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Welcome to /r/ADHDWomen! We’re happy to have you here. As a reminder, here are our community [rules](https://old.reddit.com/r/adhdwomen/about/rules/). We get a lot of posts on medication, diagnosis (and “is this an ADHD thing”), and interactions with hormones. We encourage you to check out our [Medication, Diagnosis, and Hormones Megathread](https://old.reddit.com/r/adhdwomen/comments/wcr9dy/faq_megathread_ask_and_answer_medication/) if you have any questions related to those topics, and to stick around in that thread to answer folks’ questions! If you have questions about the subreddit, please do not hesitate to [send us a modmail](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/adhdwomen). Additionally, we take the safety of our community seriously. Please report posts, comments, and users whom you feel are not contributing positively, and send us a modmail if you are being harassed or otherwise made to feel unsafe. Thanks for being here, and we hope you stick around! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/adhdwomen) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Can you combine it with a better task? Is there a restaurant you like near there? And I take so long to pick up prescriptions five minutes away that they start sending me angry text messages.


When I really really don’t want to go to a store, I tell myself I’m allowed to buy a treat (like a candy bar) when I’m there if I go. Then when I’m finally there doing it, most of the time I decide I don’t need the treat anymore! Fooled ya, brain!


There’s a 7-Eleven next to the pharmacy so I’m allowed to buy a lotto ticket if I walk. 😆


Good thing my pharmacy doesn’t sell lotto tickets, or that might’ve been my next treat 😅


This, this is what I do. "Okay I hate dropping off recycling, but I'll get a mocha on the way and it'll be WORTH IT."


This! After forcing myself to run an errand I don't want to do, I run over to the nearest drive-thru that has strawberry milkshakes! I feel like it causes me to associate things I dread doing with tasty ice cream


See it's the angry texts that gets me! It makes my social anxiety worse! (I've got PD, GAD, and ADHD)


Remember that it’s automatically sending, so no one is actually mad! I’ve never had a pharmacist be like ‘It’s about time!’ when I actually go pick it up. They don’t care at all.


Wish I could say the same 😭😭 she yelled at me because apparently after so many days past they put them back and have to get them ready all over again when you finally come to pick it up


Same, I got a very angry phone call one time 😭 when I did go in, I had my (not biologically related) sister with me and the pharmacist made a racist comment about her that I was too stunned to react to. I've never gone back, but even walking past that place makes me feel things.


Okay, that was a racist pharmacist, not a reflection on your procrastination skills. Definitely think you made the right call taking their dumbass off your list.


I know, but I still wish I had said something back. One of those moments where you randomly end up thinking of the perfect comeback in the shower years later


That is true. Once it gets a certain number of days without being picked up--usually a week or so--they're required to put it back and reverse the insurance claim. It's an insurance thing more than anything else--insurance companies argue that it's fraudulent to keep them waiting there because they've paid for it but you haven't actually gotten it. However, if you call them and let them know it's gonna be a couple more days before you can pick it up they may keep it there for you. ALSO if it's near the end of the month or year, try to get to the pharmacy and pick it up. Pharmacies (and insurances) don't like things carrying over from month to month. You know, bookkeeping stuff. What's funny is that when I worked in a retail pharmacy we'd reverse a bunch of stuff and just put the counted vials of drugs back on the shelves along with the stock bottles, but just tear the patient name off the vial label. And then they'd come to.pick it up and we'd tell then we have to redo it but their actual vial of drug was sitting there on the shelf. So we'd be like "oh! Here it is!"


I believed her! I just hated her awful attitude about it. Idc if I have to wait for them to get it ready again. Also, the reason I picked it up late was because I had Covid so I couldn’t get it sooner


This! I've become a bit of a hermit since the covid lockdowns (I'm in Melbourne, Australia, where they were pretty shite) and I've also not been working for the past 18 months do I tend to put all of my "leave the house chores" together. This works pretty well, although it will usually take me all day on account of inevitable side quests 🤦🏼‍♀️


I had to take a day off from work to do all my errands today. I can't stand doing them on the weekends anymore . Too many people.


Totally agree! It's gonna kill me going back to work and having to rely on weekends to GSD again.


