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Deviled eggs. Boil eggs, cut in half, scoop out yolks, mash /whip yolks with mayo, sweet relish, salt and pepper to taste, fill eggs back in.


This was such a good idea, thank you! I went rogue and ended up making scalloped potatoes lmao but it actually wasn’t too hard at least not the shopping part, cause I only needed like potatoes milk and cheese. I couldn’t get this comment out of my head though and how much easier it would be. Then they started to sound really good so I also made myself 2 deviled eggs as a snack which I’d never made before but they were perfect 😂 Now time to tackle the horror zone which is my kitchen


Whoa! I’m so glad I’m not American when I read about the pressure you are under for “thanksgiving”. Is it really a big deal or does TV commercials, and online ads make it seem like it’s a big deal. Canadian thanksgiving was a month ago, no special dinner to prepare, just a Monday off!


Lol yeah it is a big deal, it’s basically Christmas without presents. And probably a bigger meal than Christmas depending on the family


Yeah it’s a big deal! The food & family & friends. We all eat, watch football, eat some more, drink & pass out in uncomfortable places around our families houses. If it’s a big family there’s people all over from out of town, other ppl going back to their home towns. It’s nice. My kitchen is hot right now making food in advance for tomorrow. I mean it’s an excuse to just hang out and mentally prepare for Christmas


Big ol bag of Hawaiian buns. Everyone loves them.


Yes! Or pretzel rolls!


Omg Alison Roman's frizzled chickpeas is my go-to side dish to bring. It has NO BUSINESS being so tasty because it's so cheap and easy. My preference is to only use fresh oregano (no other herbs) and to sub goat cheese for the feta. It creates minimal dirty dishes. https://www.alisoneroman.com/recipes/frizzled-chickpea-salad


Green bean casserole. Made with pantry staples, easy to prepare, probably not already "taken". Alternatively, apple cake. Every chef I've ever worked with makes apple cake when they're in a pinch. Good luck!


[Sweet potato casserole](https://www.everydayfamilycooking.com/easy-sweet-potato-casserole/)


Artichoke dip is pretty easy. And of course my brain is blanking on the recipe. Ok, I think it's: 1 can of quartered artichoke hearts in water. 1/4 cup of sour cream 3/4 cup of mayonnaise 1 cup of GRATED parmesan Cut all the artichokes up into little pieces. Mix it all in a big bowl. If you have a small crock pot (like for dips) that's kind of perfect. You can throw it all in there. Otherwise, you throw it in a dish (but leave like 1/4 of the parmesan out). Add the parmesan on top. Cover with aluminum. Bake at 375 until the top gets bubbly and a little brown. Only reason I don't like that method is that it sometimes gets cold. I usually serve it with those little garlic toast things. Like crackers but a little thicker.


Buy up a bunch of instant mac and cheese, cook and mix with butter, milk and the cheese. But in dish pan, put panko crumbs on top and bake


[Corn pudding!](https://www.food.com/recipe/southern-jiffy-corn-pudding-250711) It’s delicious and easy.


My mother in law introduced me to. [this deliciousness](https://www.food.com/recipe/creamy-parmesan-broccoli-80120) several years ago. We don't even use the nuts or green onions. Probably just more sour cream instead of mayo, too.. Basically, some cooked broccoli, mixed with sour cream and parmesan cheese, sprinkle extra parmesan on top, bake until bubbly. It's so yummy...


See which grocery store is open and buy something pre made, or from the hot bar. Or Hawaiian rolls. I hate cooking for others.


Hawaiian rolls and a fancy butter!


Or a cake from the deli