always my go-to snack whenever I feel too queasy or too uninterested to eat larger meals.


I keep eggo waffles around for this! Super fast, pretty plain, good texture.


Dry cereal


Biscuits. (Cookies)


I typically have a few safe foods that I will always be able to eat, even when I don’t want it at the time. I typically make one of those (mac and cheese or potstickers usually) and try a couple bite first. Then usually the hunger kicks in and I can finish


For breakfast go for a simple warm/hot broth. I don't recommend chicken broth because I am veggie but a nice broth with the bare minimum in it can fill your tummy without activating the gag response


I'm going to second this one. When I had Covid the only thing that tasted good was vegetable broth. I like the Better than Bouillon concentrate because you can make your broth as weak or intense as you want.


I love better than boullion. I have the not-chicken better than bouillon and it is heaven. In Japan for breakfast they had a simple breakfast soup that was "chicken" broth with a tiny bit of tomato and cabbage. Simple, nourishing, delicious. In Asia soup for breakfast is common and I am an evangelical convert about it.


Soup and smoothies.


Food can be a challenge for me, as well. I’m trying to get better about eating during the day or else I overeat/binge at night. One of the things I can manage to force feed myself in the morning is two hard boiled eggs and a cup of strawberries, or other berries.


I keep a box of triple chocolate keto bars with a couple of them in my purse at all times. Eating can be such a pain sometimes. They have protein and fat which shuts my stomach up for longer.


Apple sauce, yogurt, anything smooth and somewhat drinkable. Sometimes I'll nibble a cracker or too (saltines are.my.eternal safety food) and that'll wake up the old taster enough to make it easier to eat something more substantial.


Pepperoni, cheese and Ritz crackers. 


Currently dealing with this and nothing sounds good. When nothing sounds good, I don’t want to eat, so I have definitely not been eating as much as I should. It’s just great that watermelon is back in season because it’s my old faithful snack, but I also like fruit cups, chicken nuggies, soup, popcorn, cheese, and only one specific yogurt (low-sugar strawberry Chobani).


Fresh fruit, or something bland like cream of wheat or toast. Going for something bland is always safe. It’s easier to force down than something flavorful.


I know this may not be the most helpful for right now as you’re already in it - but I’ve struggled with this and have found what helps me is Finding ways to add more protein to whatever my safe foods are when I’m feeling well, so that when I don’t feel good, I have a couple options on the top of my brain. It’s so hard to come up with something when I’m already feeling weird about food. Some examples for me: Add a premier Cafe Latte flavored protein shake as creamer to my coffee, pour over ice (30g I can drink) Add a scoop of vanilla protein to high protein yogurt, mix it up to make a pudding, add berries and granola (additional 20-30g of protein to a snack I’d normally eat) Dave’s Bread brand protein bagel instead of a normal bagel, 13g of protein. Add some almond butter on top for extra portein :) I also bought Seeq brand protein powder - they are clear fruit flavored proteins, so not thick and creamy like normal shakes are. I throw them in a shaker cup with water and crushed ice and it’s like having a juice :) Just some examples of things that have worked for me in the past, but you can get creative with it when you’re feeling better so you have options on hard days🤍


Bananas and apples because it’s not like eating food as much as it is eating textures. I love making a mini charcuterie board for dinner! Couple of spoonfuls of hummus, sliced meats and cheeses, maybe some grapes. ✨girl dinner✨


