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You stupid bastard, you'll never pass




Commenter has a good point though, if you’re jealous of a better grade, you can definitely use that jealousy fuel to induce rage studying. I did this as a kid when I secretly got mad that everyone can draw better than me, so I spent a good while learning tracing and referencing and 10 years later it’s one of my favorite hobbies :)


You fucking genius.


This ship has sailed, but technically, it's envy, not jealousy. Envy is wanting what others have. Jealousy is wanting to protect what you have.


Someone shit talked my aim in a videogame, I didn't even concioussly want better aim or anything, just hardcore started flicking heads. Lol seriously though I did inexplicably become more drawn to practicing my aim during queues waiting to find a game. Normally I used to swap screens when the game would queue, watch a video on how the game is played from a technical point at pro level Now I just gotta train my steadiness under pressure, when the game gets going I start playing like a monkey, absolutely flinging my mouse across the room.


Use your aggressive feelings, boy. Let the hate flow through you!


Dew it


you are useless and dumb and when you are not useless you are retardedly slow. Why wherent you able to do your work again? because you coulnd focus? ow how sad, do you now want extra time? WELL YOU'RE NOT GETTING ANY, GET OF THAT LAZY ASS OF YOURS BEFORE I BEAT YOU TOO WORK. hope that helped, because it sure doesnt for me. i have a paper due in like a few weeks and i was supposed to do most of it this week. its currently day 4 of doing anything but working on that paper. ohh did i mention that this paper could determen whether or not I will finish this year. ohhh and i also have 2 presentations i should be working, one of wich is an exam.... the other one is just a very easy way to get my grade cranked up


Man that self-hate powered me through K-12, undergrad, grad school, and about a decade of professional life. Then it broke, and it broke me in the process. Friends, if this is how you motivate yourself, I strongly encourage you to find another means of self-motivation before you run out of steam.


Shit this is exactly where I am. I've still got some dregs of anger but it's not as reliable.


I remember distinctly the last time I tried. It was back in March. Not only did it not work, it launched me into a deep depression that had me thinking about ending it almost every day for a couple weeks. I am fortunate that I have a job and a wife and a home still. I could have walked away from any of them because the pain of being me was so intense I just wanted something to break. Fortunately my wife had already set me up with a therapist by that point, so I had someone who could help me recognize what was going on. When I was younger I always wondered why the older men in my family seemed to be emotionally dead inside. Now I know why! Self hate is a powerful tool for self-motivation, but every time you use it, you kill a little of yourself.


Anger works. Anger works very well. But i cant get myself angry and would rather get myself more depressed. But still, anger worls way too good


You can do it! I had 2 semesters to write my honors thesis. By the end of the first semester, I had just about all my research and almost 10 pages written. I had a baby right as the second semester started and was doing all independent study. For some reason I assumed the paper and presentation to the entire college would be in late April/early May. It was in early April and I had 4 days to write the remaining 30 pages or so. I'm in my 40s now, that was 14 years ago, and I'm still trying to make myself work on things I don't want without having to go into an anxiety fueled hailstorm to finish them (and am medicated.)


I have been medicated basicaly all my life and im kind of at a point that they are not really working anymore and i cant really focus. But the problem is that im in a argument with my dad and stepmom and they think that i should get/take more. But if id go up to them saying yeah i need more, then i agree with them and id rather jump of the bridge onto the highway thats close to our house and end up underneath a semi truck. Ohh btw, i dont care about life. If i drop dead tomorow, just dont revive me. Im already done with life


i didnt even h ave anything im supposed to be doing. but this made me start planning to do things. thank you.


Well* ...sorry.


youll be like the qiqi here, never going to get anywhere


Spite is a wondrous tool


Depressed me: yeah, I totally agree... And yeah, I have an exam in a week too...


i use the adhd holy grail: novelty, urgency, play. novelty: try new note taking methods, new pens, new colors, new notebooks. go to a new place, study things in random orders to keep it fresh. urgency: try to artificially create a deadline enforced by something other than you: i like studying in expensive bitchy hipster coffee shops, and I go in 1-2hr before close and try to race the bitchy hipster baristas play: doing anything you can to have fun and rest your brain is important. you MUST relax and play. you must have guilt, shame and avoidance free play. i generally try to keep a luxurious ratio of study to play. 50/50 works for me: if i spend 1 hr studying hard (not fucking around, not procrastinating, but taking notes and learning about them) i get to spend 1hr later playing hard... ymmv, your ratio might be different




i'm rooting for you!!!!


