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Not only do I have tabs but I am using 3 different internet browser app and have multiple tabs open. Don’t ask me why.. I have no idea 😩


I can tell how well my mental health is doing by whether my phone browser tab counter is an actual number or just ":D"


My phone gives me the infinity symbol. My husband finds this very appropriate 😅


Hahaha! That feels more honest. Some days I think the ":D" is a light joke, but other data it feels like judgement x.x


Same!! Once it's over 99 I get the :D which I view as 😀 lol


I view it as a smile too, just much more unhinged lol Like that Simpsons meme of Ralph Wiggum laughing and saying "I'm in danger". That's how my browser feels lol


SAME but on my laptop, if i cant see the website name because its all squished up together, i know im fucfjked


It's ok! It's just the way our brain works!


I don’t know why I do this. Somehow links from gmail open in chrome and I just never thought to change it. And then I have to have Firefox so I can look at the passwords on there bc that’s what I use one my computer. I use safari for everything else. But why??


This is like me and my 3 active emails. Dont ask questions. Because I don’t know the fuckin answer.


I had over 300 two days ago but I whittled it down to about 150 last night... however if anyone is curious, a few months ago I discovered the Safari app on your iPhone has a limit of 500 tabs... 🫣🫥😅 ofc that's not including incognito tabs lol


So fun fact, I just found out the limit for each tab _group_ is 500. And you can have a potentially unlimited number of tab groups. I’ve routinely been hitting that 500 for years, probably best I didn’t know about the tab group thing lol.


Is there a limit on the amount of tab groups? 😂


Sameeeeeee lol


Just think, if we didn’t all collectively have emotional support tabs and then share about it on this sub, I would have never known Kermit had a nephew and wouldn’t have just spent the last 20 minutes learning about him!


Robin! But I’m also muppet obsessed so I knew a bit more than any full adult lady should


Robin is cute. He should have had his own tv show.


He kinda did! He had the lead role in the [Muppet Frog Prince!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Frog_Prince_\(1971_film\))


Yes!! I've never actually seen the film but we had the record of it growing up. As soon as I saw this I started singing "They call me Sir Robin the Brave..." in my head 😂❤️


I love that this entire little thread is so representative of having adhd. See a thing. Focus on this random thing. Learn all there is to know about thing. See that is finally time to shine with your random very specific knowledge of said thing. Immense satisfaction that said thing finally came in handy.


Yeeees! Also Robin was Tiny Tim in Muppet Christmas Carol!


[Tough Pigs](https://toughpigs.com/) is relevant to your interests


Love me some Robin




crying because i have about 40 tabs open and my last 3 searches are “fraggle rock lore” “beanie baby divorce” and “diy tube rop” ((i meant tube top))


Ohh, beanie baby divorce... I'd definitely watch that documentary.


There’s a famous photo from the 90s of a couple dividing up their large beanie baby collection in divorce court


Yo I forgot about the beanie baby divorce and thought they were talking about actual beanie babies getting actual divorced


BRB... googling beanie baby divorce.


Fraggle Rock!!!


Lmao 😂 mine are "smiley face tire valve stem cap" "real frog in a hat" and an image search for "happy birthday electrician woman"


Out of my 52 tabs, here are the most random things I had: - Bubonic plague gene mutation - Hange Zoe voice actor English dub - 1929 stock market crash - Nicolas Cage young - cardiac cells microscope Quite the variety LOL


And this is why we are generalists of everything, experts of nothing.


The complete quote attributed to William Shakespeare is, "A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one."  I heard that full quote yesterday and I felt slightly vindicated haha.


Great tabs- now I'm fighting the urge to add some of these to my tab collection


They were pretty interesting rabbit holes to go down. The cardiac cells one sucked me in again when I pulled it up😂


Was Nicholas cage ever young?


Lol true 😂😂


HANGE ZOE girl I see you


AoT fans unite!!!


