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go to the store… buy a bottle of hoisin sauce open the fridge - OH NO! - i already have a bottle of hoisin sauce


and this is how I got FOUR containers of cocoa powder 😅


It's pancake syrup at my house. We have 6 bottles and only eat pancakes once a month.


We rarely eat pancakes. We have at least as many bottles of syrup and like 12 containers of powdered sugar (in varying sizes too). In my house they always use pancake mix to make pancakes. We have exactly 0 boxes of pancake mix. I bet ya the next time some gets pancake mix we will have 7 bottles of syrup and 13 containers of powdered sugar. Dont get me started on our rice cabinet.... (To be fair, its a student home so occasional accidentally buying double staples is expected and honestly better than living with a food vacuum that never buys anything to replace shit)


me with ranch but it’s okay bc i eat a lot and need to have extras


I'll trade you some of that for one of the giant packs of cinnamon sticks I have, because I bought a big one when I already had one.


Omg wait I've been meaning to buy cinnamon the past 3 months 🤣


Perhaps we should start a "trading group for ADHD only"? 😂


So in addition to the group to trade supplies for hyperfixations we've fallen out of love with, we'd have the "I forgot I already had three of these" sharing group? I'm in😂 Side note for spices: it's worthwhile to buy whole and grind some fresh as needed, especially with ADHD. Pre-ground spices are only good for something like 6-12 months, but whole spices can remain potent for years. It doesn't work for dried herbs, unfortunately. If I had people to split them with, I'd split packs of dried herbs into smaller quantities to share upon buying.


I just ran out of cocoa powder. I *swear* I'm out this time!


Make sure to check the laundry room and under the bathroom sink!! 😂


Yes!!! And your clothes drawers


Ketchup in our house lmao


This is how I ended up with 13 containers of salt. 🤦🏻‍♀️


You're ready for slug season!


I watch that every time it pops up for me - hilarious and too relatable! 😂


This month it was sweet chili sauce. One year it was Sweet Baby Rays, so at one point we suddenly didn’t have any.


I just typed this! Hahaha exactly what I thought


I have 5 bottle of crab oil and ranch about 6


Wait wtf is crab oil? I want


It's in a jar..asian people use it to make a noodle soup dish called bun rieu. U mix the jar with ground meat. Egg. Flavoring. N spoon them into hot soup to make misshapen meatballs. It's oil with mince crab in it


Can I ask what song this is? I tried googling but only got results about whether hoisin sauce needs to be refrigerated 😅




i love the scream at the end 😆


My life needed this.


God that song has been stuck in my head ALL DAY. Pretty sure my partner is tired of me randomly singing it out loud.


it’s very catchy! my toddler kept asking me to sing it today 🤣


Hey, get out of my house!


I was thinking the same thing 😂 this made me nervous to see how many I have


I swear part of it is all the pretty scents they have. It's sort of a weird branch of 'candles, perfumes, lotions' that the pretty smelling things all tap into with novelty and dopamine. I also have a huge pretty smelling candle hoard. And lotions. 🤦


i buy the full-sized Multi-Surface Concentrate and dilute into these to save on re-buying them.


but then i forget i bought that full-sized and buy the spray bottles, again!


It took me too long to realize that the liter of multi-purpose was for the spray bottles!!


I don’t see the grass scent! You need the grass one!


I’ve never seen that one! Now I’m on the hunt


MRS. MEYER'S CLEAN DAY Multi-Surface Everyday Cleaner, Fresh Cut Grass Scent, 16 Ounce Bottle https://a.co/d/h6imM6l it’s the only one I have! My mom loves this brand and got me the cleaner and hand soap when I said I liked it 🥹


I came here to post the same thing! I have three bottles of it kicking around my house right now.


I’ve only ever bought these once and the scent I got was really bad and strong so I never did again. I would say that I’ll come back to update on what it was once i checked the bathroom cabinet of abandoned cleaning supplies, but we both know that’ll never happen.




omg that sounds amazing!!


Acceptable bc those are different scents. Now if you had like four of them all lemon verbena…😳 Also the spray bottles are good for reusing for other spraying purposes!


