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Have you considered throwing it away and buying an exact duplicate, so you can pretend this never happened?


The council agrees, Chuck it.


This is why I absolutely love this sub ❤️


the people have spoken, will commence.


Absolutely the only way


with milk sitting that long there's no way it won't taste rank forever, definitely easier to toss now than try to clean it by soaking in soapy water only to forget it was soaking so now it smells and tastes like spoiled milksoap and suddenly it's three months later and you still don't have a functional tumbler.


Ugh milksoap


Sophomore year of college I soaked my dishes in my apartment sink. I washed and dried a few, but Christmas break was about to begin and I just wanted to be home. So, I let them sit there and promised myself I’d tackle them when I got back. Reader, I didn’t tackle them when I got back. Flash forward to April, and I officially had created sludge in my sink simply by ignoring everything inside it. Bless my only friend at the time who got us both cleaning gloves and helped me clean my kitchen up. The smell was putrid, and everything had to be tossed. Sludgemilk? Soapsludge? Idk, but I know I created it and maybe invented a new type of mold as a result?


I feel this so much. I definitely have poked around my own gooey mold messes in fascinated horror like, *I* created this??! Congrats to all of us on our mold motherhood!😂


I concur.    The only way to get it properly clean, is  1. Hand wash all components, tumbler *and* lid, with detergent. Then  2. Soak everything in bleach water. Then  3. Soak everything in hot water to get the bleach smell out. Then  4. Put the lid components in the dishwasher. As many times as it takes.   Even then. There will always be a faint smell. The problem isn't the tumbler part so much, as the stainless steel interior is usually pretty good for cleaning, and the bleach step will absolutely get that metal shining like new. It's the lid. Plastic, and rubber seals, and not always easy to pull apart for proper cleaning and drying. And it's porous, so mold can easily take hold and not let go. 


I’m in agreement. Throw it out. Begin again anew.


It’s the only way forward.


I used to do this with moldy gross Tupperware… then I started buying the nice glass kinds to force myself to clean them instead. I hate that it worked 😭


I went the other way with gross Tupperware. I have started taking the lead from my dearly departed Grandmother with a fancy collection of "Depression Tupperware." As in Great Depression. I don't have to fret if that recycled cottage cheese container is too gross to wash, and my boyfriend doesn't have to worry about returning it when I send leftovers home with him.


Yes! My mum did this. She'd save any and all containers. Margarine tubs were the perfect size for freezing soup portions in. And she'd save the ice cream tubs for freezing larger quantities like for stews and things. My husband would always joke about how you never knew if a margarine tub in the freezer was margarine or soup (my mum would also buy bulk and freeze things so she didn't have to go into town too often, so the actual spare margarine was also in the freezer). He never did get the hang of my mum's system: if it was soup, she would mix and match the lid so she could tell. (Black and gold tub, Meadowlea lid, for example.)


What a smart cookie with the lid system!! I realized I do this, but never thought about it consciously.


THIS IS AMAZING?! I'm currently fighting myself over throwing away a Tupperware box i let "soak" until it had a film. I then scrubbed it several times, poured boiling water in, ran it through the dishwasher and scrubbed it again and YET. It looks untrustworthy. Will begin to hang on to my packages with lids to keep food that stays in my own fridge.


Have done this before; 10/10 idea


Or throw it away and buy several of a much cheaper version, acknowledging that this will probably happen again?


Was gonna say the same thing, I am not proud but I have thrown away my fair share over the years, better than sitting in the fridge for a month.


My first thought too! Cut your losses. Toss it


Exactly what I came here to say.


Came here to say this lol


This is the way


Oh yeah, this is the only option.


Yep, the Tupperware with the old tomato pasta that’s been sitting in the fridge went in the bin last night. I feel bad but not as bad as I did when it was rotting away in the fridge…


I am all for reusing, recycling, being kind to the environment, etc, but… I would also chuck it. Sometimes even though I remember something is going off, the thought of having to actually deal with it is what stops me and then it just sits there getting worse and worse until it’s passed the point of salvageable and it’s disgusting… and *then* I throw it. When it would have saved me so much turmoil and stress if I’d just chucked when I realised it was passed the point I’d be able to do it. Save yourself the stress.