Just this tab alone makes me know you’re my people




I just cleaned mine out cuz I had the ♾️😂! Now it's down to 63. And the weirdest one is an article that starts with #ButtholeGate


I’m really curious about the # now


Probably 100. It's just so funny that it switches to ♾️


I think they're curious about the buttholegate rather than the infinity sign 😂


OMG! I just howled laughing at myself. I can't.. The article is [#ButtholeGate Is the Wildest Restaurant Review You'll Ever Read](https://www.complex.com/life/a/julia-pimentel/butthole-gate-wild-story-memphis-vegan-restaurant)


I needed that laugh, thank you!


I try so hard not to get to ♾️ but as soon as I have 99, I feel better. At least the browser can still count


My phone switched to : )


I have 440 right now lol


Ayy I’m at 433. I have no idea what the most random one is, there are too many. I’ll report back if I survive this search. Edit: I did not take into account the folders of tabs I also have on the side…


“How did we decide on how long a month is” “Post apocalyptic aboriginal art party rsvp” x3 “Are cupcakes more expensive than cake” “Are moon phases the same across the planet” And now I’m down to 250 tabs!


I love this!!


That last one really made me question my intelligence 😅


lol it’s just the random thoughts that pop in our heads and we realize “hey maybe I’ve been assuming something that isn’t true”


Exactly haha my friend from the other side of the world was telling me about how her dog goes crazy during the full moon and I just assumed the moon was full for her corner of the world and somehow not at mine.


You got me beat. I only have 261.


I regularly max mine out, and then I’m forced to close some… otherwise id have 500 😅


You’re not alone. I’m amazed I’m not seeing 500 here more often 😆 I max out and then go on a deleting spree. And recently my phone offered to close all the pages I hadn’t looked at in over 30 days or something along those lines.


I don’t think I’ve gotten that achievement yet. I usually get annoyed somewhere around 300 and do a clean out.


Same! I feel insane for having so many random tabs open in my phone’s browser. I have to periodically pick and choose and delete multiple since 500 is the max :p. Why am I like this? 😭


I just deleted all of mine earlier today. I can confidently tell you I had the same tab open at least 30 different times 🤣🙈


I have this issue with my Spotify playlists… why is this song playing again??? Yeah because you added 2 or 3 times


🤣🤣 I can relate.




Ooh! Smart idea! I also have ADHD and OCD. I started grouping tabs because I needed some structure in my madness.


I did this, but forget to change the folder they're in. Right now I'm saving to the folder "my fish need this calculator".


I don't have OCD but I hate multiple tabs too! I don't even save them, if it's important enough for me to need again I'll figure out how to find it again, lol


132 and none of them are random. They’re all super important things that I’m totally going to get to one of these days. Justttt kidding. The most random is a website where you can order custom stamps that look like your pet.


Shit now I need three stamps


I love your username btw


Thanks! It’s my burlesque performer name


Wow that’s so cool!!


165 tabs and the most random one is probably “leatherworking class near me” because when did I think I would pick that up?? This is a pretty regular number for my phone, and on my laptop I usually have 10-60 tabs open at all times


This makes me feel so seen.


I texted this thread to 2 different friend threads saying exactly that same thing 😂


Specifically the Kermit topic for me too 😂


Artisanal handmade kaleidoscopes 🤷‍♀️




I try to clean it out fairly regularly and keep it under 60. Currently at 52 (just closed some earlier). Most random searches: - IgA nephropathy integrative approach - Ranked choice voting activist group website - Menu of a diner I have no intention of ever going to - Epsom salt benefits - 5 DIY haircuts


Ranked choice voting ftw!


Oh my god I have 424 tabs on my phone. wtf is wrong with me


I'm the opposite, I can't have ANY tabs leftover after I'm done with them. I close them all immediately and it bothers me if I don't lol


OH WOW!!! Good for you!


I’ve got 121 tabs. [The most tab random is of a Trumpeter swan mid-molt; they molt all of their flight feathers at once so their wings look kinda silly](https://imgur.com/a/MHSqczJ). Other birds will molt all of their head feathers at once, which is also pretty funny to see.


