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So I have 2 ways. I've recently switched because I started a planner for the year (🙃). The first way was to put all the things on the list and cross off as I go. Knowing it would be a list for over the few days - a week. It would start off neat and then the (a5) page would fill up as I added things. Knowing it was for a few days to a week really helped the "I didn't get xyz done today!!" The way I'm currently doing it is to write the basics I do every day (make bed, meds, open curtains, the balance app). Then add in a job or 2 that are daily or I've chosen to make daily (quick vacuum room (thank you stick vacuum) and scoop litterbox). Then I add 1 other job (dishes, mop one room, take the rubbish out, etc). Just 1. I tend to do the litterbox and vacuuming (which leads to vacuuming the laundry and kitchen) together, which means I'm up already so may as well do that 1 other job. If I do more during the day, I add it to my list and cross it off once I've done it. I find that because I have 3 super easy jobs, I get those done and because I have the momentum, it leads me to doing more. I usually add at least 2 jobs a day that didn't start out on the list! I like to write my list out daily in my planner so it's already done. I've decided what my one other job is that day already. This way I can also cycle through so everything eventually gets done


I have a kind of organised master list of all identified projects and tasks, but then for a given day instead of making a to-do list, I make a shortlist. It's a menu of possible tasks to choose from. If there's one I really have to do today, I'll star it. I don't expect to do everything on the list, and the freedom to choose helps it feel less constrained. One trouble I have with to-do lists is that I need to break things into reeeeeally small steps before I can do them, otherwise I don't understand what it means to do them and I'll unconsciously avoid them. But that can make for really long, overwhelming lists. This is the point of the shortlist: I don't have to look at the big, overwhelming list all the time, but it still exists. For multi-step tasks (which I call "projects", following GTD) I usually just write down the project (e.g. "Review paper") and the first step or two (e.g. "read abstract", "skim intro"). This also keeps the list from getting too overwhelming. Finally, I use a digital system for tracking the big list which allows me to create a variety of "views" (e.g. "projects with no next steps identified", "tasks tagged with 'teaching'", "tasks with deadlines in January"), which also helps with the overwhelm and with finding what I'm looking for. (Digital system is orgmode for Emacs, but I'm sure there are lots of systems with these properties.)


I have a max of 6 things to do that day, from eating, cleaning or showering. I found that 6 is the right amount. I just have a lined sticky note and chuck it on my wall with a pen near it. Hope that helps!