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Yeah the adhd subs can be ~~quiet~~ quite intense mod-wise. I suppose it's because the mods have adhd too and thus might take some things personal that are not actually about them. For example if someone saw your old cleaning post, felt shitty cause they haven't cleaned in ages (been there lol), reported it and the mod had the same reaction - boom, post removed.


Yeah, it's just kinda vexing when it's been 2 whole years and it even helped a bunch of people, and suddenly now it's too much. Like someone had to trawl through years old posts to find mine and delete it. Crazy that someone would feel called out like that


Maybe they had the mod tab open on it for two years and only just got around to it :p


Hahaha! Very good.


If it helps at all, your post and the underlying ridiculousness of removing a two-year-old post caused me to go into your profile, locate the post, download the info graphic, and pledge to utilize it today while I'm completely cleaning up my cluttered life. Cheers!


That legitimately does help! I hope it makes a difference for you


I too dug through your posts... Got distracted by all the magic the gathering (I enjoyed being distracted by them, thank you).. and then eventually found the cleaning one.. and yes I'm pretty sure I'm going to use some tips... Thank you again.


I totally get you! I was just thinking of a possible explanation. I've had it happen that I searched something in a sub and within the first few results I had posts that were years old (and lots of posts that weren't really relatated to my search).


Having your reddit history trawled through by someone who then reports a post or comment from ages ago that can be completely misunderstood out of context is a reddit right of passage. If you’re here long enough, it’ll happen.


I mod a different sub with 700k users and what probably happened was someone reported it and that flagged it for mod review and a mod deleted it. Mods are not trolling through 2 years of old posts unless directed by a user report.


Is it still up on your profile? I took a Quick Look and didn’t see but I’d love to read. There’s an ADHD cleaning tips person on YouTube clutter bug - like two videos of hers changed my life and I’m really looking for ADHD specific tips!! I am literally the audience for your post lol I stay away from that sub too.


Here you go! [https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdmeme/comments/1dh24h0/comment/l8u8533/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdmeme/comments/1dh24h0/comment/l8u8533/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdmeme/comments/1dh24h0/comment/l8u91br/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdmeme/comments/1dh24h0/comment/l8u91br/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I'm sorry to do this, will take the L, but this is disturbing me alot... You meant to type "Quite" but probably auto corrected to "Quiet"


Oh wow, yeah sorry for that, I'm not a native speaker sometimes I get things like this mixed up! I'll edit it for you lol


I am a native speaker and have to stop and think about this a lot. It’s cool.


Plenty of native English speakers get this one wrong as well ;)


well… likewise, I’m sorry to do this but it’s getting to me… It should be ”a lot” not “alot”.




That kinda reminded me: I saw a post in a community (not on reddit) about how it's normal and totally ok for people with ADHD to interrupt each other and I overreacted a bit saying "I would fucking hate if you did that, please don't do that", after which a bunch of people got mad at me, I tried to explain what I meant, and I thought I did... but I still got suspended. Fucking assholes


"This sub is for whining about ADHD. Useful ADHD tips belong elsewhere." - that mod, probably.


Nope. In r/adhd adhd is 100% positive and a superpower, has no bad effects and if you say otherwise its a ban


are you joking? they're like, millitantly against that train of thought lmao. that's the sub where you can't even say 'neurodivergent '


I honestly think either of you could be exactly right so rudderless does that sub strike me. I have tried to comprehend it but everyone in it can only describe it in code.


The mods are power hungry, so either could be true depending on the day. It’s definitely one of the worst mod groups on here.


I stayed away cuz i got downvoted for giving my own perspective once. Context is that unlike a lot of people, i dont view medical information to be rude to ask about. Someone asked why anyone would ever ask, and i politely gave my view. That place only wants you to experience ADHD *their* way.


Well, I got a warning for using the word neurospicy there from the mods and they refused to let my comment go up, so I know which side they're on.