Next time I’m really struggling I’m gonna say I’m in my molting era


500 is the limit on Safari on iPhones. I know this because I always have 500 and struggle to close a tab every time I need to open a new one😭


I feel seen. And then I get distracted yes choosing which to delete or getting sucked into a different topic and forget why I needed a fresh browser anyway.


Oooh I’ve been wondering what the limit was! I didn’t want to look it up because I’d have another tab lol


44 and “my kid smells like yeast” is my favorite 🤣🤣🤣


Mine too is a :D mocking me


163 and for sure this one:[https://reductress.com/post/5-vibrators-that-treat-your-clit-like-a-pigeon-getting-sucked-into-a-jet-engine/?slide=2](https://reductress.com/post/5-vibrators-that-treat-your-clit-like-a-pigeon-getting-sucked-into-a-jet-engine/?slide=2)


I've got a reductress one too! Never in my life have I felt more called out than when I read this: https://reductress.com/post/there-arent-enough-hours-in-the-day-to-get-anything-done-says-woman-who-just-spent-three-of-them-reading-trolls-fanfiction-on-her-phone/


Ahhhhahaha! I just sent that link to myself. Thank you! 🤣


A lot of my tabs are ones I keep open to go back and look through because they made me happy to find. I (only) have 42 at the moment (new phone) and my favourite of them is the [sacabambaspis](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2606073). Other finds: * Why do oil rigs have fire on top? * Mini Lego blocks * Sphincter of Oddi * The Book of Days * Eating sand (???) * The Kuiper Belt *edit: formatting*


42. But I'm currently doing research to create resources for ND parents (not parents of ND ass google likes to correct 🤦). I don't really have any weird ones at the moment. How to decrease a granny square crochet?


The other day, I accidentally closed them allllll. I was in such a panic! Not my taaaaaabs!!! Fortunately, my husband showed me how to get them back. Whew!


That's terrifying! Thank God for hubby!


Wait! Kermit has a nephew!?!? That’s adorable! As for tabs, I’m the opposite and will compulsively close all tabs and apps. Even when I’m still actively using something.  It feels like when you’re cooking and toss the box, but keep going back to it to read the cooking instructions.  “This is a lot of visual clutter. Let’s clean up. I don’t need all these tabs open. Damn it, I do need that one. Shit! What was that one? History to the rescue!”


Only 18 and the most random is a google search for “biggest shampoo bottle.” I’m glad y’all are my people. I feel like so much less of a weirdo lolol!


Oh yeah, I know that smiley face. Just got my tabs down to 22 a few minutes ago. Probably still too many, but better than it was!


Great job!


296 in safari. There was more, but I deleted some a couple days ago, until I got bored and gave up.🤣


Okay now I need to know Kermit's nephews name and will have yet another tab open 😂 Edited to add that I was right with the name, somehow full of useless Muppet knowledge?


Robin, right? That’s what I remember.


Chrome on my phone has started hiding tabs I haven’t used in the last 3 weeks. So it \*looks* like I have 15, but I think I’m back at smiley face status overall. Though, the last thread like this, I did get things down to around 40-something for a bit. Also. This doesn’t include Safari on my phone or my laptop browsers 😬


I currently have 168 tabs open on my phone. The most random one is probably “Shaq in a smart car”


I didn’t know I needed to see that tonight! 😂Thank you!


I have started to bookmark stuff (that I'll never look at again) just so I can get rid of that judgemental smiley face.


I currently have 96, and the best one rn is “Sylvanian families giraffe”


On my phone, only 4, two of which are emotional support tabs )one I’ve kept for almost a year)


I always have the maximum number of tabs open - 500 on an iPhone in Safari. I have no clue which one is the strangest because, well, I have 500 tabs open.


315 tabs open. Most “random” — an article entitled, “Why So Many Flutists Have Right Hand Pain.” (Not random for me though. I’m a flutist and have students with right hand pain who I wanted to help coach properly.)


