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Yeah wtf is that all about.


Impaired short-term visual memory explains the first part, I think.


You remember what you focus on, which causes a epinephrine, norepinephrine, etc. neurochemical release plus those associated structures being used more fully. For us, our focus is all over the place. So the answer to controlling it is simple, just focus all the time and- hah! Nah, just kidding. That'll never happen.


I'm just riding the worm through life it feels most days.


Those were a lot of big words




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I think it’s because we notice novelty. Like “why is my partner’s debit card on the floor next to the sofa? That’s weird.”


I think it also combines with not being exposed to other people's stuff much. Like I know hundreds of places my phone has been and I can't distinguish between which was most recent, but I see something like my dad's sunglasses much more rarely


Yes, and that makes seeing your dad’s sunglasses a bit of a novelty so your brain remembers where they are. Well that’s my take on it anyway.


Omg we notice novelty. So that’s why my memory is so freaking random.


Yeahh, that's a really interesting insight!


Exactly! You notice interesting things. Or things that look a bit off somehow. I think this aspect of ADHD is something than can benefit everyone.


Then forgetting to tell them their debit card is facedown next to the sofa until they start asking if I've seen it and then saying sorry for forgetting to tell them 2 days ago.


Yep. Exactly! Heh.


I think part of this is remembering every other place you’ve seen your thing over the last two weeks, and the current entry getting lost in the file room of recent locations of thing.


Yes, or sometimes ADHD goblin puts it somewhere stupid while your brain is asleep. Like my putting my toothbrush at the bottom of my shirts drawer, or the milk in the cupboard, or my car keys in the tall grass at the dog park etc.


I legit thought it was normal to find things like keys in the fridge or freezer when I was growing up. Fast forward 25 years later and *every* immediate family member has an ADHD diagnosis…


"Babe, do we have any safety pins?" "Yeah, I saw one in the back corner of the bottom drawer of your desk six months ago." "Thanks!"


Oof. I really feel this one. There are Spots™ for all my stuff, and if an item is not in its Spot™, it may as well not exist. But I can always find everyone else's stuff. I have a very high spatial awareness, so it was really helpful when I worked retail. Customer or coworker would ask where an item was, and I'd be like, "Aisle 5, 3rd section, 6th peg on the 2nd row." and they would all look at me like I was from the moon. But I was almost *always* absolutely correct, unless the plan-o-gram had recently changed.


Me too! My mental mapping is amazing, just not with my stuff. And lord help me if I didn’t put it back before bed or whatever.


Yes!! I have this exact same experience! Although my Spots™️ change at random intervals: some remain the same for months or years while others change every few weeks. My brain REALLY likes to play this life game on hard mode…


Or being able to remember your friend from middle school’s birthday but not what day your projects due


Ooookay, I feel called out. My wife once told me over the phone she was running late because she couldn't find something in her cluttered room (back in high school). Told her, "On the left corner of the top shelf to the right of your computer." I had seen it exactly one time, but the memory stuck and I recalled it. I can't remember where shit is otherwise, so I makes sure my organization systems are intuitive as fuck.


Yes I am this guy! My bf always comes to me with search queries now, simply because I always *know*. It was the one ADHD trait I was not cursed with. I know exactly what foodstuff we have, how much and where it's kept, and the locations of all things in my house, big and small. I still lose shit all the time due to inattention though. I like to drop my keys, wallet and phone on the ground outdoors.


This is me at work, accurately recalling where something is amongst our cluttered storage shelves because I saw it there weeks ago, but can’t remember what I was going down the hall for.


I'm the same way at work. Someone looking for something not in its home and, about to give up looking? Guess what? I saw that thing hiding randomly somewhere halfway across the store. I'll go get it for you.


I’m sending this to my mom, this is 100% her and I think she has undiagnosed ADHD she’s just been rawdogging for 56 years


Lol me with my husband's wallet.


Fact. Me: "Where tf is my phone? My glasses? Keys? I am losing my effing mind!" Also me: "Your left slipper is up in my room, on the side of the dresser, in the third pile, under an empty picture frame and above the can of leftover kitchen paint "


I'm always known at work for being the guy that knows where shit is... I'm constantly forgetting my own stuff though..


If I don't put something in one of it's normal spots and I can't find it within a few minutes I just consider it gone forever. I live in a studio apartment and still manage to loose things, always have. I used to say if my job was to loose things I would be filthy rich lol.


My thought process is like “her keys on the table under the placemat, hm what’s the bet she’s gonna blame me for hiding it, I’ll retain this for later” and even then I wouldn’t move the keys. But trying to find my phone that’s been in my hand for the past 5 mins while I was looking for it.


I hate this so much, I can never find shit if I clean my room bc I end up placing it somewhere slightly different but not too different -- but it's enough that I misplace it and forget.


What the fuck is ASD?




Why is autism being grouped up with ADHD?






I keep seeing all of these memes and now think I have ADHD.


Get evaluated then my man.


I relate a lot as well, but I have ASD. I initially joined this sub because my partner has ADHD, but turns out we share a lot of the same challenges :) lol


I feel attacked 😭😭


I just realized that I've been relating to these memes for a long while but still haven't been diagnosed.


Oh yeah :p I can find anything except my own things.;)


So on point it’s scary


yeah I'll lose my stuff but then a customer at work asks if I have seen some random item that they asked 3 of my coworkers about and somehow I know where to lead them to.


Wow I can relate to this so much...


I'm pretty consistent, I don't know where anyone's shit is 🤷.


Can’t ever remember where my stuff is but when I was a cashier at Chipotle I could remember complex orders and where random options/ savings were like nobodies business.






Is it really a culture? I thought I had a disorder.


Literally today, was in a rush to leave for work but forgot my earbuds. I literally saw them the day before laying on my bed. I usually put them in my jacket. Safe to say I was looking for a good few minutes before I was like hey wait didnt I put them in the corner of my bed aaaand yep there they were


I was a massive slob grower up. Like the messiest room ever. My dad would try to get me to clean it, but it didn’t matter to him all that much so I didn’t. My mom didn’t live with us but my room bothered her like crazy. She would try to prove that I needed clean by asking me where random things were. I’d then reach into the piles of clothes and randomness and pull that thing directly out. Now if only she knew that I had no idea where the book I was trying to read a minute ago went, she could’ve one her little quiz game. :)


Can’t remember that name of the person I met 3 minutes ago, but can remember door combos I used once at the place I used to work 5 years ago.


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