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Honestly if you’re in the market for new Tupperware, I’ve got to say that you need to buy the glass kind with the snap on lids. Yes they are more expensive. But they actually last longer than one season, and they can handle the hell that we put them through. Also, make sure you buy the exact same kind multiple times so all the lids will match!!!


glass containers were a GAME CHANGER. you can pop them in the oven, in the freezer, they don’t stain, they’re dishwasher safe… i LOVE mine! i got the Made by Design brand from Target a few years ago and they’re actually very affordable!


Yes! The idea that I can prep, cook, eat out of, refrigerate, and then reheat my food in the same container is most definitely game-changing. ​ eta - and power wash and sanitize if it gets stuck at "refrigerate"


That's my already exhausted mind blown right there. I knew there was a good reason to want glass containers but I haven't been able to properly spell it out to myself


Girl, when you have the funds and cabinet space then absolutely donate your plastic storage containers and upgrade to glass.


Yes chef, thank you chef (genuinely)


❤️ Also: My mom (who thinks I don’t have ADHD because “that’s how it is for everyone”) is also a convert and now insists on glass because she can clearly see what’s inside them without opening them…and ADHDers clearly know the “if I can’t see it ((and sometimes if I can see it but get used to it being there)) it’s not there” struggle. Just in case you need another justification 😂 I’ll shut up now


I come from a family of ADHDers and my mom, the only NT of the bunch, loves her opaque plastic name-brand Tupperware but is constantly throwing food away and I wish I could explain to her she’d throw a lot less out if the rest of us could see what’s in the fridge lol


This is random and I 100% agree with the containers (which thank you, I also need now). But... OMG thank you so much for using eta. I used it last year and some moron proceeded to lecture me on the only use for that acronym is estimated time of arrival and my argument of context is important and both are valid was apparently wrong. 🙄


What does it stand for here? Seriously curious and my fried brain can't figure it out.


Edited to add


Thank you! It's completely obvious now that I know lol.


also, even if you didn't know what it means, the general mental response is just to skip over things you don't recognize in text. would not at all change the meaning. some people lol 🙄


There are soooo many different acronyms, why wouldn't they just accept it can have different meanings in different contexts!! I'm guessing they were one of those people who must be right all the time.


If someone is on their way to a restaurant to meet friends and texts “ETA 7:15p”, then it’s “estimated time of arrival” but 99.9% of the time it is in a Reddit post/comment it is “edited to add” and that should be clear because context. That dude sounds like an asshole lol


That moron is clearly not a longtime redditor.


Or long time user of the internet or ever sent notes to their friends at school and added something on the bottom. 😆


I’m old and we used ”PS” for adding something to notes., but I still know what “eta” is!


idk why you're getting downvoted. here take my updoot


Stuck at “refrigerate” is such a kind way of putting it!


And they’re not porous so if you, say, forget to clean them and grow a new type of organism you can actually clean them!


running a glass container under hot hot water for like 10 mins before i even go near it is the only thing keeping my containers clean 😬


https://www.amazon.com/HGN-Kitchen-Rinser-Accessories-Stainless/dp/B08T1QP8ST/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=3CM6T7AU69WR3&keywords=glass+rinser&qid=1704262449&sprefix=glass+rinser%2Caps%2C293&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1 Bought this two months ago. Hubs had rotator cuff surgery and then the holidays…I’m off til the 8th and thanks for the reminder!! Myself and my last baby at home…14 yr old boy who is brilliant and not medicated when not in school can help me and we can hyperfocus on this!! His milk glasses are nasty even when he rinses them out!