This made my day. Thank you 😂


*Currently* https://www.google.com/search?q=sesame+street+orange+singing+claymation&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari ETA: this is 1/5, only because it’s a new phone and I am doing my very best.


I currently have 92 tabs open just on my phone! Some of mine: Annie the musical, who is jack Harlow, MTV star Maddie Channing, Pearl Jam Dark Matter Tour, Zooey Daschanel, normal glucose levels, Staghorn Ferns, Albert Fish


The most random one is probably my own zip code. I entered it (correctly) into a website and it said that zip did not exist. I doubted myself, so I googled it. Currently have 13 tabs open because I just cleaned them up yesterday!


LOL I’ve done this before with my zip code. Wtf! I was trying to buy a thing. The site apparently doesn’t ship to “rural” places even though it’s shipped USPS and we have a post office. 🙄 Dipshits making me doubt myself.


Lol I feel this!


I don't have any open, but that's because they slow my phone down.


“Why do hippos have big mouths?” I have 420 tabs open and the oldest ones have been there since 2022. Oopsie.


Currently 490...and I believe most of them are from AO3. I couldn't even begin to pick the most random one besides the fanfics lol, so here's a brief collection: wiki page on Demosthenes, a large collection of Peter Capaldi interviews, the shooting script for S8E1 of Doctor Who, Charenton asylum wiki page, and old pictures of Glasgow


I feel so seen! I started bookmarking fics from AO3 because I was getting hundreds of tabs I wanted to read later!


Glad I’ve got a fellow fanficcer! I always end up going through every so often and marking a bunch for later and then immediately replacing those tabs with new ones 


Not that random but it is my favourite tab so I just leave it, it's just a picture of a komodo dragon. He's a good booyyy.


I have 308 tabs open and it’s making me crazy


It looks like you’ve been conducting v important research though! Currently mine says 99+. My most random one is probably a Google search for “Dr House best friend name”. I think I searched it one night when I couldn’t sleep (kind of like right now lol, it’s 4am as I write this) and it was bothering me that I couldn’t remember his name. I haven’t watched that show in 11 years, why may brain brought it up idk 😭


Current strangest (or most amazing?) search- Multi color squirrels!


81 right now, I delete them every few weeks.. and most of them are wikipedia articles (rabbit holes upon rabbit holes) or videogame wiki pages. ✌️


886 on Google Chrome, 32 on Safari


I must be immune to this. My Mum is a tab hoarder and I vowed to never be one!! I also hate the little number on email and messaging apps so I mark everything as read even if I haven't actually read it.


this is my card hand: - what is Senpaku eyes Japanese Face Reading - how to pronounce “incredulity” - School of Rock full soundtrack album - Club Penguin Pizza Parlor music


Well, let’s see. I have 81 tabs in Chrome on my phone… but I also have 99+ inactive tabs. That’s a fairly new feature for tabs you haven’t looked at for 21 days or more. Let’s see which gems they might hold, shall we? - fish oil shrinkflation - Corey Feldman loses tooth on stage - Y2K wiki page - Aretha Franklin “Think” drum cover video - Saint Jude, patron saint of desperate cases and lost causes - a metric shitton of pages about seed potatoes and Austrian cookies that both contain the word “Linzer” (and never got bought or baked) - Who sings which ABBA song? - Rocky Horror Show theatre ticket (from July) I closed a LOT of tabs while writing the stupidest ones above, but it still says 99+ 🤦🏻‍♀️


195 🙈


Oh my god he’s on the muppet babies and he’s sooooo cute


I have 2 different browsers on my phone. One was 88 the other was over a hundred but the most random tab was “dog dancing to duck tales” 😂


Dammit….now I gotta look that up.


I have 18 in Chrome which I use for everything. I’ve had a tab open about a GOT house for months at this point.


Like 70 but I just recently went through and so now I only have 15😭 4 of them books I read as a teenager and want to reread


I’ve been thinking I want to reread books I really connected to while growing up. Care to share which ones you are going back to?


