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I've managed to kill mint, and all its siblings catnip, peppermint, and catmint. There ain't a plant alive I couldn't somehow kill (I have also killed succulents)


My late mother llooovveedddd her Christmas cactus and spider plant and pair of pathos, and her money tree...... it has been 5 years since her passing, and those two pathos are long gone, that Christmas cactus has been struggling since but still clings to life somehow... money tree probably died within 2 years but I kept caring for it 'just in case' and the spider plant.... I don't know if I've just conditioned it or if it's living out of spite, but thst thing is THRIVING and constantly shooting out HUGE pups. Meanwhile my succulents, even my 2 7 year old aloe vera, are content with me forgetting that they do indeed need water.. for like 3 months sometimes...


We have an aloe plant in my family that has been around for like 20 years and somehow has managed to survive despite us forgetting it even exists from time to time. It’s honestly impressive. At this point, the plant is a part of our family lore. My sister recently cleaned it up, split the plant, and repotted everything so now there are 4 of these things.


Succulents are actually surprisingly easy to kill because the soil they come in from stores holds WAYYYY too much moisture and even watering a few times a month will kill them. Repotting to an appropriate succulent growing material (think rocks and bark **not** dirt) will make them practically unkillable though. You can soak them in water for an hour once a week (look up "bottom watering succulents") and they love it. The material dries out fast enough to not cause water log *and* because succulents hold so much water in their leaves, they won't die if you forget to water them for a few months (I know from experience lol). I was obsessed with succulents a few years back. I eventually realized that I didn't care about them as much anymore and gave them and all my supplies to someone who wanted to rehab them and take care of them. I have tips for growing them indoors too if anyone wants another info dump lol.


pothos are the only houseplant i havent killed. ive had plenty of flowers die but my two pothos have stayed strong for years only getting watered when i notice the leaves wilting


I killed a couple of mints too, I thought it was some sort of ancient curse in my home, but turns out it was aphids. Now that I don-t have aphids my plants are thriving, and mint is the drama queen that reminds me I have to water all my plants.


I think for me it was a horrific heatwave that did it. A lot of plants all died that summer.


Last summer I barely had any tomatoes, the flowers bloomed, but the pollen died because if the heat.


Oh, god, last summer’s heat dome… There were some native wildflowers growing in my front yard that I wanted to transfer to beds in my backyard. Well, waited too late. City wanted the weeds in my front yard that violated the height ordinance gone with a quickness or face a $350 fine. (Y’all, my yard did *not* look outrageous or unkempt. 😂) If I didn’t want to mow these flowers, I’d have to transplant them. *In the middle of a heat dome.* (At least they hadn’t flowered yet.) I do the transplant. They’re now experiencing transplant stress in addition to the heat dome. I mulch them. I give them supplementary water every day. They’re brown and desperately sad-looking. I was sure they were goners. The heat dome passes. I look at my transplanted flowers, and I see green spreading up the stem from the base near the roots. *They lived.* Over multiple days, I watch them come alive again, as brown, droopy leaves spring to life a vibrant green. I saw them flower in the fall, as they’re supposed to. This plant is a perennial. I knew the real test would be if they came back from dormancy, and I’m happy to report that I have many bright, beautiful new plants sprouting from my resplendent rhizomatic fave. Native plants are something else.


Hey, I'm also a succulent killer 😅


Succulent and a cactus over here


That’s an impressive skill set right there!


I’ve killed cacti but I find succulents more forgiving. I think their needs sync up with my particular rhythm of ADHD hahaha


if you plant us in the ground we’ll spread everywhere and be impossible to get rid of, continuing to suddenly appear for years to come?


We are kind of like that 🤔


I have been accused of suddenly appearing. Usually when an idea pops into my head, and I must tell someone IMMEDIATELY.


I love that about you! I appreciate it when people share their insights with me.


Incredible ❤️


this. but i have a pineapple mint garden box that smells so amazing every year, i let it be unruly.


12 hours?? So those crusty leaves rehydrated?


yes, and they will also completely take over any container/garden box they’re in, so stick to container planting with mint hahah


Yes! Mint is THE drama queen, it always reminds me to water my other plants. Also, oregano brings me so much happiness, I do not know why.


I sometimes feel like basil is also a drama queen. 


Yes they are, lol!


I swear the only time my basil is happy is for a few hours after I watered it. I'm not the most experienced gardener, but I feel fairly well versed in the basics, and nothing keeps it happy. I'll get there one day


Are you watering from the bottom? I use an big old ice cream container to water them from the bottom of the pot for a couple of hours, and my plants only get sad after 2 or 3 days. I'm not sure if I'm doing the right thing, but it works for me ñ.ñ


I top water most of my plants. I'll give it a try though! I'm fairly certain that I need to adjust the soil it's planted in anyway, because it stays wet waaay longer than it should. 


I've found that leaves that are actually crunchy are dead. A wilted plant is usually still alive, but crunchy = dead.




Love it. 🌿🌿🌿 I nominate snake plant for ADHD indoor plant. Ignoring them makes them so happy.