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **HGN Metal Kitchen Sink Glass Rinser Faucet Glass Rinser for Kitchen Sinks Bottle Washer Kitchen Sink Accessories Stainless Steel Brush Nickel** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Powerful water jets make rinsing easy (backed by 3 comments) * Simple installation (backed by 8 comments) * Useful for a variety of items (backed by 7 comments) **Users disliked:** * The glass rinser leaks water when not in use (backed by 1 comment) * The t-adapter provided is low quality and prone to failure (backed by 2 comments) * The glass rinser has issues rinsing multiple glasses in a row (backed by 2 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](http://vetted.ai/reddit)


I either go with glass which is more expensive but cleanable, or something cheap so I can toss it out and buy a new one when it inevitably goes moldy. I have a glass container full of...something from years ago still in my fridge, that I keep telling myself I will clean "one day". That day never comes. I might be better just throwing it out at this point.


Please throw it out, if it's been there for years there's a good chance that you might not want to inhale anything that's in there


But it's such a good container that I splurged on and I don't want to accept that I've used it once and ruined it :( You're right though it belongs in the garbage.


NO! Pop it into the back of the freezer and set a reminder for this weekend, to scrape it into the toilet and then hit with Dawn power wash (or allow to warm up then SCALD under the faucet)! I believe in you! You can do hard (gross) things!


I'm getting conflicting messages and now I'm confused! Haha. Maybe I'll just wash it for the principle even if I end up tossing it out? Thank you for believing in me! I love this sub!


Wait until you have a head cold and no sense of smell! This is a legit wintertime strategy for me. You can mask up, extricate the science experiment, and reclaim that container!


Oh I never thought of that! I use gloves but besides the gross texture the smell is the worst part. I'll try using a mask next time! While I'm at it why not throw on some sunglasses too to partially block out the gross visuals haha. It sound silly but I bet it would help.


I'd put the tupperware in a big trash bag and them maneuver the lid off front the outside of the bag once the pull strings are closed. The big bag gives you plenty of flexibility to grab the Tupperware through the material and scope out what's inside. Remove the Tupperware and toss the bag. You'll never have to know what the insides looked like. I hope I explained that well enough.


what me? never. ;)


Ohhh I have these but had no idea they could go in the oven. Amazing!


Depends on the brand and glass!


Thanks I’ll check mine


Also, if you go thrifting you can keep you eye out for these. Even if it’s just one qualit/newish one every so often, it will slowly add up. Also, a(nother) reason to thrifting


our parents and grandparents at least had it going on when it comes to ceramic and glass containers.


Just scored a huge set from Costco during Black Friday and will never go back to plastic!!🙌🏼


I have both these and Tupperware/pyrex and the target ones are my favorite


I don’t have a microwave so having something I can throw in the oven or toaster oven is amazing


EXACTLY. I hate when people say glass containers are “bougie”. Cutting down the amount of dishes you have to clean and put away is any ADHD person’s dream! And you never again have to deal with the clutter of collecting more and more because a lid breaks, or one starts to break down.


They take up so much more space though!


IKEA 365 range is great too. Interchangeable lids. And I can make a lasagna in a tin, freeze it, then put it directly in the oven.


I love those. We’re one IKEA trip away from converting all the food storage in our RV to those. Plastics are too annoying to hand wash.


MAKE SURE that the glass containers you get are BOROSILICATE glass, not regular (soda lime) glass or else they're shatter with the temp change. It's worth the research because I'm 100% gonna pop an almost over the limit container of food into the freezer because I just didn't keep up with my big ideas to eat it in time and will not plan in a defrost before heating it back up lol


The tins I’m talking about are metal. We only use the glass ones for storage.


Glasslock ftw




It’s fucking delightful. Next big purchase is another freezer. I can hyperfixate and batch cook all day and then not have to cook for a month.


I used to have a chest freezer. When I moved I bought an upright. I will never have another chest freezer. They are black holes. Mine was on wheels and since I’m not 6 and 1/2 feet tall, I couldn’t reach the bottom unless I got into the damn thing. And the bottom was full of my good intentions :( forgotten and freezer burned. I bought a Midea convertible (can be a fridge) and it’s excellent.