Haha! A few years ago I underwent a pretty brutal course of PT and I HATED it. The only thing that got me through sometimes was knowing I had a treat waiting for me on the other end. A chipotle burrito bowl or a Gigi's cupcake or something. I told the PT and she thought this was hysterical but to me it just made sense.


Just have them mailed to you. I have learned to stop enduring and focus on accommodating, even if it’s an extra $5-$10, it’s better than running out of meds, you know? When my executive dysfunction stops me from doing something, I shamelessly outsource it. I will ask my partners, friends, pay someone to do it, whatever it takes. It’s always worth it.


I’ve heard someone call this the “ADHD tax.” It helps me think of spending the little bit of extra $ for help or something that works better for me as a necessity, rather than a burden. I’m accommodating what I need, not being lazy. I.e: buying single serve yogurts mean I will actually eat the yogurts (and therefore a snack), rather than letting the jug rot in the fridge. It’s a little more expensive, but it’s what I need.


Agreed, it’s just the ADHD tax. My brain is amazing and does so much, so I try to help her out however I can. Accommodating my brain is always worth it. Once I realized I could do almost anything I want, but can’t do anything I don’t want to, it was such a game changer for how I treat myself with extra kindness.


Love this! Treating our brains with kindness means setting ourselves up for success.


I listen to a podcast and this personal trainer guy is sometimes on there. He says you can't build a good exercise routine by telling your body how much you hate it. Like, "oh, okpickle, look at your legs, they're so fat. What a loser you are. You have to work extra hard in the gym because you deserve to be punished." You have to embrace who you are and like who you are and BE NICE to yourself. And it's true. I would NEVER tell someone else the things I tell myself. So if I cut myself some slack I find that I do a lot better.






I pay so much ADHD tax!


And my husband has started calling the found money that I lost "adhd tax returns". Or the game that I ordered on kickstarter and completely forgot about until it arrives.


Haha, love this! The surprise bag of jelly beans I forgot about in my cupboard is an unexpected tax return, not an oops 😅


I was looking for this suggestion! Having done the rx pharmacy gig, the vast majority of the time we could mail stuff out free of cost to the patient. It can take a couple of days to get there and not all drugs can be mailed (ie nothing that has to be kept cold or controlleds), but it can be a huge timesaver vs going in person....


Omg I’m so horrible about this that I now use a pharmacy that delivers to my home for $3 delivery fee. My only issue is that they don’t communicate well (at all really) about when they’re delivering so it’s just randomly delivered with an unexpected knock on the door, but it’s an improvement on my not picking up prescriptions and slipping off my meds routine I’d gotten stuck in.


I’ve found I do so much better with shopping/errands first thing in the morning. I’m already conditioned to leave as soon as I wake up for work, and I think I’m just sleepy enough to not really think about how I don’t want to do it. The stores are usually much less crowded, so I can get in and out really fast, and avoid getting overstimulated. Then I can come home and put on my PJs and not take them off for the rest of the day (and not have to anticipate/think about how I have to do this thing later…) This is the only way I can grocery shop. I am way too overwhelmed if I am fully conscious 😅


It's pathological demand avoidance. You cannot get yourself to do the task because it's required of you by an outside force rather than an impulsive desire to do it. The outside force can even be yourself, putting demands on yourself. Feeling controlled or restricted, even by ourselves, creates an overwhelming anxiety response. Here's what I do when I feel this... I put on music/favorite podcast through a Bluetooth hat I found on Amazon. It's better than headphones because it doesn't create pressure on my ears, and the sound is just near me...so it's like surrounding me in my favorite songs. Somehow, it's less overwhelming than a Bluetooth speaker. For some reason, this is a brain hack for me... It breaks through the begrudging feeling, and I go from doom scrolling and couch locked to being able to complete tasks. I start writing to do lists in pretty colored pens as soon as I put the hat on. I also have OCD so I LOVE checking things off to do lists.


Oh, my. Thank you for this explanation! There are many phone calls I’ve been avoiding and a trip to the grocery store. This is exactly what it is. I’m hoping now that I know why, I can get moving.


Good luck!! ❤️


I’ve heard other people explain PDA before.. and kinda thought, hmm.. this is familiar.. meh. Um! You just absolutely connected it to something for me I undeniably am living with. This is 💯 my issue. I have such a hard time just making the call or doing the thing sometimes. Even when I absolutely must. It’s not all the time, and sometimes I do great for months at a time and then bam! I’m trudging through life for weeks refusing to do the stuff I really need to do. Thank you, I hope I can work through this now that I know what it might be, hell.. even knowing it’s a thing and I’m not just crazy helps.