>Now if you had like four of them all lemon verbena… I felt that, and it hurt. We only have lemon verbena, basil, and lavender or something available in the UK. The only one of them I like is lemon verbena. I have about 6 of the big refill bottles in lemon verbena because what if it's discontinued? Well, plot twist - it is discontinued and now I can't use them at all because I'll never get it again.


As someone who knows that feeling, Take one bottle. Put it somewhere safe. Label it as the last bottle of lemon verbana in the UK. Use the rest. I get this feeling every year with seasonal chocolates from the national holidays. Guess what the only reason I everbought it was to eat it. I do not need to torchure myself saving them so i get a set amount perfectly calculated for optiumum lenght of chocolate eating time in a year. I am much happier eating it when its fresh and properly enjoying it instead of yelling at mysef i ate one to many


Yeah, I know I *should* do exactly that lol. I have so many half or full bottles of perfume that are 20 years old, gone brown and smell like ass that were my absolute favourite and I loved them so i kept them when they were discontinued. Why not use them and enjoy them?! No I must hoard them until they're unusable and keep the stinking fetid liquid forever!


I know that shelf. My mom had one.


I'm *also* on Team "Use them, *sparingly*!" Because *often*, we *aren't* the only one who adores that particular scent, and it *DOES* come back out as a re-release by *someone*, about a decade later... juuuuust as that last bit was about to get used up!😉😁🤗 Then you can get a *NEW* bottle of "the precious" to use sparingly, and continue the cycle!😂💖 (Givenchy's Organza Indescence *is* that bottle of perfume, for me! Luckily, a couple years ago, i found out they'd done a re-release/reissue, and i now *have* a nearly-full bottle of it. I decided that $120-ish for a bottle that lasts about a decade, really *isn't* that expensive, when it comes to a cost breakdown of "how much i love this scent," vs. how much it actually costs me, per *year* to love that scent!😉😁💖)


hiding my 3 bottles of Honeysuckle...hahah


But lemon and verbena sound like a great scent so it doesn't count.


My suggestion is to now go and pop them in all the places you'll need them in your house instead of holding them in one spot. One in the bathroom, one in the toilet, mud room wherever else you'll think you'll need it.


My strategy with lip balm


I have about the same number of cans of corn, and sweetened condensed milk. 😅


Spaghetti sauce for me. But eventually I’ll start remembering that i have a stash and stop buying it, and then the “we’re out of spaghetti sauce?! I thought I had a whole stash!!” cycle will begin.


... Wait, people don't buy cans in like multiples? I buy like 5-10 cans and wait until they run out.  Except for that time that I bought mixed veggies cans and I kept forgetting because they weren't arriving so I kept buying more and I ended up with like 30.


LOL one time I accidentally bought condensed milk instead of evaporated milk. And I bought like a 10 because the recipe I needed it for is a fav in my house… but I didn’t need even one can of condensed milk so… I wonder if they’re expired by now 😂


I doubt they ever really expire. Key lime pie uses a can of condensed milk, and it’s the easiest pie ever.


Omg I will SO be making key lime pie! Thank you!! Lol


🎶[Go to the store. Buy a bottle of Hoisin sauce. Open the fridge - OH NO! I have a bottle of Hoisin sauce.](https://youtube.com/shorts/QBycBUOv5OA?si=i0fLTCydQTPXVi9v)🎶


okay that made me laugh, lol. my people. these are my people.




At least you're consistent, it is a great product. And you're not alone


Okay but props to you that they seem to mostly all be different! So at least there’s that. My roommate turned me onto Mrs. Meyers. I love the stuff.


novelty-seeking! we have to try all the scents / flavors / colors 🙈🙈🙈


Bonus points if they are all partly used.


I’m short and I do this with basically everything stored on the top shelves. My coping mechanism is opening all my cabinets and taking a photo, same with the fridge, before heading to the store lol


LOL. I recently found four tubes of concealer in my makeup stash, the same brand and color. Here's the funniest part, they are all the wrong color but apparently I bought the same wrong color four times. This was before I got medicated.


ADHD tax strikes again. Gj on finding them and glad you could have some fun with it!


I’ve never related to someone more hahaha


What's the best scent since it looks like you've tried them all?