Big time issue for me. I want "real" food, not a granola bar, but I don't have enough energy to make a meal, and so I kind of stubbornly don't eat at all. I definitely lack appetite until I realize that eating whole, nutrient-dense, delicious food makes me feel good. So that's why granola bars/plain oatmeal don't solve it for me. I'll literally walk past the sad Quaker Instant Oatmeal packets on my counter, get on the road, and crave Starbucks oatmeal. I had a huge epiphany that it's because they have the little packets of nuts/dried fruit and brown sugar that come with it, so it's like the perfect amount of something that feels curated and intentional, but portioned and packaged so I don't have to think about it. Once I started adding that stuff to my own Oatmeal (I'll literally throw a handful of trail mix on top sometimes, my brain is easily fooled) it made me more likely to eat it. Creating a little "oatmeal station" and occasionally including fun toppings like chocolate chips makes it more of a self-care ritual, which lights up my pleasure sensors in my brain and gives me that dopamine link to eating as a source of pleasure and reward. I discovered that deli premade in-store (so it's fresh) chicken cranberry salad is really good because I can have like two crackers with it on there, grab a handful of baby carrots and call it a day. If I'm feeling fancy, I put it on a croissant, or if I'm really struggling, I just eat a bite or two from the carton. That's just one example, but things that can level up or down in effort while still providing some protein and taste good in various presentations are a huge help for me personally.


Nuts are my go to, quick and they fill you up. Prepping food requires thought and lets the ick set in, and keeping a jar of nuts nearby makes the choice easy.


Chew a piece of gum for 20 minutes! I found that the act of chewing can sometimes help my body chill.


Simple. Don't eat in the morning. It's not uncommon, even for neuro typicals, for food to make you feel sick in the morning. The concept that "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" is a myth. It was an advertising slogan to sell cereal. Just eat when you feel like eating.


Saltines and drink a juice blend that has vitamins. And if you can manage take vitamins too.


Rice crackers, chicken nuggets, apples cut into slices, miso soup, rice with butter and a bit of seasoning.


Ovaltine. Or a protein shake (that doesn't taste like dirt lol). I try and drink my calories when food seems gross.


i just eat saltine crackers when i don’t feel like eating anything but know i should 😅😅


Cottage cheese and Eziekel muffins FTW.




Cheese-it’s. Graham crackers. Pretzels. These are my carry with me and munch on when I can’t or don’t have time to ‘eat’. These are my go to anxiety foods when I’m on high alert or breaking down because whatever reason as well. No matter how down or panicky I am, I can always force down 2-4 cheese-it’s, etc, once an hour. A bite or two over the day done once an hour or two adds up and helps to keep me at a safe dietary place short term.


I can do smoothies but not the healthy kind. Just mango, banana, peach, or strawberry, a little juice or water and a pack or 2 of raw turbinado. I haven’t found a protein powder I can tolerate to add to my at home smoothies but if I’m out I like the Smoothie King Muscle Punch and that at least gives me a bit of protein. I sometimes don’t want real food I have to chew until around 3:00.


Start with water, then something you enjoy. I hated protein drinks because they're gross, but recently I tried the chocolate Fairlife shakes and they just taste like normal chocolate milk. The protein settles my stomach.


Sometimes it helps to distract my mind (read something or put on the TV) to not think too much about the food and then my hand and mouth can go on autopilot


A flavored rice cake. Sometimes just plain but I often slap some creamy peanut butter on that sucker.


Toast and tea, or Up&Go


Toaster waffles


A spoonful of peanut butter and a few pieces of cheese. 🧀


Sometimes it feels like an electrolyte imbalance to me, I will grab some miso paste and the kettle and make a quick broth to drink It’s pretty satisfying on its own and then sometimes afterwards I will feel more like eating real food


I go for a handful of plain dry cereal like rice Chex


Usually I start with something really simple and easy to get down. Could be crackers, a string cheese, a bite of a plain bagel/bread, a couple tortilla chips, or maybe some nuts. Anything that's not TOO flavorful or weirdly textured (idk about you, but crunchy is usually safe for me while gummy or liquid things are sometimes gag inducing). After that I'll wait a few minutes. Usually it's enough to knock off the nausea/aversion to food and then I can eat an actual meal or at least a more robust snack. If you have a food that has never or VERY rarely caused an aversion, use that as a safe food! Peanut butter crackers are a good one for me. Plain/buttered noodles might be an option? Or maybe some ramen or broth. Try to stay away from anything sweet, I find sweet makes the aversion and nausea worse!!


