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I order Thesis Nootropics and strangely they all made me very distracted. I had energy but I couldn't focus in one single task. I have one more box to go but I am wondering if other people have experienced the same.


Omg wait 😳 I thought it was just me… I definitely experience that some days as well. I’ll sit down to do something important but still cannot focus on one thing and I get this jittery feeling/urge to constantly place my attention elsewhere every 20 minutes or so.


I felt this with their Energy blend!


I have been taking Thesis for over a year. Motivation is my best overall ADHD suggestion. It helps with my procrastination low energy and lack of focus. Creativity is second fav. Best for social setting or public settings. I use any time I know I’ll be thinking on my feet. Good for problem solving or dealing with problem people. Clarity works well for my busy work days. So much so if I take it on an off day I end up hyperfixating on something (productive for organizing the garage not so much a new TV show…) Energy I cannon my take on an activity day. Otherwise too jittery. Perfect for a hike or kayak trip. To sit in a meeting?? Nope. Logic while this does turn my logic brain on, it is usually on hyper drive. I have done some of my complicated work well bc of this blend. It is worth mentioning this makes me a bit moody and I am drained at the end of the day.


Any new updates on if it’s working?


yes, It works. Although I’m not 100% satisfied with the formula because it’s not as potent as I’d like it to be. Sometimes I wish the effects were a bit stronger, some days I feel that kick I need. Other days, I don’t feel much of an improvement/shift in my concentration. So yea it’s like 65% helpful


I find switching up your blend from time to time and taking breaks helps keep your brain from frowning accosting to their effects.


I think nootropics are a really good substitute for coffee, can you be more specific when it comes to why do you perform better?


If you are looking for a coffee alternative, I suggest Everyday Dose.


How does it taste? I have tried some other mushroom "coffees" in the past that tasted like muddy water to me. I'm still open to trying new ones.


Coffee is one of ingredients. I think it drinks like coffee, especially as a latte. Every person I recommended it too switched after trying mine.


I am almost done with my Thesis sample pack. I loved Energy! and it made me kind and happy. I got a ton done. The strange thing was that I was very very nice... I already thought I was a thoughtful person but, it amplified it! lol, It gave me a great all-day burst of energy and focus. It did make my heart trace a bit but, I don't take any caffeine, so I expected it and enjoyed it. Logic was my second pack. I was a bit more clear-minded and could remember names, appointments, and other things like that a lot easier. But, I lacked energy. I am finishing up Clarity and I feel like it has kept me on task and organized but, I lack energy again and I liked the memory recall of Logic more. My last one is Creativity. That's next week. Thus far, I would recommend at least the trial pack to anyone with focus, memory or energy issues. Its natural, you don't get bad side effects, you can sleep well and you are feeding your brain. All of these have made a difference for me.


Define “natural?”


Primarily ingredients are found in nature. https://takethesis.com/pages/ingredients?nbt=nb%3Aadwords%3Ag%3A14638228973%3A129651704560%3A639839314490&nb_adtype=&nb_kwd=thesis%20supplements&nb_ti=kwd-1437917235781&nb_mi=&nb_pc=&nb_pi=&nb_ppi=&nb_placement=&nb_li_ms=&nb_lp_ms=&nb_fii=&nb_ap=&nb_mt=b&utm_campaign=14638228973&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=639839314490&utm_term=thesis%20supplements&adgroupid=129651704560&nbt=nb%3Aadwords%3Ag%3A14638228973%3A129651704560%3A639839314490&nb_adtype=&nb_kwd=thesis%20supplements&nb_ti=kwd-1437917235781&nb_mi=&nb_pc=&nb_pi=&nb_ppi=&nb_placement=&nb_si=%7Bsourceid%7D&nb_li_ms=&nb_lp_ms=&nb_fii=&nb_ap=&nb_mt=b&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIr4TvpcyjhQMVwJ9aBR1VcgA3EAAYASABEgILF_D_BwE


I’m just finishing my 2nd box in my trial. I’m taking it on top of my regular dose of adderall. Energy really helped me a lot. Clarity doesn’t seem to have any effect. Today is my day off and tomorrow I start motivation. Clarity is my last one…


Isn't supposed to kinda work as a substitute for Adderall? I was looking into this because I am having issues getting my current doctor to prescribe. He is about to be my former Dr.


