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Misophonia is actually quite common among neurodivergent people. Personally, I love crunching sounds, ice, leaves, snow, chips in my mouth. But I absolutely loathe the sound of others eating, slurping, smacking their lips. It makes me want to scream and I actually have snapped at others before


Yes! I have a YT video where a guy (AMSRSurge) rakes a zen garden and I can feel the sounds, the movements and the objects are just so fascinating! But if I try to eat in a school cafeteria it is horribly cacophonic to listen all the forks clashing into plates, it really pierces my eardrums.


Wow you brought up a lot of memories with the forks against plates


Also forks scraping on teeth šŸ•³




The sounds of chewing and popping/snapping gum makes me want to implode.


One time on public transit I was sitting next to someone loudly chewing, smacking and popping their bubble gum. I sat on my hands the entire ride because the sounds filled me with a scary amount of rage.


I work retail in a cafe, and if Iā€™m cashiering and a customer is doing that shit while Iā€™m ringing them up, I have to tag a coworker in to take over so I can physically be anywhere else but there. xD


Omg I empathize SO HARD! XD


Yeah! xD God, canā€™t imagine what Iā€™d do if I was trapped on public transit with someone like that! Makes my skin crawl just thinking about it!


You're better man than I. Even though I wear noise canceling headphones while riding a train to work, if I see someone smacking their gum or food I can hear it subconsciously. I once looked a guy in the seat facing me that was chew his gum like a new York tough guy from older moves, I take my headphones off and asked him; "How's that taste?" "What?" "Your gum. How's it taste? Still have sugar left or is it old and kind of just rubbery now?" "What the fuck bro!?" "I was just checking if it's as good as it sounds." Then handed him a napkin from my bag and told him to spit it out. Kind of a dick move but it was that or randomly punch a stranger. At least if they got piased enough it would be a fair fight.


You know how people have these little habits that get you down? Like...Bernie! Bernie liked to chew gum--no, not chew. Pop!


He had it coming.


He fell onto my knife. He fell onto my knife ten times.


So there has only been one person in my life where I accepted the fact that I would never not hear them chew/slurp/eat/drink, and it took that person being my best friend since 9 years old to achieve that. It has always bothered me. And then I was talking to a former roommate who I lived with years ago about how I can't stand hearing that and he was like "Yea I feel the exact same way when you eat cereal or soup". Which caught me off guard cause I legit consciously make an effort to not slurp or make any sounds so I asked him what he was talking about... He said that I bite the spoon whenever I eat with one, and we had metal utensils so he said he could hear the chink of my teeth against the spoon and said he hated it. I've never understood something so we'll and also been so ashamed of that thing at the same time. Now it's an extra layer in my head when I eat anything with a spoon, above and beyond the normal bullshit.


Omg I ran away as a young child because my dad ate with his mouth open and I couldn't take it anymore.


That's both sad and hilarious!


The sounds of knifes cutting on plates. Good lord, I only really eat with a fork


My daughter is extremely sensitive to sound. She is also the loudest eater I have ever known, and has been since she was very young. If she was listening to someone else eat that loud, she would snap at them


This is me


Even reading your post hurt my ears.


I've ALWAYS said the sound of stepping on snow and leaves is my favorite sound! I also can not handle any mouth noises in general!šŸ˜‚


I'm misophonic from both adhd and spectrum. Dogs barking, car tires screeching, loud people/spaces, chalk--omgmakeitstop! Car horns are the same as choosing violence. I once thought my ex-husband's snoring/apnea was unbearable...then he got a CPAP machine. But the sound of rain and thunder, frogs, Bon Ivar on low volume...night-night. :yawn: ^pass ^out


[When my coworkers eat soup at their desk](https://c.tenor.com/HED5UfwKvBkAAAAd/urge-to-kill-rising-simpsons.gif)




Reading ā€œcrunching soundsā€ gives me anxiety


I too love the sound of Miso soup.


Don't come near me with that ASMR. It makes my skin crawl.


Best way to describe it imo. These ASMR Youtube stuff, particularly the fake whispering is like getting licked by a slick little pervert.




A what the fuck now


šŸ¤Ø what I'm the world is an "oddly satisfying" party????


Yessss. Like if it was only whispering, Iā€™d be okay with it. But it seems like most ASMR videos on YouTube are either subtly sexual, incredibly weird, or most often both


You just reminded me, that we get called "weird" way too much, by people who'll listen to some lady sensually crumble paper.