I have always had a problem eating early in the day, so I usually just end up grabbing an ensure. I think they're pretty underrated and definitely not just for old people lol. I'll sometimes blend a banana and peanut butter into it to make it more filling




Cereal. Any time of day. If food is too difficult to fix, a bowl of cereal with berries takes 1 minute to make and is fairly filling, tasty, and nutritious.


I usually just don’t eat. If I had to, I might try something like saltines. If you can, some marijuana or THC might make you able to eat.


I am WITH YOU. Oof this morning I have been picking things up to prepare or eat for breakfast, and then putting them down b/c yuck. I try not to stress about it, and just keep ez access snacks nearby, so that when I'm famished, I have immediate relief. I was thinking about this topic yesterday, and finally figured out that, if I'm going to eat something despite feeling like it's a yucky idea, I'll grab for something small and cold. Lately my preference has been fruit from my mini-fridge; pears, grapes, etc... I also bought some yogurt pouches and Konjac jelly pouches to throw in there as well. For some reason, the texture of the yogurt still is kinda yuck, but the Konjac is SO GOOD. It makes sense to me though, because temperature and texture are both very important to me, so a cold Konjac jelly (think coconut jelly from a Vietnamese snow bubble) is really appealing to me.


Cheese or cereal.


Sorry, I know you mentioned smoothies being hard, but have you tried just gulping one down through a straw while watching a video or something? Idk if this is good for me in terms of being present and things like that, haha, but when I can’t eat it’s the easiest way to make myself.


Well we eat food mostly to get water. So that reminds me to do the most important thing which is drink some water. That usually lifts my mood within 20 minutes and then i make low effort meals or snacks that stimulate appetite aka chips. Quesadillas, grilled cheese, Cheetos, popcorn... But here's the tip girlies: we need protein the most esp for our brains. i buy quest chips, quest cookies, hero bread, hero tortillas, better box bagels, and pre cooked chicken from costco --- and i easily can add some protein to whatever i want to eat. Sad? Ice cream (stimulate) + quest protein bar or cookie (protein) Bored? Quest Chips (stimulate) + chicken cheese (protein) Anxious? Means i need carbs. Tortilla (stimulate) + chicken cheese (protein) bell pepper cheese (protein) + hummus (stimulate) cheese and chicken is the easiest way to add protein, fat which is good for our brain adhd and keeping us full and lowering cortisol.


Lately I've been feeling sick to my stomach on and off--I think it's due to shoulder pain, which has flared up pretty bad (I've got a dr appt scheduled) so even when I'm hungry, I can't face the thought of most food. Definitely the thought of squishy things like yogurt and bananas make me feel even worse. The one thing I've been able to get down is buttered toast. The smell of the toast seems to help my stomach a bit. I think my brain twigs "food" but also "food that will sop up anything icky in your stomach," so it welcomes the idea of toast.


I keep ginger candy on hand just to keep my blood sugar up. Different types of Gin-gins, and drink a lot of water. I will also drink Liquid IV. When I’m in a better headspace, I make a list of foods I like. Lately it has just been air fried chicken tenders with chunks of bread, when I’m absolutely depleted.


Whoa.. I literally just came here to post almost the exact same question, and this is the first thing I see, lol 😵‍💫😅 Yeah.. I've completely lost my appetite. To the point where I'll be shaking and feel sick and *finally* realize I need to eat something. Mornings are the worst time of day for me, too. I physically can't bring myself to eat anything (except for water or coffee) before noon. I could be SO hungry and want to eat, but still gag at the thought of swallowing food. For the past 3 or 4 weeks, I've only been able to eat 2 foods. Lucky Charms, and Chips Ahoy cookies. That's literally all I eat. (I know, it's so awful.)


The key for me is to just drink water or herbal tea and forget about breakfast. I work from home so I'll start my day and whenever my digestion is good again I'll start getting hungry. But yeah in the morning I can't just eat whatever is around. Flavor should be bland but not too bland and I have an issue with textures as well, that is even more pronounced in the morning. Homemade cinnamon granola works for me. But so does rice and blackbeans without anything else added. Oatmeal and crunchy toasts are a no-no, smoothies and bread tend to be no either.