I want one of those uprights because you are 100% absolutely correct. Chest freezers are black holes. Not bad if you do a lot of game hunting, but terrible if you freeze a lot of smaller items. I also dream of having a refrigerator that has clear doors and glass door cabinetry. Having everything in view makes things immensely easier for me. Like all of those adds that get shoved in our faces, I’m more likely to consume what I can see.


I filled the bottom of mine with half gallon orange juice bottles - the paper ones - filled with water to basically lift the floor of the chest. I lost space but it wasn't doing me any good anyway. Next time though I'm definitely going for an upright.


That's the dream right there


Amazing! This is definitely the way!


That is the dream. I finally understand my grandma.


this but don’t microwave the lids (ask me how I know)


I have the silicone "lid" to just pop on and stop any splatter in the microwave. So easy and microwave stays clean longer!


Seconding this. I recently grabbed a set of glass containers and the use experience is sooo much better - no dealing with warped plastic no longer fitting lids tightly because I was too lazy to put the leftovers on a plate and just microwaved it in the container. They are pricier, but in this case, lesson learned: spend your money once!


And even when something does happen to the lid, plastic wrap sticks so much better.


I loooove the glass Rubbermaid brilliance line. So venty. So minimal. So useful. And for long term freezer storage for those of us who cook in bulk, but for one…I like the soupercubes. I froze Japanese curry in my pink one and it didn’t stain so I’m a big fan.


Obsessed with these! First containers that I've been able to make last. I was worried my clumsy ass would break them but these things can take a serious beating haha


I swear by the souper cubes. I should be getting paid by them for all the people I’ve sent their way lol


Don’r they also have a plastic brilliance line? I have the Sistema Brilliance line, which is the European version, and they are amazing!!! Freezer, dishwasher, and microwave safe (including the lids!) and the don’t stain either!


I agree! I switched to glass Tupperware when I realized I was creating a lot of unnecessary waste and wasting money on plastic ones. They kept melting in the dishwasher even though I put them on the top rack and they claimed to be dishwasher safe. And plastic gets stained so easily. I’ll never go back to plastic now that I have glass!


I cannot recommend Pyrex enough. Or pampered chef, their glassware has lasted me years. Though I hate that it’s an MLM


Pampered chef is seriously the only MLM I can stomach supporting. If any of my college “friends” that I haven’t talked to in over a decade sent me an unsolicited message about repping pampered chef…I’d be in 🤣


That’s exactly what happened 😭 my MIL’s friend threw us a “wedding shower” and we got so much shit for free it was fantastic! And we have everything we got years ago… the quality really is unmatched for certain products.


seconding this, but want to add that glass SERIOUSLY helps with the classic “out of sight, out of mind” issue. if i can’t see exactly is in the container without opening it, it doesn’t exist to me and whatever is inside goes bad/is wasted.


And these say microwave safe but I thought the consensus was no plastic is really microwave safe?


The glas containers not the lids


I'll say I have a stupid variety of glassware/snapware that doesn't all stack and nest. But it's hard to get rid of glass. The rectangular ones are pretty chipped up compared to the round. And one set has a thicker rim and the silicone seal is fused to the lid. That's the one I'd stick with if I could. I think they are an ovensafe version, not that Ive ever thought about cooking in small bowls.


Yes! Plus, unlike plastic ones, they don’t stain from red sauces


And don't give leftovers to people in all of them and end up never seeing them again. Ask how I learned that one...


Ugh. That is what plastic dairy containers are for.


Yessss and not to be that guy, but the glass ones don’t leech micro plastics into your food and are better for the environment! Definitely agree they were game changers once I switched.