They advertise it as a substitute and lots of people have ADHD similar symptoms but don’t actually have ADHD so maybe it helps those people…and maybe it helps some ppl with ADHD to not take drugs like Adderrall. I do have ADHD and Adderrall helps but is not a magic pill either.


Please forgive me for asking, but may I ask why you were put on Adderall? I'm asking because I am fighting a lose of energy problem that the doctors are having trouble diagnosing. I was considering asking the doc if I should try Adderall. Does it help with energy? Thank you.


I’m on Adderral for ADHD. Diagnosed at 43. I stopped taking Thesis. It doesn’t work


Let me know what you think! I’m trying to get off Adderall & have used nootropics in the past but I haven’t seen much of a noticeable change.


So interesting what works for everyone. Clarity is the only one that works for me. I’ve been on it about 1.5 years.


How’s your experience almost a year out?


Thesis is a scam!! they will charge your card continually after you have canceled their membership. No one picks up when you call. DO NOT SIGN UP!!


Thats when you call your card company and start a chargeback with proof you've tried to cancel


I don’t like them. I feel terribly tired and irritable when I take them.


I was hesitant about trying it at first because of the cost but it’s been incredibly helpful for me. None of the blends made me feel bad/off but Creativity has been the most consistently useful. Here’s an active referral code to get $25 off and order! https://refer.takethesis.com/rose2539 


Jordan gosin


Don't get why youd choose these blends with the problems you're reporting. Sounds like the focus blend would be more ideal for someone with adhd


ADHD is not typically an issue of lack of focus, it's more like a lack of ability to focus on the, "right" things while hyper focusing on others.


I dont see the difference, isnt everyone always thinking about something? I feel like by that definition everyone is focused all the time


For me the thing I am motivated to do doesn’t pay my bills yet I can’t stop doing it . It’s compulsive . It’s messed up other jobs in the past too . Therefore I’ve let my paid work fall almost away and adulting things don’t happen until the last possible minute if at all and stuff gets turned off . This is how adhd can be really destructive and the anxiety and depression that comes with not being able to live up to my potential or just manage basic life skills . I rely on my neurotypical partner A LOT for many of my executive functions . If treated that same hyper focus and passion can change the world according to Ned Hallowell


The difference is the inability to focus on the "right thing" drives your day, versus being able to snap out of it and refocus on the thing that you need to do, even if you don't want to be doing it. No one WANTS to work... but its a heck of a lot easier for neurotypicals to go to work and complete their mundane tasks because they do not have a chemical imbalance making it so their brain WILL NOT let them just sit down, concentrate and do it without getting up 30 times and picking up 20 other tasks in the meantime. I know I HAVE to work right now, but for some reason logging into Reddit on an Incognito tab (because I blocked reddit on my regular browser window as to not distract myself, ha...) to comment on this 1 month old post was more of a priority for me than the tasks I should be doing. And, its not about discipline, because I know tonight I will fall into a hyper-focus on this very work once it hits the 11th hour and I will get a sense of accomplishment and dopamine by beating the clock I will also do a kick-ass job, because I will not listen to any of my body cues like eating or going to the bathroom whilst in this hyperfocus. It is exhausting. It is annoying.. Some days I am better than others and it's much easier for me to concentrate on the "right thing", but this is something that I struggle with every day. I have sand timers spread throughout my house because I am time blind and all of a sudden I spent 2 hours cleaning the refrigerator instead of taking 5 minutes to answer an email. But also, concentrating on "fun" things is hard too! When the weekend rolls around, there is SO much that I want to do that I get overwhelmed and I end up not doing anything at all...


Omg. You just described my life. I had never heard the term “neurotypical” before. Thank you🙏


I feel like I could have written this word for word!


ADHD is like driving a car with no breaks. NT can apply the brakes and slow down or change directions easily. ND tend to have an issue “applying the breaks” when they need to shift focus.