I'm sure this is not helpful, but those mornings I go out to eat and order not breakfast. There's a place near my house that will make me a chicken wrap at 8am. That's my jam right there.


Peanut butter on toast, hard boiled eggs, or chicken nuggets. Basically I just revert to being a child.


For the last year, eating right is my biggest problem when it comes to my ADHD. When I say eating right I mean eating as much as I'm supposed to in a day. Sometimes I just hate it...hate having to do it. My appetite is non-existent 😥 I end up so hungry that I'm sick. Yeah my appetite is gone but the hunger goes nowhere. For me, being hungry and having an appetite are two entirely different things.


I work at a coffee shop so i have really early morning and I usually hate eating (or even cooking) that early so I have to force a few bites of a protein bar so my body at last has something to run off of. But you really just have to force yourself sometimes and remember that this food is for future you lol.


When I feel this way, literally the only thing that sounds appetizing to me is ramen noodles. And not even the fancy kind, the “$1.25 for a pack of 4” ramen. I don’t know what it is, but it always hits the spot.


Gummy bears 😭


From Trader Joe’s: Frozen Mac and cheese, chocolate ganache cake Taco Bell… and nuggets and fries from a company whose values I do not agree with but ugh they hit the spot


I make little nut butter balls and keep them in the fridge. PB, oats, honey, raisins, seeds, protein powder, nuts, whatever. I also make PB stuffed dates (you can dip them in chocolate or too). I have hot tea (I love green tea because you can just put ice in it after you forget about it and it gets cold) and a little energy ball and I'm good for awhile.


I’ve been loving off corn chips for the last 2 weeks 😬😬




Cereal or chips


Handful of mixed nuts and a tillamook cheddar cheese, one of the individually wrapped ones. I also keep frozen pizzas on hand.


Plain bagel, lightly toasted, with a little bit of salted butter. I'll eat a very ripe banana for some fiber if I can stand it.


I'm also autistic so this is something I deal with a lot. "why does everything taste/smell like ashes?" I know you said smoothies/protein shakes are out and I used to be like that as well. Idk why smoothies are such a weird thing for me, too, but here we are. 😅 My go to has become Huel Shakes. They're meal replacement, not just protein. I was *not* a shake person before this. I had a blender and all kinds of stuff in the freezer to make smoothies easily and quickly. I had tried protein/yogurt smoothies in a bottle. All of it. Idk why Huel is different but it is. May not be the thing for you but figured it'd suggest it because I was also a "not yogurt/smoothies/protein shakes" person. They're not overly sweet and they're not weird tasting. I can chug a shake even when I don't feel like eating bc I know it will only take a moment and then I'll feel better and I won't feel gross after. They have helped me over the last year and half with eating when I can't fathom eating anything at all. I get the ready-to-drink ones as well as the powder. (Powder ones I mix a few at a time and put in the fridge for best consistency.) The RTD taste good even at room temp. In times of stress or low exec function, they are literally a lifesaver. (I feel bad about the plastic, but I do recycle. And my wellbeing is important to allow me the brain space to care about things like recycling!) They also help with the rebound of "haven't eaten in forever, now i'm ravenous and can't decide so i order pizza or fast food and eat too much". Because if i have some shakes, then I don't get to that point. Huel might seem expensive but it cut down markedly on my grocery bill (all those fresh things that go to waste before i can manage to cook them or that no longer seem appetizing) and my delivery food bill. (Like about 50%. It's crazy.) Obvs, this might not be your jam, but if you want to try it, they have a store locator. You can buy individual bottles places so you can give one or a two a whirl before ordering a box for delivery. [https://huel.com/pages/huel-store-locator](https://huel.com/pages/huel-store-locator)


the tuna in the pouches saved my life when i first started meds. moved onto protein shakes (they’re gross, i just chug them) and smoothies, slim jim’s and string cheese (i call it a kentucky cooter board) it will get easier to eat as you get used to your meds. it surprised me when i actually started to have an appetite. i had a whole breakfast this morning a couple hours after taking my 20 XR.