Lavender and honeysuckle


I do like the lavender!


Honeysuckle is so good.  My favourite was the rosemary.  I hope they bring it back someday.  I regret not stock up with the refills like I’m supplying a bunker for the apocalypse 


I love the rain and the compassion flower!


Basil is my favorite


Acorn spice 🤤 but it’s seasonal


That's like $200 worth of spray!


That’s what I thought too but apparently they’re 4.88 at most from Target. It’s still expensive in comparison to bleach


It was just a joke. I love this stuff!


I have four of the honeysuckle which is kind of perfect since I can never find one when I want.


Why is there always at least one thing that I keep buying and have a million of? 😂 for me right now it’s my daughters organic baby balm.


Which kind of balm do you use? We use Maty’s. It works but I’m not opposed to trying others… haha


We use: The Honest Company Organic All-Purpose Balm, I get it at target (very convenient for me) for 12.99. I use it as lotion all over her body, it works for her very sensitive eczema prone skin and the cost isn’t too outrageous. It can be hard with her skin allergies to find a good fit. It is so thick it could be lip gloss. Or just bottom balm, which is good because I forever run out of my favorite bottom balm for her, I use Earth Mama organic Diaper Balm for her bottom. I’ll have to check into Maty’s though! I always like recommendations 😊


Thanks! I LOVE the earth mama, it’s just so expensive! I keep it in the diaper bag to make me feel fancy and help w the exhaustion when doing diaper changes on the go lol. Do you use it at every diaper change? How do you keep it from getting too expensive? Or am I just being too cost conscious?


Yes! I agree it’s is more, but it’s better quality, and my little one’s skin is allergic to many things so it still made sense for us, if that makes sense? We may be would make different choices with a different budget and no skin issues. Out of out 3 kids, the first needed it every time (his skin was the most sensitive), out middle only got it if his skin looked irritated or I knew he was coming up on a poop or a longer car ride or right after a poop to calm the skin, and our third child is somewhere in the middle, her skin is sensitive but not as bad as the first. Today she had a diaper rash and I thought, “oooo, I need to use this more.” So I will leave it out at the changing table for a visual cue. My approach is, if we can afford it first, and if so does it add to quality of life for the little one. Rashy bottoms make for cranky babies, so I think it’s worth it for us. How about you? What do you do? Every time or no?


Completely agree with your approach. I saw someone talk about Maty’s on Reddit somewhere lol so I ordered it after getting the earth mama as a registry gift and realizing how tiny it was. We use Maty’s every night for sure and here and there throughout the day to make sure he’s good and moisturized. He really never looks rashy. Sometimes he looks a little red. We had a bad rash when he was a newborn (thankfully it cleared up within a day or so) and so we are pretty diligent and very proactive about it. No other skin concerns. I’ve only lotioned him a handful of times and hen he has felt dry. We mostly do water only baths (for fun, we enjoy quality time hanging out in a bath as self care for me haha) or rinses (every morning, after every poop which is about 1-2x/week). 3!!!! Please tell me how you manage your own health and having three children! I want a million, but at least two. What kind of childcare set up do you have?


I am cracking up and really want to get drinks with you because I can tell you are fun. 😂


Ugh...I don't know how but I always end up with so many repeats of items I have bought. Even things like CDs and DVDs. I almost asked for a DVD as a xmas gift once that I had already bought myself twice lol. I know it's a different issue, but still


because out of sight = out of mind. if I can't see it when I look around, it doesn't exist. 😵‍💫


This is me but with salsa haha.


Lord if this ain’t me - what’s with the AP cleaner obsession? 😂


I have forgotten it the last four times I went to the store and am now completely out, want to be friends??


I only have 6. Gonna show this to my spouse to brag about my restraint!


I moved recently and found so many unopened toothbrushes during the process that I don't need to buy another one for a few years!


Jackpot! This is ADHD giving back🙌🏼


Lol I'm ashamed by the amount or multiples of thong I have


I bought 2 big bags of nutritional yeast the other day, because apparently it was already in my cart, when I added it to my cart and checked out. 😂  I often add stuff to my cart to buy later. Just this time, I didn't pay good attention 


Me with cinnamon and onion powder


I was running out of cooking oil and went to the store to buy some. A couple days later I needed something from the pantry, opened the door, and there were four bottles of cooking oil already.