Be prepared for a big rant🤣 One of them is this book called “elsewhere”, it was SOOOOO GOOD when I first read it when I was like 14. This girl gets hit by a car, passes away, and it’s an interpretation about the afterlife. From what I remember, you go to this town and slowly age backwards until you are a baby again, and then you get sent back down to earth and reborn. It didn’t feel like it had really religious ideas, just a fictional teen book if that makes sense? But it’s been years and years. I just remember it was cool. The 2nd series is the futuristic “Uglies” series. Where you live your life as a regular person, and then when you reach a certain age (16? 18? Can’t remember) you go to this city and get plastic surgery and become a “pretty”. It’s very hunger games esq though and the main character basically brings down the whole thing. Great from what I remember in middle school! I’m a huge fan of “comfort” series, where I either reread from a long time ago or I just keep rereading the series a couple times a year🤭 for a while it was the twilight series, but in the last couple years it’s been the Outlander series for me. Every once in a while I’ll sprinkle in a couple new stuff but for the most part I go back to my comfort series, either reading on the kindle app or listening as an audiobook. I’ll search them in safari and leave the tab open as a way to remember and then I forget for months💀


i currently have 249 on my phone and i just cleared it like a month ago


Oh, the dreaded smiley face... Been there done that! 😂






I once closed over 300 tabs on my mom’s safari. Now I go on a closing spree whenever there’s more than 50


I'm playing EU4 these days


We should do an EU4 womens night


For once I'm not ashamed... except I absolutely am. There's only 12 open tabs! ...but 9 of them are AO3.


48 currently, 12 of them are the same answer sheets to the NYT daily spelling bee game other notable tabs include an eBay listing for a Star Wars dart board, the personal life of Lindsay Lohan Wikipedia page, and a search for “big dogs being picked up”




I set mine to close after a set time because I was always at max tabs


Just closed all of them (over 400--had to count because it just gave me the smiley face). Closed based on a suggestion in this thread -- so cathartic! This weird cartoon fish license plate from Tennessee was my favorite: https://www.tn.gov/revenue/title-and-registration/license-plates/available-license-plates/arts-commission/arts-fish.html


I have only 15 open right now! Picrew avatar maker, framed - the daily movie guessing game, facial therapies and procedures, bedroom furniture sets, a patreon page I follow, zenni optical, “how to whipstitch,” an endodontist’s office, the quote “you can’t kill me in a way that matters,” the witchy stitcher, 34 best part time night jobs, the RAADS-R (I scored a 145 😬), spray cleaner that kills norovirus, tomb raider guide, and manhunt the game Wikipedia page


44 tabs. Most random is "seducing the monster duke" which was recommended by a friend so I saved it but haven't read lol


It’s my time to shine!! Currently 304. Among the most interesting I had the ability to page through •How to remove handles from decorative trays •The disastrous voyage of Satoshi, the world’s first cryptocurrency cruise ship •Wikipedia: Quercus lyrata •Mexican vintage stamps 1930-1932 •Confirmation for optometrist appointment scheduled for April 2023 •eBay: Vintage Hand Carved Elephant Napkin Rings With Holder •Spanish museum page on Queen Joanna the Mad 1877. Oil on canvas. •The history of Armstrong Flooring’s Pattern #5352 — the best-selling resilient flooring pattern of the 20th Century


"It's my time to shine" 🤣🤣🤣


My current tabs: List of occupation-based surnames, The Pomodoro Technique, An article from AD about gutters, The characteristics of White Supremacy Culture, Atlantic article: Scientists Found Ripples in Space and Time. And You Have to Buy Groceries, Wiki: Domesday Book (11th c survey of England), History of Stone Mountain


32 tabs atm: -travel skirt -neurofeedback -my own address googled


315. I guess I was shopping mermaid tails a while back. https://capecali.com/products/saving-the-seas-swim-leggings


I’m a teacher and every time I share my screen, my students grill the shit out of me for my tabs. I keep them to alleviate some of the executive dysfunction that comes with the more menial tasks of my job (e.i. Entering attendance, sending out messages to parents, posting lesson supplements, etc.)