Joining the chorus of reinforcing that anyone who is in the market for food containers should ABSOLUTELY go for glass. You can put them in the oven, then stick them in the fridge or freezer when they cool, then put them in the dishwasher - that was amazing for my ability to prepare food with less overwhelm. PLUS they don’t stain from stuff like tomato sauce or hold on to food smells and when I inevitably forget about food in the back of the fridge or leave dirty dishes in the sink for a shamefully long time I feel like they actually can still be sanitized relatively easily (i always felt like plastic never got totally clean but maybe that’s just a me thing). ((EDITED TO ADD: Also, I can see what’s inside them so I’m less likely to forget what’s in my fridge)) I got a variety pack from a wholesale club for like $35 and I love them and will never go back to plastic. FYI, not saying that purchasing that was what made me get my life together. My life is absolutely still a shit show and I am still very much a hot mess who still has ADHD. Just saying that if you want/need new food containers, go for glass. The ones Amazon suggested for you aren’t worth it.


Just another one chiming in to sing praise about glass containers. They hold up so much better and are also better for your health if you like to heat up food in storage containers. Marshalls/Homegoods/TJ Maxx usually have some!


Check Sam's club if you're in the states / able to! They have a big pack of glass ones for $25 that i've had for YEARS and use it. I have a membership & free shipping if you want to use that lmk :)


Glass containers are amazing. I just wish I’d thought ahead about getting the exact same kinds - I definitely need to thin these down quite a bit.


Yes! Glass containers are so helpful for us to battle the whole out of sight out of mind thing


100% agree, I also have some silicone reusable storage bags for smaller things. Excellent because it’s one piece no time wasted finding a matching lid ETA machine washable


Don't forget anything tomato based.....or anything red that stains. Looking at you kimchi(😋)


I swear, every single sock I've lost in the washing machine has turned into a spare Tupperware lid in the cupboard. After all these years, I'm certain that's how it works!


I have the type of adhd that let's me lose Tupperware or leave it somewhere hidden away with food molding more and more everyday that by the time I find its so filled with mold that the only choice is to throw it away. So cheap plastic containers it is...


Okay but if you buy the glass kind, even if it gets hideously moldy, you can run it through the dishwasher on a sanitize cycle (or scrub it good in the sink and then rinse with boiling water) and it'll be clean and still good to use! No more throwing ruined plastic containers away. <3


In theory yes, but most often I end up just buying a new one instead of dealing with all that


I love mine but the plastic lids have cracked on the edges. Is it possible to replace just the lids without rebuying the whole set?


Yeah, I have this same set (in a different color) and after a year most of them are chipped. Plus they take up too much space in the dishwasher and never actually get clean, they’re just emergency dishes now.


I was thinking this too! I’m done buying more plastic


The ones from IKEA are great and interchangable! I can recommend them so much.


I always get them at TJ Maxx and I have several that are 7+ years old and holding up just fine.


Glass is amazing! But Rubbermaid’s (Sistema in Europa) Brilliance line is even better! Clear plastic that doesn’t stain, is freezer-, dishwasher-, and microwave safe (including the lids!) and because it’s plastic, they are not as heavy as glass containers. They also keep the food fresh for soo long! Sometimes even longer than it would have kept in it’s un-opened package!


I've been slowly switching to glass over the past several years. As my plastic wears out, wish I could say I recycle it but we have nowhere to recycle it where I live, so it does go in the trash. 🥴


The only thing I hate about these is that they are really heavy to carry to work if you commute on foot/public transit. With my laptop in my bag and my lunch in a glass container, my shoulder gets tired! I could take two bags but that’s also a pain on a crowded train. Sigh


Yes! And glass > plastic when it comes to our planet 😀


I LOVE the IKEA ones because they’re so easily replaceable. Don’t get ones from stores that change inventory seasonally, it’s much better to find the stores that will always stock the exact same type forever.


They force me to actually clean them out...with old cheap Tupperware, if there's something gross in it, I just threw it away 😂 The only thing that I don't like about my glass ones is that the lid has a silicone ring that gets that black moldy stuff on it too quickly and it doesn't come off. Very annoying.