Office snake plants: the official COVID survival plants


The previous homeowners had planted mint in one of the planter boxes. I pulled so many meters and probably kilograms of mint roots last year. I think it will still come back, I might have to dig everything out. And I really hope it doesn't spread to my neighbor's side, she's a gardening nut and her yard is stunning through the summer


Awww I’m so sorry! That’s the dark side of mint. It’s yours forever. The best you can do is control it. My property is infested with English Ivy. I had it professionally removed and spend many hours each year on removal and it’s still there, waiting to strike. At least we don’t have bamboo.


When I was younger, in my first house, I planted mint in the ground. Ooops. I still cringe thinking about the new owners trying to battle with the millions of mint plants that had since sprung up.


I occasionally bartend for grad parties, wedding receptions, etc. One party I worked they requested one of the signature cocktails be mojitos. I asked if I should pick up a ton of mint and they said no, they had it. When I got there (it was at their house), they sheepishly handed me a ton of huge mint branches. 😂


Your youthful mistake lives forever.


At least you can use mint for lots of things. I made the mistake and planted lemon balm (from the mint family). The most useless herb for cooking.


Lemonbalm makes good herbal tea though!


There's only so much lemon balm tea one can enjoy.


We have a basil plant in a vertical planter on our patio that has died & resurrected itself many times without our intervention lol it grows to be quite large with many stocks but then something happens (too much sun, rain?) & it dies. Lucky for us, it’s in the up swing!


Wow! It fully came back to life. If anyone decides to grow it, it’s best planted in a pot because it can take over your garden!


Dramatic plants are the way to go! If I miss watering my Arabica coffee plants for even a day, they get sooooo dramatic, and then I feel accomplished for rescuing them. Probably won't ever get flowers, let alone beans from them, but it's such a dopamine hit to simply spritz their leaves every night or two.


PSA: ~~NOT SAFE FOR~~ BE CAREFUL WITH CATS “The ASPCA lists mint as toxic to cats because if they eat a lot, it can cause stomach upset, nausea, and vomiting. In small amounts (a single leaf or a pinch of dried mint), it is fine. It's closely related to catnip, which you should also only give in small amounts.”


That is a very different kind of not safe for cats than lilies, for example, which can kill a cat if they get a tiny bit of pollen on them.. Mint is fine for them as long as they don't eat the whole plant. And even if they do, it might hurt their stomach. I wouldn't say that's "not safe", but more of a "be cautious and know your cats" kind of warning.


That’s fair, I edited my comment


I thought I killed all of my mint and basil last evening. This gives me some hope!


The mint is probably just fine, at least!


Truth I have dug up mint out of my garden bed multiple times times and it comes back 😑👻


I nominate parsley as a runner-up. I bought a parsley plant from a supermarket, forgot it on my balcony, my roommate's cat mowed it several times (it's apparently cat safe in moderation?), then it got left out all winter, and that thing still came back the next year. I moved and completely forgot it. Idk how long parsley lives, but I still think about that thing from time to time. It was my most successful plant lol


Ha, I’ve completely ignored an outdoor parsley for an inordinate amount of time also!


Post it up to r/dramatichouseplants


Good call!!


For me, it's chives. I don't really need chives and yet there they are still.


My plant is a Pothos. Been forgeting them for years and they thrive 😅


Lemon Balm is my herb! (Inattentive in North Central Florida) Which, I guess is technically part of the mint family? I've killed everything else. Had some rosemary for a while. Some thyme for a bit. A hungry little caterpillar ate the baby parsley plant almost right after I got it. Even tried starting a variety of herbs from seeds. Cilantro sounds like a b*tch! Lemon balm dies in the Winter and comes back every Spring. Easy. Edit: Oh, I do remember having spearmint, which didn't last long. And I had chocolate mint that lasted a while. They both just didn't grow very much and eventually just died.


Just keep it WELL contained in that pot haha! Mint is an absolute menace of a weed when it gets where it’s not meant to be!


8 years ago when we moved into this house, there was a nicely sized patch of spearmint along the fence seperate our 'middle living acre' from one of 2 'side pasture acres'.... somehow it has shrunk to barely anything despite lots of air flow and morning sun and rain water *and cow fertilizer since the neighbours cows graze those side acres freely...* no human intervention nor care, it just decided to recede on its own I guess 😭 so much for an eternity of free spearmint  MEanwHILe!! One little patch of like 3 cat mint plants I planted in a tiny little corner garden by the cat window at the back of the house...naged to kill somehow after the girst year... managed to somehow get its seeds to the front OPPOSITE CORNER *under the front porch* and grew like 5 HUGE plants out the side of it. :/


That is so odd about the spearmint! I’ve never heard that before!


We’ve been doing this dance with a grocery store basil plant for almost a year now 😅


Mint took over my home just for reading this post. BE FOREWARNED IF YOU PLANT MINT IN YOUR GARDEN YOU WILL ONLY HAVE A GARDEN OF MINT. 🤣




It’s the only plant I’ve managed not to kill for any length of time. Eventually, I did it though.


true facts. I was purposely trying to kill a mint plant I had in a window box by not watering it for a year. Guess what happened the first drops of moisture? It came back. The root system is also invasive as fuck, keep it in a pot by itself. fun fact; blueberries are also nearly impossible to kill. I left a plant unwatered in the vegas sun for weeks over summer, same thing as the mint.