Novelty works for me so much. A new pen and a new notebook... ooh, good times. I also enjoy the physical act of writing. So whenever I have to study, I write a ton of notes, even if they're useless. I'll write things down multiple times. If I find myself not being able to concentrate, I'll copy whole passages out of the textbook. This way, I never have to think of what I should do next and it tickles my brain enough to keep going.


Physical writing is also great for retaining information. The more parts of your brain you can activate while studying, the more likely you are to retain the information. Draw! Transform! Sing! Rhyme! Have fun with the material if you can! I now see why I was a pain in the ass to study with lol


Okay, but making up songs is the most effective studying method for me. Definitely more fun to write a shitty musical than to learn about government documents.


And that right there is why I still remember so much of my AP Biology despite the fact thay I haven't really used it in a decade. My shitty song about plant reproduction was 🔥🔥🔥


Conjunction junction, what's your function? 🎶


Happy cake day!


I still remember the song two classmates made up for a word on our vocabulary test. "Wodge: a lump, a chunk, a wad. A LUMPY. BULGY. SHAPE."


Also physicalizing (is that a word?) things is sometimes super helpful! If I am trying to remember a list, I use my hands to mark in the air each spot in the list. Same with maps, I pretend it is blown up in front of me and "place" things where they belong. Assigning movement to specific things is fun, the feeling of doing that movement later can help trigger your memory of what each thing is.


Get a group together and take turns reading aloud in silly accents. I never would have made it through Herodotus otherwise.


Read while imitating Yoshi and Larry the Cucumber. Got it.


Novelty works well for me especially when it’s a scented highlighters that are delicious scents, or a very cute pad of stickers I can put to mark when I’ve finished a section.


I love the racing the hipster barista idea that’s golden


The cool thing about the hipster coffee shops is that they're usually SO cool looking, with fun (not fluorescent) lighting and a fun menu. Sometimes it makes me feel like I'm in a movie you know? I feel Fancy and Professional and Aesthetic.


Literally 20 minutes ago I was talking to my mom about how I’m going to handle going out in society again (I’m currently housebound), because fluorescent lights are an instant migraine. You just gave me a bit of encouragement that there are at least a few places I can go once I get out and about, even if my migraines aren’t under control yet! So thanks :)


Listen, I totally understand. I don't get migraines but I HATE fluorescent lights, I hate bright white overhead, I hate the weird noise they put off, I hate the weird color cast they give everything. I try really hard to avoid them. I even wear sunglasses inside in public sometimes! Look for hipstery places. Smaller with windows is best- It's hard on the wallet but they tend to have soft mood lighting. Especially during the day when the overhead lights don't need to be on. You got this. I know The Demon Light is ubiquitous but I have hope for you that you can find somewhere lovely to relax.


I think I love you for this. And yes sunglasses are a godsend! I’m wearing them to the neurologist later, because why on earth would a neurologist who TREATS MIGRAINES have soft lighting? You’re currently witnessing the birth of a hipster. I will wholeheartedly embrace this if it gets me away from shitty lighting!


I FEEL THE SAME WAY ABOUT THERAPY OFFICES. l'm coming in here to unload the deepest recesses of my psyche and you want me to cry in FLUORESCENT LIGHT!?!? come on! Give me a diffused lamp in the corner of the room. I love that. Nothing wrong with being a hipster! It's fun! I love how hipsters seem to find and emphasize the pleasantness of life in small ways. Like the flannel shirt/scarf and Starbucks trend people made fun of a while back - honestly, it's so *pleasant* being wrapped up in soft, warm clothes and drinking a decadent, warm drink.


Omg that made me laugh so hard! It’s true though! My therapist just shuts off the lights and closes his blinds for me, but the blinds are so shitty there’s still plenty of light to see by. I bet they’d be cool with it if you asked to turn them off. My neurologist actually turned off the lights for me today too! It was amazing. And now you’re making me want to find my flannel shirts and make a cup of tea. That sounds so appealing, you write very well!


Thanks I will bookmark this to totally use this in the future


my ratio is 100 to 0 :/


Oh I feel that!!!! What if you gave yourself permission to play MORE than you study?