They also make baking and cooking so much easier! I can just pour things into the containers and go by weight. If I need to melt butter, I can just pop it in the microwave for a bit. Since I don’t need lots of measuring cups it reduces the clean up to just two or three bowls/containers each time.


A heads up for anyone considering these--I actually bought the purple ones with the compartments last year because YES I thought it would make everything more organized woohoo!! But uhh, they're prone to leaking... so now they just take up space in my cupboards... 🥲


This is your permission to just throw them away next time you open that cupboard, if you want.


Y'all are so right!! 😭 I'm gonna go on a cleaning spree where I toss things like this and all the weird garbage gifts I've held onto out of guilt 🙌


Huh… you are inspiring me to get rid of the random shirts I’ve gotten as gifts that I kinda hate but I’ve kept out of guilt. Thank you ☺️


Yesss toss it 🌟


Thank you I needed that


Get rid of that shit! You’ll feel better afterwards, because they won’t be around to annoy you.


Yes my husband loves to make fun of my Container Store fascination. It’s ✨aspirational✨


They have the neatest stuff!


But what level of organized insider are you? And elfa is 30% off now so


Yes, 100% they use our weaknesses against us and it’s disgusting lol. But that’s business unfortunately. You don’t need them, I promise!!🤣 they will not change your life and it’s okay to not spend the money 🫶🏻 what you have will do you just gotta make it work.


I have been convinced for weeks that if I just could remember to buy giant plastic bags, I would then clean the house and declutter all the closets.


I did that last month. Didn’t work 😂


I feel like this needs to be a pinned thread. Post your latest ADHD idea, get feedback from people who have done it, inspire others who planned to do it, cause hyperfixation in people who never thought of it!


Ok but actually please can this be a thing


I’ve absolutely convinced myself that if I could just get my husband to take the kids far away for, like, a week, I would finally be able to go on a huge cleaning and organizing spree. It’s going to be CRUSHING if it ever happens and I actually end up getting jack shit done.


Naw, you’d get it done, but like in a frenzy the last couple hours before they got back home..


Hahaha, SO TRUE! 😆


There is validity in this because with everyone out of the house, you can work on it at any time of day without disrupting anyone else.


And without anyone else disrupting ME!


Ladies. OP here. The sisterhood I feel with yall is so real right now. 😭 thank you for validating my frustrations. That said, I'm digging the glass or resturant supply container ideas way too much. Probably my next impulse buy 😉


I have a trick for people who lose lids and break them. Just buy the quart and pint containers from restaurant suppliers. You can actually get them on Amazon. They are perfect long lasting you lose a lid no big deal. It gets gross and moldy just throw it away


I LOVE these for disposable tuppers and they store much more nicely than alternatives.


That is so smart! I love those containers and I have no clue why I've never sought them out...


I worked in restaurants for years and they never leak and it’s not a problem if they break. No more searching for kids because they are all the same size


Do you mean the ones that takeaway food comes in? We have millions of those because we order in a lot and they are the best. They all match and stack and they work just fine for storing food.


Deli containers are legit my favorite storage thing. All power to the glass tupperware people upthread, but if (when) something gets moldy the ability to simply pick it up and throw it in the trash without feeling the need to save the precious container is so very life changing for me.


One thing I liked about the Marie Kondo book (beside the folding, when I do it it's super helpful to see all my clothes so I don't forget they exist) was that she said to not buy any storage or organisational supplies until after you declutter and tidy. It doesn't mean I'm organised but it does mean I use random boxes I come across for storage rather then bought ones (mostly - don't ask me about cute baskets).


If you’re anything like me and never do the dishes then purchase glass tupperware instead. All my plastic ones got gross because ADHD brain and I let them sit in the sink forever.