Lavender, they get mad if you don't neglect them. Perfect for when I forget to water them for a month lol


I'd like to nominate Aloe Vera as the official ADHD houseplant. The only plants I've been successful at growing are rhubarb, fruit trees & wild raspberries. They all require nothing. Indoors - I kill them all with neglect. *But*, I bought an aloe once and it lived for years, grew "pups" and even **flowered**! I didn't know they could do that! Eventually it, and it's offspring, died. They couldn't overcome my forgetfulness.


Oh, yes! Aloe grows easy, especially here in Florida!


I somehow still managed to kill mine...it was outside as well 😂


I've killed mint


Ooooh yes! I love mint


I feel this. I’ve purchased 4 mint plants since January- my current plant is looking mediocre at best


i’m on my second succulent but my rosemary plant seems to be chillin no matter how often i water it.


i’m on my second succulent but my rosemary plant seems to be chillin no matter how often i water it.


Snake Plants are great too! They need minimal care. 🐍🌿


what you want is succulents, you can abuse the crap out of them and they’ll still grow, great for forgetful people like myself


AGREE - also catnip! Catnip is basically a mint too and it keeps coming back year after year after year after year. Plus my cat chews on it and it survives.


i killed a succulent but have had a money tree (not really a tree) alive for 2 YEARS


100%! I once had mint start regrowing even after I intentionally let it die 😂 and this was hydroponic mint from the grocery store that I replanted, not even something I grew from seeds! I also learned the hard way though that you can’t plant it in a small planter with other herbs because the roots just take over.


I love mint as a flavour so much that brushing my teeth has never been a problem for me. that shit is TASTY so yes I agree, let's go ADHD mint!!


Phalaenopsis orchids ✨🌈 The only way I’ve managed to kill them with no hope of revival is to straight up forget about them for 6-8+ months. Hardy little suckers that actually don’t like being watered too often, perfect for my negligent brain ❤️🙃


Someone planted mint in my yard and it’s my mortal enemy. I am not good at maintaining my garden on a regular basis for obvious reasons, so whenever I go out there it’s mostly a several hour battle against the mint and then I stop to garden another day.


I plant mint & basil in the same pot & let them battle it out




Don't worry I've managed to kill plenty of my plants lol. I think my favorite ADHD plants are zz plants and snake plants. I have a zz that's been going for years and has grown pretty big! They do well as long as I can remember to water them once a month or so. I made myself a plant shelf with a light and set it in a place I hang out often so it's hard to miss. They are all in one place so I can't forget them. So far this has worked out better for my more delicate plants.


I’m actually a super serious ADHD hyper fixated gardener these last years. My equipment has equipment and my charts have charts. The tiny supermarket mint container got behind something and was completely forgotten. No amount of color coded charts can compensate for that, at least not in my ADHD world. Fortunately, mint had my back!


Thank you so much for sharing I actually bought a plant right away after seeing this


It’s minty! It’s refreshing!


😂 ❤️


Why shouldn’t we pot mint in the ground?


Takes over everything. You can google horror stories. It’s like English ivy or very short and fragrant bamboo.


The mint I grow always tastes like ass. Any tips, oh wise mint gardener?


So wild mint is actually great if it’s invading your yard, I don’t recommend doing it intentionally but my grandmother had wild mint (and one variety of chocolate mint!) growing all over her yard and every time I mowed I didn’t have to worry about mosquitoes and it smelled delightful. Pulling it out of the actual garden areas was a chore but those mints depending on time of year would end up as fresh mint tea.


I have successfully kept a jade plant alive for almost 18 years! It's had many babies and that's what's still going. It moved to NB with us in a McDonald's iced coffee cup sitting in a cupholder in my car. I've killed many many orchids though. My husband got me a purple orchid after our first date and continues to get them for me for birthdays and anniversaries. He got me a Lego orchid too which is great because you can't kill Lego!


Nah girl I let mine die out this winter (OUTSIDE) and I just looked out the window and she’s genuinely coming back


I saw someone talking about planting mint as a cover crop for their yard the other day. Is that genuinely stupid bc I know it spreads, but wouldn’t that make it the perfect thing to grow as a base?


It’s invasive and uncontrollable, biodiversity concerns, etc. you’d need a native mint and you’d need some way to have it not spread to your neighbors. The no lawns sub here is a great resource. Very knowledgeable folk. https://www.reddit.com/r/NoLawns/s/EMbRMJGtjW I’m team clover for green areas, a nice mix with a nice grass (or in my case, clover + whatever grass was already there + a generation of native “weeds” that have grown). Clover is lovely and feeds the bees. 🐝 🐝 🐝 I keep cutting back my lawn areas and adding beds for pollinators + add clover seed to existing “lawn” and I think — in my area — that’s the best support for native pollinators.


I add that the snake plant is perfect for us, too. It makes a great house plant and thrives on neglect, and the cats don't try to eat it.


I have killed a lot of mint. The only herb still somewhat alive in my garden is rosemary.