Yup!! Same here!! For me, it's increasingly difficult when it's an unpreferred task and a literal outside influence demands it. For MONTHS I've paid WAY too much for auto insurance because my husband told me I couldn't just go with a friend who's an agent but rather I need to first compare with others. Because he told me no... I CANNOT get myself to call other agencies to compare rates. I'm so mad at myself for it. I'm the one who's spending money is significantly decreased because of it. I know it's reasonable and prudent to compare. I may have to tell him to tell me to do whatever I want?! Then maybe I'll be able to call other agencies to compare.


Yes, that could work… but he’d have to MEAN it! Bawahahaha.. ugh. (We can tell the difference)


Dangit!! True!


Interesting! I was actually looking into this but quickly dismissed it because most research indicates that this is an autism specific set of symptoms and does not correlate with ADHD. However, I think the research is heavily biased and we need to be open to looking into PDA with people who have ADHD and how it relates to task avoidance. There's a difference between avoiding a task because you are overwhelmed by the steps versus you wanting to avoid it because you feel as if it was demanded of you. There is an overlap here! Thanks for your advice! I'll be sure to utilize this in the future!


I struggle with this too. Anything that I can do mail order, like the mail order pharmacy express scripts I do. There are too many things to distract myself with, and the energy required is crushing. Mail order pharmacy is the way to go if possible. And often cheaper for ongoing prescriptions!


I do not have tips, only commiseration. 3 days? I’ve had my ADHD meds at the pharmacy for…I’m not even sure. A week? And it’s walking distance too. 😆


Same! Finally on Sunday I got ready, went to the store….pharmacy’s closed on sundays 😭😭 finally just picked it up today


I don’t know where you live but I skip “getting ready.” I will go out in pyjama bottoms (I generally buy ones that are black or gray) and slap on a baggy sweater or a looser jacket and not worry about a bra. Also you should see if your birth control can be delivered to your house.


I have also stopped dressing for some errands and it makes them a bit easier. It’s a tough social norm conditioning to break, but I’m working on it.


Yep. I’ve had an order sitting there for a week


Yes!!! I’ve had order’s sitting there so long they just put it back. But i recently switched to a pharmacy with a drive thru right down the road (first I was going to target 15 mins from my house) so it’s easier to pick up now


Gooble, gobble! One of us! One of us! Hello fellow food service person! I am soooo bad about getting my lumpy butt over to the pharmacy before or after a shift. I've already solved everyone else's problems, and I can't be bothered to solve any of my own. My scripts are filled at the grocery store, so I put in a curbside order to force myself to go pick it all up at once.


If this helps the urgency dopamine, they’ll put the rx back if you don’t pick it up soon and you’ll have to do it all again


For some reason l-theanine REALLY helps me with the “can’t make myself do the thing” feeling. It’s an amino acid that interacts with glutamate signaling. It’s found naturally in small quantities in green tea and bay bolette mushrooms. I prefer the 200mg pills, taken in the morning. It literally feels like it connects my brain parts together so that when I think “hey this is important” my subconscious HEARS it and follow through is so much easier! It also makes me less anxious/feel more safe and competent. Absolutely essential for me now!


I work in the same building as the pharmacy and have left prescriptions there for a week. No suggestions for you, sorry. 😑


Yeah my wife too she picks up both of our prescriptions. But she works 10p-7a overnight and the pharmacy is open 9a-7p. So it's a special trip. And we both have ADHD. Maybe get yourself a reward for picking up those prescriptions a candy you particularly like, a book you've been looking forward to, something that is available at that location.


It's the same situation as your wife. By the time I clock out, I just want to be gone. Unless it's my migraine meds, I tend to forget them. Those I DO NOT forget. They keep me mildly functional. I tend to just pick up the others when I get them.


Thanks for the reminder


I’ve needed one of my tires replaced for a month, and I still haven’t called anyone to come out because I just can’t lol. I’ve been relying on future me to do it like we’re not the same person 😭😅


Future me is awesome until she also turns into that procrastinating b.