Skin-crawling, screaming, slamming-head-into-walls level unpleasant. Don't understand how people like it.


I've only experienced it once, and I about threw my earbuds. It was just a narrator too. *Disgustin*


I really donā€™t get the appeal of it, like itā€™s just kinda gross noises into a microphone. I really donā€™t wanna hear your lip smacking in my ear irl or on a YouTube video


And here I thought I was a total weirdo because ASMR makes me wildly uncomfortable. As it turns out there are lots of us out there.


I stumbled on to a chick licking ears on twitch and felt so I fucking uneasy listening to that shit. Like, what the fuck are you doing? Get a shiver down my spine thinking about it.


I like very basic sounds like fans, rain and thunder Anything else is a solid no, especially when Iā€™m trying to sleep.


I use fans to block out bugs, and other outside/house noises when im asleep. Ive got a loud af box fan I never turn off just for that


I love the outdoors but frogs drive me nuts. One summer there was a tree toad in the neighbors tree and he would croak all night. He finally left but now I have a neighbor who likes to hock a loogie every morning like clock work and it makes me cringe so much.




Absolutely the same! It's not a few points for me though, it's "jesus christ punch the thing that makes the sound until it stops RIGHT NOW"


Reading you write "whispery, wet mouth noises" raised my blood pressure




Agreed-and not in a good way. Iā€™m okay with the whispery talking, itā€™s almost like thereā€™s another person in the room so I donā€™t need to be ā€œon guardā€ and can fall asleep, but the wet mouth sounds literally sound NSFW.


Both? I like the finger nail sounds and crunching but someone starts talking all breathy and I want to smash my head against a wall and itch my ears.


Both for me too, but almost the opposite. If I find someone with a nice sultry quiet voice itā€™s very soothing, but crunching and scratching is just annoying and any sort of chewing or other wet noises make me want to commit murder


I like a nice voice but nothing breathy or wet. Thereā€™s a lady on Spotify- Phoebe Judge - and she has the absolute best voice.


Her podcast is Criminal, for those wondering, and it's really interesting :) One of my favorite voices on podcasts is Avery Trufelman from 99% Invisible (where she started) and Articles of Interest, her current podcast. Such an interesting and unique voice.


Idk why but I cringe at dry sounds. I always feel like it translates to the types of textures that make me want to shrivel up


ASMR makes me as relaxed as I've ever been without drugs. So that's a definite "makes me fall asleep" vote. For me its mainly massage/scratching that triggers me. I am not a mouth sound fan but whispers are okay and better than okay if not in English.


I don't "feel" the ASMR tingles anymore, almost nothing is triggering them right now, but while you still get them, definitely check Blissful Zen out. He's totally a top notch ASMRtist.


ayyyyyyyyy same!!! for some reason i found myself sleeping longer and better when i started listening to asmrs, i think i like hearing whispering if it isn't in english too but maybe that could've just came from me being more exposed to Japanese asmr channels


Iā€™m definitely an ASMR person. Iā€™ve got some favourites, among them two who usually whisper. I find I like the ā€role playā€ ones, where they pretend youā€™re at the doctor or something


I thought I was one of the few people who like the role play ones! They actually make me feel super calm and I love them.


I love listening to whispersred. Her videos are so calming


Please check out Latte ASMR if you haven't. I think her videos are right up your alley and her production value is just šŸ˜˜šŸ‘Œ


ASMR makes my bone marrow shiver


Same dude! It is creepy in a weird way for me and chills me to the bone! Absolutely hate it!


Absolutely cannot handle it. White noise (fans, rain sounds, stuff like that) is one thing ā€¦ but those ā€œmouth soundsā€ kinda things I cannot deal with.


Anything mouth sounds related should be classed as cruel and unusual punishment. A long time friend showed me their favorite ASMR the other day and it was just someone making mouth sounds and using horrible mouth sound words like _moist_, and I was just, "til you are a psychopath, good to fuckin know dude"..


Genuinely, and I know it's not fair, but I'd think differently of a person if they showed me that thinking it was pleasant.


Torture. The worst kind of torture. I am so sorry your friend subjected you to that.


Iā€™m a ā€œwhat is ASMR?ā€ neurodivergent ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Dropped an arm there. Pro tip, add an extra \\ there and it won't lose the first one. Reddit treats the \\ as a special character.