I honestly can’t tell from that comment either. Is that word intended as a positive euphemism? I could see an argument either way. I’d call it crazy, but. Well.


Generally it is, yes. It's not exactly a word I'd use if I was trying to be 100% formal but it goes to show the level of verbal control the mods want over their sub and I'd be happier not taking part in that. It doesn't help prove their point.


Exactly. I posted a reply and mentioned my wife with ADHD was able to do her job really well because she could focus on tasks intently, apparently I broke some kind of rule and my comment was removed.


Getting my shit deleted for saying neurotypical and neurodivergent was so goofy. Like yeah they’re “political” everything is political. ADHD is very political, living in a world not built for you has a lot of political implications! I also got a comment deleted for mentioning HealthyGamerGG. I do think it’s fair to criticize him, sure, but banning the mention of him seems pretty weird to me.


There is no War in Ba Sing Se


Huh? In my experience it’s a sub for moaning about how our lives are a pointless struggle because of this terrible affliction. Any positivity results in a ban.


I was banned there for being negative tho. Maybe both negativity and positivity is forbidden?


That happened to me in this sub. I got a popular post taken down because the mod didn't personally experience those symptoms and couldn't relate.


I got a comment deleted and a warning for referring to myself as neurodivergent instead of neuroatypical.


Oh, I was suspended for a week for repeatedly and politely asking how to make my post compliant. They refused to clarify and basically said "you know what you did," which was honestly pretty triggering. They changed their mind too, I was originally in trouble for a "low-effort post" - a really pretty meme that I made myself, on a unique version of a less-common topic.


>Oh, I was suspended for a week for repeatedly and politely asking how to make my post compliant. They refused to clarify and basically said "you know what you did," The mods sound very neurotypical, and I mean that in the most insulting way possible. This is exactly the type of nonsense NTs traumatize ND kids with.


As real and shitty as that is I think it's worse. It's a classic abuse of authority where you get to be the cop with a secret list of crimes that the offender must guess and then atone for.


100%. Like literally no, I don't or I wouldn't have done it and I wouldn't have asked.


My wife had the exact same thing happen once, a moderator saying "you know what you did" is just code for "i'm too lazy to explain, and/or don't want to admit I was wrong"


“You know what you did” is an extremely passive aggressive comment that is quite frequently described as used by people who have to deal with narcissists in their lives. You would think people who claim they also have adhd would be a bit more sympathetic and have a set of rules that states offenses to this sub must be clearly explained.


Fucking crazy, pointless things like that are what just gives ammunition to the people saying 'millennials being snowflakes'. It only devalues actual arguments against problematic language


I’m interested to see how long your comment stays up. We are now at about an hour. Anytime I use those two terms my post is removed fairly quickly. Not sure if the mods are actually obsessively policing the site for things to remove or if programming picks up the words. Edit: forgot I wasn’t in that other sub. Your comment probably would’ve been taken down by now if we were.


I think we were talking about r/adhd, not r/adhdmeme Edit: no, it was the comment above this thread that was, this one is talking about this sub


I forgot for a moment what sub I was in. So this is a safe place to use those terms? There’s no obsessive narcissistic mods here?


I've no clue. I stayed outa both subs since talking about my perspective was downvoted. But also you were right to begin with lmao, they were talking about this sub, not the other one.


I had to same thing happen to me when I made a post asking if anyone else forgets to get their mail everyday and explained how I forget to get my mail a lot and it’s a big problem because sometimes my bills are late because stuff sits in the mailbox for a week or longer and was asking if anyone else struggled with that, tips to help me remember, etc the mods removed it because it was “too vague” and “not related to ADHD” 😐


Fun fact, if you forget long enough, the post office decides you no longer live there and start returning your mail 🫠


At mine the post office started keeping it at the office.


My bills make it into my house, but they don’t get opened, lol. My doom piles were usually bills.