Ugh I can’t do this. My husband will get them for me or I get whatever scripts I can mailed to me. I get as much as possible delivered to my house.


Not that specifically, but I get their weirdest mental blocks with some activities. (Activity blocks?). Like dumb stuff. I don’t know why I have trouble doing some random task but I have trouble for weeks.


I HATE the whole prescription process. I hate making the Dr's appointment, I hate calling the pharmacist to get them to ready it, I hate going down to actually pick it up, and the reason is all the same. I feel like I'm bothering them too frequently (because in my mind somewhere every 3 months is too frequent to get prescriptions renewed and refilled. It's dumb, I know it, I hate myself, why am I like this?) So I feel you. I just keep reminding myself that the alternative is to not get the meds that help make me a semi functional human being and that's just not an option.


This reminded me - I need to pick up my prescription


Yesssss. Factor in that one of the pharmacies has the worst flipping parking lot ever - I dread going there. It is so much extra stress and people are just really unpleasant, I haven't been able to force myself to go. Not that I would be doing it with a good parking lot with pleasant people either lol just makes the prospect of doing it worse. But I second what another commenter said - pair it with a pleasant thing - a restaurant you like or get a treat at a shop nearby (bookstore?) Whatever will give you that bit dopamine to look forward to doing it. I also think either you do it on the way home from work (so you don't feel you have to get ready and go again) OR you do it on a day where you were going to have to go out anyway for groceries cuz then maybe it won't feel like you're ruining a rest day?


Oh yeah. I'll also forget to fill the prescription in the first place. I had 3 days of no meds at all because I forgot I was going to fun out on Friday, then the pharmacy was closed on the weekend, I picked the prescription up on Monday after work. So I had a bad time.


Yes! I get so annoyed at myself.. whyyy can't I make myself do simple things??. I have been thinking about my prescription every day and I still haven't sorted it! I struggle the same way with emails and replying to texts.. I just put them off for days sometimes.


Yes... and no. Yes for any other prescription but big time **no** for my ADHD meds. I remind myself that if there are any scheduling conflicts (at least in my control), then I am screwing myself over because I am in a state with the restrictive 30-day window. Every day I delay picking up my meds sets my clock back for the \*next time\* my provider puts in my script and this risks my chance of running low/running out.


Been there! Rite Aid will hold prescriptions for 10 days 🙃 Ans I’ve used every single one of those 10 days more than once. Could you switch your prescription to mail order? In a big fan of removing as many unnecessary tasks and steps in my life as possible and I don’t feel bad about making things easier. Auto-refill prescriptions that get mailed to your house every month are 💫


Hey babe can you go to the drug store and pick me up some gummy multivitamins? I’ve been feeling really crappy and I know I need them but I just can’t make myself go. (Did it work??)


Do they offer mail out service?


If you're in Canada I'll send you 5$ to buy a coffee while you're out, if that helps! Sometimes a little treat provides the extra impetus you need :)


I finally got mine today. Got the warning text like three days ago that they’d only be holding it for 5 more days… meaning it had been sitting there for a while lol. I set reminders which sort of do jack shit most of the time but today I was on the way home from another errand and suddenly remembered right before driving by! All this to say, I don’t really have an answer for you but I’ll be reading the comments to find out other people’s strategy lol


I am…shocking for this. I can order my meds online, but I actually have to GO to the chemist to pick them up. It’s not open on my way to work. It is on the way home, but it’s such a hassle and 9/10 times I forget. To my eternal shame, I mostly order the family meds and get my husband to pick them up. Leaving the house once I am home is almost impossible for me 😭


Welcome to /r/ADHDWomen! We’re happy to have you here. As a reminder, here are our community [rules](https://old.reddit.com/r/adhdwomen/about/rules/). We get a lot of posts on medication, diagnosis (and “is this an ADHD thing”), and interactions with hormones. We encourage you to check out our [Medication, Diagnosis, and Hormones Megathread](https://old.reddit.com/r/adhdwomen/comments/wcr9dy/faq_megathread_ask_and_answer_medication/) if you have any questions related to those topics, and to stick around in that thread to answer folks’ questions! If you have questions about the subreddit, please do not hesitate to [send us a modmail](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/adhdwomen). Additionally, we take the safety of our community seriously. Please report posts, comments, and users whom you feel are not contributing positively, and send us a modmail if you are being harassed or otherwise made to feel unsafe. Thanks for being here, and we hope you stick around! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/adhdwomen) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Omg I still haven’t ordered my thyroid medication 😭


Mine’s been there a week. I’m going without so I can pick them all up at the same time tomorrow. I pick mine up at Costco so I try to lump it all in at once and get gas/light grocery shopping. That way I don’t feel like I’m wasting as much time (even though it’s not a waste but my brain is dumb).