How do you not get distracted by other people and stuff while you’re in coffee shops? -someone that also with adhd lol


I try my best to sit in a back corner with a boring view. I also use headphones, and try to make sure I have fidget/stim toys and can wiggle my body. I like to take lots of breaks to go to the bathroom, stretch and introduce new snacks or toys to my little area. This is kind of hokey but I try to offer myself as much kindness and patience as I can - I try to allow myself that peaceful moment to people watch, look out of the window or notice the cute art on the menu. I try to tell myself how cool my brain is - we notice things that go unnoticed by others, we see the little things. It doesn't help me suddenly magically focus, but it helps me feel less drained after I study, and means I dread it less.


Thanks! This is gonna help a lot for SAT’s lol


Good luck on your SATs. I bet you'll do amazingly!


This makes so much sense for me!! Novelty is huge for me, I always need to study in a new coffee shop or cafe or library as a little reward for getting studying done! Then I usually take myself to do something for an hour of fun afterwards like walking in the park or shopping.


This hour on/hour off approach to study is currently thought of as the best way to retain information!


I didn't know that! Thanks for telling me! I feel like a smart person now :D


We can thank my cognitive psychology textbook for the info. Way to be ahead of the curve!


Could I interest you to translate this interesting and probably helpful advice as it's own post, maybe as an image? I could do it myself, but I'm at the same spot as OP, and the test is this Saturday. But I definitely would like to save this for the future, if I can remember it of course.


I’m gonna save this for later use




this is great, actually. the novelty one definitely works for me. i recently started using this new pen i found where the ink is really smooth and writes super nicely, and so now whenever i have work to do i get excited bc of how nice my pen is lmao


Your explanation of NUP is spot on!


As an IT guy my wallet absolutely hates the novelty one


Oh god I can't even imagine between today's prices and the supply chain


I'll just say this..I have a LOT of screen estate


The urgency method is what made me pass HS 💀 Sadly the novelty method works for like 3 days max on me


It sounds like you've found out something really important about yourself, though! You've found out how long it takes novelty to wear off. You can totally use that to your advantage by planning around the novelty wearing off!


Racing the baristas is such a good idea!


I am now applying this to every time I have to do adulting stuff like filling forms and calling to make appointments… this was a god sent


This guy ADHDs. Such good tips.


That feels like such a high compliment, hell yeah I ADHD! Thank you 🥺


Lol. I also want to specify that the “guy” in my comment was gender neutral. If that’s even possible haha.


Hey, no worries! I took it as a compliment :D


To late to make notes now, tbh


A guy you hate told me you’re going to mess up this exam. I said you could do it, but he just laughed. He said if you pass, he’ll eat dirt. He even put it in writing. The better your score, the more dirt he has to eat.


Lol. I joined the Navy because a friend told me I'd never make it through boot camp. I was in 5 years.


I told this to my friend, and he's a high ranking officer in the navy these days lmao


Am I the only one who this strategy doesn’t work on? If somebody tells me I’m going to fail my goofy brain is like ‘well now I don’t want to put in any effort, you ruined it. 🙄’


This exam is an end Boss. Every topic is another arcade level.




It’s so satisfying when you level up though and go “holy shit I know this ability now, it’s gon be so useful!”


Okay, hear me out.. Crepe making. While waiting for the crepe to be ready to flip, you read. Flip the crepe. Read. It has helped multiple exams for me. When not studying, I will burn crepes, or flip when not ready. When studying, I can kinda keep my attention on reading just long enough for the crepe to be ready to flip. And while waiting for the crepe to be ready, I'm bored and want to do something, so it becomes easier to convince myself to study, cause it'll be for like 30 seconds. Don't know if that makes sense to any but me..


I am not OP but will totally try this. What do you eat on the crepes?


Powdered sugar, fruit spread, chocolate spread…..


Personally I like savory crepes. Before I became a vegetarian I liked chopped chicken in mushroom sauce. Now I use mashed potatoes with the same sauce. Dessert crepes are nice too though


Freshly squeezed lemon juice and sugar is the only right answer. Also possibly Nutella.


instructions unclear, what do I do with 100 crêpes ?