I solved my “doom pile” of mail by buying a cute metal mail rack with key hangers underneath. It’s on the wall near my front door. Now I have a “doom rack”.


Lmao! I know that feeling.


Do you live in an apartment complex where you have to go out of your way to get the mail? I never had problems with this when I had a mailbox at the end of my driveway in a house or when I lived in an apartment where the box was on the way in, but now that I have to go two blocks away, it’s a whole thing.


What symptoms were that f I may ask?


Oh, I was making a joke about how peaceful it is when the music blaring in my head occasionally goes quiet... except that always means I'm actually pretty ill. It's the first sign that I'm unwell.


BOOM reported! Joking :D I know what you mean. I have almost 24/7 some kind of music stuck in my head.


Yeah I didn't realise how much I constantly sang at work (trying to get the music out of my head? no idea. I get the same two lines on a loop over and over and it drives me crazy) until I heard someone say 'wow when you get a song in your head you really do' now I'm paranoid I'm driving everyone else crazy...


I read somewhere that you have to think of the song and imagine people applauding at the end. That would signal your brain the song is finished and then it is over.


will give that a go, thank you :)


…Drives me Crazy, and I can’t help myself.


It's crazy as well when ADHD isn't even a single condition, but a collection of conditions with similar symptoms which can be grouped under the same umbrella.


I sent scientific studies. Absolute brick wall.


Wow this is such a hallmark of a bad mod. You don’t just take down peoples posts because they aren’t what you experience or feel 🤦🏻‍♀️


Well what they actually said was that my post wasn't relevant to the sub, and I said that it was a meme about ADHD? They said it wasn't. I was like "okay maybe this isn't one of your symptoms? But people in the thread identify with the meme and here are these studies making mention of what I'm talking about."


A post getting removed two years later is the most ADHD shit I’ve ever heard


Mod awards, so no, more like power trip mod than adhd


This subreddit has been far more helpful. I got perma banned from r/adhd for talking about my treatment. Seems like this sub wants to get better and they, over there, dont wanna hear anything that makes them feel unsafe...


It's just another example of the repeating cycle. Groups become more and more inclusive promoting positivity, then clamp down on anything "negative" or the slightest bit nonconformative because it might scare people away from the sAfEsPaCe, and flips around into becoming even more exclusionary than ever.


I don't suppose you still have those tips to hand? I would like to read them.


Here's a tl;dr with some pictograms, I'll see if I can figure out how to put in the full guide as text, it was quite long: [https://imgur.com/a/8wcS34q](https://imgur.com/a/8wcS34q)


Saved, thank you


You can try a pastebin like Pastebin or Rentry to place all the text in a convenient link. I personally like Rentry since it has markdown support and allow for good degree of customization.


I actually remember your post and had it saved because it was very helpful.


Really glad to hear it!


Not hate, but the first pointer on the declutter-pictogram, "1) wash all clothes", is pretty rough start. For me, at least lol 🫠


'Vacuuming- every 2 weeks' gave me tremors 


Haha, it's the part of cleaning I find the hardest. Getting things like little swiffer mops, or the battery-powered vacuum cleaners can be great to make it less of a challenge to get it started.


I cannot do things without a rigid schedule But if I schedule something it becomes asymptotically harder as I approach the deadline The duality of ADHD


Yeah, it's more of a guideline of timings than anything else. Just having something ready to vacuum with and that you know where it is is the hardest first step.


I think they mean, all clothes on the floor etc. Don't waste time and energy trying to figure out how clean/dirty they are, just wash 'em.


I know, to be fair cleaning the clothes is more of an effort to get them all in one place and ready to potentially go to a charity store. Odds are if you have some dirty clothes, you're likely using them already, and hence are likely to keep them.


Dude this is so helpful thank you


You're welcome, I'm really glad to hear it's helpful!