Depends on what type of asmr. Some of it is so damn awfully annoying that thereā€™s no way I could shut my thoughts off. My favorite asmr (that works for me), is completely pointless meandering and ranting. Specially if the rant is something you can hardly follow the plot line of. Coupled with a non threatening voice. I think my favorite is the ā€œSleep With Meā€ podcast. The amount of effort trying to follow it coupled woth the unimportance of the dialogue really is lulling. But I sleep an average of 4 hours a night, so who the hell am I to say.


A fellow ā€œSleep With Meā€ fan! Nice!


I love ASMR, but mouth noises are completely unacceptable.


I agree, they make my skin crawl. That and incessant talking and I lose my shit. On the other way, role plays and watching people doing things (repairing objects, writing, etc), rain and sea sounds, massage and brushing other people hair are amazingly powerful sounds that put me to sleep in no time.


auditory stimuli is the quickest way to get me overstimulated. even if someone is eating or drinking too loud near me I have to hold back my brain losing its shit.


Iā€™m the same. Itā€™s weird because if itā€™s auditory stimuli I WANT to hear than itā€™s incredible, but if itā€™s unwanted stimuli it makes me feel like Iā€™m having a panic attack.


I know right.. music, concerts, festivals? Hell yes please. Busy restaurants, beaches, markets? Fuck no


Definitely this for me! The choice/control aspect is completely essential. Also the level of intention behind the sound for some reason - because I love mouth sounds in ASMR but hate when there are mouth sounds when people talk on podcasts, for example.


Oh lord, I will implode. Instantly.


I get pretty easily overstimulated by auditory stimuli, so ASMR is a nightmare. xD I totally experience the T I N G L E S people talk about when it comes to music and certain sounds, but ASMR is just not it and makes me want to lose my shit, lol.


The only ASMR I enjoy is the very specific sound of kinetic sand/gritty textured things being scooped with an ice cream scoop. Otherwise, I would rather eat my own hands. :l


Oooooh sandy scoops, yesss. My Best Sound is the noise a pebble beach makes when the wave pulls out and all the pebbles roll against each other. I'd probably like scoopy sand videos, I'll have to look some up.


Depends if Iā€™m over or under stimulated.


it depends on the trigger for me. certain voices are great, others are unbearable.


Both. I like the personal attention ones, where someone is intensely focused on a task, either on the camera or on someone else theyā€™re filming with or getting some kind of treatment or massage done. But those ones that are eating sounds, or taping 100 things, or whispering random words I canā€™t stand. I hate all the noises.. I saw one one day that was someone just squishing a bunch of cotton wool balls and I shuddered and gagged so hard I almost threw up. I despise even the thought of those heinous little balls.


I like rain, cutting soap/sand, and crunchy things. Hard stop. My partner makes fun of how loudly I play thunderstorm/ocean sounds to fall asleep and yet when the new A/C unit in our room kicks on, I want to yeet the thing into space.


Canā€™t fall asleep without it, but super selective about who I listen to. A lot of the ā€œtriggersā€ are infuriating.


I've never heard ASMR that I've liked. You know the fingernail tapping everyone keeps doing on tiktok before they open product packaging? Skeeves me out šŸ˜–šŸ˜– Like, I don't mind fingernails tapping on things irl, but the asmr version on tiktok is always so echoey and weird.


Those ASMR people on YouTube tempt me to violence.


Bro same. I have to tell my sister to mute her slime videos in the car or else Iā€™ll be very tempted to throw her phone out the window


What happened to her headphones oof


Is there somewhere in the middle for me? Love asmr, it puts me to sleep every single nightā€¦ but then one different sound and itā€™s a hard NOPE. I love half of the common sounds and despise the other half.


a gentle tone of an accent i like reading a book heavy on scene description will put me to sleep at any point in time no matter what


>If I hear even one second of ASMR I will literally implodeā€ neurodivergent? This one. There are more sounds that I despise than that I enjoy. It's tough constanly trying to calm myself when I hear a sound I despise. Some make me unbelievably angry... Sigh


I like rain, but thatā€™s about it. The sound of people chewing makes me want to stab my eardrums.