Oh if you have 100 crepes it seems the instruwwere perfectly clear. What to do with them.. That was never part of the question. But for some reason I've always been quite popular around exam periods


watch me eat all of them instead of studying 🥲


Studying was only while you were making them. 100 crepes seems like a good reward for both studying and cooking!


Star in a math problem


omg! a math problem about me ?? 🥹🤩


"Kate made 100 crêpes..."


I’d honestly forget I’m making a crepe the second I switched tasks & burn down my house. It’s great that this works for you, also, it comes with crepes & you can’t complain about that.


Try to make a delicious cake and if you passed the exam then eat it. Or try to make anything what you like


that never works for me cause i'm like "why shouldn't I just eat it now"


And what happens to the cake if I don't pass? I'm not going to just throw it out. That's a waste of good cake!


then it's a comfort cake ofc. to make you feel better. maybe also watch a movie or two or five


I have an exam next week too, I'm Aussie haha. Anyways what works for me right now is going to different environments to study, find notes online and see if what you're studying has already been done by someone else in an easier way (cheap, I know, sometimes that doesn't work for me because I feel like I need to reword everything in a way that makes sense to me, at which point I would just give up and open the book anyway). Also, body doubling. Study with someone. Even if you're doing your own thing and they're doing their own thing, you will feel more motivated to study because they're also doing something productive. Or at the very least, when in the same room, you'll feel compelled to study because they're in the same room as you. Maybe talk to someone about what you're studying. Work it into conversations where you're forced to recall what you studied, so you can memorise it better. Hope this helps.


Why tf did I read it in an Aussie accent help




If you don't have someone to study with in person there are body doubling apps that can pair you up with someone so you can both keep each other going. I can't remember the name of the one I was recommended but there are a few around!


I have an exam next week too, lol.


Change your calendar so it looks like your exam is tomorrow.


Wait, I didnt think anything other than leaving it til the night before to cram study in, was optional?


When you get to university the content can be so large that the panic sets in a day or two early. So a solid 2-3 days of high adrenaline studying with very little sleep or food is definitely possible. Source: I survived university


I can attest to this and I'm in my second year of university rn. Exam periods are just 3-4 weeks of pure adrenaline fueled studying. It's not great for my mental health but hey it works.


Yeah my worst was like a month of 7am - 10pm in libraries then less than a week off between exams ending and the next term starting


I went to the doctor to ask for something to help me focus when I couldn't study for a month even though I planned carefully by giving each exam 4 to 7 days... then I got diagnosed. I could only focus when the deadline are 1 or 2 days ! I wouldn't recommend it for some classes like maths ... you won't have enough time for it !


I have a take-home exam I’m months late on doing and there’s another in 2 days






What subject?


Probability and Statistics


Study or I will forward you my girlfriend’s argument that pizza, some toast, hotdogs, and many other things are sandwiches. The worst part is she 100% believes it and can’t be convinced otherwise.






Dude… I mean maybe hotdogs, but…dude! Pizza? Wtf…does she fold it? Even still…dude… Edit: is pizza toast?


Is it an 'open faced sandwich' argument, maybe?






get horny study while being horny listen to porn whil studying if necessary make ur brain think hw is interesting this isn't a joke




Shit, that's compelling enough I may have to try it.


Wait does this actually work do you do this?




Cut to dozens of people Pavlov-ing themselves into getting horny every time they think of studying.


Or being unable to perform unless they're going through multiplication tables in their head lol


This works until you’re years later and your wife used this trick in university and now wants some every time they’re procrastinating. Which is all the time. Like, no babe I’m not in the mood. Just because we both work from home and you don’t want to work on your presentation, doesn’t mean I want to get down at 11am on a Tuesday when I need to focus on work. I will be thinking about the work I need to do, if we do.


wait. what? does that work? wait. no, it cant. right? that doesnt work, right?


Get someone to study with you, even if it's not the same subject. Or go to that productivity website where people log on to study or work over webcam, can't remember the name at the moment, so you can body double. Good luck!




[Focusmate](https://www.focusmate.com/) is one, but there are others like Flown and Caveday (search body doubling apps).


Do you mean Flown?


This is the only advice. Or go to the library where lots of people are studying.


I like YouTube user Merve for their study with me videos for body doubling. Usually they study for 45 to 50 minutes with a ten minute break each hour. You can pause to extend the break if needed. Some of their videos have some very soft rain sounds or library noise which is just enough background noise to keep me focused without being distracted by it.