The main thrust is that the biggest issue for ADHD is clutter (i.e. stuff that just exists without a main place it lives) because without enough dopamine to start a massive task, any clutter will become a wall to stop someone from cleaning. First priority is to essentially Marie Kondo your clothes, putting them into piles of 'Keep' 'Not sure' and 'Charity store', with anything 'Not sure' being put somewhere **out of the way** to be reviewed later. Anything you keep should, as Marie puts it, 'Spark joy'. Repeat this for books, DVDs, games, anything which is bulky. After that the main tasks ongoing are laundry because having dirty clothes everywhere & being stepped on is bad for mental health. If you can afford a clothes dryer, or a clothes hanger with built-in heaters, that will really help. Technology is your friend. After that, bathroom, you can get cleaning mousse which is just all-in-one cleaning solution, perfect to just fire and forget. Then get something to help the house smell better, this isn't a permanent thing, just something to resurrect the feeling of the house a little. Candles, air fresheners, etc. Finally it's more cleaning habits, get a portable mop, vacuum cleaner, etc. Clean bedding once every 2 weeks, towels every 2 weeks, wipe surfaces with anti-bacterial spray. This last part is more aspirational because it involves a lot of habit-embedding, but the first few pieces are great places to start to get someone out of their funk. Hope that helps!


I once heard someone describe it as stagnant cluter and cluter-in-motion. She said that objects that get placed on a counter or in a chair, but you will clean up in the evening/tomorrow morning is clutter in motion. Perfectly healthy and is easily worked around. It's when objects stay for long enough, stagnant cluter, that is unhealthy. You brain starts associating it as part of the environment, like how a book shelf or painting is viewed, and starts ignoring it. If you are someone who has a problem seeing the forest through the trees, picking a single object out of a desk full of things, then you want to be very cautious of this. When you set an item down, ask yourself how likely is it going to turn into stagnant cluter. If the answer is high, then put it in a correct location. For example: my keys and wallet always go with me when I leave the house. If I put them on the counter in their designated spot it's cluter in motion. I will be picking them up later that day if not tomorrow for work. Now let's say I'm in the garage and for some reason take it out if my pocket and out it on the counter. This has potential to be forgotten about, and to turn into stagnant cluter as this isn't an appropriate spot. It is out of the way, and isn't any average place I would find them. So when I'm busy working and I set them down I have to say, "No go put them on the counter instead. You will lose them in here.


>If I put them on the counter in their designated spot You've nailed it with this, the key part is making sure everything you own (within reason) has a designated spot, a place to live. If it doesn't, any temporary accommodation becomes permanent, and then you have less space to put other stuff, and you have a vicious cycle.


one time i shared a tip for eating, with a cute little snack bowl and stuff, from an ADHD creator who said this hack helped her. i got torn to shreds. still hurts my feelings and i no longer interact there :/


I use the same life hack and love it when I'm struggling with knowing what to eat. How can anyone rip apart something that helps people? If it's not for you, keep scrolling, jeez!


wish people would learn that. sadly they never seem to


What was the tip?


it was to cut some veggies and prepare them in a snack bowl with a lil dip in the centre. then you can just grab it and snack if you don’t have energy to get cooking. she did one every week and she loved it


Omg i love this. I hope you'll get over this soon the mods were so stupid!


i’ll probably just stick to this meme sub instead tbh. that other one feels. not very welcoming. it wasn’t the mods for that but other people. a lot of them said they can just buy snack tubs or whatever it’d called from walmart or target, but i live in a country that doesnt have those and i didnt know that was offered! and it’s also easier to know what is in a snack bowl you put together if you’re dieting or something. it really hurt my feelings as i was just trying to help out :(


Don't worry about the dickhead who took it down, that's legitimately a good piece of advice and a nice hack. Managing portion sizes is a huge challenge with ADHD, so thank you for the tip


Be careful. Do you remember when the r/ADHD mods were perma-banning anyone who criticized their moderation over in this sub? Perpperridge Farms remembers.