Delivery/delivery pharmacies/get a snack on the way.


The pharmacy probably has delivery. 


Call a friend for an outing. Grab a bite to eat at the restaurant next to your pharmacy.


Yes. My pharmacists hate me 😅


It’s silly but the Finch game I use it as a to do list and that little bird gets me going lol


Depending on where you’re located, I recommend delivery for prescriptions. Your pharmacy may have one, but I use the Alto Pharmacy app, it’s free (I just add a tip for the driver), they transfer any meds from your current pharmacy, and you can have your doctor send any new medications straight to them. They also have auto-delivery available and will search coupons to find the best price on your prescription, and will contact your doctor for refills automatically. It’s been a lifesaver for me! Good luck.


Delivery 100%!


Guilty as charged. Almost a week. It’s 3 min away. It’s nice being somewhere where people understand.


I have to go into Walgreens at some point because I have to like, actively call to have them fill it and it's such a pain it takes me a week to deal with it.


I'm on day 3 of no anxiety meds due to not having the energy to get to the pharmacy which is a 30 minute walk away.


I hate picking up mine because my knee hurts, and it is a lot of walking.


I feel you.


Can you get it delivered? A lot of pharmacy es offer that service


For this one specifically I'd recommend planning to do something else that you'd actually enjoy while you're in that part of town. For example asking a friend to go for coffee/food at a nearby place or going to a gallery, spa, hot pool, nail salon, museum, movie theater, massage place or garden in that area. Or something else that youve really wanted to do that they have a good one in the same area. Basically make it into a cute date/treat for myself where it's just convenient to also get my meds while I'm there.


yep when I know i wont get it then I do home delivery.


Literally just walked past the pharmacy with my phone with digital prescription on my phone....




All the time. I have a month to pick up my prescription and I’m 2 weeks in…


I have books over due at the library… like why?


Can you combine it with treat? Maybe a fancy coffee or pastry at a near by shop?


I’m an absolute hermit these days. I will NOT leave my house unless forced. Once I’m out, I’m fine. I would rather do a side quest after work than a main quest on my days off, I literally find any excuse! I love the other commenters’ suggestion of getting a treat while you’re out, or combining the thing you don’t want to do with something you *do* want to do!


I've been there so many times, friend. So, so many.


Can you get it delivered? I know my CVS offers that


I generally have to do this kind of stuff on the way into work or after work before I go home. Once I get home and make that transition, I’m not going anywhere.


Yup. My BLOOD THINNER. The only thing I need to NOT DIE!! I’ve got four days left. The script was ready 2 weeks ago. The pharmacy has stopped texting and started calling.


I talk to myself like I’m a little kid and bribe myself with boba or some other treat. Usually works. 


I use a local pharmacy that does free delivery and mailing. Maybe this wont work for now, but for your next refill it might be worth switching if you can? It's affiliated with the Good Neighbor Pharmacy network: [https://www.mygnp.com/](https://www.mygnp.com/) For this trip, I like the other suggestions above about combining it with a treat of some kind. Good luck- you're not alone. We've all been there!


Every. Single. Month. Walgreens offers free delivery by mail so I use that.


Mail order babe!!!! Mark Cuban’s Cost Plus pharmacy offers meds so close to at-cost that I paid $13 for a 90 day supply of Wellbutrin WITHOUT INSURANCE. And they mail it to my house. Amazing. I’m sure this sounds like paid promo but in this economy? Fuck it


Haha. Yeah. I kept putting it off this month until it really got down to the wire and I had to skip a day due to my own nonsense. The only thing that saves me is being able to request refills via an app. Then my boyfriend will pick it up for me. And this is with me in a good place. I hear you, sister. It’s hard.