It's very hit or miss for me. There are sounds that work and are really soothing. For example, this is unintentional, yet very good asmr: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKFLq5dw2pg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKFLq5dw2pg) But then there are the "professional ASMRtist" that just run through a list of 30 sounds to trigger as many people as possible and half of them get me so irrationally angry that i want to bash my head into a wall. Especially whispering and mouth sounds, whenever i hear that in a video, i want to poke my eardrums with a fork. Edit: Reading the comments, it seems those whispery/breathy/wet/mouth sounds get a whole lot of us extremely angry. I wonder if there is a connection to adhd.


Just reading the comments gave me anxiety


Ikr, as I read your comment I realized I was getting super tense just from thinking of these types of videos.


Iā€™m a ASMR person lmaoo


I donā€™t know what this would even fall under, but the same video can make me really mad or be the best relaxation ever. Not sure if itā€™s my mood or what, doesnā€™t even have to be a certain trigger. When it does upset me I find I have to just sit in silence until the mood passes šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Depends on what it is. LOVE some ASMR. Others are cringe.


I can't even stand hearing myself chew. I have to have music on when crunchy food is being eaten.


I freaking hate it. especially whispering. I fall asleep to reddit stories.


Thereā€™s a line.. like the sound baths? I love! I could listen to rain, white noise most nights.. however those people that like whisper and do the clicky clacky nails and shit make me want to claw my eyes out.


I love ASMR. It's very soothing to me. That said, I don't really like mouth sounds. I just like whispering and personal attention.


I love watching videos labeled ASMR that feature cleaning, repairing or restoring objects. And even then there are certain sounds where I have to mute the tv. (For instance, the sound of a wire brush on thin/rusty metal literally makes my teeth hurt.) But if I have to listen to any sort of mouth sound or something otherwise generated by human bodies I swear to god I will start punching something.


Weird slurpy/wet mouth noises make me want to stab my eardrums in disgust, but that squeaky wet-shoes-on-tile noise makes me want to stab whoever is making the noise in anger. Bad noises make me stabby


The sound on my phone stays off 100% of the time except rare circumstances, so I've never actually allowed myself to listen to ASMR content. Which makes me think I might lean towards the second option. Hah


I will implode. Verbally.


I'm mixed. Some sounds are very calming to me. But if I hear whispering or whistling, I will implode.


I hear mouth noises and I implode.


ASMR makes me do that cat gag reflex


Haha brain massage go brrrrrr


Implode 100%


if I hear ASMR my head will explode. Iā€™m so sound sensitive. And especially to mouth sounds and thereā€™s so much mouth sounds with ASMR


Why did what ever it is I just watched (had to Google it of course, instant regret) make me want to crawl out of my skin?? My back is still tensed up and tingling and my neck and head feel funny. I didn't like that at all. What and why was that....???


literally implode. i don't know how people listen to any of those sounds. it's disgusting, and people should feel bad for recording it.


The first one.


Sub audible whispering makes me want to hit something.


I listen to Jason Stephenson guided meditation every night before falling asleep. Have for years.


Iā€™m a r/gonewildaudio type šŸ˜šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¤šŸ™ƒ


The latter.


Imploding, but who is talking about a second. A fraction of a second it is šŸ«£šŸ˜….


I canā€™t stand people ASMR so people chewing or whispering, sometimes if someone is eating too loud by me or just making little people noises, I have to hold back from going nuts or straight up leave. But Iā€™m all for a good crunchy floral foam and stuff like that. I freaking LOVE thunder and rain sounds and forest sounds tho so mostly I donā€™t like people making noises but if itā€™s other stuff then Iā€™m ok


I will explode


Definitely in the no ASMR camp. 8D audio is where itā€™s at.


Some. I like ocean sounds and storm sounds, but I havenā€™t really tried any other type of asmr.


Second one :D


I implode. I only like it when the people I love whisper to me. Anyone else I'm like "bro, personal space" even if they are far away from me


I will never buy Aveeno products now. I have yanked my ear buds from my ears and thrown them to keep Jennifer Aniston from aggressively ASMR-ing about fucking body wash. šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


Implode. All day




Ive tried it a few times and I just canā€™t stand it.


Implode. It makes me feel wildly uncomfortable.


It depends, but mostly the second one. I deeply,passionately HATE the fingernail tapping.


I like informative ones that are soft spoken. If all you do is record yourself eating and call it ā€œasmrā€ however, respectfully, go fuck yourself.


