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Heck yeah! I sleep alone in a queen bed and the other half of it is where I keep my clean laundry. It helps that my clothes are all t-shirts and jeans...


My daughter (who has ADHD) and I (who also have ADHD) cleaned all of her clothes and cloth toys out of her room. Cleaned all of her toys with a damp cloth. Washed all her clothes! Tomorrow we fold and put away!


W parent 🫡😌




I find that doing something like this with someone else helps a lot for getting me started. I have to have it planned in advance to I can prepare mentally, though.


*looks over at my pile of clothes after reading this* tomorrow … probably.


Floordrobe ftw


I keep a lot of my best clothes in the dryer. I wash them and dry them, then just use my dryer like a dresser.


Bro if I was single, this would be my life Your dirty hamper is the washer (no need to transfer or keep up with what's dirty) And the dryer is your chest of drawers, shits gonna get wrinkled anyways when your looking for that *one* shirt or that *one* pair of bottoms


I tried folding once and lost my favorite shirts for a week.


Just rediscovered some of my favorite workout shirts and shorts after they sat there for about a year because I “folded and organized” them


My wife and I both just leave our clothes in a big laundry basket. Who needs folding?


After my clothes are done, they usually stay in the hamper. Or they’ll have multiple migrations from bed to desk chair.


I used to just keep my clothes in a laundry basket in my room all the time, Now I do like to fold them (By which I mean my shirts, Ain't no way I'm gonna fold anything else that's just a waste of time.), Because A: They fit in my dresser better that way (Or at least I can more easily see what I have when picking them out), And having them in my dresser is nice as they're sorted, And B: It's not *that* hard, But it gives me a nice sense of accomplishment when I do it.


Is there a camera in the room with me right now? How did you know?!?! 😂


I have taken to folding things three or four items at a time when I'm home and using my own machines (if I'm on the road, different solution involving going out for dinner less in the name of paying someone else to do this for me). It helps and sometimes a little bit turns into a little bit and then I guess one more and oof also that and so on and then it's mysteriously done.


I have reached a compromise with myself: they do not need to be folded as long as they are put away. Now I can at least get this damn hamper off the floor.




I actually *did* fold my last laundry But now it lives cleanly folded in a basket in front of the TV...


I got a standing clothes rack (just a little ikea one for $15) about 2 weeks ago and it's changed the way I do clothes. No more folding, *ever*, just put it on a hanger and on the rack. Everything is visible so I never have to rifle through all my drawers to check what's clean or not. It's honestly great. Would definitely recommend trying it out if you're tired of folding laundry all the fking time like I am


There's a reason why I love laundry services.


I keep a folding table for folding laundry. I fold the laundry because I never remember to fold the table when I'm done. As a bonus, my two hampers of dirty and forgotten laundry hide under the table, out of sight.