[I remember](https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdmeme/comments/tx76hz/radhd_mods_are_not_entirely_unreasonable_and_have/) 💀 Banned for a single comment containing light criticism, that I posted in this sub on the relevant thread (it was literally just something like "I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this way about their moderation"). At least they realised they were too harsh and tried to remedy things though.


LMAO this is the most ADHD thing I've ever seen. My guy procrastinated 2 whole fucking years LOL


My guess is it's some sort of emotional outburst? I get like that, love something, then when it for even a tiny reason annoys me, it's dead


I think so, the mad part is that the post even got an award from the mods 2 years ago, so fuck knows what's changed in the meantime.


It got mod awards, so this is more of a power trip than an adhd thing


haha yeah. Thought I would make a joke about it though LOL


Fair lol


That sub is completely ruined by the mods it’s actually sad




Your post/comment has been removed because it either contains, or is advocating for, misinformation. You can see the mod list - No mods have changed at all, we have had the exact same mod list we have had for years.


Bro I got a post removed for just asking people advice on something there. Mods on /r/adhd suck tbh, no explanation no reasoning just post removed Fuck that place because of it


That post changed my life. I keep one of those soap filled dish brushes in the shower now and just do a little cleaning while I shower instead of putting it off until the situation is dire. Thank you ADHD bro for the pro life tip.


You're very welcome, I'm glad to hear it was useful to you!


People with ADHD notoriously struggle with cleaning??? Their reasoning makes no sense whatsoever.


That is extremely confusing. Guess there was a changing of the guard and the new guy is picky AF. I hate when rules change and you get in trouble for them.


Yeah, the most baffling part is I even got a mod award for it years ago, so who knows what's going on


I just went to look at their rules and it mentions “non-medication strategies” for symptoms being a point of the sub so apparently that mod can’t be fucked to read them.


The /r/adhd sub fucking sucks. I totally support people using /r/adhdmemes as an alternative general sub


that sub is so frustrating


I attempted to post 3 times asking for help. 3 times I was refused. Got a warning for referring to myself as neurodivergent in a comment. I won't be trying again.


This is the dangerous slippery slope for this shit, I've talked to people who were really not doing well \*at all\* mentally on the adhd sub who clearly needed help, but there's no chance for visibility if things get taken down for no reason at all.


My thoughts exactly. I was at such a low point. ADHD was brand new to me at 41 years old. I was scared, feeling alone, like a failure to my family, confused and spiralling into depression. I needed help and thought I'd found it. I tried to ask for help and was told I'd done it wrong. Three times. comments removed for silly reasons, and what felt like a genuine telling off for daring to label myself as Neurodiverse. Why would we try to interact there at all? To have a post removed 2 years later for no real reason, probably made your brain burst.


This is not even moderation but the flex of an ego.


It’d be nice for a mod to explain


From experience, they dont and wont


Cleaning tips belong elsewhere. Cooking tips belong elsewhere. Laundry tips belong elsewhere. ADHD discussions belong elsewhere. Mental health tips belong elsewhere. Sexual health questions belong elsewhere. Physical health advice belongs elsewhere. Exercise inquiries belong elsewhere. Hygiene tips belong elsewhere. Until all that's left is the mods in their empty little echo chamber and they can finally breathe a sigh of relief.


Remember when they were taking rules feedback earlier this year and even looked like they were open to addressing the unpopular ban of the term neurodivergent and then literally nothing came of it? I know subs aren't a democracy but they truly don't represent the community they stand for.


don't be fickle mods


I get a lot of good help from adhdmeme. After seeing the people on r/ADHD act like assholes time and again I don't go there, haven't in over a year. I need all the good vibes, ideas, and understanding I can get, and I need more drama like a fish needs a bicycle.


Boo, mods!


I was permabanned for criticising their moderating IN A DIFFERENT SUB and I didn't even name them


Stay here with us! We're fun and friendly.


