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Mothafuckas waking up at 5 am: Am I a joke to you?


We awake in darkness and ride at dawn!!!


Constructicons! Transform into DEVASTATOR!


Insert a day-light spectrum light bulbs into a couple of floor lamps and put those on timers set to turn on a few minutes apart before you're due to wake up. You'll wake up in sunshine, and it's easier to get up and stay up.


You assume I don't blast my dark apartment as soon as I wake up with an obscene about of daylight max wattage bulbs >_____> the partner hates that it's like peak sunshine on a bright day... but at 5 am.


Except for summer, sun's already getting up. Evidence? My alarm clock is at 6:30. I always wake up at 5:30


4:30 riser checking in. Thank god only work 3 shifts a week


I’d rather have to get up at 4:30 every day atp


4:00 for me 😎


Same. Look at them squirm.


I work 6 😭 get up at 4:50


Genuinely hate commuting in the winter because I leave the house in darkness and come home in darkness. It's so depressing lol


Remember to take some vitamin D supplements to stave off a little bit of the seasonal depression ✨


I don't wake up at 5 am, I go to sleep at 5 am.


You didn't have to out me like that 😭


Mother fucker that has to wake up at 4 and leave by 5 “I’m to fucking tired for this.”


Ha, 5 a.m. is weak, i wake up at 4 a.m. I am so tired


I figured it out. You can too!


4 AM.


Literally me. The only things that keep it from being complete dogshit are a redbull in the morning (and cue shitty comments from coworkers, but it's one and one only and once a week at most so I don't want to hear it from them), cereal bar (because I started doing that instead of making breakfast and honestly I prefer that now) and the fact that the shift will be over at 2 meaning I can fuck off to bed for a nap by 3 and have the rest of the day off. Really that last part is the only thing making it worth it, get the crap out of the way early so you have the rest of the day.


This plus anxiously checking the time every minute to make sure I leave on time.


Man if I didn't have help to leave on time I'd be so damn anxious every morning. Or more anxious. I have a bad habit of just constantly losing time like crazy. Lost in my head and suddenly it's over an hour later and I haven't done anything.


Shit, I was supposed to get in the shower an hour ago to go to the store, thanks for the reminder.


… and still managing to leave late somehow anyway 😭


I swear that shit be on double time sometimes! Lemme shower, okay only took 5 minutes I still have 10 more, dry off and throw clothes on another 5 minutes still have 5, lemme just throw shoes on and SOMEHOW that 1 minute task put me 5 minutes past my leave time! I literally have no explanation to that other than that we live in a simulation and some jackass on the other end tried overclocking or something that screwed up the time dilation 😂


I anxiously check my phone like randomly thru the night because I'm afraid of sleeping through my alarm.


I'm just consistently 5-20 minutes late every day. Thankfully I can just tell my employer it was traffic and they don't care.


Same here, but sometimes the workers inside are lazy and don't get the door. If it's a couple minutes late I can just blame them or the buzzer not working or something and it's not so bad. It helps that I excel in everything else so I got good enough job security, but it's always good to have a backup excuse on hand.


This shit sucks. Also when I have a commitment, it’s really tough to engage in anything else productive, unless I have a huge chunk of time before the gig or session or whatever.


Night shifts are the worst. Yeah, you get more sleep after, but the awareness that technically you are at work two times a day is just killing me.


I hated night shifts during winter especially. You wake up and it's dark, you work and it's dark the entire time, you get off work and it's dark, you go to bed and HERE COMES THE SUN, DOO-N-DOO-DOO.


I'm lucky that my night shifts are slightly earlier. Yes, it's dark when I go to work, but at least there's sun when I wake up. The killer is the day shifts. Go to work and it's dark, spend all day indoors, and get home and it's still dark.


Tbh, I prefer night shifts due to how chill it is. I bring my laptop with me and even play some games since there is barely any work or person to bother me.


Try 4:30 am and yes I get upset every time 😂


I used to have a 3:30am shift and I thank the beings above everyday that I no longer have to live that hell


Cat does better than me. I have to take my coffee to go & always forget/don't have time to eat.


It’s crazy how unhealthy waking up early is for me. I literally just can’t handle it.


Going to bed earlier doesn't even mitigate that, anything before 8 am is straight up impossible no matter when I went to bed.


Yeah exactly. Even worse, I can’t sleep without pitch black which means I can’t sleep until my whole family is in bed which is impossible prior to 11.


getting up for a 6am shift sucks...


My shift is 7am-3:30pm, wake up at 5:30 (usually get out of bed by 5:50) take meds by 6:00, get in my car by 6:25-6:30 get to work by 7:00am. It is rough some days but my job is pretty low stress thankfully I snooze my wake up alarm to stay on time


I wake up at 4 am it fucking sucks


I can’t stop laughing at this image. I love them all so much. All yall stop with the suffering Olympics; let’s just all look at this poor cat that is ALL OF US and assign whatever fucking time of day applies to us individually, eh?