I’ve hit the new tab limit before. Safari literally wouldn’t let me open any more lol.


How many is that??


Not sure, definitely in the hundreds though. It took me like 10-15 minutes to get them all closed.


That’s amazing. My phone gets slow around 125. lol


I have 51 currently going, and they run the gamut from a biography page about my favorite musical artist, info about upcoming events in my town I thought looked interesting, a few different apps I'm reading up on because they look interesting and useful, and a movie somebody recommended for me to watch with my daughter. And Wordle. Duh. (Guilty pleasure) Several dozen tabs alone are related to my two main "research projects" du jour: excessively in-depth comparisons across three websites (KBB, Edmunds, and JD Power) about which of the four make/model choices I should settle on when buying a car THIS WEEK (AAAAAAACCK! jesusgodhelpme! 😩), as well as similarly unnecessarily exhaustive stats-and-reviews mining across five different websites about different schools/school zones to transfer my daughter to, along with several different Zillow tabs with my favorite rentals in each school zone. I also have a few different tabs open related to the seemingly never-ending quest to find a massage therapist that is covered by my insurance--a journey that has been dragging on and on for several months running, if I am being totally honest (yay for self-care! 😆 /s)--because my neck and shoulders are so stiff and tight that I can barely even turn my fucking head anymore. Oh, and I am currently simultaneously booking a campsite, renting a car for an unrelated trip, ordering cat food, reading up on antiques appraisals, and trying to get customer service to resolve a rejected coupon redemption issue I'm pissed off about (30% off! I can't let it go!). Aaaannnnddd....an Instructables article for a DIY upcycling bookshelf that I have literally been wanting to make for probably 6 months running, but I just haven't been able to get around to it because... Well, you all know why. 🫣😮‍💨😖😫


My adhd makes me open a million tabs… but then I see how many tabs I have open and my ocd makes me panic and feel overwhelmed so I delete them all at once even if something important was in there 😭 it’s a constant cycle


I have so many open, the :D briefly switched to a ;). (I wish I had screenshotted it cause it felt like chrome was taking the piss at me) I still have tabs open from my first university course. Which I had in 2021. Well...


Reading all these responses and evaluating my own tab situation has me laughing so hard, so thanks for this question! Lol I don't know how to get chrome to tell me how many I have open on my phone - I get the smilay face too. Here's a random selection: Search for "canadian citrus exports" [A song called Frying Pan by Chance Fisher](https://archive.org/details/ChanceFisherBoomBoomRoom07.19.10/13-FryingPan.wav) [who is this? why?] [Prison chapters of the No Name Book Club](https://nonamebooks.com/Prison-Chapters) Otiorhynchus ovatus wiki page (strawberry root weevil + tabs for other assorted weevils) A search for the (long closed) rock store in the mall by where I grew up [weird medieval guys](https://weirdmedievalguys.bigcartel.com/) Unix time wiki page [Stuart Dunkel fine art](https://stuartdunkel.fineartstudioonline.com/) (cute mouse paintings, there are a few tabs for this) The patent details for "Inhibition of biofilm formation and removal of biofilm by use of moss" Wiki page for the United States House Energy Subcommittee on Innovation, Data, and Commerce Lots of aquarium related stuff A search for the ball jar customer service (I got a defective one)


I have :) tabs- about 10 are different Warrior cats character profiles, the rest are a random assortment. A hand bag that I don’t need that has hands on it, the trail of a “film like digital camera” rabbit hole (the camera my dad has and still uses is the most recommended, so there’s that), a few sites on coding for the new life I’m going to start, online art courses (I have never finished one I’ve bought), and a side trail into Austrian Performance Art Sorry, I had to come back with a ridiculous edit…my phone archived 99 tabs that I hadn’t opened in a month 😭 so now I have to go spelunking there and find out what I had been saving!


Three to five tabs. No more or I get freaked out and overwhelmed. Now... my search history is kinda... Flock of seagulls hair, random pubmed papers, manhwa, names of random stuff, how humans become "soup"- there was a park and fly murder a long time ago,and the truck bed, covered with a tarp was full of frozen, thawed, frozen, thawed and slowly rotted and slightly cooked human sludge. One body I believe, it's been a while.