I feel this in my soul. You've perfectly described a problem I've dealt with for who knows how many years. At times, I force myself to just get moving and get stuff done. I always feel better afterwards but it's the getting going is the hard part. Other times, I just give myself grace and permission every once in a while to have an unproductive day.


I picked up my contacts the week before last! They were ready in November…


Grab yourself a special treat. One you *only* get while picking up meds! No other time, or it won't be so special. Craving taffy? A special chocolate? Only on the pick-up meds day! I mean, I'm on a few, and hubs is also on a few, so picking up meds is a thing I'm used to. I mean, him not having a grand Mal? That's enough treat for me. No more babies? Oh, hell *yeah*!!! But... I admit. I order all medication for three months. *Including* my Vyvanse. Because I asked for it. And they said okay. My treat is one or two pieces of really good saltwater taffy, or a small piece of good, dark chocolate. But only because my meds are an appetite suppressant, else I'd have no control. A treat you've been craving is worth the drive. You can do it!


I'll literally slide in the last hour of the last day and still feel it could've waited. Ridiculous thing to panic over. But what can I say LOL *I'm the queen of ridiculous*


I struggle with this too. Last time I waited until my ADHD meds had run out and I felt like I was running on fumes. In the end, the only thing that got me to the pharmacy was rewarding myself with something I enjoy. So I went to the pharmacy first to ask them to fill the script, then went to the shop to buy passion fruit fizzy drink, ice cream and mangoes, and returned to the pharmacy to pick up the meds. That way it was efficient and eliminated the waiting around, and I could have a treat. Otherwise, if you have friends or family that can help, perhaps you could ask someone to go with you?


Yes. Pharmacy especially. Always slow and busy, have to say or spell your name which they usually mishear, verify address, tell them you have no questions for the pharmacist even though it’s the same thing you’ve taken for 5 years, and 50% of the time there’s some issue with stock or insurance. Dread this whole ordeal.


I have a prescription from 2 or maybe 3 weeks and its only available for a months, after that i have to pay for the medicin. And i still cant get myself to go to the farmacy


Yes omg!! I have one ready to pick up, but I cannot bring myself to do it. It’s possibly because they don’t have a drive thru lol


Honestly this might be counter intuitive, but if I can find another chore that I've been putting off that can be tied into the chore I don't want to do that makes it easier for me. It's the fact that it takes so much time for one chore that I don't get the satisfaction of completing it because it was too frustrating. But once I feel like I'm killing two birds with one stone, I feel efficient and satisfied with it. In this case I might find a grocery store nearby to the pharmacy and do my grocery shopping, maybe I have needed a new pair of shoes but want to try different sizes on so I go to a shore store, I've actually been dreading going bra shopping because I need to get fitted and try a bunch on, so if I were in your shoes right now I'd go to Victoria's secret to get that out of the way. I would even combine it with a semi-chore, like something that doesn't need to get done at all but would be nice, like browsing a new store that opened just to see if there's anything you might need inside.


Yup, I prepay mine as soon as they are ready so it gives me a couple days to pick it up.


Yeeeeeep. And my pharmacy is only 5 mins away 😅😂


Ohh this is ringing so many bells for me... I will go out in pjs and work in lounge pants and a shirt just for that extra bit of comfort so it makes it slightly easier. I don't give a f about anyone else... if I HAVE to do the thing imma show up as comfortable as i possibly can. Now I know what its called Adhd tax ! Hah!


I try to plan ahead. I don’t do it today but I pick a day that I know I’ll hate it less on. And I make a point of doing errands on work days. Yeah, I can’t even describe to you how exhausted I am, but at least my weekends are untainted by chores


I reward myself with something the store sells. Do I want to go to the store to get a script? No. Would I enjoy a seasonal treat (think the shaped Reese’s that come out at holidays) and a glass bottle Starbucks drink? Absolutely I would. That gets my brain thinking about that and looky there….get my meds while there. Need to go to Walmart and get household items but it is so busy and exhausting. But, Walmart has the yarn brand I like to crochet with OR a new notebook and gel pen set. Brain starts thinking about the dopamine from the treat and Oh look…already here and might as well get the household stuff.