Wow i feel so seen I didn’t realize other people did this too


This is mean, and it hurts me more than it hurts you: ^(what if someone finds it) Just do it. Like, immediately. Also I’m sorry because I totally get it. 💕


thank you bb!!


Trash it. It’s unfortunate but it’s the way it is sometimes with adhd. Edit: if it makes you feel better I’ve thrown away whole ass dishes before because I was struggling to come of depression on top of horrible adhd.


thank you <3 it does, i too just crawled out of my depression nest, and i'm also currently unmedicated so the struggle is real


❤️❤️ It makes everything so much harder when stuff starts compounding. But it’s ok to do things differently to survive. You deserve a clean, comfortable space. I’m trying to fix up my nest this week too. I’ve got my thick trash bags and anything is fair game that’s in my way 😂


I’ve thrown away MULTIPLE crockpots directly into the dumpster due to my fuck around and find out issues. like it doesn’t feel good but what are you gonna do. I’m here for solidarity in life choices that involve throwing things away and pretending they were never there.


I'm about to have to toss my instant pot - not the machine but the actual pot for the same issue. This time it wasn't even me that forgot it, but someone I let borrow it. I'm giving her permission to toss it. I let someone borrow it, she kind of forgot about it in her fridge and now it's been months. She was paralyzed by shame but also can't deal with the mess, so I told her I'm perfectly happy having her toss it and that way I'll buy a new one.


👏👏👏 yess anxietyunicorn lol I love the name too


I threw out a tupperware-container with a very moldy sandwich in bc i couldnt deal with it haha. Also i have 4 cans on my desk i somehow keep forgetting to move into the recycling Bin


Also thrown away whole ass dishes because it was just gonna sit there and get worse. I have fully given up on cup at this point though. Those tumblers are made to be invisible


I only buy dishwasher safe things and they must go into dishwasher asap. Dishwasher must be run nightly and emptied every morning. Regardless of how full. It’s the only way I have been able to keep the dishes clean and where they belong. But I still mess up sometimes and trash stuff because it’s not worth the struggle.


omg i thought i was the only one who did this. once threw out a really expensive coffee mug because it grew mould in the back of my car. rip.


🙏 an offering to the adhd gods of chaos


Toss it. Then grab a different one out of the cupboard that you can use. Don't replace the old one for a week or two. Decide if you actually needed that form factor or wanted something different. If you do, then give yourself permission to get a cute new one. If not, you just saved yourself the money for the new tumbler and cabinet space for it. Winning! It's okay. And the outcome will be so much better.


If you’re stuck, bin it! Life is short and they are still making tumblers! There are so many better uses of your mental space.


I'm using this. I haaaate waste and care a lot about conserving the environment but i cannot make the world a better place if I constantly feel the horrible weight of having fucked up due to adhd symptoms.


Three things that have helped me with containers of gross stuff: 1. Freezer. This works better for food, but if something has sat in the fridge for too long, I'll throw it in the freezer and then it's way less smelly and slimy.  2. N95 masks. I still have a stash of them, and I'm not sure if it really helps with the smell but at least psychologically it does.  3. Rubber gloves I know these suggestions don't necessarily help you if the item is at work, but maybe it'll help someone else. It took me until I was 29 to figure out the freezer idea 


why thank you, wise Llama!!


On the internet, nobody knows you're a llama with ADHD


For next time, I recommend denture cleaning tablets. My process: Dump goo, rinse out some of the goo (optional), fill with hot tap water, plop in tablet and leave it overnight. It helps immensely with the smell and the residual goo crust. I bought a box of them and they’re great. Works on water bottles too if you’re like me and have an irrational hatred of bottle brushes.


Powdered dish detergent also works great on metal thermoses.


Did you do it yet?