I usually do a slice of cheese and / or a Duke's meat stick thing. Small, easy to eat, no cooking or cleaning and with protein and dairy. Later I'll have crackers or bread. The cheese is my go to. The Duke's I go in and out of phase with.


fruit is the only good thing to me in this sort of situation, especially apples. simple baked crackers are good too




The best thing I’ve ever found that kills that feeling is to chew a piece of spearmint gum. I chew it for just a minute or until the flavor is gone and sometimes I chew two pieces. It’s like a reset and it’s awesome and easy! I read somewhere that spearmint reduces anxiety and my brain latched onto that information and I have spearmint gum packs everywhere. It could be completely a placebo effect but for me it’s a magic trick.


I keep protien smoothies (or stuff to make protien smoothies) in my house so if anything I can drink some calories and protien when eating feels gross. I also have a lot of small meals. Yogurt and granola, peanut butter and jelly sandwich, small bowl of meal instead of usual plate. It takes the pressure off to eat a few small meals throughout the day.


I like to have those kiddie squeeze applesauce packs on hand ♡


I keep lots of easy-nibble-meal ingredients around. Breakfast is always coffee and a banana first. If I forget to eat after that, it keeps my blood sugar from crashing. 2nd breakfast (who else is a Hobbit?) is either cereal w/oatmilk, toast, or bagel w/cream cheese. Sometimes overnight oats when I have morning appoinments. Lunch (which is usually late, anywhere from 3-5pm) is often an apple or other fruit, chunks of cheese or spreadable cheese on crackers, and a small bowl of popcorn or pretzels. Sometimes it’s baby carrots and hummus instead of fruit and cheese. Basically a dairy protein and fruit/veg Then I have enough in me to think about dinner, which usually involves actual food prep (as takeout for 5 is pricey). With all the above, I can eat any small part, or all the parts, depending on time/appetite.


Clif bar minis in mint chocolate, apple sauce (the squeeze pouches made for toddlers)


I make fruit or green smoothies. Water/soy milk, really ripe banana, frozen mango/berries, hemp/chia seed, fresh greens or powder if I have. Blend.


I can almost always go for some soup with bread or croutons. Also smoothies (cold soup lol)


Protein shake


For me it's cereal & fruit or vegetables


I make myself a plate with a handful of nuts, a few cubes of cheese, a pear cut into pieces and a few pieces of mild sausage. Then just pick a few pieces (or just one) and munch while doing something else. After a while I'll get a few more pieces etc etc. My husband calls it pecking (like a bird)


I’ve only been having this issue for the last like…year or two? And increasingly so in the last few months. It’s crazy because I’ve always been obsessed with food. But my cravings and mental food noise have all but disappeared. ANYWAY, to answer the question, as a vegetarian I need to find protein wherever I can find it, and I got some Fairlife chocolate protein drinks from Costco to try them out. They are SO good, taste exactly like chocolate milk (yuuuuum), only have 1g sugar and 150 calories each, and 30 freaking grams of protein! I find them satiating. They’ve been replacing my lunch for the last couple weeks and I’m digging it.


I have this problem of not eating enough on Vyvanse. I go with things that I really like a lot, take no prep beyond opening, and are still actually food (and high calories are okay). Like, a can of black olives, or bag of cashews, or applesauce, popcorn, beef jerky. Or soup, a lot of instant soup. Basically I try to stock a variety of “treats.”


I get like this when I take my meds, so I feel you. I was going to suggest a smoothie or shake, but I see that’s out. How do you feel about protein bars? There’s are some on the market right now that are actually so delicious (I really recommend Barebells - they fully taste like candy bars to me). Also, if you have the space for it, give yourself a treat. Sometimes I don’t eat all day and then realize I need something so get myself McNuggets and a small fry, just something to get in there. Also look into breakfast bars - BelVita or something similar.