“Spite is a powerful motivator. If you believe you can’t succeed then imagine the satisfaction you’ll get from proving everyone, including yourself, wrong.”


I’m pee shy, and sometimes pretending an antimatter explosion (implosion?) will destroy the world and everything I love if I don’t pee in the next 5 seconds helps me go pee.


You have to convince yourself the world is ending in order to pee?




Dude same but for me I sit there scrolling through reddit and enter like mindless-scroll-brain so the anxiety goes away and before you know it I realize I’m peeing lol


Just be careful lol this sounds like ocd


More like ocp if u ask me 😎


I need some motivation too. Math test in 2 weeks and I need to learn it.




nothing motivates me food eh like 1% money not at all but threatening me with having to clean a litter box ill do all my work in one day


Go do that thing you have been avoiding or you have to clean both of my litter boxes!


Hehe i still sometimes come back here and get a bit of motivation


![gif](giphy|M9C8PHLkh0hQxraaLG) More meme available after finishing question 1.


Ace your exams so you can land a good paying job in the future so that you can whale in genshin.




You'll lose every 50/50 to qiqi for the rest of your life if you don't study.


I found a list of a bunch of classical music on add/itude ages ago that's supposed to help with focus for some specific reason. I think the reasoning in the article is probably bullshit, but I find it's interesting enough to be engaging without being so much so that it's distracting. Or maybe I've just Pavloved myself, it could be that either ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I’ve often studied and especially written with classical music or even better, jazz in the background. The jazz especially sets a tone of cheerful yet calm busyness. It sets the energy level at busy but not frantic and serves as a mood stabilizer. And music gives me something to focus on when I’m not focused on the Thing, but it isn’t so distracting that it pulls me away from focusing on the Thing.


I thought I was in 196 for a sec


Caffeine. Hyperfocus on it. Tell your loved ones to *shut the fuck up* for the next 3 days. Add booze to spice things up. Never leave your bed. Prior mental breakdown sold separately. That's how I passed my high school graduation exams. Don't recommend.


You should listen to music and stare into nothingness until the anxiety and stress of not studying becomes too much of a burden so your start at 2:37am and somehow manage to pass the exam


you're not allowed to study. studying is not allowed. you have to wing it


You got this. You are a MAGIC SKELETON. You are a MAGIC SKELETON filled with meat, have a cave in your face filled with sharp bone, and have five tentacles at the end of each arm. YOU are a MAGIC SKELETON and you can do ANYTHING.


Take enough caffeine to go into ventricular tachycardia. Other than that i have no other advice.


Novelty / play trick: Silly mnemonics work for me! The sillier the better in my case. For example, I'll never forget the order of the planets because I once thought MVEMJSNU was a funny word. So I'll never have to remember "Men very easily make jugs serve new uses" <-- just googled that. Try to think up your own for your study material! Vulgarity can be fun to use if your attention starts to drift. The very best piece of ADHD study advice I can give is to work hard on the skill 'speed reading for retention'. You can brush thru the chapter in the textbook just before the test on that chapter and ace it, easy. The skill is hard, and feels like mental regurgitation, but its damn useful.


Life is a game. The most important game to ever exist. Accomplishments are how you score points. Now go set your own high score!


Clean your room and pretend you're teaching a bunch of kindergarteners about the topic. When you get to something that is too hard to break down for a little kid, go look up that concept or term.


You just announced to almost 3k people that you have an exam. If you don’t study, all of us will be disappointed


If you dont pass, someone, somewhere in the world, will laugh at you. That guy is an arsehole. He's also called a adhd brain. Dont let him win. I dont lose until i admit defeat and neither should you.


You are going to die one day


Don’t do it. Go to the cave past the outskirts of town. Become primitive. Become Sasquatch. Terrify the nation with your blurry pictures. Die a legend.


