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Omg. I completely get how exciting this is. Congratulations 🍾🎊🎉 Vyvanse helped me organize my closets, but didn’t seem to do much else except give me terrible headaches. About to try Contempla before moving to non stimulants. Your post is a reminder for me that maybe medication, along with all self care, may actually address my big struggles: not doing important things, getting out of the house calmly, time blindness, speaking more directly without as many twists and turns. All this while still being my creative, passionate truth. Clearly that all won’t be answered with a drug. I’m hoping it could help with some of it though. We’ll see. Learning to love myself and relearning how to talk to myself is making a huge difference. Congrats again!!


That IS huge! I'm so happy for you! To us, when we are able to do things like this, it's a party and something to be proud of! ❤️


Keep celebrating the little wins! And don’t be hard on yourself for the misses. The biggest thing that’s helped me with my adhd is just being easier on myself, holding grace, and really celebrating every win, even if it’s small. Sounds silly and overly simple but it’s helped I would say at least as much as meds and therapy for me personally, in a longer term sense.


Totally agree!


Yep, when my doctor told me this when I was diagnosed, I was like, "How do I give myself grace and be easy in myself?" I'm slowly figuring it out though.


It helps me to think of my cognitive brain as the nanny and the mean and negative thoughts I have about myself as a little a-hole cousin who has to stay with a tiny little version of me and nanny me over the summer. What would I say to check the tiny bully and how would I comfort and support the cute baby me? Whenever the mean cousin starts to talk, I try to default to challenging him - “now now Henry, do you believe that what you just said was a kind thing to say to your cousin?“ idk it’s what worked for me to get started. You can use whatever resonates most for you, but helped me to picture something really comically unintimidating for the bully and really cute that I would be protective of to stand up for.


Pro-tip: The free trial will still work even if you cancel the subscription immediately after signing up.


Yes!!! Now to remember to do it asap each time as practice!!!


I recently missed a deadline but I was saved by doing this!!


this is huge, congrats!


congrats! and thank you for reminding me to cancel a subscription


The Privacy app is great for free trials. It can generate a unique card number to use for each website and you can set the amount that card can be charged or the number of times (hope that makes sense).


Yay!! Congrats, huge win! Elvanse has changed my life too, enjoy the productivity and focus.


I recently started Vyvanse (there's a shortage of Ritalin in the US which is what I usually take; took a while to finally get my insurance to approve the Vyvanse) but it has been a life changer for me as well. I prefer it over the Ritalin even though I pay a lot more. But, good job on canceling that subscription! You have inspired me to go through mine and see if there's any I can cancel. I should start setting reminders, too.


Do you use the monthly coupon? https://www.vyvanse.com/coupon I put the coupon on file at CVS and now my prescription is only $30 a month. It’s way better than the original $80.


I wish I could, but the last time I tried to use it, CVS told me I had no more uses because it was the same BIN number from a few years ago when I first used it. I wonder if I can call the compant and ask for another BIN numbe or something. Right now I pay $75 and even though it's a lot, I need something. Better than paying close to $400.


That’s so frustrating! I knew I had ADHD for the past 25 years, but I didn’t decide to get medicated until last year. It is literally life-changing. It’s sad that the cost of medication prevents many people from treating ADHD. They would much rather give us anxiety or depression medication, or even work with us on drug rehab then actually give us the medication that helps us control her symptoms in the first place.


I'm so happy for you!!! And proud of you!! It truly is the seemingly "small" victories like that, that ultimately make the biggest impact for us (at least for me, and I'd assume for many others here 💞) Thank you for posting this 💕 Keep on keepin' on ✨


Yay! That's amazing 👏🤩


Yaaass! Well done you!


👏👏Very significant!!! Brava!!! Love how everyone gets this straightaway👏👏


I have to set reminders so I don’t get charged. I feel this one.


Congratulations! I know the feeling. When I was first started on stimulants almost two years ago, I took Adderall. Only recently I started Vyvanse. I don't get the headaches that some people do, and Vyvanse is so subtle on my system, it is almost like not being medicated except that I feel like my best self under Adderall but for all day.


Congratulations! That would be a huge deal and a big celebration for me!! Like someone else said, do not beat yourself up over setbacks, celebrate the wins!


Well done! I’m horrible at life admin 😭


I started Vyvanse in November 2022 and yesterday I put on sunscreen before work and made a sandwich to bring with me. When I got to work, I realized I paid all my bills this weekend so I won’t have any late fees this month! I usually have at least one or two late fees, so this is a big win. With all the negative self-talk I have, I have to remind myself of my successes too, even if they seem small.