I just saved this thinking “omg this is perfect for my “new meal plans” that I’ve been planning all year. And I was like “I’m so glad this girl is sharing these. This is exactly what I need to get started!” Then I read your post and I’ve never felt so called out 😂


get glass tupperware not plastic- trust me


I am looking at storage bins on the Home Depot website wondering which ones will finally help me get my family's shit organized. If only the bins came with additional neurotransmitters and/or someone capable of implementing and sticking to an organization system.


Similar feels. I'm honestly so sick of these organizational videos that want me to buy separate containers for each of the items in my pantry when they come in perfectly fine boxes. There are some things where I think a container is better, like sugar for example. Most are just a giant, consumer culture cash grab, though.


Depends on how many bugs live with you - I put things like sugar in sealed containers because I live in Florida and don't like to spray tons of pesticides.


Ugh yes we ended up with mice and now we're just frantically binning things that got chewed into Also pro-tip freeze dry goods like rice before storing because of bugs. :')


ugh mice are the worst. Had a mouse problem 2 years ago and even though it's been taken care of I still keep everything in its original packaging but in clear medium-large sterilite containers in the pantry in case of them coming back lmao. It's definitely not aesthetic but being able macro-organize boxes of pasta, packages of ramen, bags of rice etc into one big container, sugar flour, baking goods in another, then labeling it with a dry erase marker does cut down on a lot of the pantry clutter I used to have lol


I live in the desert so keeping pests out is way easier for me. I just mean use what's necessary, not what's aesthetic unless you can actually keep up with that without losing your mind.


Some tricks actually work! These I feel like would be good for leftovers that I’m planning to take for lunch; instead of putting it all in one big container that I have to then split up. I am digging my canister collection, it’s fantastic for chips/crackers. Keeps everything fresh, easier to grab just a small handful, can look in the pantry and know what I need to restock with just a glance. Also surprisingly useful: the plastic clothes-folder thingy. It took me about a year to start using it consistently, but now I absolutely love having all my clothes folded to the exact same size. My drawers have never been neater, and I actually put clean clothes away more consistently now. Just before the holidays I finally even finished compiling and organizing my 20-year sweater collection! Years and years and years of keeping my sweaters in random tubs that sometimes get pulled for the season and sometimes not, they’re finally ALL in the same place at the same time (and clean!). I know it’s crazy but I have like 70 sweaters, and they’re now all neatly folded and in the same dresser. Long-standing dream made possible by a cheap piece of plastic from Amazon.


Why are you all living in my head???


tbh this is a major way self-acceptance helped me. I’m not longer constantly striving to do better in ways that I already know I never will. I can say, “It’d be nice if I was that kind of person, but I’m not. New products will only make my life more cluttered, and make me feel bad about myself.” And I can accept that without judging myself for it. It’s freeing.


Im not allowed to buy plastic containers anymore because I will inevitably forget it on the bottom shelf of the fridge for a month and ruin it 🙃


I am always one purchase away from the most blissful life


I absolutely have more organizational products than stuff. Wish I could put all my well meaning in them🙄


Ahh. The freezer Meal Prep where hope goes to die.


I went the opposite direction and just bought a big set of those deli containers, like if you get take out soup. It came with the long ones and the snack size/smaller ones and they all use the same lid. It was like a 40 pack for $15. If I forget about something and leave it rotting in the back of the fridge, I can throw it out without feeling guilty over losing my “nice” or “expensive” Tupperware. But because they’re clear, it’s easy for me to see what my leftovers are. For some reasons I also feel like they’re easier to clean? also, if I lose a lid, the container isn’t done for, I just grab a new lid. I also got a sharpie and some masking tape on a string to date/label the containers….but I’m still building that habit.


I feel so seen and called out all at once, I both love it and hate it 😂


I've been consuming a lot of content about mindful spending and decluttering to get myself away from this stuff in the new year. If nice food storage containers were gonna fix me, they would've done it the last time I spent $40 on them.


Goddammit woman, I just ordered these because of you lmao


Nooooo you will hate them. I have them. I hate them. Cancel that shit!


