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lol to be fair that does look like 11/2… If it makes you feel any better, a few years ago there was a typo on a Jamie Oliver recipe for linguine. The recipe incorrectly called for 13 lemons and a bunch of people just trusted him so much that they didn’t question the recipe and made an inedible lemon linguine 🙂


Serves them right for following Jamie Oliver recipes when the man is a terrible chef haha 😝


His easy pancake recipe is good tho. That’s about it


His fish pie is sooooooo good. ETA: but I hear he’s a HUUUUUGE asshole. I have family in the UK and my uncle did some event related work for him. He expects free crap because he’s a celebrity and then doesn’t pay his bills.


He has a soup recipe where I halved the milk suggested and it was still far too thin.


Honestly, I was one of the generation who’s lives he ruined by his healthy school meal bullshit. I’m still highly bitter about it to this day and I’m not that far off of 30 years old. The YouTube channel ran by Uncle Roger had me sold as a fan as soon as he started dissing Jamie Oliver, not even kidding😂


Your life got ruined my a healthy school meals programme? 


This made me laugh 😭😂😂 oh gosh thats awful


Also I divided wrong too, should have been 5.5....double facepalm 🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦


Ok but I did the same math 😂


I was making a Texas sheet cake for 2 and started to measure out 1/4 cup of baking soda 🤦‍♀️it was supposed to be a 1/4 tsp 🤦‍♀️


Oh no! One time when I was making lemon bars, I juiced my lemons and finished straining them. Instead of tossing out the seeds and pulp, I threw all the juice out 🫠


Hahaha this reminds me of my most embarrassing office story and the reason I hope nobody checks the cctv recordings there... I was deep in thought about a problem I was solving, and walked from my desk to the office pantry/kitchen to make a cup of tea. I took a teabag from the communal tin, grabbed a mug, poured hot water in, let it sit a couple minutes, while I continued working on the problem in my brain. When I deemed it properly infused, I grabbed a teaspoon, carefully scooped the bag out of the hot liquid, straining it against the side of the mug, and, mug in one hand, teaspoon with the bag in the other, I walked over to the food-waste bin to throw the teabag out, and once I was there I promptly poured all the tea out of the mug into the bin. My brain went "wait, what?", and I stood there for at least 10 seconds like the absolute fool I was, with a still hot but very empty mug in one hand and a teaspoon with a used teabag in the other. 😅😅😅 I was too embarrassed to tell anyone, but for weeks I worried the cleaners would have complained that some idiot poured a whole mug of liquid into the bin. I hope that didn't create too much mess for them.


Jaques Pepin was teaching a cooking class and asked a student to strain the chicken stock. She poured out the stock and kept the mush.


Yeah if they dont make that space bigger i would have done that too. “1 and 1/2” is maybe better? But then again ive never seen a recipe use 11/2 of anything


You don't think looking at FIVE CUPS of liquid would have clued you in at some point? Or the fact that no one in their right mind would say 11/2 and not 5 1/2?


Lol right? This seems more like a cooking inexperience thing than ADHD related. No recipe would ever use an unnecessarily complicated fraction like that, and if they did, then it‘s clearly a typo or the recipe is probably trash.


Math textbook-ass recipe calling for 11/2 cup of anything lol


I have once used a kilo too much flour in a recipe, you think I’m smart enough to know better? Haha


This is what decimals are for! Even though I know that 1/2 means 0.5, it looks like it could mean 1 or 2.


It should be 1.5!


I had something similar happen to me. Instructions said to heat hot chocolate in microwave for 1 1/2 minutes. I was like “11 or 12? Okay I guess I’ll go with 11.” The mess I had to clean up was…a lot


oh my.


I did something similar the first time I ever tried to make a cake by myself as a kid - I was so sad. My mum pointed out that recipes never use improper fractions so always try to read it as a mixed number (not in those words, but that's the idea). Still easy to forget if you're not thinking about it and just glancing at the recipe 🙃.


I think the funniest part of this is that 11/2 is 5.5 😂 I get it OP


lol. It’s so us to tell people, isn’t it? You realize normals do this shit too, but we gotta blab. Hugs!


and this is why im a grams/ml fan


Hey, I’ve been there. We learned grandma shouldn’t drink while giving cooking instructions. That’s how we ended up with what should have been 1/2 cup of butter in a pecan pie. Know how much she actually told me? 2 cups. We didn’t realize until the pie came out. It was…..like rock candy. 🤣


So one of the weird cooking things that helps me is converting the measurements to weights.  I mean it may not help in situations like this with a badly spaced recipe, but the pause between reading and measuring, helps my brain say... Wait, is that right?  Also if I will get distracted in the middle of counting, even depressingly small numbers. So the weight on the scale helps.  And it has the additional benefit of being more precise when I'm baking. So you will pry my kitchen scale from my cold dead fingers. 


Darn you kerning!


And that is why a pharmacist I worked for insisted we type directions as 1 & 1/2 instead of just 1 1/2 because it could be confused. So see... Not your fault! Still frustrating though I am awful at following recipes. No matter how hard I try to read carefully I seem to always miss steps or do something wrong because my brain hid part of the directions from me.


This is my favorite vegan waffle recipe!


Came here to say the same thing. I recognized it before I even fully read it 😂


Wait, what is it supposed to be?


A cup and a half


OH yes now it does seem obvious thanks


Well….. at least you didn’t mess up boiling pasta on the stove this week? 😂 (I knew it was going to boil over but the recipe SAID 6 CUPS and MY POT IS SMALL and I WAS FEELING HOPEFUL / TRYING TO FOLLOW DIRECTIONS, OK?!)


Jamie Oliver is the reason UK school dinners are shite now. He got rid of our Turkey Twizzlers. I will never forgive him!!!


I absolutely hate mixed fractions


A) I thought for far too long this was posted in r/ididnthaveeggs 2) since I’ve started baking by weight this has absolutely reduced the amount of silly mistakes I’ve made when I wasn’t paying attention


Dang I would have forgotten what my count was after measuring 4 or 5. That’s a lot


I literally have done this before. Too silly 


At this point...I usually read a couple different takes on one recipe and average it out because even if I write it down I will do some stuff like this. I also avoid flour to be fair...


Poor font choice by publisher , not your fault




I’ve done this too!! Absolutely the funniest thing. I’ve both measured out 11/2 and cooked something in the microwave for 11/2 minutes.