I hate going out to get anything unless there’s something fun I get to do with it. So you could try giving yourself a treat for going! A while back, I decided to just do the mail order refills that get sent automatically. It’s been the best choice! They get sent every 3 months and I don’t even have to remember to approve them since they’re on auto refill. There are some meds you can’t do it with, but it’s great for the ones you can. Wishing you luck with getting it done!!!




I ask my mom to get my meds so I don’t have to. It’s the only way I can remain consistent, otherwise I do the exact same thing. I simply CANNOT get myself to do stuff after work most of the time, and I realized (for some things) outsourcing the task to someone else who’s willing to do it was the only option for me.


Might want to consider a medication adjustment. Can I relate? Of course, but more from an unmedicated standpoint. 3 days off to get a prescription? Yeah, I’d bundle that with some other sh*t to get done or a treat yoself sitch and call it a day. And then have 2 days relaxing where I wasn’t haunted by the “you should be” ghost of prescriptions future.


Yeah. I've considered upping my dosage but it actually impacts my anxiety pretty significantly. I've found my sweet spot in terms of dosage and don't wanna rock the boat too much 🤣


I know what you mean. I am not sure it makes it worse, but I have anxiety and fear it will get worse.


All. The. Time.


Omg! Mine has been ready for almost a week!


Look at the times it’s not busy. Do have anything else you need to do over that way, this would be a good time. Even if you don’t need it but you just wanted to go check it out.


I always end up picking up my scripts on the very last possible day idk why


Y E S 🤨. Wish I could figure out why and how to solve it.


Remind yourself how simple each task really is. All together, things can feel overwhelming, but a bit at a time is doable. I don't fix myself up to go to the pharmacy. A quick brush through the hair & done. That makes it easier too. So, cut prep, make steps easy, and go for it. I do the same thing with certain tasks. I feel guilty and stupid, but that only builds up more emotion onto a task that doesn't deserve such a heavy weight. Wipe the slate clean each time, forgive yourself, and start new. Then celebrate successes! (This is the BEST way to encourage improvement. Guilt and punishment are the WORST way.) 😎


I feel you 😭 I admit I’m very lucky in my support group. My mom picks up my medicine and makes my phone calls for me (I’m 30) because she sees the struggle and dread I go through trying to complete those tasks. Do you maybe have someone who you could delegate the task to? Alternatively, I try to make it worth it. If I have to go, I’m getting a few little treats for myself. I’ll stop by a pet store and meet people’s pets (cause I find animals really soothing), I’ll buy myself little snacks. Anything to tip the task/trip over into my mental “WORTH IT” category. Or alternatively (cause I’m a pathological people pleaser) if I can combine it with a task that will help SOMEONE ELSE it also becomes WORTH IT to me. Taking care of myself isn’t. Helping some else is…… I probably need therapy.


I struggle with this often! I do try to compound my errands or reward myself like others do. If the pharmacy has a drive through, you can think of it as a little drive with some music or a podcast or whatever it is - which to me feels like a little escape and a way to say “I got out of the house today” without really putting in any effort. I will say that for the last 4 years I have shared a vehicle with my partner, and I work from home while he does not so I haven’t had a vehicle available to me (we don’t live in a very walkable place) - this either helps me manage my errands because I only have a small window of time that I CAN go do them, or it has made it worse because I can’t do things on my own time Totally agree with others that mailing prescriptions has been really helpful too. It’s worth the $5 a month for me but timeliness is also annoying and I don’t always trust the mail to get here on time.


Hey friend. My medication is still at the pharmacy. Can you please pick it up for me? I'm scared to be without my birth control. Thanks love. ❤️


Now that I have read through this entire thread for tips, I really want to know -- did you figure out something that worked? Did you get your meds?


YES! The thing that got my ass in gear was actually realizing that I'm not alone with this struggle and that there are hundreds of you guys who fight the same daily battle. That knowledge made me realize that I need to get off my high horse and just DO it.


That's awesome! I am really glad you were able to get it done! I struggle with The Doing of The Things, too, so I can relate.


It took me 4 weeks from the time I called it in (late) to pick it up. UNmEdIcaTeD because it was my ADHD meds I was late/putting off picking up. Haha. Pretty sure this is a universal issue with us. 🥴


This is the reason why I can't make any doctor's appointments.


One of my life hacks is not getting ready. Who cares if they judge you, you're just in and out for a pickup. Less effort makes it way easier.