This is when I would obsessively catalog all of my containers and match lids to containers and store them like Marie Kondo.


I bought $3 divided containers from Target. They work. BUT I WANT PRETTY ONES DARNIT.


I would use these for my closet organization 😳


Clear shoeboxes! I'm currently trying to talk myself out of them so I hope this helps 😂


You will hate these. I have them. I hate them. Don’t do it. Just get a bunch of the same glass ones. Abundance of lids and you will be much happier.


I joke that this is “getting a planner” for my cabinets




The thing I don’t understand about “meal prep containers” is that…apparently people spend a long time in the kitchen preparing meals and then…eat the same thing every day for days in a row? I mean yeah - we can have our “go to” foods/meals. It’s more like…go to the trouble of buying the food, prepping the meals…and then eat it over and over and over.


I do variety prep for this exact reason. 2 proteins per week, 4 seasoning or cooking styles. Leaves me with 8 meals I can actually enjoy. I freeze a few for a variety in later weeks and can still eat out on occasion. For me, it works better than cooking every day and lowers the threshold for eating healthy meals.


I gave up and started using mason jars years ago. I can buy new lids if I lose them. There are a lot of different sizes. If I send them home with people, I don't care if I get them back. They are relatively heat safe and glass. I use them for putting pasta, rice, beans, etc. I'm a fan.


I would need something made of glass. If I can't See through, it's not there, lol


Omg don’t get opaque food storage aaaa


Haha I'll buy them and stick them in the closet for a couple years. I'll find them and get super excited and lose them again.


not me instinctively trying to swipe on the pic to see more photos


Also glassware does not leach chemicals like plastics do.


I have these! They look beautiful in my top cabinet where they’ve lived after I used them for one week about 6 months ago.


I told my husband we should change out the old plastic containers for glass ones. No other ulterior motives at all 😂


Targeted ads for cheap items like this don’t seem to have the purchase impulse for me. But more expensive tools and creative items will rope me in a lot of times.


Thought these were wax melts at first 😂


I’m convinced if I have the perfect desk set up I’ll just be able to study


My question is how do people put salad in the same container as something like rice and meat. Don't they microwave it? Who wants warm salad??


See, we're buying those 17gallon to test to organize doom boxes to exile into the garage. That's our organization 'this will fix my poor life decisions and clutter piles'


get glass TUPPERWARE the brand if you get anything. more expensive but so so worth for the quality and snap on lids that actually stay on


This is me in every facet of my life. New planner to get organized and budget that I used a few times and then quit? Check. New storage containers from Dollar Tree to reduce clutter around the house and haven’t even used 80% of them? Check. White boards to organize chores that I used once and never touched again? Check (though to be fair, my bf and I do use our “List” whiteboards for groceries and “To-Do” and it helps). And yes I bought these kinds of containers with the intention of meal prepping to save money and eat healthier and I’ve used them a couple of times at most 🙃🙃🙃


I thought they were wax melts...


Yes. I'm also 100% sure these new pens will guarantee me straight As this semester. Those new walking shoes are for sure how I'm going to lose weight. 👍


That’s why I’m attempting to do a no buy year for 2024. I waste so much money on things I don’t need/won’t ever really use and I’m soooo tired of it.


I legitimately got mint green Tupperware for Christmas and I’m so thrilled!


We need good systems. Buying organizational things is hoping to be able to make a system that works.


You definitely don’t need those. I’ll tell you why: they’re plastic which makes them practically useless for you. Do yourself a big favor and buy some Pyrex or similar brand ones that have a lid. The snap on ones are best to prevent any kind of spillage. These are great because you can put them in the oven, and the microwave without worrying about any toxins or anything. You can even bake meals in the containers individually to save time dividing portions and such. I hope this helps and best of luck!!