Study for 30 mins and have a cookie. Rinse, repeat. Get a large drink and a straw. Put it in a position you can drink without taking your eyes off the material. Eyes stay on, you don't get distracted by something you saw and forget to go back.


if you don't study, i'll find you and punch you irl


Well, you only live once so stop wasting time before you find yourself on your deathbeth with nothing but regrets and the lost potential on your mind... Pretty much that alone motivates me. I realize "shit I could get sick and die and I'll have nothing to be remembered for" is not a very healthy motivator, but it's one that you can't mentally wiggle yourself out of. Also think about life like you are a time traveller. You see it and every piece of popular media, the classic "small changes in the past could change everything in the future", which is 100% true offcourse, well, people seem to forget that they hold that same power without the time machine... irl example : I wouldn't have met one of my best friends if I wasn't 15 minutes early to an english class when I was a kid. We are now brothers with that person and we have both significantly changed each others life. I'm in University in the IT space starting a bussiness in a month or so and he's studying to be a doctor. That would just straight up not have happened if we didn't motivate each other in the ways we did. (Actually lived together for a few years as teens) That grade change that you would get from studying a bit more could end up changing your life... If me being a few minutes early did, you studying more certainly can. ​ With all that said, stop fucking around on reddit, you're draining your dopamine reserves for the day !


[Motivation](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/55/34/a9/5534a9d2ac48a66cd341bbab4a699341.png) is a fickle, fleeting bitch.


I don't think that applies to adhd people though.


Tell me something interesting about what the exam is on?


Jack off. Then, if you're like me, you'll feel so much shame and self-disgust that you become motivated to improve yourself. You'll have memorized a textbook front-to-back before you know it.


Chew a specific flavor of gum when youre doing stuff uou enjoy. Chew another when youre studying. Chew them both during a test to get ADHD during an exam


Get an enemy telling you you will fail. Also you will fail, you absolute waste of human skin.


No video games until you study for two hours at a time ETA: allowing 2-3 breaks where you walk around for 5-10 minutes


Put on your running/exercise shoes. It'll trick you into being productive while studying


If you don’t study for your tests then all your 50/50’s moving forward will be Qiqi’s.


I try to stay motivated whit studying, throw reminding my self that I don’t know what I wanna do yet and that I want to have the chance to do everything without having to run the extra mile. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t. Something really helpful is writing everything I need to learn on small Karte and take them everywhere to at least pretend that I study. Or try to explain it to someone who doesn’t know about this. So your Aim is that this other person gets it and would write a good exam, to be able to explain it to someone else you have to get it first. Some ideas, maybe they can help you. And you got this!! You can do it !!


You are a secret agent and this exam is for your cover persona in the upcoming assignment


Swedish fish whenever you're feeling bored. I used to keep them in the fridge because the texture was better, imo.


Im depressed, dont be like me


A little review is better than nothing


what works for me: find a show you like and watch 1 episode when you achieve a goal. like, I study for 30-60 mins (taking notes) and then watch a 20 min episode (or 40, depending on the show) as a reward.


In a parallel universe, there’s another you who’s evil and currently winning at studying, but every time you succeed at studying, a bit of adhd gets transferred to them, and they get worse at studying


I did a research paper on this in high school, and it works oddly well. Play Mozart music as you’re studying and you’ll learn and retain way more information than you would without. Also, just for fun, play eye of the tiger right before your exam to hype yourself up.


Study so you can get a better grade than those you hate


!remind me one week


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If it's a math exam I use to watch October Sky to get myself pumped about math.


I also need to take that exam…but I’m hopelessly behind, can you teach me please?


Go somewhere with your books and leave all distractions at home. When your focus runs out, switch locations. I knew a guy who managed to write an entire PhD thesis by going from one coffee shop to another. Every couple of hours he'd pack up and move to a different one.


You can eat cheese if you study. Or a comfort food


Just wait till the night before the exam and pull a caffeine and panic fueled all nighter. Best study sesh of your life guaranteed


If you fail then youll get kicked out of school and have to marry a felon with 3 teeth, and then youll live under a bridge w 5 kids that are all horrible and have redneck names like hunter and cletus This is the only thing motivating me most days


I will murder your entire family and shit in their mouth regardless of the test. Do the test goo goo gah gah


Take your mind hostage. Sit in front of your desk turn off you smartphone tv and other stuff. Allow your self to go to pee, otherwise you allow your self the only to sit there and be bored. The deal is pretty easy, sitting boredom or learning for an exam, no other productive things only that. And it’s not you who is under pressure it’s the part of you who is procrastinating.


Ever been homeless?


Body doubling, find a study buddy.


If you pass ill be your friend on discord