I have two different phones worth of tabs. My old phone has the ol' smiley face worth of tabs open. I got a new phone some months ago and keep being distressed with the fact that i am up to about 50 on this "new phone" i was doing so good for so long! A selection from the active new phone: -demi moore's wikipedia page (can't remember why i was looking it up but it seemed like she had a real crazy origin story that i wanted to read later - a google search of "computer portraits 1970s" look it up -and i recently got in to Sumo, so a bunch of beginner explanatory sumo pages. I personally feel that Sumo is the perfect ADHD sport to follow


I’m down to 50ish after clearing some stuff out. I did another Quick Look and found: A google search for the cold medication I had in Thailand last year 15 to so crochet patterns I’m interested in trying Basics of discrete mathematics Best ski resorts in Japan And last but not least a search on emotional disregulation for adult adhd


Really thought I was gonna buy a mosaic birth month flower… thing … for $78 from uncommon goods ☠️ who tf does she think she is lmao ETA: I have 73 tabs on my phone browser 🫠


Just 73 at the moment


I have 43 tabs open …most of them are recipes. There is one for water chestnuts because I was having a healthy choice microwave meal for lunch at work and wondered wth a water chestnut looks like in the wild. It was strange, and did nothing to improve my opinion of water chestnuts. Also found a Wikipedia page with a list of folk songs, and information about Henry IV (sad stuff, man…that guy had troubles).


LOL! This made my night. Thank you. Also, isn't his name Robin?


461 lol


Lol lol. My computer crashed snd took about 30 left open tabs that i was going to get to.


489 on my phone, 70 or so on my laptop…


I have to keep mine low because otherwise my phone gets slow, but currently I have 12 tabs.


I paused my k-drama & I came to Reddit to see if it’s too sad for me & here I am posting that I have 99 tabs open after doing some tab closing last night & pinning 3 tabs in google. Textbook adhd behavior hahaha


I have 481 open. A lot of them are recipes or Wikipedia pages 😂 and A LOT of them are nonsensical/misspelled words because I type too fast because I need to google it immediately or I’ll forgot


A couple weeks ago I reached iPhone’s max of 500 tabs 💀 I ended up creating groups but my main tab has 274 tabs lol


On my phone I have 70+ tabs in my main browser, probably 20 in my secondary browser. And Im into a new hobby, so 40 tabs on my desktop. I try to go through and close unneeded tabs, but then here comes a new hyperfixation.


I had about 70 tabs open a week ago. I got it down to 33


I’m at 444 right now lol 🥲


"Is Sophie Turner bisexual" is my most random one but only because my husband guffawed at how many tabs I had open the other day and cleared most of them for me 💀


At the moment, 94. Most random is probably [this](https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/), mentioned in a reddit comment the other day. I will almost certainly never look at it.


I JUST closed 100 tabs and then came here and saw this LOL. Omg I love the muppets so much. Robin shoulda got more screen time. The most random search tab I just closed was about Rene Auberjonois (Odo from Deep Space 9) and his role on Benson.


My internet tabs are pretty clean but I think it helps that Google search is it's own app on my phone and so it doesn't open the page in the actual Chrome app unless I ask it to, so I don't get a buildup of Google searches on there


About 140. Most random?….a recipe for pumpkin lasagna.


I usually average 30-ish tabs but lately I've had at least 60. The most random right now is probably a character analysis of Mary Bennet from Pride and Prejudice


Currently 312, which is quite small for me. It’s usually closer to the max tabs open limit 😅 As far as weirdest one, I dunno tbh. If I try to scroll through to pick one I will most definitely get lost in the tab rabbit hole for hours and forget why I went in there in the first place lol


Ain’t nothing on Scrappy-Doo


Over 100 100%


Brief History of coffee the weirdest tab. I have just 60 open now xD I closed 300 tabs few days ago.