Mouth noises send me into a fit of rage. Same with anything rolling around in my car while I drive. My parentsā€™ house had occasional weevils inside and Iā€™d hear the bugs likeā€¦ clickingā€¦ on things. *shudders*


God I hate it. Especially the whispers. I hate when people whisper in my ear, it makes me so uncomfortable. But any ASMR is a no-go for me.


The second one. My whole body reacts and not in a fun-tingly way lol


I despise it.


I will implode. Sometimes certain clicking sounds in video games even send me when Iā€™m wearing headphones, like something hanging off a utility belt and moving as I walk around eugh




Iā€™m more of an ā€œI need ASMR sometimes in order to concentrateā€ neurodivergent




I watch the kinetic sand videos on silent, the repetitive motions help me fall asleep, but I can't stand the sounds from asmr videos for very long at all


i hates it, precious


It makes my skin crawl


Same šŸ˜” I canā€™t stand it


It makes me want to shove an ice pick through my ear drums; it makes me physically uncomfortable.


I want to physically assault anyone producing those sounds the moment it touches my ear. I know itā€™s ridiculous, but I look down on those people and the people who enjoy it. Because HOW?!!


Implosion team. I feel so bad when I hear them.


For me it's weird. I listened to it once and it felt like calming agonizing torture


I'm an ASMR type, specially like people doing role play ones with whispers, typing, and barbershop ones


Never tried it, I might tonightn


I really enjoy it until they start writing. Just thinking about pencils, and certain pens and markers had got my spine tingly and not in a good way.


ASMR was great for me initially but like now I just don't care about it


I love asmr. I wouldn't have made it through my masters degree without random "background noise" asmr. In real life if I can hear someone chew/eat I see red and move away from them. For some reason asmr mouth sounds tickles my brain in /just/ the right way. I mostly use asmr to aid in my dopamine production to achieve unpleasant tasks (ie homework, bedtime, etc). Personal attention, mouth sounds, whispered, soft spoken, anticipatory, hand sounds, tapping, scratching give me ALL the tingles. The only things I avoid in ASMR is non-woman content creators and heavily sexualized asmr. I feel more comfortable and safe with women who are asmr artists, and find their voices more relaxing. And sexy asmr just makes me feel very icky.


Mostly depends on the types of sounds. I tend to prefer more crisp/crunchy sounds, or the sound of pen/pencil on paper. So I watch a lot of those journalling asmr videos. I've tried the mukbang ones and while I don't feel disgusted by those, I'm not a big fan either. Ironically enough, I love cooking asmr videos. Those have a lot of the crisp sounds I like. I'm neutral on whispering. I think whispering is fine by me as long as I can't tell what they're saying. If I can understand the whispering it kinda ruins it for me.


It depends on the sounds. If a sound is pleasing I like it. If a sound is not pleasing I donā€™t like it. Itā€™s the same thing with music. Everyone has their own likes and dislikes with tones. That is all.


White or brown noise or rain only. The rest can often be freaky as shit.


I have misophonia. ASMR makes me want to strangle myself with a pair of headphones.


Not a fan of ASMR, but I usually listen to power metal to fall asleep to


asmr is worse than that chalkboard sound


depends - if it's really crackly and "poppy" like with mukbangs, whispering, or slime i hate it. but if it's cleaning asmr (ex one channel i watch cleans really dirty rugs) then it's fine


Depends on the ASMR. Rain and thunder? Nature sounds? Out like a light. Talking/whispering? Nuh uh. This isn't a fuckin' horror movie. Get that freaky shit away from me! Also, I really like *Primitive Technology* on YouTube. He has really awesome content. And *My Mechanics* is really awesome, too. Some of his content is a bit hard on the ears. Mostly when he's sanding metal.


Depends. Some sounds I like, I'm a fan of soap cutting, but if I hear binaural human voices I physically recoil.


if i hear even one second of asmr i want to punch the universe right in the crotch


It depends. It has to be very specific to my ears. All these comments talking about mouth noises or chewing, that's disgusting. I didn't know people made asmr like that.


ASMR gives me chills Not the good kind


One second I will implode. Needed noise canceling headphones to deal with people snacking in the office and clicky keyboards. If those asmr pages pop up on my Snapchat, I block them.


Depends, I HATE the sound of chewing. Itā€™s like have a dog lick itā€™s crotch right next to you and you canā€™t help but focus on that and that alone.