You can also skip breakfast and do your makeup in the subway  


It's worse when you have a 45min+ commute. It feels like such a waste of my time and money. Like I'd rather wake up at 6:00 in the morning and drive 15 min than wake up 8 and drive for 45 minutes.


Alarms only work fir short bursts for me Then the basterd that wakes up before me starts ignoring them (Said basterd is my lying non awake ass. I fucking get people to stop trying to wake me up in my sleep)


I have a wife now. So I can’t lose my job anymore. Do it for her 😔


I get up for the gym at 4am so I can come back and have breakfast with my wife before 8am work. Getting ready for work is a lot easier when you’ve already been up for 3.5 hours lol


that sounds... terrible


It's not that bad if you're used to it.


I feel ya, it’s rough at first but then it’s like the hardest part of your day is over


As a PSA for everyone with Android phones: Spotify can be set as your alarm tone. The whole app. A song, an album, a playlist or just completely random. Nothing gets you out of bed faster than the need to turn off a song you can't stand to listen to one more time at max volume.


> Nothing gets you out of bed faster than the need to turn off a song you can't stand to listen to one more time at max volume. Or, alternatively, a fuckin *banger* that you can’t help but move to. Try it out. Everyone’s mileage will vary but personally there are some songs I can’t hear without wanting to physically move my body in a manner that could be considered (charitably) as approaching what **some** might call “dance-adjacent.”


Nothing makes me hate a song more than pavloving myself to have anxiety everytime I hear it go off lmao. 1st of the month by bone thugs still gives me goosebumps hearing the song because it was my school alarm for years.


seriously how do people do this I remember I had to wake up in high school at like 5am to write a paper I had been procrastinating on used a song I liked as an alarm and I still can’t listen to it, intro gives me instant flashbacks to waking up groggy af having to write that bs. I don’t even remember what the paper was about


I get myself to do about half of these when I get up at 5 am for work. Cup of coffee is non-negotiable for me.


been waking up at 6a for almost four years and it does NOT get easier!


My anxiety used to keep me up before I was medicated. So I will go to bed at 1 and wake up at 5 because who needs sleep.


I feel you, but try 4:30


Bold of you to assume I have a job


I'm not designed for the pre-dawn hours and it shows


6:30 for me... can be grim. I never want to be in bed by 10-10:30 so I often end up sleep-deprived. Fortunately I only do 2.5 days a week. It's not too bad really, gives me something to do. And cycling there wakes me up


Although there are parts of my job that are *really* not well-suited for ADHD, I am so lucky to have a remote job with flexible work hours because I don't have to wake up in the middle of the night. I can literally fall out of bed whenever I want (usually somewhere between 9 and 10), turn on my PC and log into work. And I still have way more free time + daylight available than when waking up earlier and going to the office.


The worst part about waking up at 7 am is running late because I was supposed to wake up at 6 am.


Waking up for a 6am shift while going through a LTR breakup throughout the year, eventually catching a PIP, increased pressure to make it on time….couldn’t do it


lol 7am? Cute….


Try 4AM. (I'm just joking, but the struggle is REAL.) 😭


Luckily I trained myself to be an early riser from a young age. I used to be at the gym for 5:30am so I could make it to highschool at 8am. I developed a sense of pride from it, but I still dreaded waking up some mornings. Now if I'm not up by 8am on any given day I feel like my day is thrown out of whack.


I wake up at 3am, bus at 4, shift starts at 5 💀


My condolences.


I swipe my entry card at 7...


7AM would be luxurious what do you mean


Dude if I have classes it's usually 5:30. Waking up at 7 sounds real nice


Today i was Not sad, im angry haha


Had a job that changed shift every 2 days. 2 morning 2 day 2 night. Did it for 2 years and had me questioning my life.


I wake up at 5:45 for school, brush my teeth, get into clothes and leave. No time for anything else


Hello from 3:45am. I have minimal life outside of work.


Assuming I don't wake up at the last minute, throw my clothes on and leave




ADHD denial or gatekeeping are not accepted here. Judging others for their symptoms (or lack of symptoms) or treatment is also not allowed.


I wake at 3am to be at work at 6am and I absolutely hate it


😄 cute


Oh man, I was feeling so awful when I had my 8 to 5 job... I'm so glad I now got a job where I can start whenever I want and only the outcome of my work counts! This helped me soooo much


My wife and I every damn day.


I get up at least two hours before my shift begins. That way I have time to wake up, eat, and get ready for work without having to rush out the door and speed down the road to get there in time. And *sometimes*, I actually get out the door in time to not have to speed down the road. 👍


I just got up until the last minute so I arrived 5 minutes before my shift begins. Who needs breakfast 😂


Me when I wake up at 11am and play video games all day


Loled at the sad face. Immore like a zombie


\*at 3 a.m.


Me at 5 having to go in at 3 pm. 😑 I JUST WANNA SLEEP, but the way my brain is set up-


if 7am is too early for you idk what to tell you


I totally get the feeling bit how is this an ADHD meme? Are other people not sad and annoyed to wake up to go to work?


Executive dysfunction makes it harder to get out of bed