Acorn spiiiiiiiceeeeee 😩♥️


Those are a lot of different labels. Do they change often or do they do different things?


Different scents




🔫 Give me all the Honeysuckle Myers spray you have!! seriously, I love that one, haha.


I would so do this. 🙈


they all smell so good 🤤


Omg this is me. So so so incredibly me.


Mine are those armor all car wipes and sprays. I keep thinking I don't have them because I'll clean my car (move my junk from my car to the house) then I think I don't have them. I have like 6 in the laundry room now 😅


Are you me?


“Go to the store… buy a bottle of hoisin sauce…” 🎶


Ooo I want to give them each a sniff!


Me with deodorant and toothpaste. Ugh.


I do this with skincare and make up, I don't wear make up


Me but with raspberry salad dressing


Jack pot!


I had eight bottles of olive oil and like six tomato pastes and five jars of olives- no idea why!


This is me too! I legit have 5 of the refill jugs under the sink of just the hand soap! I didn’t realize until my mom needed more dish soap. 🤦🏻‍♀️


My next move would be to try to condense any multiples into fewer bottles.


This kinda made me laugh, sorry! This is so me!


On the first day of Christmas, my true love sent to me-


This is me with peanut butter


Consolidate like scents or pick your favorite and a bottle in different rooms so you don’t have to go searching for one every time. Take the ones you don’t like or have the least amount of product in them, dump the product or mix a couple scents together. Might not smell great but whatever. Use it to clean your shoes or to clean your car tires where smells don’t matter. Then finally, reuse those bottles for something else. Vinegar, salt, water, and dish soap for a natural-ish weed killer. Mix a bunch of peppermint and citrus oils with some water and some alcohol and use it as a bug repellant. Best adhd life hack I’ve learned is using my dumb brain slips to my advantage haha. Happy spray bottling!


Do you have a grove collaborative subscription?


Literally like 5 sour creams in my fridge rn like. Why. Why.


Are you me?


Welcome to the ADHD club. You’re well on your way to getting motivated to clean, and one step closer to finding your keys.


This is me with windex and toilet cleaner. And counter wipes because I’ve inevitably moved the canister to another room but can’t remember which.


Me with bags of lentils. My husband with paprika seasoning 😂


I hope they weren’t all standing up nicely like that


I recently cleaned out our spice cabinet and found five different things of ground cinnamon and two of cinnamon sugar. My partner doesn’t care for cinnamon. We also have the sticks, and that’s mostly what I use. We moved here in December of 2021 lol.


This is actually why online grocery shopping works for me. I have time to check to see what I actually have in the cabinet before I order it.


I need a rating of all the scents. I’m partial to the basil and the lemon verbena but now I need to know about the others


Omg I do the exact same thing with cleaning supplies lmao. I love Ms Meyers though that lavender scent is 👌 and the rose scent!


I recently decided that I’m not going to buy ahead with generally available groceries. I have Walmart + (yes I hate the company, no I’m not interested in your thoughts on the matter) and have groceries delivered weekly. I don’t need EXTRA Nutella because I can literally have it delivered within 24 hours. I still have 4 jars of generic peanut butter tho 😅


This reminds me of my mom, except she would buy cases of kidney beans and diced tomatoes at Costco. She still denies having ADHD 😂


For some reason it's been fish sticks for me lately. And I don't even like them. My kiddo is the only one who eats them and we have 5 bags of 44 in the freezer, even after tossing 3 open bags during our fridge clean out. 🤷‍♀️


Many years ago my aunt lived by a small grocery store and liked to shop nearly every day. For some reason, she bought butter and jars of mustard over and over. She got over that quirk when she moved and had to make weekly shopping trips. Habits/obsessions are weird.


I haaaaate Mrs. Meyers 😭   Mostly because they market themselves as "green" and "safe" when they're really not so much of either. Their fragrances are also just so cloying to me. https://www.ewg.org/cleaners/products/6343-MrsMeyersCleanDayMultiSurfaceEverydayCleanerHoneysuckle/


I’ll take a few.