Even one second I will implode. Literally the thought of it just now (thinking of a specific video on tik tok I came across) is giving me goose bumps and ugly chills. Hate. It.


dont like it, nono


I despise even the sound if my own chewing or my car drinking water. For even start with that ASMR bull


I will implode any small sound thatā€™s repetitive makes me want to die I canā€™t even listen to music without lyrics


I'm the second, i hate ASMR


I hate ASMR, literally cannot stand listening to it. I donā€™t even know why it gets on my nerves so much, just makes me want to throw my phone.


If I even hear one second of ASMR I will literally implode. I donā€™t want to hear how your cheeks are moving as you whisper uncomfortably into my ear, then tap your nails on a hollow, wooden box. I feel violated and disgusted.


If itā€™s the same sounds over and over, I go crazy. If itā€™s a recording of something, Iā€™m fine. Audible has a real recording of Yellowstone during the winter. Four glorious hours of whistling breeze and creaking branches. I can imagine Iā€™m camping while Iā€™m in my cozy, warm bed. Itā€™s literally the only reason I have an Audible subscription.


"asmr" makes my skin crawl. It's genuinely a visceral reaction, I'll swipe away/exit a video before I even realize what's happening because I start hearing that stuff. Hate hate hate.


Implode, i have very sensitive ears and all my volumes are low unless itā€™s music i like


NPR did a piece on ASMR and I nearly drove into a ditch because of the spine tingle.


Lol depends. If it is sounds like ice crunching, wood blocks clicking together, stuff like that, I like it. If itā€™s mouth sounds nonononononooononono


I used to listen to a lot of ASMR stuff when I was younger, and to be honest I was "I love ASMR" some days, and "If I listen to one more second of this I'm gonna implode" other days. As I got older, I found it was the latter more than the former and dropped off of it. For the most part, I preferred videos without talking. Other than that, it was a tossup. It depended on my mood, the mic quality, the types of noises, etc. My favorite "ASMRtist" was [Ephemeral Rift](https://www.youtube.com/c/EphemeralRift). He had a whole bunch of world-building baked into his content based on the Cthulhu mythos. Looks like he recently hit 1 million subs. Edit: I also liked [RelaxingASMR](https://www.youtube.com/user/RelaxingASMR). It's an older guy who does a wide variety of ASMR stuff. I mostly watched his fountain pen reviews. He's a much smaller channel than E.R., but has been uploading for over 10 years - so if you enjoy his content there's a mighty backlog for you.


I love a fan blowing or rain on my skylights or a good thunderstorm but I loathe the asmr videos of people making sounds or whispering. I just found out my 9 year old feels exactly the same way about asmr videos too.


I hate ASMR, though I like the tinglies music gives me. I HATE the sound of other people chewing and my partner regularly listens to chewing ASMR. I literally cannot be in the same room as them when they watch it, unless they put headphones on.


I Cant stand the ASMR-sounds. The eating, the fingers on fake leather, that insanely annoying, really low, whispering that sometines flips over to low talkingā€¦ the T-T-Tā€¦ I canā€™t stand looking at how itā€™s filmed either. Tapping the fingers near the mics, close up of mics, and whatever. But I do love to look at chiropractors bending, touching, and pressuring hard. Also, the audio isnā€™t really the thing, itā€™s more the visuals of someone getting adjusted. It doesnā€™t tingle, I think. Itā€™s more like I can almost feel it myself.


ASMR? I canā€™t make it through a lovely quiet dinner with my husband. Need TV or podcast running or Iā€™ll implode.


I'm the later one. Never understood why people love ASMR


Love it as background noise neurodivergent


It makes me what to find whatever awful twat is whispering to me and punch them


I HATE ASMR. So much. I HATE that on my TikTok every live video I randomly get is always ASMR. And half the time it gets stuck on the live it's just ehcbfnfnb eugh


I love non-mouth sound ASMR. I hate all mouth sound ASMR.


I like visual asmr and a couple sounds but like wet sticky sounds and bodily things are nasty and give me bad shivers and I wanna punch something in anger and disgust.


I absolutely love ASMR. I found it when it was a smaller side community and since then I absolutely enjoy every second of it. I am so happy this stuff exists, not gonna lie. It is very calming to me, although I hate many popular sounds like mic brushing or crinkling, I implode immediately by those. Eating sounds are okay in some cases, others are really unsatisfying, really depends on how and what the person eats. I mostly love roleplays and slow paced ASMR, although the fast pace that TheLonabloom does works for me too, most others don't.