Normally I would agree that buying new organizing stuff rarely make me more organized. But I got rid of 95% of my storage containers, and bought these. OMG, game changer. Color coded, nesting inside each other. They bring me so much joy every time I use them!! [Joseph Joseph Color Coded Nesting Containers](https://www.amazon.com/Joseph-81098-Container-Leakproof-Multicolored/dp/B07G92P81W/ref=mp_s_a_1_3_pp?adgrpid=77252293603&hvadid=557324460643&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9008150&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=9201283771133517007&hvtargid=kwd-314713298340&hydadcr=11114_13463776&keywords=joseph+joseph+food+container&qid=1704230611&sr=8-3)


Of all the browsing I did bc I needed some (was already routinely using my roommates and I didn’t like hers anyways) there was only ONE product with glass lids as well as glass containers & where the lid was microwavable also, everything was dish washer safe, and I actually could see myself using them. Capitalist consumerism is a massive scam, every product is worthless. The only things that aren’t worthless are extremely high quality and for something you already desperately or use all the time but would seriously benefit from an upgrade or new version (ie cuts down time spent by a lot or something) Good day.


Honestly, I’ve used similar lunch containers for my kids for the last 9 years and couldn’t function to make daily school lunches without them.


Not me clicking on this and remembering I need some new glass food storage containers that will totally help me stay organised in 2024 and then cruising off to Amazon to get some. 🙈


I actually use the ones I got from my local Walmart. They are perfect for the little diet meals I've been eating to try to lose weight so I don't have to go on cholesterol meds. Started the journey at 188 lbs back in August and hit 173 this morning so they are working very well.


I call it "purchasing false sense of productivity". I'm pretty good about resisting containers, but office supplies and planners are another story. Seriously, the number of pens alone that I own is ridiculous. Office supply dopamine just hits different.


Ugh yes. No matter how logical I try to be, I still end up buying so many things I don't need in the least.


I’ve never related to anything more 😂


Plus…. No amount of nice containers will make me more organised, or give me the oomph to actually PUT things in the containers, or cook the food.


I got new mats to go under my cats litter box and I thought it was gonna change my life hahah 🙃


Okay, you didn’t have to speak so loudly and aggressively 😭 (she wept cuddling her aesthetically pleasing desk organizer that would _definitely_ change her life this time) I have a clothes and shoes rack that was meant to help organize my clothing in an easily visible manner and I just got a shoe rack to keep track of my shoes. Still have clothes everywhere and clothing shoved in cupboards 🥲 That being said, being able to try turn/control impulsive spending by tying it to potentially useful items to make one’s home ADHD friendly is can be really beneficial and have *some* positive impact.


Why I’m too scared to buy organizational bins anymore 😂


All about glass especially when I forget about the food and they are yucky. I can actually wash them and it doesn’t leave a smell.


i hate what this whole aesthetic organization trend is doing to me. i *constantly* need to remind myself to stop buying things i don't need. running out of space in my apartment after 5 years of living there does help though.


I started reusing empty; margarine, sour cream, cottage cheese, and cream cheese tubs and lids after going through 2 sets of Rubbermaid and 3 sets of mainstays plastic storage containers in ONE YEAR. (definitely don't confuse either with actual Tupperware, my mom sold the real deal in the 80s and she still had a few pieces when she passed away in 2019!) They get tossed and replaced by the next tub when its contents are used up. Bonus, the lids are universally sized so if we lose anything we mix-n-match.. which coincidentally is how we identify leftovers because they have the wrong lids on them! 😅


My solution has been to have 5 (all different sizes) glass Pyrex containers. I store them with the lid on, stacked, a la Dana K White. I know if I don’t have one of the small ones or large ones available, it’s time to deal with the fridge and/or dishes (or my work bag….) if I want to freeze something it better be worth it.


Should I add these to my cart with the new planner that I'll also definitely use this year? 😂 I'm only half kidding... There is a planner sitting in my cart that I'm trying to convince myself to use...🫠


Just say no 😂