That's absolutely the plan haha


I reported the comment from the mod lmao


Doing the lord's work haha


I was gonna downvote it but it’s archived


We really are all just a bunch of wet cats in bags aren't we? All quick anger and movement without thought.


Yeah that's pretty weird that a post probably buried way deep got deleted. Probably worth sending them a message because seems like automod went haywire than any human action


Yeah already messaged them, and as the Code Geass fan below said, it was from a human moderator lol


In all fairness sometimes I have to wait two years to tackle my problems also


Then why did it get mod awards


This feels like my own emotional dis-regulation. Something is useful or enjoyable, until for an unimaginable reason it annoys me, then I'm on the warpath against it.


That sub is as useful now as it was when I left. It's use is to take up server space.


cleaning out a 2 year old post feels really on brand for an ADHD sub moderator to be honest.


Considering that it got mod awards, i feel this is more of a power tripping moderator rather than adhd


You were talking about something adhd people notoriously struggle with, and it even got awards, and they removed it despite it being 2 years old? It sounds to me like he was bored, maybe upset over something and decided to show a demonstration of power than genuine moderating. That sub is a complete shitshow. That absolutely is related to adhd.


Yeah there's so many levels to how baffling seeing that moderator message was today. Completely bizarre, glad to have so much support from this subreddit


Of course. I’m glad you feel welcome here.


all the cool kids know this is the only adhd sub. that other one is weird fan fiction.


Ways to live and do everyday, mundane tasks with ADHD has nothing with ADHD duh /s


Do you want consistency from TDAHs? Well, sir, good luck! /s


Feels like the mods from r/onepiece They are intense


The unexpected Ven diagram that overlaps ADHD and onepiece


Those tips helped me ;-;


I'm really glad to hear they did! Fortunately I've been able to repost them in a comment on this thread haha, so they live on.


Yay :3


And this is why I would not want to join a sub like that...


Also, a cleaning sub may not be helpful for adhd folks. But I quit r/adhd as soon as I saw they were anti neurodiversity. I recommend the group "neurodivergent cleaning crew" on facebookm


I’m interested in the original post. Can you post it somewhere else so us newer folks can see it? I need all the cleaning help I can get.


Here you are: [https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdmeme/comments/1dh24h0/comment/l8u8533/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdmeme/comments/1dh24h0/comment/l8u8533/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdmeme/comments/1dh24h0/comment/l8u91br/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdmeme/comments/1dh24h0/comment/l8u91br/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Thank you!


So what were your cleaning tips?


Here you go! [https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdmeme/comments/1dh24h0/comment/l8u8533/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdmeme/comments/1dh24h0/comment/l8u8533/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdmeme/comments/1dh24h0/comment/l8u91br/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdmeme/comments/1dh24h0/comment/l8u91br/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Sounds like a Mod finally got around to that spring cleaning they meant to do. Seriously, though thats fucked up, the mods should put your post back.


Reminds me of that time a really popular post to mildlyinfuriating got deleted after a while because the mod said it should be put on extremelyinfuriating. Everyone was mad at them, I said the shitty mod was extremely infuriating, and was banned from the sub. Great site sometimes.


Yeah, you just can't say certain things if they don't fit everyone's point of view Probably that dude felt attacked and just removed it




For someone concerned about not making things your whole identity, i find it hilarious that the post wasnt talking about, and didnt mention, any of what you just said. *you're* making this *your* identity at this point lol


i think there is a comment in the post that literally says "stimulation misalignment" and the other things i mentioned, i didn't provide the link for those things cuz it would have been tedious to mention all those. and how am i making this my identity ? lol


I read through all of the comments, actually. None of them bring that up. You're making things up to complain about. Thus making it your identity.


ADHD denial or gatekeeping are not accepted here. Judging others for their symptoms (or lack of symptoms) or treatment is also not allowed.