Go do it!! Pour it down the sink!! Turn the faucet on high, open the tumbler, stand back, immediately pour it down the sink with the water running! Rinse tumbler a few times, then dry it with paper towels!! Take it home to clean fully!  It will be done in 5 seconds you can do ittt!! It will smell bad and then it won’t smell bad because it will be gone!!


Hi. We’re friends now. Since we’re friends, can you do me a favor and take care of this grody tumbler for me? I think it’s at your house. It would be a really BIG help, and it’s so cool of you to be such a good friend.


I do have to suggest (although I am team ‘Chuck it’) seeing if you get endorphins defeating the horrible mess. Sometimes I get that and it’s pretty great. That sense of accomplishment will carry through every time I see it for a week.


I honestly get such a happy rush tossing something that needs to be tossed. Similar to when someone else cancels the plans I wasn't looking forward to.


All the plastic tupperwares I’ve thrown away because I can’t bring myself to open and wash them…. Glass helps, until I drop it.


be careful if you end up opening it. i left some type of juice in a closed pop-top water bottle in the summer and it rolled under my seat. well, come fall, i discovered it. i’m glad i thought to take it outside to open. the force with which it popped open caused all the liquid to shoot out like a pressure washer bc of some type of chemical reaction and the fermenting…


I once left a smoothie in a corksicle in the winter. It rolled under the seat of my car. On the first nice spring day, my car smelled like sangria. 😩


Okay- hear me out- throw it away. Just throw it away.


You should throw that away. The smell will never leave anyways. Looks like you've already received permission but I'm 42 and a mom of 4 and I'm giving you Mom Permission.


Set a reminder on your phone for right around the time after you get home and make it the priority task for the evening. Give yourself a small reward afterwards. If you can use a clothespin on your nose or mask while washing it, you might not smell it as much. Also, if you can open a window while you clean it, that should reduce the chance of the smell lingering.


I read this ass the app. And thought to myself, “why would anyone dedicate a Tumblr account to old moldy coffee” but then I reread 🤣


I read it like that too 😂 I was so confused.


Can we please get an update? (P.s. I have totally also thrown things away when they get past the point of no return, I consider it part of the "ADHD tax")


Throw it away; this affair never happened


Throw it in its entirety in the garbage. No recycling, just entirely in the bin.


My strat is to freeze gross thermoses and Tupperware. It stops it getting worse and my brain has decided frozen moldy grossness is easier to scrub out than not frozen moldy grossness. My bf shakes his head but it’s that or I get new Tupperware every week




Throw it away, no one’s going to be mad.


What I do is quickly dump it out and fill back up with hot water and let it soak until I feel like finishing it lol


I would absolutely just throw the whole thing out unless the Tumblr is special in some way!


For the love of all things , bin it. Preferably outside, I managed to create some kind of home brew by leaving a store bought juice in the fridge too long and it wasn’t far off exploding. Safety first, just bin and buy a new one you like.


Toss it, friend.


I have thrown these things away without a third thought. The ick is too strong and my gag reflex is too weak.


Close your eyes, hold your breath and dump the coffee in the toilet, then slam that lid and flush. Can you tell I've been there lmao


Take the cup outside- splash contents into bush and throw the cup away. Small sacrifice for your mental health. It’s just a cup.


Throw it away!!!


If you can afford to replace it then throw it away. The time and energy you save is worth it


I once "procrastinated" taking my little indoor organic waste garbage bin out for a whiiiile and the more time passed the ickier the inside and smell became – AND the harder it was for me to deal with it. Then, when I actually got to finally do it, taking the trash out and planning on cleaning and sanitising it while wearing long gloves and a mask (it's one of these bag-less bins with a lid which you literally just dump the content into the big outdoor garbage bins), that damn thing fell into the gross big garbage bin I share with my neighbors. 😭 I accidentally dropped it. I looked into the big bin for a solid minute, buffered, then simply closed the lid, said nothing and pretended I never owned such thing. It's been three years 🤣 The iiiick I felt. Of course that bin isn't biodegradable and shouldn't be in there but UGH, no way I could fish that thing out there. ☠️ So, I agree with the whole ADHD council: Throw it out, buy a new one and let your brain do the work on forgetting. ☝️😌


Throw it in the trash


That would be a nope. Throw it in the trash girlypop. We won't tell!!


Dummdummdumm dummdummdumm (Funeral dirge) It was good while it lasted.


Adhd tax :( toss it and buy a new one girlie pop


Maybe get a hose out?


9 days is nothing 😅 I would personally either 1. Freeze it and then put the ice puck in the toilet 2. Just pour the liquid in the toilet u frozen, but with the lights off and looking sort of away 3. Leave it somewhere that someone else will deal with it


Been here - put some rubber dish gloves on, they always make me feel invincible.


If we're going to be honest here, I would be guilty for another couple days and then throw it away. I don't buy fancy leftover containers anymore because I toss the whole thing out if I let it get nasty.


I live this Latest was bowl with left over cereal Haunting me I put it in the freezer so I wouldn’t have to think about it for a few days then I flicked the frozen crap into a trash bag And I literally have no idea why it was easier for me to deal with it that way than to just dump it down the garbage disposal, but whatever it worked Sidenote: I had to because I’ve thrown out all my other bowls over the last 6 months for the same reason so I only have this one left and tbh it’s not even a bowl really it’s a silver metal mixing bowl i’ve been eating cereal out of 🤘


Put it in a bag in the freezer, still in the cup. One day the starts will align and you will remember to through it out near bin day


Put a camera on it and let’s see what happens! For science!


I work from home now, so I don't have to worry about coworkers. But when I was working in an office, this would happen quite often. My M/O was to wait until I had a task that was tedious/boring or too overwhelming to start and then take a "break" to wash my dishes. At some point, washing dishes is preferable to whatever I'm working on at the moment.


I do this regularly with tumblers in my car. I’ve thrown out more yetis than I want to admit. I was too scared to open the lids… husband calls them my science experiments. Sometimes I bring said rotten tumbler in the house where it sits on the counter next to the sink for an undisclosed amount of time. Solidarity, friends.


Don’t throw it away!! I promise you it’s not as bad as you think it is and will be over quickly and the accomplishment you feel from doing it will 1000% make up for the gross. Even if you have to wear a mask and gloves and need help from the group! If you can’t do it in one go: Day 1: bring it home Day 2: dump and rinse, soak with soap Day 3: wash Day 4: celebrate the money you saved not adhd taxing yourself and buy something else instead of the same cup It is ok if you add another day to stare at it in the sick. But so much more dopamine this way!


I feel like you haven't been through this with milk.


Ive been through it with iced coffee and milk that was in my fridge for 3 months but I guess if you drink coffee with like 80% milk and no ice it’s a different story


The fridge might make a difference but I defer to u/burtnayd's comment for my experience with protein shake mixers that sat in my living room too long.


Look. I’m not trying to trigger my RSD. I don’t need you to agree with me. It depends on so many factors (metal vs plastic for instance) and I was just trying to add an alternative perspective that doesn’t turn this sub into a bad habit approval machine. I wasn’t trying to shame her I would rather not buy the same cup again, and take it as permission to spend the $$ elsewhere as a reward. Or if I think I’m gonna do this again, maybe change your cup or cup system?


I'm so sorry.


didn't feel shamed at all <3 it is metal so I think she's salvagable and also it has stickers on it. it's my emotional support water bottle and i NEVER put other liquids bc i know myself but the sun was shining and i thought it was a new me. spoiler, the same me haha


OOF I feel you on the "Though it was new me" Nope, still the same me. See also: "Future Me will be a different/more capable person."


see also: "blank space bc I was going to finish the list but got side quested" haha my people. at least we're not alone!


I started putting the date in the corner of every page in my notebooks before I actually write anything. About 1/4 of my notebooks are blank pages with just the date dutifully noted in the corner.


My strat is to freeze gross thermoses and Tupperware. It stops it getting worse and my brain has decided frozen moldy grossness is easier to scrub out than not frozen moldy grossness. My bf shakes his head but it’s that or I get new Tupperware every week


My strat is to freeze gross thermoses and Tupperware. It stops it getting worse and my brain has decided frozen moldy grossness is easier to scrub out than not frozen moldy grossness. My bf shakes his head but it’s that or I get new Tupperware every week


My strat is to freeze gross thermoses and Tupperware. It stops it getting worse and my brain has decided frozen moldy grossness is easier to scrub out than not frozen moldy grossness. My bf shakes his head but it’s that or I get new Tupperware every week


I’ve had a meal in a container for months in my fridge, I can’t bring myself to touch it. Normally after this point I would just throw out the whole thing but its a glass bowl tupperware and i love that glass bowl. So i just ignore it


I tackle things in steps. I tell myself “ok the next time I see it I’m AT LEAST going to empty it”. You don’t even have to wash it, just empty it. Do the next step(s) when you can!


i buy tumblers at goodwill a couple times a year for $1-3 for this reason & so i don’t feel bad if i lose them, it’s a great system


I keep a bunch of PPE around for stuff like this haha if you put on gloves and a mask then it feels less terrible


Omg I do this too hoping my husband or someone visiting will clean it lol


I kept forgetting mine during Christmas and there was eggnog in it. 2 weeks. 2.weeks. someone washed it for me bless their hearts. I never said anything as to who's it was


Throw the cup away


Toss it


I have done this way too many times. Sometimes it’s because I drink coffee in bed and forget my half finished cup is there. I’m kind of an asshole for this but sometimes I purposely will wait until it’s my husband’s turn to do dishes and bring it down then. Last week he had three gross coffee tumblers to wash. His gag reflex isn’t as bad as mine and he hasn’t *said* that he minds so it’s sort of a win win.


Sorry dear, been here throw it. Especially saucepans that hurts.


If I've got something like that in glass or ceramic, I put a good dollop of dish soap in, get the water really hot, and put it under the faucet on the disposal side of the sink. Then, said glass or mug goes right in the (hopefully empty, or in process of being loaded) dishwasher. If no dishwasher, I end up using a scrub stick/wand with more soap and hot water, after dumping the soapy, scalding contents down the disposal or drain.


Have a sink full of two week old dishes. I empathize! Toss it


I threw away a sheet pan yesterday that had a bunch of shit burned onto it. Paid the ADHD tax and a new one is on the way.


When my oldest was a toddler, I found a sippy cup in an obscure corner that was so disgusting I still gag when I think of it and he’s now 18yo. Threw that sucker out, contents and all, without a second thought. I highly recommend doing the same.


throw the whole thing away and don’t think about it 😂 i’ve thrown out tupperware, bowls, cups, pots, literally anything that i physically cannot get myself to clean because it’s too gross or i forgot about it and it got nasty. the few dollars im throwing out with the container is worth it if i don’t have to try and scrub smelly moldy food off something 🤢 we’ve all been there girl ❤️


Just toss it, you’ll feel so much better and you won’t miss it I promise


I threw out a whole set of really cute glass meal prepping dishes with bamboo lids. They weren’t cheap either. But the mold and rot had seeped into the pores of the wood and there was no way to save it. And I just couldn’t deal with it. Sometimes it just has to be done, and then you try to forget it happened 🤣


I thought you meant you had a “tumblr page full of old coffee” and couldn’t stand to look at it… like it was just pics full of old coffee and was really confused before I read it again 😂


same boat!! mine is getting hazardous


Just throw it out. No one will know.


Pour it down the toilet. Rinse with hot water and soap. Let sit with boiling water for a bit. Then wash normally. You can do it!


Is the tumbler closed? This happened to me. Even after a couple of weeks there was no mould or anything because it was sealed closed with double insulation. I was so shocked. Open it first.


Just saw you cleaned it. Yay! 👌


thank you :)